"Master, let the slaves come."

Zitong wanted to snatch the shovel from Su Ce, but was stopped by her master.

"If it wasn't for me, she wouldn't have lived a miserable life. I didn't fulfill the filial piety that a child should do, but let her die because of her child. This is the last thing I can do for her."

Not only did he not hand over the tools to anyone, Su Ce dug a deep hole with his own hands. Looking at the already stiff body lying in the coffin, he walked over tremblingly, and gently grabbed her rough hand.

"...Mother." It took a while to say this word tremblingly. Su Ce's firm eyes kept blinking, and finally crystal clear tears fell down.


There was another thunderstorm in the sky, and then, heavy rain poured down.

Zitong hurriedly found an umbrella to cover Su Ce's head, but he insisted on burying his mother alone, soaking his whole body, he knelt on the mud full of mud, as if exhausting all his strength, "Mother, the child is not filial! "

I don't know how many times I knocked my head until blood flowed from my forehead, until Su Ce, who had always been strong, fell into a faint.

Zitong wanted to take Su Ce to Ling Mu'er's hospital, but Su Ce who woke up halfway refused.

He insisted on staying alone for a while, but Zitong couldn't help but follow behind silently, but the Xiaojun King is a Xiaojun King after all, despite the sudden huge change, he managed to get rid of the pursuit of the people behind him.

The heavy rain poured down, as if God felt worthless for Mo Niang's death. Su Ce walked alone on the busiest street in the capital, alone, like an abandoned orphan.

He has never been a sentimental person. For him, no matter how great the change is, there will be a day when he will get over it. He has always laughed it off, always like a cunning fox, but this matter is related to the two most important things in his life. personal.

One gave birth to him but did not raise him, and the other treated him like a parent and child. Now the other is separated forever, and the other has become a mother-killing enemy.

Su Ce, the king of the dignified little county, became the biggest laughing stock in the capital. He didn't care about it. He didn't feel a little bit reluctant to lose all his glory and wealth and just be an ordinary person. He just didn't expect that his biological mother who had just found him, before he had time to recognize her, she would come He died tragically in front of him, but he was powerless!

Yes, he must avenge this revenge.


The horse was frightened and was forced to stop suddenly, and the girl in the sedan chair poked her head out, "What's the matter, why did the heavy rain suddenly stop?"

The coachman took off his bamboo hat and looked clearly at the man standing in front of him who hadn't moved for a long time. It took him a while to recognize his identity, and carefully reminded the master in the sedan chair behind him, "Miss, you are the king of the little county."

The car curtain was suddenly opened, and Lan Qianying, who was wearing a goose-yellow skirt, hurriedly stretched her head out, and at a glance she saw Su Ce standing in the heavy rain, with a haggard complexion and a dumbfounded look.

In the past, he was aloof, and he was the existence that all the girls in the capital scrambled to get close to. No matter how old or young, no one would want to marry into the county prince's mansion and become the main concubine of the small county prince.

And now Su Ce is disheveled and mentally ill. Is it true that he is a bastard who was kicked out by the eldest princess as the rumors said?

"Miss, I heard that the little prince is not the eldest princess's own son, so he will be kicked out of the prince's mansion sooner or later, could it be..."

Lan Qianying made a silent gesture. Seeing Su Ce's pitiful appearance washed by the heavy rain, she softened her heart for a moment and thought about it, but she quickly denied her thoughts.

"Drive, let's take a detour!"

Because Su Ce was standing in the middle of the road, the coachman could only turn around and go back home, but Su Ce, who was lost in thought, still saw Lan Qianying's ruthless figure turning around.

Oh, didn't you say that he would not marry?

Didn't he keep thinking about Brother Ce and want to be his man for the rest of his life?

Now that he has lost his status as the king of the small county, has his previous oath become bullshit?

In the heavy rain, Su Ce's hair was disheveled, his facial features were ferocious, and a sneer was in the corner of his mouth, "Lan Qianying? You are nothing more than that!"

Clenched fists creaked, and Su Ce took two steps with heavy steps when he felt his figure shake. He tried hard to find his balance, but in the end his eyes went dark.

Ling Muer, who had searched almost half of the capital city, happened to see Su Ce falling to the ground, so she jumped off the sedan chair and rushed over.

Regardless of being soaked by the heavy rain, Su Ce was tightly wrapped in his arms, "Little County King...Little County King..."

Shang Zhi hurriedly held up an umbrella and hit the two of them on top of their heads, while Jiang Xiang immediately handed over a towel to wipe for the Xiaojun Wang.

"Quick, help him onto the sedan chair." After feeling his pulse, Ling Mu'er and the three of them worked together to lift Su Ce into the sedan chair, "Go back to Ling Mansion."

Today's rain is particularly heavy, as if a hole has been broken in the sky, it has been raining from morning to night, and it has not stopped yet.

The bustling capital city seemed to have turned into an empty city overnight. Whether it was a restaurant or a medical clinic, they all closed their doors early, and even the western restaurant, which has always been a hot business, was forced to close down.

Such weather is really not in the mood to go out to do business.

"Hey, what's going on, why did the little county king faint?"

The uncle who came to open the door saw the three weak women in Mu'er carrying a man so hard, and only found out his identity after a closer look, and was busy carrying him to the guest room alone.

"Shang Zhi went to my mother to ask for a pair of old brother's clothes, Xiang Xiang, go and boil some hot water."

Not caring about changing out of her own fitting clothes, Ling Muer hurriedly showed Su Ce to check, but fortunately she just fainted because of her depression.

When Yang Shi and Ling Dazhi got the news and hurried over, Ling Muer just gave him medicine to dispel wind and cold.

"The clothes are dripping down. You can't wait until you change your clothes for any serious illness. Leave it to me and your father. Mu'er, go take a shower and change."

Yang felt sorry for her daughter and hurriedly pushed her away.

Ling Mu'er couldn't resist and had to give some instructions, "Please trouble Dad to change him into clean clothes, and find a few maidservants to watch over here. The little prince is depressed and raining again, I'm worried that he will have a fever at night."

Seeing that her daughter loves Su Ce so much, Yang hurriedly pulled her aside, "Mu'er, what's going on? Didn't you promise mother not to associate with this little county king in the future? Besides, I heard that he..."

"That's right, the little county king is most likely no longer the county king, but mother, no matter what his status is, he is my friend, and I can't let him die."

Yang patted her, "You child, who do you think your mother is? What is his identity is none of our business. I just want to remind you that I have gotten too close to the little county king recently. Don't forget Boy Chen will be jealous when he finds out."

Knowing that Mother is not that kind of snobbish person, Ling Muer stuck out her tongue guiltily, "Don't worry, Mother, I have a sense of propriety,"

Looking back at Su Ce who was lying pale on the bed, she shook her head helplessly, "Suddenly experiencing such a big thing, he, who is used to arrogance, can't bear it. In fact, he is quite pitiful."

"Why, Mu'er feels distressed?"

Yang asked tentatively, "If you really feel sorry for me, I think this little county king is not bad. You didn't say that you didn't like the palace all the time. Now it's all right. He is no longer a county king. You just happen to..."

"What are you talking about, mother, Mu'er only has big brother in her heart!"

Leaving the room in a hurry to take a shower and change clothes, in order not to let herself catch up with the wind and cold, Ling Muer went to the space to drink some spiritual spring water, and it was already late at night when she came out again.

As expected, Su Ce had a fever.

Originally, he would wake up soon after he fainted in the rain, but Su Ce didn't show any signs of waking up. Ling Muer had a premonition that something was wrong, so she hurriedly gave him an infusion, and first helped him bring down his fever.

After being busy until the early morning of the next day, Su Ce's body was finally not so hot. She hurriedly took out the spiritual spring water from the space and fed it to him.

But if a person is unwilling to wake up, no matter how hard others try, it will be useless. After almost two days and nights, Su Ce still has no intention of waking up.

Ling Muer, who was just worried at first, was a little scared. Even if Su Ce is no longer the little county king, he still has a life. If something really happens in the Ling mansion...?

She began to stand by Su Ce's window in a daze, chatting with him about the past between the two of them from time to time, or comforting him and enlightening him.

Almost at dawn on the fifth day, Su Ce woke up.

He stared at the roof, and then looked around, his evil and arrogant eyes in the past were extremely clear now.

Turning his head, he saw the girl sitting on the edge of the bed staring at him with wide eyes. He asked suspiciously, "I don't know who the girl is?"

Before Ling Mu'er could react, Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang behind were terrified, "Little...why doesn't the little prince remember anything?"

Ling Muer hurriedly grabbed his arm to feel his pulse, and looked closely at his pupils, but what she got was Su Ce's extremely unfamiliar voice, "I don't know where this place is, and who are the three girls? And I, How could it be here?"

That strange tone, clear eyes, and curious eyes when looking around.

Shang Zhi opened his mouth wide in surprise, "God, girl, what should we do now, will we get into trouble?"

Jiang Xiang also hugged Ling Mu'er's arm, "How could the extremely clever and mighty little county king lose his memory? Could it be that we were a little late that day, and he was struck by lightning."

Ling Muer, who was still nervous at first, couldn't hold back her laughter, she smiled and pushed the two of them out the door, "Go out and get some light food first, I haven't eaten for five days and five nights, and my steel and iron bones are starving too gone."

"But the little prince..."

Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang were worried.

Ling Muer gave them a reassuring look.

After the two left, she went to Su Ce's bedside, looked at the innocent man like a child, "Are you serious, don't you know me?"

Su Ce looked back, and his gaze reconnected with Ling Muer, then he looked her up and down carefully, and shook his head, "Young lady is such a rare beauty, but do we really know each other?"

"It doesn't matter if you know him or not, but do you know who you are?"

Su Ce pointed at his face with his index finger, "Me?"

Then he shook his head, "I don't know."

That innocent and harmless appearance seems to have returned to the age of innocence.

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