They said that they had to keep a distance from Su Ce recently, so Ling Muer naturally wouldn't have any more contact with him, and shook his hand away.

"Your Majesty, please respect yourself."

The moment he was thrown away, Su Ce felt as if he had lost the whole world.

It's been seven days, and he hasn't come to see her for seven whole days. Su Ce's heart felt like it was torn when he pushed her away so cruelly.

"If you still care about your brother Zhou, just follow me."

Without giving her another chance to refuse, Su Ce insisted on dragging her onto the sedan chair, and Ling Muer realized after a while, "What's wrong, Brother Zhou?"

"He assassinated the Grand Tutor and was arrested. He managed to escape when his life was hanging by a thread. Now he is seriously injured and unconscious. I asked the doctor to examine him, but the doctor said..." Su Ce paused, looking at her with straight eyes, "I'm afraid, my life is not long."


Ling Muer's heart seemed to sink heavily, "Why did this happen all of a sudden?"


She doesn't know much about the relationship between the people in the court, but she also knows that the Taifu is a very big official, "Is it under the orders of the Seventh Prince?"

The more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong, "Why is Brother Zhou in your house?"

Of course Su Ce wouldn't say that it was Zhou Qiyan who met halfway, and he could have ignored it, but thought that if Zhou Qiyan was injured, he could take the opportunity to see Ling Muer, so he stopped the sedan chair and brought him back.

"The king of this county is not the kind of person who will die."

After Su Ce finished speaking, he stopped looking at Ling Muer's eyes, and consciously kept a distance from her in the large sedan chair.

About half an hour later, the sedan chair stopped at the Prince's Mansion, and Ling Muer was shocked, "You brought the assassin who assassinated the Grand Tutor back to your home?"

"The most dangerous place is the safest place. Besides, who dares to check my county palace?"

It's true, after all, Zhou Qiyan belongs to the seventh prince, and Su Ce has always remained neutral. Even if the Taifu's people saw the assassin's face, they would not have thought that he would escape to the county prince's mansion.

Bypassing the front hall, Su Ce took her straight to his yard.

The two guards outside the guest room saw Su Ce coming and hurriedly opened the door. As soon as they entered, there was a pungent smell of blood. Looking around, Zhou Qiyan was pale and lying on the bed weakly.

Even though he was wearing night clothes, bloodstains could still be seen all over his body, showing how much blood he had bled and how badly he was injured.

"Brother Zhou!"

Ling Muer hurried over to take his pulse first, and after confirming his injury, she immediately opened the medicine box and gave him an injection to stop the bleeding, as if Zhou Qiyan would report to the Palace of the Underworld at any time. She was very fast, her face was anxious, and her forehead was even tighter. beads of sweat dripping down,

I saw that she took out this for a while, and then took out that for a while. She used up all the bottles and cans, but Zhou Qiyan still didn't get better.

Seeing that Ling Mu'er was so busy that she wanted to use both hands and feet, Su Ce made a fool of the maidservant at the side, and a young girl came over.

"Girl, this servant knows a thing or two about medicine, let this servant help you."

She happened to be short of manpower, so she gave Su Ce a thankful look, and she ordered bluntly, "Go and bring me a big basin of hot water, and I'm looking for someone to fry this medicine. Be sure to watch the heat. Time to bring it to me."

"Yes" the servant hurriedly left with the medicine bag.

Ling Muer picked up the scissors again and planned to cut his pants, but Su Ce behind him stared and rushed up, "What are you doing?"

"You didn't see that his leg was seriously injured. If you don't cut off his pants, do you want me to take off his pants?" Besides, the fabric is stuck to his thigh and he can't take it off.

"You are a girl after all, how can you say things like taking off a man's pants so easily?" Su Ce's expression was in disbelief.

"I am a doctor. In the doctor's eyes, there is only the severity of the patient's injury. There is no distinction between men and women. If the little county king can't stand it, he can leave. Don't dirty your eyes."

Ling Mu'er was about to strike as she said that, how could Su Ce ask her to do this kind of thing for Zhou Qiyan, and snatched the scissors away regardless of opposition.

"Stay aside, I'll come!"

Seeing that Su Ce's face was solemn, and his words were full of anger, Ling Mu'er was clearly amused by his actions because of the obviously tense atmosphere in his heart.

Ling Mu'er kindly reminded, "Be careful with the wound, yes, it's the inner thigh."

Also on the inside, this is a seven-foot man, and she is still a girl who has not been out of the court.

"Look again, be careful that the king pokes your eyes out, turn around, don't look!" Su Ce suddenly regretted it, and knew that he shouldn't have used such a bad excuse to see Ling Mu'er.

Damn Zhou Qiyan, it's not good for this injury, but it's in this position.

Knowing that Su Ce was worried about her, Ling Muer was not angry, and turned around obediently.

After a while, Su Ce thought that the cover was perfect, so Ling Mu'er turned around.

With a sound of 'puchi', Ling Muer laughed, "The little county king covered his wound so tightly, how do you want me to heal it?"

"You say, I'll do it." It seems that he has been prepared for a long time, Su Ce described carefully, "The wound is about seven inches, very deep, and the blood is black. It should be poisoned. Tell me, what should you do?" Do?"

Seeing Su Ce's serious look, Ling Muer suddenly wanted to laugh. But my heart was warm, Su Ce was really kind to him, but unfortunately she couldn't give any response.

"I said you know how to do it? Disinfect, clean the wound, and taste the blood, can you do it?"

He knows the first two, what the hell is the last one trying blood?

"Ling Muer, are you kidding me?"

"How will you know what kind of poison he has if you don't try it, and which antidote I will give you?"

Looking at him like an idiot, Ling Muer stepped forward and pulled him away, "If you continue to make trouble like this, we will all be wasted, it's just a leg wound, let alone something indescribable. I've seen it all, why, are you going to kill all those patients? Or do you plan to watch by my side when I practice medicine in the future?"

Su Ce wanted to say something else, but when he saw that Ling Muer had opened the cloth, his eyes widened angrily, and he wanted to cover Ling Muer's eyes, but she shot him coldly, and all the words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat.

"Fortunately, it's not some rare poison. Pass me the blue bottle in the medicine cabinet?"

There was no movement for a while, and when Ling Mu'er turned her head, she saw Su Ce standing still angrily. She flew over with a silver needle. Feeling the threat of the weapon, Su Ce turned his head slightly, and clamped the silver needle with two fingers. "you……"

"What about me, don't you want to help? What are you still doing?" She pointed to the medicine box with her chin. "In the lower left corner, the blue bottle. Also, bring me some white bandages."

Ling Muer is the only person who dares to boss him around like this.

Su Ce was angry and wanted to object, but seeing that her hands were covered in blood and the sweat beads on her forehead were large, she was obviously very tired, so she had to obediently turn around and follow her orders.

Disinfect, clean the wound, detoxify and then bandage, Ling Muer's skillful hands even tie the knot better than others.

"The wounds on my body are not very important. The important thing is which dart on the back is highly poisonous. So far, I still need to study carefully to know what antidote to use. And the right leg, the hamstring was picked off. It hurts the root if you can persist for so long." Ling Muer sighed, "Brother Zhou is really doomed this time."

Even Ling Muer felt that it was serious. It seemed that Zhou Qiyan was really hurt. Su Ce suddenly envied him. If he could meet Ling Muer, who is such a good doctor, if it was someone else, he would have let go of it and sat down. Wait till you die.

"Although the injury is so serious, you are still sure, right?"

Otherwise, she wouldn't look so relaxed.

"The medicine I let the servant cook just now can only dissolve other toxins in his body. I'm afraid the dart on his back can't be easily removed. Let's see if we can survive tonight."

She wasn't relaxed, she was just thinking when she met a wound that she couldn't even determine. If it doesn't work, she has to go into the space to look for it. There are many rare herbs in it, and I hope it will come in handy.

Then Su Ce can't guard here.

"As long as I don't have a fever tonight, I can get through it, but now I have to connect his broken tendon. The process is rather cruel, so I ask the little prince to avoid it."

Ling Muer made a gesture of invitation.

Su Ce shook his head, his attitude was very firm, "This is the courtyard of the king of this county, and he was rescued by me. Besides, how can you all alone and widows live in the same room? I won't leave."

I'm afraid the last sentence is his focus.

Ling Mu'er smiled, "So the little prince means that he is afraid that I will attack a man who is dying at any time? Do you think I am so hungry?"

Seemingly annoyed by her, Ling Mu'er stood up with a cold face, "Please, little prince, get out!"

She had a firm attitude and a cold tone, even though Su Cetian was not afraid of anything, he was overwhelmed by the evil spirit and left obediently.

When the room was empty, Ling Muer gave Zhou Qiyan an injection to make him fall into a deep sleep, and then got into the space.

She searched hard and was about to give up, and finally found the right herbal medicine. In order not to be seen by others, she came out after the space was cleaned and ground.

Ling Muer had just treated the wound on Zhou Qiyan's back when the maidservant fried the medicine bag that had just been brought in.

Su Ce followed in and saw the green herbs behind Zhou Qiyan, and he frowned. Obviously, there were no green herbs in her medicine chest just now.

Although it was strange, he acted as if he didn't see it, and helped Ling Mu'er bandage Zhou Qiyan, and then lifted his heavy body over.

"Girl, the medicine is ready, should I feed it now?"

"He fell into a deep sleep, I'm afraid he won't be able to drink it, but I believe the little county king has a way."

Ling Mu'er stood up with a smile on her face, washed her hands, and looked at him with interest.

Su Ce curled his lips and sneered, "Miss Hardworking thinks so highly of me?"

"That's right, the king of the small county is very knowledgeable, if he doesn't have any real talents, how can he be called the number one son of the capital?" She grinned and grinned, "Of course, if there is really no other way, I can give one to the king. Besides, you are the only one in this room who can do it."

Su Ce didn't speak, but motioned her to speak with his eyes.

Ling Mu'er tapped her red lips with her index finger, "Mouth to mouth."

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