"No, you can't follow to the barracks, what do you think it is there?"

Su Ce's attitude was firm, no matter how much Ling Muer tried to persuade him, he refused to agree.

"Are you so worried about Shangguan Shaochen's safety? Even if you don't even want your own life?"

Ling Muer nodded, "He saved my life. I can't just ignore him when he's in trouble. Besides, you also said that there is a shortage of border doctors, so I can just go to help. You can pretend that I am an accompanying military doctor, and I will help you." If you don’t go to the battlefield, you won’t be in danger.”

"Then I saved your life too, how will you repay me?" Su Ce asked back, and sighed sadly, "Do you think there is no danger in the military camp? Why is our army suddenly defeated? It’s because the enemy attacked late at night. The enemy will care whether you are a man or a woman, a soldier or a doctor?”

Always, he would never agree to anything that could threaten her safety.

"Su Ce!"

Ling Mu'er was also in a hurry, her nimble eyes rolled and turned, thinking of countermeasures.

"No matter what reason you find, I won't agree. It's not a place where women can go. Shangguan Shaochen is a commander in chief, and he has no responsibility for dangerous things. Otherwise, the emperor wouldn't send me at this time. More troops have been added for support." Su Ce explained, "Besides, this battle is especially important to him, and your presence will only distract him. If a soldier has something to worry about outside, the enemy will catch him Achilles' heel, then you are not going to help at all, but to cause trouble."

Ling Mu'er bit her lower lip tightly, opened her lips but couldn't find a suitable excuse to persuade him.

"But, I don't worry about brother."

For some reason, she was very flustered, as if something big had happened. If it wasn't for Su Ce not being able to turn her around just now, and showing her the memorial, she would not have known the news that Shangguan Shaochen took advantage of the victory to pursue the enemy and has yet to return.

No, no matter what, she has to go and see for herself, and she has to stand by Chen's side in this critical time.

"Okay, if you don't agree, I will go to the palace and ask the emperor to order me to go to the frontier battlefield. I believe that according to the importance the emperor attaches to eldest brother, he will definitely agree to my request. After all, I am a famous doctor in the capital."

Ling Mu'er was about to turn around and leave as she said that. Although she was a poor person, it was very easy for her to enter the palace. Whether she asked the little Princess Chaoyang to help her or Ning Guohou, she could easily see the emperor.

Su Ce quickly blocked her way, "Is that why you want to die?"

"Even if I die, I will die with my elder brother."

Ling Muer's attitude was firm, and she looked at Su Ce resolutely with her pitch-black eyes. These words seemed to be stabbed firmly into his heart,

Su Ce was so shocked that he couldn't bear to live.

"If you begged me, maybe I would consider it, but if you provoke me with him, this king will not agree."

With a wave of his hand, Su Ce summoned Zitong.

"Father, what's your order?"

"Ms. Ling, please go out. The king of this county has to pack his bags and not allow idlers to disturb you."

He actually treats her like an idler?

Ling Muer bit her lip, wasn't she just begging? There is nothing wrong with it.

Forcibly knocking Zitong's body away, Ling Muer stood behind Su Ce and carefully tugged on his sleeve, and said in a coquettish voice, "Little Duke~"

Su Su's soft and weak voice made Su Ce's bones crumble.

If someone else yelled like that, he would definitely kick it away, but Ling Muer's weak and charming tone made his heart itch.


"I know that the little prince treats me the best, and any request will be granted, right?"

Ling Mu'er tilted her head, her eyes widened, and she looked at him innocently. The other hand also tugged at his sleeve, and shook his arm with both hands, "Mu'er, please promise me this time, just once, okay?"

What Mu'er said made his heart slap on the springboard, and he wished that she would be executed immediately on the spot.

In order to be by Shangguan Shaochen's side, she even sacrificed her appearance, obviously he should be angry, but he couldn't be angry in front of such an enchanting her.

"Let go of me first." Two blushes crept up on Su Ce's handsome face, and he looked away in embarrassment.

"I won't let it go. Whenever you agree, I'll let it go." Ling Muer was determined. Seeing that Su Ce was a little moved, she took advantage of the victory to pursue her, "The king of the little county has always been very kind to me. I believe that such a simple request is right for you." I will refuse. Besides, you didn't let me go because you were worried that I would be in danger in the border barracks, but with you here, you won't let me get hurt, right?"

She blinked mischievously, and his shadow was full of pupils that were as dark as jewels.

"I really lost to you." Su Ce's heart trembled, after all, he couldn't bear it. "Forget it, you won, but you have to promise me that any danger hides behind me and Shangguan Shaochen, no matter what you see after arriving at the border, everything will follow my command!"

Su Ce took a deep breath, "Don't think that if the emperor loves Shangguan Shaochen, he will let a woman enter the barracks. What kind of place do you think it is and let you mess around? I will remove a military doctor, and you will replace him after he leaves the palace. , but you must strictly follow the military doctor's system in the military camp, or I will send you back to Beijing immediately."

Although this requirement was harsh, it was better than insisting that she not follow.

Ling Mu'er readily agreed, she grinned her lips and frowned, "Thank you, Xiaojun Wang. I will be obedient and never cause trouble for you."

The army was scheduled to leave in three days, and Ling Muer used these three days to explain the matter of the western restaurant and the medical clinic.

The restaurants and western restaurants are guarded by uncle and father, and there are Xiaojunzhu and Ling Zixuan to take care of them on weekdays, so there is no need to be afraid of any troubles.

As for the medical center, Ling Mu'er posted a notice to go out for half a year to see a doctor, leaving Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang sitting in the hall.

After all, in the military camp, Ling Muer wanted to hide the matter of life and death from everyone, but she was worried that she would never return. She told everyone the truth the night before departure. Of course, her mother and grandmother were the first to disagree. , but she couldn't beat her persistence.

Just after dawn, Zhu Qi knocked on her door.

"Sister Mu'er, did you disturb your rest?"

Zhu Qi put a small bag that he had prepared on the table, and looked at her reluctantly, "Here are all the things that I prepared for you that may be useful on the road. This time, there are many dangers and bad luck at the border. You must add more careful."

Zhu Qi has always been that gentle and considerate image, even speaking softly, no wonder so many girls in Beijing like him.

"Thank you, Big Brother Zhu." Even though she didn't know how to take it with her, Ling Muer still thanked her with a smile. This is how his heart can hurt his heart.

"You...forget it, I know you've made up your mind, and it's useless to try to persuade you, but I heard that the border is in chaos now, and you must take care of yourself when you get there. I don't have so much time to accompany you, if you feel bored, come back, I... We will wait for you at home."

"Don't worry, Brother Zhu, I will definitely protect myself. But you and your brother have offended the sixth prince. I am afraid that life in the capital will be difficult. You must also pay attention to safety. When I come back, I will see that it is intact. of you."

Zhu Qi nodded with a smile. Although he still had a lot to say, he left in a hurry when he heard footsteps getting closer and closer outside the door.

Everyone in the family came to see Ling Muer off. Although it was agreed that no one should cry on the day of departure, everyone cried like a child.

"Sister, are you really going to the border gate? I heard from my brother that it's dangerous there." Ling Ziyu nestled in her arms and refused to let go. She was a child at first, and she cried even more like a child.

"Be good, Ziyu, my sister is here to save people. So many people and soldiers were injured in the war at the border. As a doctor, I want to show my medical skills, but don't worry, Ziyu, my sister will come back soon."

Looking at Mrs. Yang and her grandmother again, there was a deep sense of reluctance on their faces.

Ling Mu'er leaned over and hugged the two of them tightly, "Mother, grandma, don't cry, Mu'er is here to save people, not to die, there will be no danger. And I promise that you will be safe and sound as soon as possible." Come back. And you have to take care of yourselves at home."

She left everyone a newly developed pill last night, "I researched this by using special medicinal materials. When necessary, you can cure all kinds of poisons by bending down, and it can also strengthen your body. Please don't give it away."

Looking at Ling Zixuan again, looking at him dressed in a brocade robe, Ling Muer knew that his elder brother's habits had changed since he got married.

Yes, I often go to and from the palace, and often deal with those insidious and black-bellied people, how can I stay out of it.

"Brother, take good care of your sister-in-law. She can't live without her when she's pregnant, and take good care of her parents. The family depends on you."

He is now the county horse master, the righteous son of the Marquis of Ningguo, and the number one scholar in prosperity today. He has three identities, and he dare not bully others even if he judges him.

Ling Zixuan fondled her long hair as usual, "Okay, don't worry about us, the border is not like the capital, it's chaotic and desolate, just take care of yourself, come back earlier if you can."

Ling Mu'er smiled slightly, "I have lived in Lingjia Village for more than ten years, and it's not like I haven't experienced hardships. Besides, the border gate is near Lingjia Village, so I know it well. I promise you will come back safely sooner."

After leaving Ling's mansion, Zitong's sedan chair had been waiting for a long time.

"Grandpa ordered me to pick up the girl here, and we will go outside the city and wait for the big troops."

"Thank you."

Sitting quietly in the sedan chair, Ling Muer was not at all worried that Su Ce would use tricks to abandon her. After leaving the city gate, the large army hadn't arrived yet. About half an hour later, Su Ce was galloping on a white horse in armor. come.

The handsome red cloak on the white armor is heroic.

It was the first time for Ling Muer to see such a mighty little county king, but she still felt that he was not as handsome as Shangguan Shaochen.

Sure enough, as he said, after the large army left the city gate, a member of the imperial doctor team came out, and she was the top.

The interior was obviously taken care of by Su Ce in advance, and the remaining nine imperial doctors seemed to have not seen it. Su Ce couldn't bear her to be squeezed into the same sedan chair with these doctors, and proposed to let her ride alone, but she refused .

"Since it's agreed to accompany you with a military doctor, naturally you can't do something special. Muer is already very grateful for the help of the little county king, and I really don't dare to bother you anymore."

Obviously going to suffer, but still looking happy, Su Ce curled his lips, "Look at how happy you are, you will cry when you see Shangguan Shaochen and he is too busy to pay attention to you."

Ling Muer shrugged her shoulders indifferently, never expecting that what was meant to be a joke would be hit by Su Ce, and it was even worse than that.

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