It's only been the third day since the restaurant opened, yet shopkeepers from other restaurants came to poach people? And blatantly bribed inside their restaurant?

Zhu Qi, who has always been very temperamental, couldn't help but sneered when he saw it, "Mu'er, don't you want to stop it?"

"This kind of thing will definitely happen often in the future. If they are not loyal to me, then it's okay." Ling Mu'er folded her arms around her chest, not intending to interrupt at all.

Ling Dazhi became anxious, "Mu'er, what if he agrees, our dishes will spread, no way!" As the shopkeeper, Ling Dazhi didn't allow such a thing to happen, so he started to rush out.

Ling Muer hurriedly pulled him back, "Father, do you see?"

Chef Zhang didn't even look at the contents of the purse and threw it at the man. He said coldly, "Five taels? Do you know that we are here? Miss Ling gave us twenty taels a month. Do you think I'm stupid or you guys?" stupid?"

Too lazy to chat with the two of them, Chef Zhang turned to leave, Ling Muer hurriedly dragged Zhu Qi and his father to hide in a corner.

The two shopkeepers who came to poach people opened their mouths in disbelief, "Impossible! Twenty taels a month? That's half a month's business for our restaurant, Zhang Qifa, you can't blackmail us like this if you think it's too little,"

Throwing away the man's tug on his sleeve, Zhang Qifa rolled his eyes, "Don't you see that I am dressed differently now? Not only do we have twenty taels of silver per month, but also rewards at the end of the year. Believe it or not."

Before leaving, he kindly reminded, "For the sake of giving me a bite of food, I advise you not to come here in the future, because you can't afford the price Miss Ling gave us. Neither of us will betray the girl."

Chef Zhang swaggered away, and the two shopkeepers were still stunned in place.

"Crazy, is Ling Mu'er crazy?" One of them panted heavily and shook his head.

"Hmph, there are more than 20 people up and down in this three-story restaurant, and each person is 22 taels. Let's wait and see her restaurant is finished." Another man was also very angry, and pulled his companion from the stairs. leave.

In the corner, Ling Mu'er looked at Ling Dazhi proudly, "Father, let me tell you that my vision is right, so you can rest assured and manage the business well."

In the next month, the full moon will be full every day. In order to let the poor people enjoy this special delicacy, Ling Muer specially launched an event with a 10% discount on the price of vegetables on the first and last two days of each month, which instantly attracted people. The eyes of all the people in the capital.

But these two days are not allowed to locate in advance, and dignitaries are not allowed to enter, although there are some who are aggrieved, but in view of the face of the food and the identity of Ling Zixuan County Ma Ye who stays here every day, everyone does not care, and even praises Ling Mu The son is a great benevolent person.

She simply designated the two theater troupes as the permanent guests of the restaurant. There were two performances in the morning and two in the evening each day. The theater troupe who was reluctant to stay in the capital was not only paid by Ling Muer but also rewarded by the guests. The troupe leader was very happy and apparently agreed.

All the repertoire of the performance was changed by Ling Muer's arrangement, which not only entertained the guests, but also broadened the troupe's horizons.

The aristocrats in the capital like to come to the opera troupe to listen to cross talk and watch hip-hop dances when they have nothing to do, while the aristocratic ladies in the boudoir like to meet with friends for afternoon tea and listen to tender songs. The flowering of the full moon has become a major focus in the capital for a while.

On this day, Ling Muer received a letter from the border.

This was the first time Shangguan Shaochen wrote to her in the two months since he left, and Ling Muer's hands were trembling.

When Xiaojun Wang came to see a doctor in the clinic yesterday, he also said that the victory at the border would not take half a year at this rate. Looking at the contents of the letter, the eldest brother also meant the same thing, Ling Muer couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips.

"Young lady is in a rare good mood. Sure enough, this Lord Shangguan is the panacea for young lady." Shang Zhi saw that young lady was happy, so she also became happy.

Recently, it's both a restaurant and a medical clinic. The girl was exhausted from running around, her heels couldn't touch the ground, and her face was much paler. Although the king of the small county also went to the clinic all day long, but after all, it was not as important as a letter from his sweetheart.

"Go, I've spoiled you all so much, you dare to make fun of me, don't you?"

Putting away the letter, Ling Mu'er raised her lips uncontrollably, her face was still red, because the eldest brother said in the book, "Mu'er, I miss you." '

It was the first time that honest and smelly man had spoken love words to her.

Although the letter did not explain the sudden return to Beijing last time, nor did it give her the so-called explanation, it just briefly described his recent situation and the approximate date of his return, but the sentence at the end, Ling Muer guessed, big brother Perhaps it took a long time to hold the pen and write it down.

She should keep this letter well.

"If it weren't for Mr. Ling and the little Princess Chaoyang rushing to get married, the girl would be Shangguan's wife now, and she would be able to follow the army, so she wouldn't have to think about others like this." Not only did Shang Zhi not be caught by Ling Muer's Threatening' scared off, but leaned closer to her with a small face raised as if begging for praise.

Jiang Xiang came in from the outside carrying a herbal medicine box, and she didn't agree with the words, "What's so good about being in the army, those days are hard, how can you be carefree in the capital, and the little county king bothers to greet you every day?"

Thinking of the little prince, Jiang Xiang looked like a nymphomaniac, "Oh, as a girl, I feel sorry for the little prince, the number one son in the world, he is enchanting and handsome, erudite, even capable of both civil and military skills, but he lost to Shangguan in terms of time." grown ups."

That's right, during this period of time, Su Ce always ran to both ends of the western restaurant of the medical hall intentionally or unintentionally. In other words, wherever Ling Muer was, there was him. From time to time, he would send some gadgets to make her happy. When everyone thought that the little county king wanted to pursue his beloved girl while the iron was hot, he deliberately kept a distance. Ling Mu'er knew that Su Ce was around, and she just wanted to let those in the capital who wanted to hurt her know that she was Su Ce's protector. I also know that Su Ce's deliberate alienation is because he doesn't want Ling Mu'er to be in danger.

Jiang Xiang gave Ling Muer all the hot tea, "Girl, feel your heart and think about it carefully, if there is no Lord Shangguan, would you choose Xiaojunwang?"

Hearing this, Shang Zhi came over curiously.

"That's right, girl, this little prince is the number one son of the capital, a man whom so many noble ladies scramble to marry. Although he is suave and suave, he is clean and self-possessed. For so many years, let alone a concubine, even a housewife No. He has a sentimental face but is an infatuated man. Does the girl really have no feelings for such a man?"

To be honest, there is, but Ling Muer knows that feeling is just 'enjoyment'.

Su Ce is handsome and handsome and knows how to please girls, even his hardest heart is melted. But she, Ling Mu'er, is a dedicated person, once she is convinced that she will not change for the rest of her life, and she believes in Shangguan Shaochen in her heart, she will never marry him for the rest of her life. Su Ce is good, but they have different identities, they are not her husband.

Well, since even Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang could see that Su Ce was using tenderness, she should stay away from that evildoer.

"The king of the little county is a dragon and phoenix among people. How could a troublemaker like me be able to infect him wantonly, and we must never say such things again in the future." Ling Mu'er looked serious, "Also, if the king of the little county comes again in the near future, let him Please go back, just say that I went to see a doctor outside the city, "

Not allowing the two people to ask questions curiously, Ling Muer has already entered the inner room to rest.

It's the lunch break now, and she made a new rule that no one should be disturbed during the one-hour lunch break, and she has to wait wherever it hurts.

Outside the door, a man came with great interest, but turned around indifferently, with a lunch box in his hand.

"Grandpa, are we not going in?"

Zitong looked at Xiaojun Wang suspiciously, seeing his face full of disappointment for the first time.

"Didn't you hear, Miss Ling isn't in the clinic when she's out to see a doctor, so we're a little late." Throwing the lunch box to Zitong, Su Ce got on the sedan chair, "Go home."

"Then Miss Ling didn't go out, isn't she just here..." Halfway through the conversation, Zitong realized what the master's words meant.

Turning his head to look at the medical hall, and then at the dejected little county king, he sighed plaintively.

Having been by my master's side for many years, when he was not as arrogant as a phoenix, even when he was not so disappointed with the girl he liked the most, this Ling Mu'er was really a catastrophe in his life.

In the war at the border, the emperor specially moved forward this year's imperial examination.

The imperial list was posted on each wall, and the date was fully advanced three months, and the scientific examination was unified at the end of this month.

The emperor specially ordered the sixth prince and the seventh prince to invigilate the exam. Some people said that the prince was deposed, and the emperor was testing the abilities of the two princes, so the exam was brought forward.

The candidates who had prepared for a long time in the capital all complained, claiming that they did not have extra time to prepare, but Ling Zixuan and Zhu Qi looked like outsiders, and they even wished to take the exam tomorrow.

Ling Muer took Ling Ziyu to Chaoyang Residence recently, but Zhu Qi was also there.

"Brother, Brother Zhu, the imperial examination is less than 20 days away, a full three months earlier than in previous years. Everyone said that this year is too difficult. I wonder if the two young masters are ready?"

Ling Zixuan walked around Ling Muer, and looked at Ling Ziyu, "Ziyu, are you ready?"

Ling Ziyu, who used to only reach Ling Mu'er's waist, has now reached his chest. The little man held his head up, patting his chest arrogantly like a little adult, "Of course I'm ready."

He looked at Ling Zixuan, then at Zhu Qi, and bowed to the two of them with his hands clasped together, "Ling Ziyu has already made preparations, and he just waits for the rankings to be released at the end of the month. Two big brothers, let's compare each other, and don't let your subordinates see you at that time." Be merciful."

Ling Ziyu, who never liked to be lively, had a rare joke with his two elder brothers, and they couldn't help laughing and shaking their heads.

"Okay, Brother Zhu, Ziyu, let's compare for the time being to see who is lucky enough to get high in this imperial examination. If anyone loses at that time, don't cry."

Ling Ziyu shook his head arrogantly, "I won't lose to you guys, I want to be the first person in the capital's imperial examination, brother, if I win, how will you reward me?"

The autistic Ling Ziyu has such ambitions, Ling Muer is very pleased, she touched Ling Ziyu's face mischievously, "What else can I reward you besides the orphan books and gadgets you need, Ziyu might as well ask me."

Ling Ziyu thought that his sister brought him something rare that he hadn't seen before, so he asked with a smile, "Sister, what will you reward me for?"

"My sister rewards you as a daughter-in-law."

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