Mrs. Wang was very proud of getting the eggs. But Ling Mu'er disobeyed her and caused her to break her nose, so this account can't be settled. She looked around and saw that the family was so poor that they didn't even have a leaf of vegetable, and she felt upset immediately. She hummed and said, "Useless things, you can't even afford an egg, you deserve it to starve to death."

Mrs. Wang took the eggs and strode out the door. She was cursing as she walked: "Old master, that stinky bitch who kills thousands of knives, dares to take my mother's eggs as favors, so I will deal with her when I go back."

Ling Muer watched her back and walked out. She followed her and watched her walk out of the yard. She picked up a stone on the ground and threw it at Wang's leg.

boom! Wang's thigh hurt and she fell to the ground.

The thing in his hand slipped, and with a click, the egg shattered. Wang raised her head and saw that the egg had died like this, she immediately yelled angrily: "Ah! Damn it, I have walked for so long in the heavy snow, and I dared to break it just because of this egg."

She got up, turned around and looked at Ling Muer angrily. Seeing that she was about to play tricks again, Ling Muer gave her a cold look, she felt a chill in her heart, and immediately shut up.

"Grandma, as I said just now, you must be careful when you walk, it's so slippery outside now! If you accidentally fall on the ground, it's not a big deal, but the egg you've worked so hard to get back is a big deal. Look! Am I right? So, what people are doing, the sky is watching. God has eyes. He might punish those wicked people at any time." Ling Muer sneered.

"Little bitch, don't be complacent. If the egg falls, it will fall, and if it breaks, I won't give it to you bitch." Wang Shi said, squatting on the ground, holding the egg and eating it with snow and egg.

Ling Muer looked at Mrs. Wang coldly, seeing her finish eating her eggs and walk away.

Ling Zixuan patted her on the shoulder and said guiltily: "Brother is useless. If it wasn't for my brother dragging you down, it wouldn't be the case that you don't even have a stutter."

Seeing that he came back empty-handed, Ling Muer already knew the result. This is true in any world, it is easy to add icing on the cake, but it is difficult to give charcoal in the snow.

"It has nothing to do with you." Ling Mu'er said flatly, "You're wet all over, hurry up and dry your clothes. I'll take care of mother and younger brother. My younger brother is still burning, and mother is also exhausted."

When Yang fell down, she didn't know if she could get up. She fell down, tired is one thing, the main thing is hungry and cold. She had to get them something to eat quickly.

Ling Zixuan knew that he could not get sick again. Even if he is crippled, he is still the man who supports the family. He stroked Ling Muer's hair, and said gently, "Okay."

Ling Muer went to see Ling Ziyu. Ling Ziyu's fever did not subside, but fortunately, his fever was low-grade. The family couldn't pay him a penny for a doctor, so she, a ready-made doctor, had to save him.

Ling Zixuan is back, and someone is looking after him at home. She was going to go out and find out if there was anything to eat. There is a big mountain next to it. When it snows heavily, those animals also hibernate. If she was lucky, she might be able to get the family through this difficulty if she ran into a hungry animal. At the same time, he also looked for herbs that could cure Ling Ziyu.

Ling Muer took a deep look at this crumbling little hut. What Yang said before he fell into a coma appeared in her mind.

No one has ever been so kind to her. From childhood to adulthood, the elders were strict, just to train her to be a successor. In the eyes of her parents, she has been 'dead' since she was five years old. Yang's love is her own child, that silly Ling Mu'er. But she felt her mother's love. For this, she must wake her up.

When Ling Zixuan came out to dry his clothes, Ling Muer was nowhere to be found at home. He was worried, and said to himself: "Where did this girl go? Did she go to find Xiu'er?"

The door was smashed by Wang, and the cold wind blew in, and the dilapidated house couldn't hide the wind and snow. Ling Zixuan wrapped himself in thin clothes, lifted the door, and tried to repair it.

At this moment, Ling Muer braved the wind and snow and climbed up the mountain. She has been hungry for a few days, and her body is thin, and now it is windy and snowy. She had to stop for a few steps, shivering in the cold wind.

A piece of silver in sight. It's so hard to find something to eat in this winter. She had to dig through the snow to see a little green.

In the past, the family arranged for her to spend half a year as a savage in the mountains, and she knew everything about the mountains. Only then it was summer, not winter. Now this season, it is really hard for her to wear this kind of dress again.

"Whose trap is this?" Ling Mu'er saw a trap, and this trap was quite advanced, as long as there were animals, it would definitely fall into it.

She looked around, but saw no sign of anyone. That said, the trap is not made today. So, who else has to look for food in the mountains like her?

Ling Muer walked a long way and saw several traps. Someone has already acted preemptively, setting up ambushes in places where animals often appear. But she was not without gains. Although the mountains are full of snow, you can't see what's hidden underneath. However, through her own experience, she found many wild mushrooms and herbal medicine to treat Ling Ziyu.

She didn't bring anything to go out, and now she just found a grass vine in the same place, tied up all the things she had found so hard, and then walked home with them. After walking a few steps, I saw a rabbit jumping over here. She was overjoyed and immediately caught up with it.

When the rabbit saw her, he ran away as if frightened. Ling Mu'er had long lost her strength, she wondered if she was too excited to see the rabbit, she used up all her strength in feeding, and kept chasing after the rabbit. She thought in her heart that as long as she caught it, the whole family's life would be saved. If there is no more food, the family will starve to death at home.

She fluttered and hugged the rabbit tightly. At this time, the snow under her body fell downwards, and she fell with the rabbit in her arms. boom! She fell into a trap.

There were some bamboo fragments in the trap, and her arm was scratched by the bamboo fragments. Fortunately, when she fell down just now, she kicked the cave wall vigilantly and let herself fall into the corner of the trap. There are slightly fewer bamboo pieces in the corners, and the most bamboo pieces in the middle. If she fell directly into the middle, she would be inserted into a sieve even if she did not die.

The rabbit fell from her hands. She hastened to hold it by the ear. This rabbit is very thin, I'm afraid it has been hungry for a long time. However, this is their family's ration, and it must not be let go.

She looked up at the top, the trap was very high, and the person who made the trap was also tall, otherwise how would he climb up? However, this body is very short, only 1.6 meters tall.

Can't climb up.

The snowstorm has no intention of stopping. If she stayed here for a long time, she would be finished within two hours. Cold, hungry, and buried in snow again, is the travel journey coming to an end?

creak! creak! Someone is coming here.

Ling Muer heard the voice and shouted loudly, "Is anyone there?"

There was a pause in the footsteps. Then he quickened his pace.

A head poked in, looking at Ling Muer in the cave, his cold eyes were surprised for a moment.

Ling Muer raised her head, and saw a disheveled man. The man had a vicissitudes of face, looking cold and ferocious. He pursed his lips tightly, watching her frown.

In the eyes of the man opposite, that is, Shangguan Shaochen, the woman in front of her is no different from the little rabbit in her arms.

That slender body was wearing thin clothes. In such a cold winter, if he was not forced to, he would not dare to go out like this. She hugged the little rabbit and shivered in the corner, her lips were already blue, and her sallow face showed unyielding and stubbornness.

"Is this a trap you dug?" Ling Muer looked at the silent man and said. "Can you pull me up?"

Shangguan Shaochen came back to his senses. He stretched out his big black palm towards Ling Muer.

Ling Mu'er held his hand, feeling that he was pulling her up with great strength. The rabbit in her arms struggled and fell out of her hands. She panicked and looked at the rabbit.

Shangguan Shaochen noticed that she wanted to go down to catch the rabbit, and said to her, "You come up first, and I will catch it."

After hearing what he said, Ling Muer climbed up obediently. As soon as she landed, she said to the man, "Thank you."

Shangguan Shaochen looked at her thin clothes and frowned. Her exposed palms were astonishingly icy, and sooner or later she would die if this continued.

He fell into the trap neatly, grabbed the rabbit and turned over again.

Ling Mu'er clearly saw his movements, and was secretly surprised. She couldn't help thinking: Could it be that people in ancient times were all martial arts masters? Judging by his appearance, he clearly knows how to punch and kick.

The man was dressed in coarse linen and was also very thin, but when the two of them clasped hands just now, his palms were very warm. At that moment, she yearned for that warmth. She is really cold.

She gasped, rubbing her hands and pacing on the spot.

Shangguan Shaochen grabbed the rabbit by the ears, and handed the rabbit to the woman on the opposite side who was more desolate than a broken leaf in the wind. The woman's hair was disheveled, her clothes were torn, and the straw sandals under her feet were completely broken, and now she was standing barefoot in the snow.

"I set the trap. I made you fall, I'm sorry." After Shangguan Shaochen finished speaking, he grabbed a pheasant from the ground beside him, handed it to her and said, "This is an apology."

Ling Muer looked at him in surprise, and didn't pick up his things for a while.

Shangguan Shaochen grabbed her arm, forced the pheasant to her, and said, "Go down the mountain! This is not a place where women should come."

After speaking, he took the remaining two hares and three pheasants and left there.

Ling Muer originally had a good impression of this man. He made a good trap, although she fell into it, but she is not an unreasonable person, and she will definitely not trouble him for such a thing. What's more, if he hadn't appeared just now, she would have died. However, the last sentence he said made her feel good. She said angrily: "How dare you look down on women. When I regain my strength and exercise this body well, I will let you know the pros and cons."

hiss! so cold.

With a hare in her left hand and a pheasant in her right, Ling Muer wrapped those wild vegetables around her waist and went down the mountain.

When she returned home trembling, she heard crying from afar. She picked up her pace and ran home quickly.

boom! She opened the door and rushed into the house. Put the things in your hands in the kitchen basket and cover them, then ran into the room where there was crying, which was the room of Ling Zixuan and Ling Ziyu.

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