Ling Mu'er didn't expect Shangguan Shaochen to speak so directly, when she raised her eyes, she saw Ling Caiwei's face turning blue and white.

"You..." Ling Caiwei was dumb, but she endured it for her own plan.

Tears were streaming down her face, as if she had been wronged so much, "Shaochen, how can you listen to her nonsense, this woman has ulterior motives, she is deliberately getting close to you."

"Is there any other idea, I know in my heart, you go back first."

Because her noise has attracted countless attentions, it is a precedent for a woman to be in the military camp, so she can't help but yell and yell, which affects discipline.

Ling Caiwei refused to leave, "I don't want it, Shao Chen, you said that you should be responsible for me, and I won't allow her to be alone with you."

Didn't Ling Mu'er go all out, then she also went all out, she yelled very loudly, just to let everyone know that she was Shangguan Shaochen's woman.

"Shut up!" Shangguan Shaochen gritted his teeth and roared. He glanced at Ling Muer who was a bit lost from the corner of his eye. He was suddenly annoyed by the 'savior' in front of him.

"I said before, this is a military camp, not a place for you women to fight and be jealous!" He ordered, "Come here, send her back to the tent, and don't come closer for three and a half miles without my permission."


The two soldiers guarding around immediately grabbed Ling Caiwei's arms and forcibly took her away.

"Shangguan Shaochen, you heartless man, you've been giving up because of that bitch!" Unwilling Ling Caiwei yelled regardless of her image, she was talking nonsense because she was mad.

"Ling Muer, I won't let you go, you use your beauty to seduce my man, you just wait for your retribution..."

Everyone walked away, and the voice of cursing continued to come, and the surrounding soldiers stretched their necks, like spectators waiting for a good show.

He suddenly regretted bringing that woman back.

Opening the tent angrily, Shangguan Shaochen ordered the guards before leaving, "Listen, from now on, no one is allowed to approach without my order, and anyone who disobeys the order will be beheaded!"


In the corner, Su Ce watched the entire scene, his bright eyes dimmed.

"You are still not a man, your women are mixed with other men, you can still be so calm, aren't you angry?"

Ling Caiwei's noisy voice came from behind, Su Ce frowned, turned around and left without even lifting his eyelids.

"Didn't you see that Shao Chen was wearing clothes just now? The two of them must be doing something shady inside, don't you want to do something?"

Ling Caiwei tugged at his sleeve, with raging anger in her vicious eyes.

"Who are you, dare to point fingers at the king of this county?"

Ruthlessly shaking off her hand that was pulling her sleeve, Su Ce glanced at her, "I'm not Shangguan Shaochen, I have infinite tolerance for you, it's not that I don't hit women with my fist."

This cold tone seemed to put people on the glacier of thousands of years. Ling Caiwei shivered, both scared and unwilling, "But you like Ling Muer, don't you? As long as we cooperate, we can get what we both want." Man, why not?"

Su Ce turned his head abruptly, and the strong aura forced Ling Caiwei to retreat steadily, "You, what do you want to do?"

The murderous look in his eyes was too scary, as if one look could kill him.

"Don't think I don't know that you like Ling Mu'er, your eyes can't hide from me, and I like Shangguan Shaochen, as long as we work together, we can be happy in each group, I advise you to think about it carefully." Ling Caiwei is bold .

"Oh? Then tell me, what is the cooperation method?" Su Ce had a wicked smile on his face.

Also because he was convinced by herself, Ling Caiwei was overjoyed, "It's very simple, aren't you a prince, you must be able to walk freely here, right? Tonight, when everyone is asleep, you secretly bring Ling Mu'er out, And I sneaked into the commander's camp, as long as we cook raw rice...uh..."

Before Ling Caiwei finished speaking, her breathing was hindered, and she was lifted from the ground by Su Ce.

"You...what are you doing...let go...let me go."

She kept patting Su Ce's hand with both hands, but his strength was getting stronger and stronger. If this continued, she would be strangled to death.

"I'm warning you, stay away from Ling Mu'er, if I find out that you have hurt her in some nasty way, this will be your fate!"


Throwing him out unceremoniously, Su Ce strode away without looking back.

"Bitch, you are all bitches!"

Her butt hurt from the fall, and Ling Caiwei fell to the ground and screamed, staring at the coach's tent from the corner of her eye, her eyes narrowed, and her fist hit the ground heavily.

"Ling Muer, I won't let you go!"

In the camp, watching Shangguan Shaochen go back to the bed angrily and sit down, Ling Muer couldn't help joking, "Isn't that your fiancée, the way she is crying makes me feel bad even for a woman, you are so ruthless!" heart."

Knowing that this woman was taking pleasure in others' misfortune, Shangguan Shaochen wanted to get angry, but when he looked back and saw her smug smile, he suddenly felt that all the anger disappeared. This woman really has a magical power.

"You just said that my brain can be cured?"

"If I say that there is no disease that I can't cure, would you believe it?" Ling Mu'er raised her pretty face, with an arrogance unmatched by anyone, but that kind of arrogance is still very comfortable.

"It doesn't matter to me whether it's cured or not. It's just three years of memory. It doesn't matter." He smiled at the corner of his mouth, " seems to be very important to you."

Ling Muer looked at the teasing look in his eyes, knew that he did it on purpose, and she didn't hide it, "Of course, because your memory of these three years is related to my life's happiness, the Shangguan Shaochen I admire is completely different from you, I can also tell you frankly, if you were like this three years ago, I would not have any contact with you."

She said it seriously, with a disgusted look on her face.

He, the most beautiful man in the capital that everyone chased after, was so disgusted by her?

Shangguan Shaochen snorted coldly through his nose, "Woman, maybe no one told you that playing hard to get is useless to me."

"Then maybe no one told you that the man I want, Ling Muer, doesn't need any means at all."

She bowed her head and continued to study the poison in his blood.

Shangguan Shaochen stood not far away and watched her carefully.

Serious women are the most beautiful, but they are also bold and arrogant.

He admitted that he was attracted by this woman, and he always looked at her intentionally or unintentionally. Besides, everyone said that this was his fiancee, so he had a subtle feeling in his heart.

"I admit my mistake to you."

Suddenly, he opened his mouth unprepared, and Ling Muer, who was doing the test, paused, "What did you say?"

"I apologize to you for hurting you because of what I said to you before." He said seriously, "Although I don't know why I chose you three years ago, since I even told you about the disguise, it is enough to show that you are right. It is very important to me. Well, if I can survive, I will leave this place to you." He pointed to his head.

At first he was dispensable to that memory, but now he suddenly became very interested.

"I won't let you die." Ling Muer looked at him for a while and only spit out a few words.

Whether it's Gu worms or others, she will do her best, this is the first man she fell in love with.

For the next two days, Ling Muer and Shangguan Shaochen stayed alone in the tent, one concentrated on treatment, and the other worked in the tent.

Because of the victory, the enemy army recharged their batteries and had no intention of invading again. All affairs in the army were handed over to Qiu Yujin and Su Ce, and Nangong Yizhi's avatar transmission tube was responsible for passing these problems and decisions to Shangguan Shaochen. .

Although Ling Caiwei had visited several times before and after, they were all stopped by the soldiers.

The news that the lonely man and the widow were in the same room quickly spread. Now everyone knows that a female military doctor lived in the commander's camp. Although everyone knew that he was injured, but because it was well concealed, the three armies were not injured. It's just that in this desolate border, there is no nutritious extra meal, all of them are sallow and emaciated, and they don't look energetic.

"It has been found out, there is indeed a worm in your body, but fortunately it is not a Gu worm."

Because there was no equipment, Ling Muer's research progress was affected, but she still got an accurate answer the next night.

Putting down the book of war, Shangguan Shaochen looked curious, "Oh? What is that?"

"Your complexion is very bad recently, and the wound is still getting worse, why don't you look worried at all?" Seeing that he was not as excited as herself, Ling Muer's sense of accomplishment finally rose like a deflated ball , all of a sudden.

"Everyone has their own destiny. If I really die, it's just a pity that I didn't complete my plan. Besides, didn't I have you?" His thick voice was like a subwoofer tied to his ear, and Ling Muer blushed unconsciously. .

"It's a bloodthirsty worm." She got back to business, "I've seen this kind of worm in ancient medicine before, but I didn't expect to meet it. It's a poisonous worm that spreads through wounds. Once it lodges in the human body, it It will slowly suck the flesh and blood around you, so your complexion will become worse and worse recently."

Although Shangguan Shaochen didn't speak, he agreed with her very much.

For the past two days, he has been lying on the bed, cooperating with her from time to time, but he has felt that his body is gradually losing strength without doing anything.

He didn't say it all the time, and he just didn't want to put more pressure on the little girl.

"Amu De is insidious and cunning, and he chose such a despicable method!" He slammed his fist heavily on the table, but when he looked up at Ling Mu'er, the arrogant Shangguan Shaochen returned to his gentle and polite appearance, "But you can do it, right?"

"I need time."

Ling Mu'er looked around, "If it was in the capital, it might be resolved quickly, but this is a border gate, and we don't have many medicinal materials, so I need time, and I need to go up the mountain."

She pointed to the southwest, "There is a mountain near Lingjia Village. I once... went in and out with you once. There are many rare medicinal materials over there, which are very helpful for your condition, so I decided to go there trip."

Said that she has already started to prepare, Shangguan Shaochen looked outside, "According to your footsteps, it will be dark when you reach that mountain, do you plan to go now?"

"One day the bloodthirsty worm hovers in your body, and you will be in danger for one more day. Three days, at most three days, otherwise it will eat your internal organs, and even if you will not die from excessive blood loss, you will still be in danger. You will die with your heart gnawed out, I told you I won’t let you die.”

Avoiding his body, Ling Muer lifted the curtain with a sickle and other tools.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

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