"Who did it, Mu'er, how are you?"

Su Ce, who had bribed the jailer and hurried over, saw all kinds of small animals lying on the ground, and his beautiful brows were ferocious. Even a man like him couldn't help but tremble in his heart. How did she, a weak woman, survive just now? ?

Ling Muer, who was asleep, opened her blurred eyes, and saw Su Ce's handsome face gradually approaching, she almost exclaimed.

"Little Prince, why are you here?" Looking behind him, there was a disguised servant standing.

"Quick, change clothes with her, and I'll take you out."

As Su Ce said, the slave who had collected the money immediately began to change his clothes.

Ling Muer was puzzled, "You let her replace me?"

Knowing that she couldn't bear it, Su Ce hurriedly explained: "She was originally a slave who was sentenced to death. I promised to settle her family for her. She will be tortured instead of you. After you get out successfully, there will be a big fire here. Mu'er, we don't have much time."

Su Ce's being so close to her made her feel a little disgusted, but what made her even more annoyed was, wasn't this absconding in fear of crime?

"If I really change clothes with her and leave here, I will no longer be able to show my identity as Ling Muer, and I can't stay in this capital. What about my restaurant and medical clinic? I can't leave."

"When are you still thinking about this?" Su Ce was heartbroken, "The queen came forward to testify and insisted that you murdered the princess. Do you know that murdering the princess is a capital crime!"

Ling Mu'er pursed her lips, "I have never done it before, I believe that justice is in the hearts of the people. Has such a big event happened in the palace today, has it not reached the emperor's ears?"

Su Ce knew she would ask that.

"After you were imprisoned in the sky prison, I went to the palace to face the saint immediately, but today is New Year's Eve, and the saint drank too much alcohol and rested early. According to the usual belief, he will not go to court for the first three days. Let alone three days, Every hour you stay here is more dangerous, Mu'er, be obedient."

The sound of Muer's call made her feel warm in the bottom of her heart.

As if his elder brother loved his younger sister, Su Ce's eager eyes were full of worry, and Ling Muer was deeply moved.

"Su Ce, do something for me."

Thinking that she had some good idea to solve this matter, Su Ce nodded in agreement.

"Help me find a house that is about the same size as Ling's restaurant. It doesn't matter what you used to do, as long as the area is big enough and the location is good enough, it's best if there are restaurants and restaurants around. If you can get close to the imperial city Better."

She spoke lightly, as leisurely as the two of them were chatting at the dinner table.

Su Yao's handsome face turned from red to white, and then from white to blue. She gritted her teeth angrily, "Ling Muer!"

He rarely called her by her first name, and he rarely lost his temper with her.

It seems that after getting to know Su Ce, this person has always maintained a fox-like smile, which is unpredictable. No matter how serious it is, it seems that it is not worth mentioning in his eyes, but the current anger shows how angry he is.

"What time do you still want to open a shop!"

It's not certain whether she can go out safe and sound. Is she too confident or doesn't believe in the abilities of the Queen and Concubine Shu?

"Little Prince, someone is here." The jailer who was in charge of watching the wind outside the door poked his head out.

Su Ce didn't care what happened, forced Ling Mu'er against the wall, and then ordered the servant behind him, "What are you still doing, change clothes!"

He couldn't see Ling Mu'er in any danger, he couldn't do it.

So what if you can't call yourself Ling Muer, and what if you can't stay in the capital? He will go wherever she goes in the future, and he will pick her up if she doesn't have a nice name. The restaurant and the clinic are gone, and he is responsible for helping her rebuild, as long as she lives!

"Su Ce, if you are sincere for my good, you should respect me!"

Ling Mu'er forcibly pushed his body away, she was born with great strength, even though the latter was superb in martial arts, she was surprised by her sudden action.

Su Ce slumped to the ground and accidentally bumped into those cuties, and frowned disgustedly, but seeing Ling Muer's stubborn face, he sighed deeply.

"Although I don't know why the queen is targeting you like this, no matter if it's her or Concubine Shu, once you enter this place, you will never make it easy! It will be dawn soon, and the guards in charge of changing shifts will come and torture you .Ling Muer, you don't know that this place is more cruel than you imagined!"

"These poisonous snakes are also very dangerous, but haven't they been subdued by me?"

Ling Mu'er sat down on her seat again, "I appreciate the little county king's kindness. You can do this for me once we get to know each other. Mu'er is grateful and will never forget this kindness."

She held her face up, smiling all over her face, and the gentle smile on her delicate little face made people look dumbfounded even though she was in prison.

"Please trouble the king of the little county to help me find the house I need. If there are no accidents, it is planned to open in the next year."

Su Ce was so angry that he almost beat his chest and stomped his feet, and wanted to say something to her, but the jailer outside the door came to urge him again, so he had to leave first with his servant.

"Don't worry, I will try to save you again."

"You should be at ease, I won't let myself get hurt, thank you Xiaojun Wang."

After Su Ce left, the dungeon returned to tranquility. Ling Mu'er didn't know where she was locked up. Anyway, there was only this cell around, and she was the only one. There was no window, and the surroundings were pitch black, and even the moonlight couldn't come in. She planned to go into the space to rest for a while, the door There were hurried footsteps outside.

It's not that the shift is changed at dawn, Concubine Shu really can't wait,

Ling Mu'er believed in Su Ce's words very much, once she entered here, she would never get out unscathed, so she decided - to protect herself.

A few guards walked in swaggeringly as if they had just finished drinking, the leader was still picking his teeth, seeing Ling Mu'er obediently sitting on the ground meditating, the guard shouted, "Take her out and tie her to a shelf, and serve her between your fingers. "

After saying that, the leader turned around, tapped Erlang's legs and sat on the chair diagonally opposite.

The two subordinates obeyed orders, one went to pick up the key, and the other waited quietly. Ling Muer took advantage of the gap when several people were not paying attention to her, and entered the space of God Ring with a thought.

The jailer, who was already drunk after drinking, took out his key and went to the cell to open the door. He felt a figure move as if something had disappeared. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes before opening it. There was nothing in the cell.

"Big, big brother, people... people are gone."

The jailer opened the door while shouting tremblingly.

The leader trotted over, looked left and right, and there was no sign of Ling Muer, so he slapped his subordinate on the head, "Where's the person?"

"No, I don't know, I was clearly still here just now."

The three looked left and right, but they couldn't find Ling Mu'er, one of them swallowed and said, "Is it haunted?"

"Fart!" The leader didn't believe it. He has been working here for many years, and this has never happened. He thought Ling Mu'er stole the key. He looked around, "Search, search each cell for me, it must be hiding. I went to another cell, and I searched everything to find the person for me."

"Yes!" After receiving the order, the two turned around and were about to leave.

Ling Mu'er hid in the space and watched all this, she pursed her lips and smiled, and when everyone turned around, she decisively came out of the space.

Pretending to stretch his waist, he greeted the three jailers politely, "Hey, brother three jailers, are you here to interrogate me?"

Hearing the familiar voice, the three people who turned around were startled suddenly. One of them looked back cautiously and saw a white figure suddenly appearing in the originally empty cell. He was so frightened that he immediately jumped on the man next to him, "Brother, brother , how could she, how could she come out again?"

The leader who didn't believe there were ghosts and gods, he recited a mantra silently in his heart, as if to cheer himself up, and after mustering up the courage, he turned his eyes and saw Ling Mu'er sitting obediently in the cell, and greeted them with a smile,

"Could it be that he drank too much wine and his eyes were blurred?" He seemed to be asking himself, as well as the brothers around him.

"Where did you go just now?" He pointed at Ling Mu'er's face.

"Brother Jailor, what do you mean by that? I've been locked in a cell by you all this time. Where can I go, a weak woman with no strength to restrain a chicken?"

Everyone looked left and right to make sure that the cell door hadn't been opened and her position hadn't changed. They all agreed that she must be drunk and her eyes were blurred.

"What are you still doing in a daze? If you haven't brought it out yet, the empress can explain it to you. Just hold your breath and do whatever you want."

I don't know whether he is talking about the empress or the imperial concubine, but Ling Mu'er is not interested in these, she just waits for the jailer to approach again, and then hides in the space with a thought.

The jailer who had already opened the cell door and planned to drag him out was startled again. After confirming that the person had really disappeared again, he crawled out of the cell.

"It's haunted, it's really haunted!"

The leader was about to drink tea to calm his shock, but when he saw his subordinate running away, he laughed at him as a "counseling bag". When he came back to his senses and found that Ling Mu'er was no longer in the cell, the teacup fell from his hand.

"People, where did people go?"

The jailer who was in charge of fetching the instruments of torture was knocked down with a punch from the head as soon as he came back. He lay on the ground and looked towards the cell door, just in time to see Ling Muer appearing and disappearing, disappearing and reappearing, he was stunned for a moment, A duck egg can be stuffed into the opened mouth, and it took a long time to react.

"Haunted, haunted!"

"Come back to me!"

The leader shouted loudly, but the two brothers ran faster than the other. He is the head of the jailer, and this is his territory. If he fails to complete the tasks assigned by the masters, he will be punished when he goes back. He boldly planned to go to find out, and found that Ling Mu'er suddenly appeared in the empty place.

Thinking it was an illusion, he spilled the teapot on the table behind him all over his face in an attempt to wake himself up.

But Ling Mu'er, who had clearly disappeared, was really sitting in the cell, with her hair disheveled and a white dress, and she even smiled softly at herself.

"Ghost, ghost!"

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