Being taken out of Qianqing Palace inexplicably, Ling Mu'er never figured out what the emperor meant.

If you really want to expel her from the capital and just issue an order, why bother announcing her into the palace? If there is no such meaning, why did you threaten again? Is it just pure intimidation, in order to make her restrain herself in the future and not associate with Su Ce and others?

But the emperor's words didn't show that he cared about Su Ce at all, instead, he was telling her to confirm whether Shangguan Shaochen would return to the capital. Doesn't he value Shangguan Shaochen very much? Why is it so important to the emperor whether he returns or not? What are they planning?

Ling Mu'er was fascinated by thinking, so she didn't know when her father-in-law left. She walked alone on the sheep farm path out of Beijing. Pull her out of her thoughts.

"Shameless bitch, look at this princess who wants your life today!" With a loud shout, a woman rushed over with a dagger.

Ling Mu'er thought she was just a pampered and savage princess, but she didn't expect that she could have some fists.

When the murderous dagger struck, she easily dodged it. Princess Lian'er took advantage of the victory and pursued with another stab, she was about to hit Ling Mu'er's vitals, but was easily dodged by the latter.

"Are you sick? I didn't go to settle accounts with you, but you took the initiative to come to my door. Do you think you are my opponent?" Ling Mu'er exerted force, and Lian'er felt the pain, and the dagger in his hand fell.

" are a vixen, you first seduced my elder brother Chen, and then caused me to be punished by the emperor. If I don't kill you today, I will not be Princess Lian'er!"

While speaking, she pulled out the whip from her waist, and whipped it along Ling Mu'er's face.

Yes, it is this face that makes people fascinated. As long as it is destroyed, the nobles of the capital will not hang around her, and brother Chen will change his mind.

Seeing that Lian'er's attack was so vicious, Ling Mu'er turned around to dodge and at the same time grasped the long whip with the other hand, and made a strong backhand. Lian'er, who was holding the whip, flew into the air and fell heavily to the ground.

"Ah!" A scream pierced the sky, and Lian'er pointed at Ling Mu'er, who was in pain, "You bitch, how dare you hurt this princess."

Hey, the word "the villain sues first" is really vividly applied to her.

"You suddenly rushed out to assassinate me, I just resisted instinctively, but now I bite back and say that I bullied you, Princess Lian'er, you really showed me what it means to be shameless and invincible."

"Bitch, how dare you insult this princess. If I don't teach you a lesson today, you won't know what the rules of respect are!"

Lian'er was about to get up as she said that, her fists clenched as if she had enough strength, Ling Mu'er was not afraid, she stood there calmly as if obediently waiting to die, but the moment she rushed over, she said lightly : "Today I happened to be carrying a poison with me. If the princess is not afraid of death, she can come here."

The body that was about to reach the front suddenly stopped.

Lian'er's face was ferocious, she bit her lower lip tightly, and looked at Ling Mu'er with a slight fear.

"You, you are talking nonsense, you are lying to me!"

Ling Mu'er didn't look into her eyes, but carefully took out a medicine bottle from her cuff, opened it on purpose and smelled it, then pretended to be disgusted, "Tsk tsk tsk, the smell of blood is really pungent, the princess is afraid I don’t know how this poison was developed. It is made by mixing the blood of animals in eighteen middle schools, and adding ninety-nine bells of rare poison in the world. It only needs to be smeared on the face the size of a grain of rice , it will make your whole body fester, your seven orifices will bleed, and slowly, you will lose all consciousness.”

Her tone became slower and slower, watching Lian'er's eyes carefully, seeing her trembling in fear but holding on, she continued, "After an hour, your limbs will not be able to move, and by that time the blood will flow into rivers and you will definitely be attracted. Countless insects and ants will climb onto your body and eat your flesh and blood..."

"Stop talking!"

Covering her ears tightly, Lian'er's pretty face turned pale with fright.

She squatted on the ground and kept shaking her head, "No, don't treat me like this, it's okay if I'm wrong, you go, you disappear in front of my eyes immediately, don't let me see you again in this life!"

"I should have said that to you."

Ling Mu'er looked down at her from above, originally wanted to take the opportunity to teach her a lesson, let her experience the experience of several months ago again, but after all, she didn't want to cause trouble for herself.

"I'll let you go today, if you dare to murder me again in the future, what you said just now will be your final fate!"

Putting away the medicine bottle, Ling Muer swaggered and turned to leave

Lian'er, who was squatting on the ground, had vicious and resentful eyes, looking at the shining dagger not far away, she didn't know where the belief came from, she immediately picked it up and rushed towards Ling Mu'er.

Although Lian'er didn't speak, she was full of murderous intent, and the moonlight stretched her figure obliquely.

Just when the dagger was about to pierce Ling Mu'er's back, the latter dodged sideways and made a grabbing hand, throwing Lian'er over the shoulder.

"Looking for death!" Ling Mu'er snatched the dagger from her hand and landed on Lian'er's snow-white neck.

Gritting his teeth, the two words were cold and ruthless, and there seemed to be flames burning in those wide-open eyes.

Lian'er shrank into a ball in fright, "You, what are you going to do to me, I warn you to let go of me!"

"I thought what I said just now was very clear. I didn't expect Princess Lian'er to be so ignorant. Well, let's settle the old and new scores together."

Moving the dagger up to her smooth face, Ling Mu'er pursed her lips. "I heard that the princess cherishes her face the most on weekdays. I don't know if it gets cut, do you still have the face to see people again?"

Hearing that she would be disfigured, Lian'er was terrified, "Don't! Don't scratch my face! Ling Mu'er, you can't treat me like this. Look at yourself, aren't you hurt? Isn't it safe? So don't you can hurt me."

Can't she punish the enemy who murdered her without being injured? What kind of shit logic is this?

Ling Mu'er squinted, with a cold light in the corner of his eyes, "It was you who gave the prince the idea to lock me up in another courtyard outside the city, and you were the one who encouraged him to plot against me. Do you know that just because of one thing, I am enough to make you pay a terrible price?"

Her voice seemed to be cannibalistic, like a devil lingering in her ears, Lian'er was terrified, and instinctively began to tremble, "Then, are you okay? Besides, because of this matter, the prince's brother was deposed, and I also If you are implicated and cannot enter the palace, what else do you want?"

"Are you implicated? You were the instigator of this matter, and this should be the punishment you should have!"

Ling Mu'er was in a hurry, and she held the dagger tightly, "In your perception, if I'm safe and sound, I'm fine? Princess Lian'er, you are also a woman, should you know how important a name is to a woman, or should you say You don't care about that thing at all. Okay, I will take you out of the palace now, and then contact the old bustard to sell you to the flower building, do you still want to kowtow to me to thank you!"

"No, I don't want to go to that place, I am a dignified princess, you can't!" Lian'er clasped her hands tightly with both hands, shaking her head constantly.

"If you don't go to Hualou, your face will be scratched. This is your own choice."

Saying that, the dagger in Ling Muer's hand was about to fall.


A sharp voice shouted from behind, Ling Muer squeezed her dagger tightly, closed her eyes tightly and then opened them again, and saw Concubine Shu leading a group of people coming from the front.

When Ling Mu'er frowned, Lian'er, who was trembling with fear just now, stood up suddenly, holding her dagger in both hands and slashing towards her neck, only to see blood ooze out when she moved lightly,

A series of actions took place in the blink of an eye, even though Ling Muer was used to all kinds of methods, she was stunned by the scene before her.

"The princess really hates herself."

Lian'er didn't look at her, but closed her eyes tightly, "Oh, concubine mother, help me, concubine mother, help me, this bitch is going to kill me,"

"Bold Ling Mu'er, you dare to assassinate Princess Lian'er in the palace, someone, come and take her down!"

When Concubine Shu brought a group of people over without haste, Ling Muer knew that she had been fooled by this mother and daughter.

Even if Ling Muer explained that her own daughter was a striker and hurt herself on purpose, she couldn't explain it.

Assassinating the princess, the capital crime of beheading, this time jumping into the Yellow River can't be washed away.

Several royal soldiers rushed over to lift her up, and several nuns ran over to help Lian'er up, one of them was shocked, "Ah, why is the princess's neck bleeding, ma'am, the princess is bleeding."

"What?" Concubine Shu immediately walked over in small steps when she heard the word blood, and looked at her daughter nervously, "My Lian'er, do you feel pain? Let my concubine see it, God, it's so long Wound, Ling Muer, you vicious bitch!"

After the words fell, he turned around and raised his hand to slap him.

Ling Mu'er only felt a burning pain in the side of her face, she wanted to fight back, but her arms were restrained.

Seeing this, Lian'er rushed into Concubine Shu's arms, "Concubine Mother, it hurts so much, am I about to die, am I going to die, Concubine Mother must avenge me, kill this bitch, kill this bitch! her!"

Singing and chord, it was a double reed, Ling Mu'er saw it in her eyes and felt angry in her heart.

"I didn't kill her. Besides, she assassinated me first. I did it in self-defense."

No matter what she said, Lian'er immediately pointed at her face, "You didn't touch me, what happened to the wound on my neck, you can see it's bleeding! Also, you still have a dagger in your hand, you This murderer, this princess will let my father cut you into pieces, and you just wait to be beheaded by the Meridian Gate!"

Concubine Shu cherished Lian'er in her arms, "My poor Lian'er."

Looking at Ling Mu'er again, Concubine Shu's eyes were full of murderous intent, "I just saw with my own eyes that you scratched Lian'er's neck with a dagger. If I hadn't stopped Lian'er in time, Lian'er would have died on the spot. Come on, Take this girl down."


The voice spread before anyone arrived, and when Ling Mu'er was about to be escorted away, a figure flew from the sky and stopped in front of everyone after a few ups and downs.

After a few moves, the guard holding Ling Mu'er was knocked down to the ground, and someone domineeringly protected her behind her.

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