A hand patted his shoulder, Shangguan Shaochen instinctively turned around, and a sharp fist came down without warning.

Bang, hit him hard on the side of the face.

"I didn't like you at the beginning, but you really didn't disappoint me!" Su Ce gritted his teeth, and landed another fist, but was firmly caught by Shangguan Shaochen.

"Prince Su Xiaojun, this is a barracks, and I am the commander in chief. You are so arrogant, I can deal with you by military law!"

Ignoring Shangguan Shaochen's anger, Su Ce had a sneer on the corner of his lips, "Oh, what a powerful official, but even if you want to kill me, I won't allow you to hurt her at all!"

The unceremonious fist struck, Shangguan Shaochen no longer dodged, and the two fought in the open space outside the camp.

The former Ling Mu'er would definitely rush over to stop it when she saw this situation, but now, she turned around and left.

Yes, that sentence just now hurt her.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't know himself, but he questions their relationship?

Yes, that's not her eldest brother, that's not the man she wants to give up everything to marry, he is not worthy of such Shangguan Shaochen!

"Shangguan Shaochen, that is the girl you regard as your life, you actually forgot?" Seeing Ling Mu'er leaving lonely, Su Ce's eyes flashed with distress, and he dared not show mercy.

"It's not up to you, a little county king, to decide my affairs. However, you have allowed a woman to join the military medical team, how should I deal with it?" Shangguan Shaochen clasped Su Ce's arm and pressed him against the tree trunk.

Borrowing the strength of the tree trunk with both legs, Su Ce successfully broke free from his confinement with a beautiful somersault. While he was not caught, he chased him with both arms and strangled his neck, "Why do you think Mu'er, a woman, has to come to this bird The place where no eggs are laid is not for you."

When he said this, Su Ce was jealous, "When I heard the news that the military camp needed support, she volunteered to join the team, just to help you a little more. Her superb medical skills are well known in the capital, if not I have deep feelings for you, do you think she has nothing to do and comes to a place like the military camp where she can see the sun tomorrow and suffer?"

I have to admit that Shangguan Shaochen was moved by these words, but in his traditional consciousness, being a doctor is a job for men, and the military camp is also a place where men should stay. No matter how powerful she is, she is just a little girl.

"But even so, as the county king, you can't let her mess around!"

Shangguan Shaochen shouted angrily, "I don't care what relationship you have with her, or what relationship I had with her in the past, she can't stay in the barracks, I order you to send her away immediately!"

Su Ce really wished that his fist could be turned into a sharp blade, and put aside his heart to see if it was dark inside. Why did he become so cold and heartless after not seeing each other for a few months?

"Oh, you tried your best to dare her to leave, but look what she's doing?"

Su Ce pointed to the pretty figure not far away. Even though he was dressed in uniform and mixed in the crowd like other military doctors, he recognized her at a glance, "She is treating your wounded soldiers. , she still didn't give up, and even smiled to appease the seriously injured soldiers."

Seeing that Ling Muer's heart ached so badly, but in order to appease the soldiers, she always smiled gently, Su Ce felt distressed, "You can forget about such a beautiful woman, but you actually hurt her for another woman? I Sure enough, you guessed right, you are not worthy of her at all!"

Another fist landed hard on the side of his face while he was not paying attention.

Shangguan Shaochen was in pain, but he was not in a hurry to resist, because his eyes were uncontrollably attracted by Ling Muer.

I saw that she was skillful, gentle and patient. Seeing the mutilated body and disgusting wounds of the wounded soldier, she was not afraid but felt more distressed and meticulous.

She seems to have a magical power, and she can't help attracting the attention of others in such a cruel place in the military camp.

"Where did you hide the real medic?"

Su Ce didn't expect that he was still thinking about Ling Muer's future, "You don't need to say, I will take her away, but I can tell you clearly, you will regret it, because even if all the doctors in the world gather in Therefore, it is not as good as her."

Too lazy to waste any more time with him, Su Ce turned and left, before leaving, he said coldly, "If you don't want to make yourself regret it, you'd better accept her treatment, unless you think those three years of memory are nothing to you. "

"There is a scabbard left in the wound that must be removed in time, otherwise your hands will be crippled, it hurts a bit, bear with it."

Ling Muer gently explained to the veteran in front, and handed him the towel, "Keep it in your mouth, I'm worried that it will hurt too much later and you will bite your own tongue."

I have never seen a female doctor before, and she is still such a gentle female doctor. She has lost hope in life because of the pain just now, but now it seems to be rekindled.

The soldier looked at her gratefully, "Thank you doctor, can I really live?"

He was hit by a shell, and there were not enough doctors in the barracks. He dragged on for a whole day and night. It hurt so much. .

"Of course I can, because I'm here."

While comforting him, Ling Muer carefully used a self-made scalpel to remove his wound. Because there were too many wounded soldiers, all the anesthetic pills were used up. In order to relieve his pain, she could only go faster.

"Pass me the gauze." Ling Mu'er took the gauze from someone else without even raising her head, "Thank you."

"Do you need help?" The man didn't leave but asked softly.

Only then did Ling Muer raise her eyes, "Why is it you?"

"Didn't Shangguan Shaochen disappoint you?" Su Ce asked back.

Now I really don't have the mood to talk to that scoundrel, Ling Mu'er gave him a blank look, "No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak."

There is only this woman in this world who can call him around.

"Your condition is not right, I'll ask another imperial doctor to replace you." Su Ce got up and was about to make arrangements.

"Didn't you see that this place is already overwhelmed? There are still many wounded soldiers waiting for us to treat them. If we have one less person, they will suffer more." Ling Muer raised her eyes to look at him. Pure, "Although he doesn't remember me, I'm glad to be here and help them."

A wounded woman, not wanting to find a place to hide and cry secretly, but looking to treat these soldiers, Su Ce thinks this is probably the most charming part of her.

"Okay, then I will help you."

Rolling up his sleeves, Su Ce didn't have the airs of a prince at all, and turned into Ling Mu'er's caring little assistant.

It was a bit unfamiliar at first, but it gradually became more handy. I have to admit that Su Ce's comprehension ability is really strong, "Not bad, no wonder the emperor sent you to lead troops to support. I really underestimated the little county king in the past."

After being praised, Su Ce looked like a child who got honey, with an irrevocable arrogance on his face, "Oh, I will surprise you a lot in the future."

Ling Muer glanced at him, and she admitted that she was indeed in a much better mood.

Seeing a group of wounded soldiers being sent over again, Ling Muer frowned, "Didn't the fighting stop temporarily? What happened to those wounded soldiers?"

"Those were seriously injured soldiers. The general was worried that they would sleep outside in the wind and worsen their wounds, so he deliberately gave up the tents of many generals for them to rest. These are only a small part of them." The soldier who was treated explained. .

Ling Muer had mixed feelings in her heart. Shangguan Shaochen three years ago was so cold and ruthless, but he still treated the soldiers with due diligence, so why did he go to Lingjia Village in the first place, and why did he change his temper?

"Miss Ling, come and take a look with us. We really have no choice. It seems that only the 'surgery' you mentioned can be completed in this situation. Leave the injuries here to other people." A royal The doctor came out of the tent in a hurry, his hands were covered with blood, his face was a little pale, his brows were frowning together nervously, as if something serious had happened.

Just in time, the soldier in front of him had already finished bandaging, so Ling Muer got up, "What is it that you are not sure about?"

This time you raised the status of the imperial doctor, and the imperial doctor felt more balanced, "It's General Zhou. He fought against the enemy the day before yesterday. He accidentally fell into the opponent's scheme and was stabbed in his left leg. Before we came, , The military doctors here thought it was an ordinary wound and bandaged it, but just now General Zhou suddenly suffered from severe pain, and we found that the wound was not only split open, but also festered, you should take a look and make a decision."

When Ling Muer and Su Ce rushed to the camp, Shangguan Shaochen was already guarding General Hand.

The imperial doctor who just left said that he would invite a powerful military doctor to come over, but he did not expect it to be a woman, Shangguan Shaochen frowned, "You are all imperial doctors in the palace, but you can't even treat small wounds well? "

"That's right, all of you imperial physicians used to treat illnesses for the Holy One, but this little injury is not as good as a woman's?" General Qiu Yujin also echoed, with a strange tone, and at the end he snorted disdainfully .

"That's right, they're really not as good as this woman!" Su Ce was so angry that he grabbed Ling Mu'er's arm and walked out, "Since they look down on them so much, we won't serve you anymore, let's go."

Ling Muer insisted on not leaving, "I am a doctor, and patients come first."

Giving Su Ce a positive look, she ignored Shangguan Shaochen and Qiu Yujin's disdain and hurried to the bedside.

I saw that the wound on General Zhou's injured thigh had deteriorated. Not only was foul-smelling thick water flowing out, but also dark black blood, which was obviously a symptom of poisoning.

Without hesitation, she took out the silver needle to stop the bleeding, but before she could touch him, she was stopped by Shangguan Shaochen.

"It seems that you didn't hear clearly what I said just now. This is not a place where women can mess around. I don't care what tricks you use to get their trust. But this is a military camp, and they are my soldiers. I will never allow you A womanizer is messing around here!"

Shangguan Shaochen ordered, "Come here, send this girl out!"

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