
Ling Mu'er didn't believe Su Ce's words at all, "It's impossible, he should be on the way to the border right now, why did he suddenly appear in the capital?"

Besides, she has resentment towards Shangguan Shaochen, and she doesn't believe anything she says.

"Okay, I can obviously keep this secret forever, but who made me kind-hearted, I can't bear to see your lovers separated." Su Ce heaved a sigh of relief and laughed at himself for being so soft-hearted.

"Although I don't know what happened to the two of you recently, Shangguan Shaochen said that he came back to explain to you. Because of his special status, if the emperor finds out that he left the marching team without authorization, it would be a capital crime of beheading, so Can't wait for you to wake up and go back to camp."

What he said was serious, from the beginning to the end, Ling Muer was shocked when he heard it, and his heart was full of emotions.

The eldest brother came back and explained to her? Was it because of something she had asked him to give her an answer for?

I still remember what Xiao Qi said that day, when the eldest brother left, he planned to come to find her, if the emperor hadn't sent troops suddenly, he would have come.

So the elder brother was walking and felt guilty towards her, so he decided to go back the same way and just saved her life?

"Since he's back, why doesn't he wait for me to wake up?"

Ling Muer's eyes were foggy, obviously a little moved, "Brother must be very angry at that time, right?"

Looking at Ling Mu'er who was so moved that she was about to cry at any time, it turned out that such a strong woman also had such a fragile side.

I was almost humiliated and didn't see her shed a single tear. Now that I was so sad because of a man, Su Ce felt sore and a little uncomfortable.

"It's very angry. If we hadn't stopped him in time, the crown prince would have already met Lord Yan."

Ling Muer smiled. Although she didn't see it with her own eyes, she could completely imagine how anxious, worried, and angry her elder brother was when he found out that she was in deep danger.

The eldest brother has always protected her, whether it is a trivial matter or a major event where the sky is falling, but for anything that concerns her, he will stand up at all costs.

Although that man was taciturn and didn't know how to speak sweet words, it was his honesty and sincerity that deeply rooted her in love.

"Thank you, if you hadn't stopped me in time, elder brother would have made a big mistake, Ling Muer thanked the little prince again!"

There were ten thousand reasons in Su Ce's heart to support her, but only one point of his identity was missing.

He returned to his previous rebelliousness, and sat on the high seat, "Excuse me, Miss Ling and I don't have to be so polite."

"I don't know if the king of the small county knows how long it will take to join the big army according to the footsteps of the eldest brother?"

"If you hurry up and speed up, three days will be enough."

Ling Mu'er silently calculated the time when Shangguan Shaochen left, it was exactly three days, that means he returned the same way shortly after leaving?

"If it is reported that he left the barracks without authorization, it will be a capital crime of beheading?"

"Although I'm not sure if the emperor will really have the heart to chop off his head, but for ordinary people, it's not only a capital crime, but also the extermination of the three clans."

Ling Mu'er shuddered, so after all, the elder brother had his own in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't have taken such a big risk.

She couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips. Looking from Su Ce's perspective, the beauty in front of her was smiling so cleverly that she couldn't compare the mountains, rivers and flowers.

"The prince has met eldest brother, will the emperor order him to be arrested?" It was the first time Ling Mu'er felt worried about a man, and it was so uncomfortable.

"Of course the crown prince will not let go of the opportunity to pull Shangguan Shaochen into the water, but..." He wanted to say that the emperor didn't care about Shangguan Shaochen, but he was afraid that Ling Muer would ask, so he changed his words, "Me and Zhou Qiyan He insisted that the prince was making nonsense in order to clear up the relationship, whether the emperor believes it or not, Shangguan Shaochen has left the capital at this moment, even if he ordered the investigation, he would not be able to find anyone."

"What about the military camp? With so many Yoyo mouths, what if someone takes the opportunity to join him?"

Su Ce was suddenly a little annoyed. He frowned slightly and leaned forward, "Miss Ling, if one day the king of this county is also in danger, will you be so worried about me?"

Only then did she realize how out of control her emotions were, Ling Muer cleared her throat, not looking into his eyes.

Although Su Ce is evil and charming, his eyes are very clear, and people can fall into it and cannot extricate themselves.

Su Ce couldn't bear to bully her anymore, "Not to mention that Shangguan Shaochen's confidantes are all loyal to him and swear allegiance to him to the death. Even if someone wants to harm him, your man will solve it before the other party speaks."

"Who, whose man, don't talk nonsense."

There were two blushes on Ling Mu'er's shy face. Although Su Ce liked the way she was in love, she felt very sour.

I was really not in the mood to continue eating lemons here, so I brushed my clothes and stood up, "Don't worry, even if the emperor asks, Zhou Qiyan and I will not reveal the whereabouts of Shangguan Shaochen. Also, this other courtyard is where I came to when I was free. Buy it at will when you have nothing to do, and I will not come here at will if no one lives there. If you want to be alone in the future and have nowhere to go, you can come here to relax at any time."

When he turned around, he threw a bunch of keys over.

Ling Mu'er was about to say thank you, but Su Ce had already opened the door, and half stepped out, "Oh, by the way, I will make an appointment for you as soon as possible, probably at noon tomorrow."

Su Ce's speed was very fast, and at noon the next day, she received a message from his entourage, and the two made an appointment to meet in the private room of Ling's restaurant.

Such a big event happened to the prince, and it caused a sensation in the whole city overnight. When Ling Mu'er first entered the restaurant, she heard the guests below talking about it.

Although the crown princess turned her back to her, Ling Muer could still see her loss and melancholy.

"Ling Muer has met the Crown Princess."

Hearing the sound, the woman wearing the veil turned her head and took off her veil to reveal her haggard face, Ling Muer was stunned.

It took only one night, and she seemed to have lost a lot of weight.

Ling Mu'er hurriedly stepped forward to feel her pulse, but luckily the fetus in her womb was safe and sound.

"Crown princess, please take care of it, it's better for the unborn baby."

Originally thought that the crown princess would blame her and bear her hatred, but she actually laughed.

"You don't have to feel guilty. Since I agreed to come to see you, I don't have any resentment towards you in my heart. This matter is his fault after all."

The princess was sad, her beautiful phoenix eyes looked out of the window, and the corners of her lips curled up from time to time, "Actually, this is also very good, the prince doesn't need to try his best to win over all the officials for the position of prince, he and I finally I can live the simple life I wished for when I was a child.”

The princess who had removed the heavy makeup was no different from ordinary girls, even a few years younger than before. Only then did Ling Muer notice that her plain face was actually very delicate.

At this moment, while looking out the window sadly, she was stroking her slightly swollen belly like a mother. Although she was sad, she was also very happy.

"Ling Mu'er, I would like to thank the Crown Princess for saving my life. If the Crown Princess hadn't informed the Xiaojun Wang, I would have died at this moment, but I still want to say sorry to you. If it wasn't for me, the Crown Prince would not have ended up This is the end, Crown Princess..."

"What's the name of the princess? I didn't blame you after I said it. Why did you become hypocritical instead?" The princess waved her hand and motioned for her to sit beside her.

"You may not believe me when I say it. After I overheard his plan the night before yesterday, I immediately wanted to inform you. But at that time, I had no reason to leave the mansion late at night, so I wanted to inform the little county king. Although the father The punishment was beyond my expectation, but let’s take it as retribution, prince, no, my husband can finally focus all his eyes on me, and I’m sure he won’t blame me again.”

Although the Crown Princess said this, it is impossible not to feel sad.

I am used to being a phoenix, how can I endure the days of a crow?

But the imperial father's decree has been issued, and it is their fault again, they are powerless to refute. Although this is a punishment for the crown prince, on second thought, it is not a kind of relief.

Everyone in the world said that the prince was moderate, and such rumors had already been heard by the prince. He had long thought that one day he would be replaced, but he didn't expect it to come so early.

Thinking about it carefully, if the position of the crown prince is abolished without any warning, it is better to find a reason like this, at least she has no conscience.

"Didn't I promise you that after you successfully conceived me, I would never make things difficult for you in the future, and I would take care of everything? Ling Mu'er, I have done what I said, and I will not owe you anything from now on. "

If you want to say sorry, she should be the one to apologize.

Ling Mu'er bowed her head to a woman for the first time, "It was the crown prince's fault, but the empress was implicated. Even if the empress did not pursue it, Mu'er felt guilty. If the empress has any questions in the future, she can come to me at any time. I will never forget this kindness." .”

"Don't, I'm not a good man and a faithful woman. Don't think I'm a good person if I help you once." The princess stood up, her proud eyebrows never looking at Ling Muer, "I just don't want to owe you, because I know Even without Su Ce's help, the crown prince will not be spared when Shangguan Shaochen comes back. Since the ending is the same, why hurt the innocent you?"

The princess said, and the person had already walked to the door, "I am no longer the princess, and you are no longer my doctor in charge. Although I helped you, it was you who brought me to where I am today. From now on I don't know any Ling Muer in my future life, so just leave me alone."

Even if she was saved, she still couldn't get over this hurdle in her heart, and every time she saw Ling Mu'er in the future, it would remind her that she had fallen from the sky. This feeling is more painful than piercing the heart.


Ling Mu'er wanted to chase her out, but was stopped by Su Ce's hand. This conversation didn't last long, but it cut off the ties of several people in this life.

"She has made up her mind, and you will make things difficult for her if you chase her out. Don't forget, the prince has been secretly investigating who tipped off the news. If you don't want to harm her, keeping her isolated is the best reward."

Su Ce's words woke up the dreamer, and Ling Muer realized that she almost killed an innocent benefactor because of impulsiveness just now.

She nodded, "I understand, but is it true that the Crown Prince can't find out? If he finds out that it was the Crown Princess who did it, wouldn't she...?"

"When the Crown Princess decided to come to see you today, she made that plan. Of course, since she helped you, I will naturally help her. No matter who asks, what I saw that day was just a morning in the Prince's Mansion. An ordinary maid bought by me."

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