Ling Muer paused, and immediately turned around, "Brother Zhou, are you awake?"

At this moment, Zhou Qiyan was weak and pale. Because of the multiple wounds on his body, he woke up in pain like a knife. Every time he took a breath, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat. He looked at Ling Muer, then at Looking at Su Ce, he probably guessed the whole story, he nodded with difficulty, "Many, thank you both for saving me, for saving my life..."

He wanted to say something else, but Ling Muer hurriedly covered his mouth, "Brother Zhou, stop talking, don't worry, I will definitely think of a way to save you, and you can wait here with peace of mind."

She was about to leave again, but Zhou Qiyan grabbed her hand firmly, "It's useless, I... I know my own body very well, but it's a pity that I couldn't kill that old thief with my own hands."

Due to emotional agitation, Zhou Qiyan spurted out a mouthful of old blood, Ling Muer immediately felt his pulse.

The melancholy face just now dispersed because of the blood, "It's good to vomit, it's this blood congestion that blocks the heart, which makes you fall into a state of madness in a coma. Brother Zhou, believe me, I will definitely have it." There is a way."

Zhou Qiyan was reluctant to let Ling Muer go, he was afraid that he would never see her again after leaving,

"Mu'er, don't, don't waste time. The guards around that old thief are very skilled. I'm lucky to be able to save my life and see you. They broke my hamstring and I can't move. Even if you save me, I'll be a cripple too."

Thinking of this, Zhou Qiyan was in great pain, "Unfortunately, I, I couldn't kill that old thief with my own hands to avenge my family!"

Zhou Qiyan spit out another mouthful of blood due to the rush of fire, but this time it was bright red blood.

If he continues to be so excited, he will definitely lose his vitality.

"Brother Zhou, I beg you, Mu'er, to stop getting angry. Can you still trust my medical skills?" Indeed, even if his hamstring is spliced, it will be difficult for him to move in the future. will hurt.

Although she can understand Zhou Qiyan's sadness at this moment, but if you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood, right?

"Miss Ling is right. You should trust her medical skills. Besides, if it wasn't for her, you would have died a long time ago. If you really want to thank you, you should cooperate well at this moment, and don't let Miss Ling work hard."

Su Ce put his hands behind his back, Zhou Qiyan didn't see his bitten arm. But when he heard Xiaojun Wang say this, he held back even if he wanted to get angry. But the pain on his face was so obvious.

"Brother Zhou, don't give up and don't be discouraged. You have endured for so long and paid so much. Isn't it just for revenge? Is it the Taifu? I will help you, as long as you cheer up, whether it is your body or your enemy , I can help you."

"No!" Zhou Qiyan kept shaking his head, "This matter has nothing to do with you, Mu'er, you can't take risks for me."

He has already lost Ruidi, the most important person in his life, and he cannot lose the most important woman again.

"There are so many masters around the Taifu. Even if you know medicine and poison, you are no match for him. Mu'er, I am very glad to meet you in this life. Don't bother. Even if you save me, I will still be a lame man. Revenge, what else can you do to save me?"

Zhou Qiyan had a sad face and wanted to die with all his heart, and in Ling Muer's eyes, his heart also became desperate. Unconsciously, I recalled what the Seventh Prince said during the day. He had the evidence in hand. As long as he got the evidence, he didn't need to spend so much effort to assassinate him. If the name is not right, even if he got revenge, so what, the Zhou family Isn't it still impossible to clear up the grievances of the past?

"Because you are my friend, I will definitely help you. Don't worry, as long as I am here, I will never let you die. As for your enemy, it doesn't take his death to be considered revenge."

Ling Mu'er's voice was cold, and before Zhou Qiyan could react, she stabbed Zhou Qiyan's sleeping hole.

After re-treating the wound caused by excitement, and ensuring that his life would not be in danger, Ling Muer handed him over to Su Ce, "Please trouble the little county king to send someone to watch him, I will go back as soon as I go."

"where you go?"

Su Ce didn't expect him to be so fast, because as soon as he finished speaking, her figure had disappeared into the moonlight.

It was just dawn when Ling Mu'er arrived at Chaoyang Residence, because Ling Zixuan had told her before that no one was allowed to stop her from coming, so the maid took her straight to the front hall.

She had never come so early before, Ling Zixuan thought she had encountered some serious problem, so she hurried out without even getting dressed.

"Mu'er, what happened?"

Chaoyang yawned and covered his stomach while carefully walking out. Seeing this gesture, Ling Muer wanted to ask but was not sure. Ling Zixuan saw her doubts and nodded.

"I was planning to take Chaoyang to the clinic today to see Mu'er's pulse, and Mu'er came. That's right, Chaoyang is happy."

First he was the number one scholar in high school, and now he has a happy pulse. If his parents know about it, he might be so happy.

Ling Mu'er, who had a sad face, parted her lips, "Congratulations brother, congratulations sister-in-law."

"Congratulations, why don't I just want to thank you for giving up the time, otherwise it would be embarrassing for me to get married again when my belly grows bigger."

Chaoyang hurriedly pulled her to the chair beside her and sat down, "The maid said you are in a hurry, but what happened at home? I don't need to rush to see the pulse."

Ling Mu'er cast her eyes on Ling Zixuan, "Brother, I have a heartfelt request, I wonder if you are willing to help."

"What did Mu'er say, you are my own sister, and your affairs are my affairs."

Realizing that he wanted to talk to him alone, Ling Zixuan asked Chaoyang to go back to rest, and he took Ling Muer to the side hall.

"Look at your haggard face, did you encounter any difficult patients last night?"

"Yes." Ling Mu'er never planned to hide it from here, "It's Big Brother Zhou. He was seriously injured and his life was hanging by a thread. It's unknown whether he is alive or dead now, but Big Brother is not in a hurry to answer me. You first Listen to me carefully."

After explaining the whole story to Ling Zixuan in detail, Ling Muer was afraid that he would respond regardless, so she quickly explained, "Brother, I didn't come to see you for the sake of you being my brother. I want you to seriously think about it carefully, and if you think it’s okay, you can help Zhou Qiyan, if you don’t think it’s okay, I don’t blame you, it’s Big Brother Zhou’s fate.”

"Silly girl."

Ling Zixuan touched her long hair gently, "You came to me in such a hurry, and you want me to give you an answer in no hurry, isn't that contradictory? Brother Zhou has lived in our Ling family for more than a year, He also has feelings for me, how could I refuse to save him."

"But once you follow the seventh prince, you will betray the sixth prince, and you will definitely be killed. Brother, have you thought about it?"

"Actually, even if you don't come today, I plan to visit the Seventh Prince. During this period of time, I have thought about it carefully. If I really compare the Sixth Prince with the Seventh Prince, the future will be brighter with the Seventh Prince." Ling Zixuan said seriously, "Mu'er, do you remember what you asked me back then?"

Ling Muer didn't speak, like a serious listener.

"You ask me, don't you want to do what you want to do?" He hooked his lips, "I, like you, want to use my knowledge. Teacher Zhu said that I have this talent, so I don't want to waste it. Since I Okay, so why don't you take my seat?"

He analyzed it carefully, his voice was extremely gentle, Ling Muer realized that it was no wonder Chaoyang was chasing after his ass all day long, the current brother is really handsome and charming.

"The Seventh Prince has talent in this area. He needs me, and I also need his support. Don't worry, Mu'er, leave this matter to me."

Ling Zixuan went to the Seventh Prince's mansion that day, and I don't know how long the two of them talked, and those who went early in the morning didn't come back until evening.

In order not to be noticed by the Taifu's people, Ling Mu'er has been waiting in the hospital. When Ling Zixuan sent the evidence about the murder of the Zhou family, she was almost moved and cried.

"Thank you, bro."

"Silly girl, I want to thank you, brother." After a tiring day, Ling Zixuan felt that everything was worth it when he saw Ling Muer's smile. "Thank you, Mu'er, for finally giving me the chance to protect you, do you know? You have been the one who supported this family for more than two years. As a brother, I really blame myself. Now I can help you too. In the future Don't hesitate about such things, understand?"

Ling Mu'er nodded heavily, "Then brother should also be more careful." Then she handed him a brocade box, "These are very healthy anti-fetal drugs, let Chaoyang take one every day, and it is guaranteed to give birth in nine months." The next big white and fat son."

After Ling Zixuan left, Ling Muer took the evidence and was not in a hurry to go to the county prince's mansion first, but asked the Seventh Prince to come out for a meeting.

Seeing the Seventh Prince's scheming smile, Ling Mu'er felt uncomfortable, "Everyone says that the Sixth Prince will take revenge and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. I think this sentence is more suitable for the Seventh Prince."

"You don't have to hate me so much. You are the most stupid. Besides, do you really think that Ling Zixuan is in my camp for you?"

Ling Mu'er forbids anyone to slander her elder brother, "Please Seventh Prince put away your dirty thoughts, otherwise I might go back on my word. My elder brother loves me, if he also repents along with me, the Seventh Prince has done nothing."

Anyway, people are already on his side now, and the Seventh Prince is not afraid of Ling Muer's threats, "You are the only one who dares to talk to me like this, no wonder the Prince would rather be deposed for you than get it, your temperament is indeed very attractive , tell me, you asked me out, but do you have anything to explain?"

"Since my brother is yours now, I hope you can do everything to protect him when necessary, not only him but also Chaoyang."

The Seventh Prince was not surprised by her words, "That's all?"

He sneered, put his hands behind his back, and solemnly promised her before leaving: "Don't worry, as long as it is mine, I will not allow anyone to hurt you. The moment he walked out of my Seventh Prince's Mansion, let the dark guard Always secretly protect. Even the sixth brother, he doesn't have the ability."

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