Declining all the kindness of Mrs. Su, Ling Muer went to the toilet before leaving. When he came out, he lost his way.

The maid in charge of leading the way didn't know where she went for fun, so she had to look for the gate according to her memory, and she didn't know which yard she went to, but vaguely saw the two people in front of her sneaking around. She wanted to avoid it, but her skirt was caught by a branch beside her.

Ling Mu'er doesn't like to hear other people's secrets, but when she was arranging her clothes, those words could not help reaching her ears.

"Why did the prince come here? Ling Mu'er hasn't left yet, if she sees...?" Mrs. Su looked left and right, her eyes guarded.

"It's okay, I'll leave after asking a few words. This morning, my wife sent me a letter saying that she had a sudden attack of illness. How is it now?"

The prince looked at Mrs. Su worriedly, eager to find out the answer from her eyes.

Mrs. Su smiled peacefully, "Congratulations to the prince, congratulations to the prince, Ling Muer said that her condition has improved a lot, and if there is no accident, she will recover her memory within a month."

This was simply the best news he had heard in a while.

The prince was overjoyed, "Really?"

"Ling Mu'er doesn't dare to lie to the old lady, it won't do her any good, besides, we have waited for so many years, so we don't mind waiting an extra month."

The prince nodded frequently, thinking that this made sense, but as long as he thought of that person, he would immediately think of himself. He was very excited, "I will send a few more guards to protect secretly later, and please ask the old lady to supervise Ling Mu Son, she must be cured as soon as possible, and once she recovers, send her to the palace as soon as possible."

Mrs. Su nodded again and again, "Prince, don't worry, these old bodies have already been prepared, but are you sure the emperor will really do what you want after seeing her?"

The prince put his hands behind his back, raised his head arrogantly, and his face was arrogant and confident, "For so many years, the father and the emperor would look at the portrait of the mother and the concubine every day before going to bed. ? If it wasn't for that woman's secret tricks back then, how could the mother and concubine have fallen to this point!"

Thinking of that incident, the prince went mad with anger.

"In the final analysis, it is the father who owes the mother and the concubine. How many times the father has told me that he is very guilty, and the father promised that as long as the mother and the concubine can come back, he is willing to make up for it in any way, that is, as long as I Sending the mother and concubine to the palace will not only drag that wicked woman into trouble, but also allow me to succeed in succeeding to the throne in advance, in short, there must be no mistakes in this matter!"

What the prince said was swearing, his face was full of firmness, as if anyone who stopped him would surely kill him,

Ling Muer, who accidentally overheard it secretly, was shocked.

She hastily covered her mouth for fear of revealing the slightest tell.

Everyone said that the crown prince is mediocre. Now it seems that he is not so stupid. He also knows that his status is in jeopardy and threatened, but what she didn't expect was that the dignified prince would actually do such a nasty thing, using his mother The concubine consolidated her position. No wonder Mrs. Su said at the time that as long as her memory is restored, it doesn't matter how many injuries her body has, and how long she lives depends entirely on fate.

This incompetent prince didn't really want to save the mad woman inside at all, he just took advantage of her identity and the emperor's feelings for her.

I really don't know if this is gratifying or sad for the crazy woman inside!

If the emperor knew that he was planning in such a hurry, at a small scale, he would get what he deserved, but at a large scale, this would be regarded as a plot to usurp the throne, right?

Ling Muer shook her head, only thinking it was funny.

She thought the prince was not that stupid just now, but now it seems that he is still pitifully stupid. Which king in the past was sincerely willing to give up the throne? This seat that everyone wants, will he really give up in advance for a woman?

In other words, the crown prince still doesn't know his father well enough.

The emperor misses a woman because he has guilt in his heart, or the sudden disappearance of a loved one makes him unacceptable, so he just cares about it every day, and what he can't get will always be a commotion, but once you really put that future If the person he misses every day is sent to him, he may not be so rare.

Ling Mu'er is too lazy to care about this deep palace matter, she just wants to be an ordinary doctor, she just wants to carry forward her art and make the life of the Ling family better, as for who is the master of the world, she doesn't care.

She turned around and was about to leave, but there was another voice behind her that made her stop.

"Old Madam Su, the Crown Prince is alone recently, may Madam know all the news about him?"

"Prince, please tell me?"

"Shangguan Shaochen."

As soon as the four words came out, Ling Muer paused, she couldn't help holding her breath, and even pricked up her ears to listen carefully.

Mrs. Su was also taken aback, obviously she didn't expect how the prince would care so much about someone who had nothing to do with this matter.

"The prince is saying that he came to the capital suddenly two years ago and was commanded by the imperial guards who are highly valued by the emperor?"

Mrs. Su thought about it carefully, and finally shook her head. "The old man should know as much as the prince. That person has nothing to do with our plan. I don't know why the prince pays special attention to it?"

"Hmph, if it was in the past, the prince would naturally ignore a guard, but he has been favored by the emperor during this time, and he has been entrusted to him for any important matters, and his father also granted him permission to enter and leave the palace freely. Common sense! Who is he, and why does the emperor trust him so much? The prince went to investigate, but his background was as clean as a piece of paper!" The prince clenched his fists tightly, his face even more ferocious, "Old madam Say, is this normal?"

Mrs. Su was not as angry as the prince, instead she smiled and shook her head to comfort her, "Prince is probably overthinking. I heard that the man is very skilled and saved the emperor's life. Maybe it was because the emperor was grateful that he was reused. If The emperor really cares about him, so he will not be sent to fight against Fanbang this time. Besides, you are the crown prince, the master of the East Palace, and we have that person in our hands, so what are you afraid of?"

Being praised, the prince naturally raised his head proudly, and the ferocity on his face disappeared, but a name suddenly came into his mind, which made him instantly alert again. He looked around, lowered his voice and said , "Did Madam forget that person back then?"

Mrs. Su knew it, her whole body tensed up immediately.

"What does the prince mean?"

The latter didn't speak, just took a deep breath.

"Could it be that the prince is too worried, but that the emperor really intends to reconsider the position of crown prince? Does the emperor have other candidates in mind?"

The more Mrs. Su said, the more she felt incredible, "Impossible, that person disappeared from the capital back then, and his mother and concubine did such a shameful thing, even if that person is still alive, it's impossible."

Of course the prince also thought it was impossible, but the news that his people inquired about could be false?

"Eunuch Xi has been with his father since he was a child, how could he guess wrong about his father's intentions?" The prince laughed at himself, thinking of this incident, he felt a deep sadness in his heart.

For so many years, he flattered his father and forced himself to do his best in everything, but he never thought that his father still had a second candidate.

Thinking of this, the sadness on his face turned into unfeeling, "So our plan must be implemented as soon as possible, and no disclosure is allowed. As for who is the second candidate in Father's heart, I will definitely find out, if it is really Shangguan... …who?"

Ling Mu'er really wanted to slap herself, because she was so surprised by the news that she accidentally touched a branch beside her and made a sound.

Not caring whether the people behind would catch up, Ling Muer ran away.

If the prince finds out that she was eavesdropping on this huge news, his life may be lost.

It's a pity that in this era, no matter how good Ling Muer's skills are, no matter how fast she is, she still cannot escape the pursuit of those behind her without lightness kung fu.

I saw a rapidly spinning figure flashing past overhead, then spun like a top and stopped standing in front of my eyes.

Ling Mu'er took a deep breath, turned around and wanted to run in other directions, as long as she entered a corner where no one was around, she could hide in the space, but unfortunately the prince's skills were beyond her imagination, and within a few dodging, she was imprisoned by the prince. bosom.

"Ling Muer?"

Obviously he didn't expect her to be the one who eavesdropped, the anger on the prince's face turned into playfulness.

Mrs. Su, who hurriedly followed, looked at the imprisoned thief panting, and wondered who was so bold as to break into the county palace to eavesdrop. When she saw that it was Ling Muer, she shook her head in shock and disappointment. Shaking her head, "Girl, haven't you already left the mansion? How could it be... Sigh."

A look of helplessness flashed across Mrs. Su's face.

Of course Ling Mu'er didn't expect her to help her, she tried her best to get rid of the prince's confinement, she patted the place where the prince had caught her in disgust, "First, I didn't eavesdrop on purpose, I just went to the toilet and lost my way, Walked here by accident. Second, I didn't hear anything."

No matter how innocent she pretended to be, she didn't have any credibility in the eyes of the prince.

"In terms of talking nonsense with your eyes open, no one can beat you." The prince approached her step by step until he forced her back to the corner, and he reached out to grab her jaw, "Ling Muer? Oh, we still It’s really fate, don’t you think so?”

It must be evil fate.

Ling Mu'er struggled a few times but couldn't break free. She glared at him angrily, "Everyone is in your hands, what do you want to do?"

"How long you stand there, you won't tell the truth. I don't care what you hear. Ling Muer, you are a smart person. Do you think the Crown Prince can easily let you go today?"

The prince's evil and charming face was full of yin and yang at the moment, and the eyes that looked at Ling Mu'er from top to bottom made people very uncomfortable.

Mrs. Su looked behind her and wiped off Ling Muer's sweat silently. This girl left as soon as she left, what did she come back for? No matter, who let her save her own life.

"Prince, calm down. Since this girl is in my house, I will hand it over to the old man. I promise that I will never let a word of today's matter leak out."

Although it was a cooperative relationship, the prince didn't take Mrs. Su seriously at all.

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