"Wake up, General Zhou, he's awake!"

After a day and night of treatment, General Zhou, who had experienced fever, soberness and passed out, finally woke up. Ling Muer hurriedly checked his body. All the toxins in the body were removed, and the thigh was preserved, as long as a little rest, it will be cured in less than ten days."

When she turned her head excitedly, she happened to meet a pair of hazy eyes, seeing Ling Caiwei following him, Ling Muer turned her head stubbornly.

Su Ce was about to congratulate her, but when he saw her in a daze, he didn't need to guess what was going on.

"Our commander-in-chief can see how powerful the little girl is now?" Su Ce said teasingly without turning his head, "Should we still drive her away?"

Shangguan Shaochen bypassed the two of them and sat in front of General Zhou. He then called Imperial Physician Liu to diagnose General Zhou. The news he got was the same as what he heard when he entered the door just now. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Ling Muer again, appreciation flashed in his eyes, "Okay, with my approval, you can stay."

That lonely look, as if she had to be grateful if she was approved.

She promised that after he regained his memory, he would make him pay for his arrogance today.

Looking at the aggrieved Ling Caiwei, she stretched her neck, "Little aunt and our handsome are really inseparable, just right, now little aunt can see my strength? Speaking of which, we are also a family, I really shouldn't If you want to die, why not lie here and let me take a look at your body, if it is because of your last child that you cannot conceive in the future, it will be bad."

When her sad story was brought up again, it was as if a scar that had just healed was torn open by her, Ling Caiwei blew her nose angrily and stared, "Ling Muer, you are talking nonsense."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? You know it well. It's a pity that some people took advantage of the stillbirth and failed to threaten that man. It's really sad."

Looking at Su Ce, she changed from the gentleness she had never had before, "Didn't you just say that there is food in the tent? I'm really hungry after not eating all day and night. Let's go."

"Shaochen, she bullied me." Ling Caiwei's tears of grievance fell down as soon as she said, and she looked at Shangguan Shaochen's probing eyes staring at Ling Mu'er. I'm her little aunt, and I'm used to her treating me like this since I was a child, after all, I'm a junior, so I just let it go."

Seeing Ling Caiwei being so wronged, Shangguan Shaochen frowned even tighter, "Are you sure she often bullied you before?"

"Yeah, she wanted to call me aunt just because we were about the same age. She was unconvinced and fought with me for everything since she was a child. But don't get me wrong Shaochen, I didn't mean to slander her, I Just treat her as a child and don't care about it." Knowing that Shangguan Shaochen didn't believe it, she didn't forget to add a sentence at the end. "But look at her domineering appearance, I don't know when she can change it."

"It's really domineering."

Without saying anything, Shangguan Shaochen walked ahead and left the tent.

It was noon, and dinner was served on time at the tent, Ling Muer and Su Ce found a relatively open place to sit down.

Looking at the rough food, Su Ce lost interest in an instant, "Come on, my master will take you to eat something good."

But Ling Mu'er stopped him, "This is a military camp, where can you take me? Besides, you are a general, you go first as an example, why are you talking about commanding the three armies, and how can you convince everyone?"

Looking at the porridge, which was almost rice soup, and a small plate of pickles, she raised her lips, "I've survived even harsher conditions than this, and these are nothing."

He has never seen Ling Mu'er's gentle eyes before, and his heart aches when he sees the food that these beggars don't even eat.

According to previous investigations, this girl lived a hard life in Lingjia Village, but could it be worse than this?


"Why don't you eat?" When he raised his eyes, he happened to see Su Ce's frown, thinking that he was not used to the food here, "That's right, you have never suffered from such a dignified little county king? How about it? , wait for me for a while, and when I am full and strong, I will go up the mountain to dig some wild food and make a separate one for you."

Although I was very happy when I heard this, I couldn't make her look down on me.

"It's a joke. When I was fifteen years old, I led the three armed forces on the battlefield of the War of Resistance. Let alone rice soup, I survived eating weeds for three days. What are these?"

Without the slightest airs of the past, Su Ce seemed to be a different person, picked up the bowl and ate with big mouthfuls.

The dignified county king should have lived a life of rich clothes and fine food, but suffered here with her, Ling Muer felt a little sorry, "I heard that generals have their own small kitchens, you don't have to eat here with me .”

"You can endure hardships, why can't I? Besides, what you said just now is correct, but as a general, you can't set an example. How can I convince everyone?"

Although it is a perennial rule for the general to eat well, he has been looking for opportunities to break this tradition.

Greetings came from behind the Marshal, Ling Muer looked back and saw Shangguan Shaochen bringing Ling Caiwei over.

Although she always knew that her brother-in-law was a person who could endure hardships, she never expected him to be able to do this as a marshal. "It's not that I heard that his body has not healed from old wounds, so how can he eat these together?"

The root of love is that no matter where this person goes or what he does to you, you can't help but want to care.

Although this man broke her heart just now, she still feels sorry for his body when she sees him having a rough meal with everyone.

"You don't know this. Our commander-in-chief has always disapproved of cooking the meals for the general and the soldiers separately. He said that the general eats whatever the soldiers eat, so he eats here with us every time. "The soldiers on the side solved the confusion for her.

But Ling Muer felt even more distressed. "But he suffered such a serious injury, can his body take it?"

"I can't help it, the commander-in-chief has a very ugly temper, and he doesn't say anything. No, the little kitchen has to secretly bury a few more pieces of meat in his meals?"

Ling Muer followed the eyes of the soldiers, and sure enough, she saw that the meal that the cook handed to Shangguan Shaochen was different.

Her lips curled up unconsciously, maybe she didn't even know it, but Su Ce's eyes were full of jealousy.

"I can't eat anymore, and I worry about others. Ling Muer, you care so much about him?" Su Ce was jealous, "You really haven't thought about it, what if he can't remember you for the rest of his life?"

Stimulated by these words, Ling Muer suddenly coughed violently.

There was a second woman in the barracks, even the sound of a cough could attract the attention of others, when Shangguan Shaochen looked over, he happened to see Ling Muer pushing a bowl of gruel aside with disgust in his eyes.

"Shaochen, why are you going?" Ling Caiwei yelled, but Shangguan Shaochen had already thrown his own food in front of Ling Muer rudely.

"This is a military camp and cannot guarantee your previous diet, but it is a girl's house after all, so just eat my portion."

I have to admit that the cook is eccentric, Shangguan Shaochen's meal is much better than theirs.

Ling Mu'er just wanted to refuse, but he turned around and walked away, looking out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ling Caiwei took out a pair of cloth shoes from his arms as if offering a treasure.

"Shao Chen, I sewed this for you all night, but I haven't found a chance to give it to you. They said that you will discuss the battle strategy later, so I have to give it to you here. Try to see if it fits, if it doesn't work. I'll change it again."

Shangguan Shaochen frowned, he took it mechanically, and put it on for the interview out of politeness in front of so many people present,

Ling Mu'er saw it, and with a 'click', the chopsticks were pressed hard on the table, and she got up and strode away.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the loud sound. When Shangguan Shaochen raised his eyes, he only saw the image of her puffing her cheeks and rushing away.

Ling Caiwei was overjoyed when she saw this, "Shao Chen, don't worry, Mu'er has always had this temper since she was a child, and I don't know who is annoying her now."

Seeing Ling Mu'er leaving angrily, Su Ce became even more angry in his heart. He walked over to Shangguan Shaochen and snatched the shoes from him.

"Hey, it's just a pair of worn-out shoes, and it's still like a baby. The handsome's vision and preferences are really different from others."

Ling Caiwei was anxious, "Who are you calling a broken shoe?"

"Whoever agrees will be the one."

Throwing the shoes into her arms, Su Ce left arrogantly with his neck raised.

"Shao Chen, look at them..." Ling Caiwei turned around to complain, but saw Shangguan Shao Chen suddenly got up and chased him out, she stared at his back unwillingly and shouted "Shao Chen..."

No, they can't be left alone,

Ling Caiwei got up to chase after her, but a meal just happened to bump into her arms.

"Oh, why are you so careless, a good meal was ruined like this, girl, did I say you don't have eyes when you walk?" Nangong Yizhi asked in a cold voice.

He is cynical by nature, but now he looks like a hooligan.

"You, you did it on purpose!"

Seeing that Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer had gone far away, Ling Caiwei stomped her feet angrily, "You deliberately targeted me! Nangong Yizhi, I am your cousin's lifesaver."

"Yes, yes, benefactor, but you are his benefactor, not mine." Nangong Yizhi shrugged meaninglessly, "Besides, his fiancée has come to the barracks, and you still hold on to him, it's your fault gone."

"I... How can I hold on to him? He and I are already husband and wife. He said he would be responsible for me."

Knowing that she was not Nangong Yizhi's opponent, Ling Caiwei also went all out, and brought up this topic again in front of many soldiers,

Seeing this, Nangong Yizhi quickly covered her mouth, and dragged her to a corner, "You woman is crazy, you don't know how to be ashamed."

"It's the truth, why don't people say it?" Ling Caiwei glared at him angrily, "Nangong Yizhi, don't think I don't know what you're planning, you've always looked down on me, now that Ling Muer is back, you just You want to fight me even more, don't you? But you remember, I will be his woman sooner or later, and you will call me sister-in-law sooner or later!"

"Hey!" Nangong Yizhi thought it was funny, "I said girl, where did you get the courage? A few days ago, I didn't care about you because you saved my cousin, but don't think I don't know you What kind of calculations are you making again. Cousin can tell you, whether all that happened to you or not, if I were you, I should take my due reward before the fiancee comes and get out!"

Although Nangong Yizhi is usually a fool, he is not a fool, and Ling Caiwei's plan cannot be hidden from him.

"At any rate, you saved your cousin's life. Tell me, how much money are you willing to leave?"

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