"The daughter of the people thanked the emperor Long En!"

Ling Mu'er was kneeling on the ground upright, this seemed to be the first time she saluted the emperor so respectfully.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, within three days, the civilian girls will hand over the method and detailed procedures of the bulletproof vest to the Emperor, without reservation!"

He waved his hand like dismissing a beggar to signal that she could leave, the emperor was tricked and now he didn't even want to look at her.

With the promise to leave the palace, Ling Mu'er of course didn't want to stay for a moment longer.

But just as she walked in front of the store, the emperor suddenly stopped her, "Wait. I have something to ask you."

A hanging heart hung in her throat again, Ling Mu'er didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in this old fox's gourd, she looked at him like an enemy with her whole body on guard.

"I want you to tell me the truth, in the current situation, do you still have any thoughts about my prince?"

His worthy emperor is naturally Shangguan Shaochen.

The emperor will gossip like this? Of course not, he just wanted to find out the plan of the most favored emperor's son.

If a child who is the best and has the greatest expectations focuses on the love of his children, he will not be merciful.

Ling Mu'er looked back, and boldly looked at him, "The second prince has lost his memory and no longer remembers Minnv, and Minnv is just a doctor in the hospital. There is a huge difference in status, and Minnv is not willing to think about it."

"Oh? Are you so sensible?" Obviously, the emperor didn't believe the words, "Although you told me just now that the condition would not be threatened by Chen'er, but I changed my mind. If you exchange the condition just now for the second prince As a concubine, I promise you that you can seriously consider it."

The emperor stared at Ling Muer without blinking his shrewd eyes, trying to see through her eyes.

But Ling Muer immediately refused.

"My daughter, thank you for your kindness, but this is not my request!"

I believe that others will be grateful and agree to exchange for this after hearing this, but she knows that the emperor is just testing.

The emperor thinks highly of Shangguan Shaochen, otherwise he would not have sent him to the border, nor would he have cared so much about him.

The more he valued a prince, he must have other plans.

In other words, the position of the future prince may change hands in the near future, but if the princess is just a market doctor who can't stand on the table, wouldn't it make the neighboring countries laugh out loud?

"Hmph, you are sensible!" Seeing her seriousness, the emperor snorted in satisfaction, "Now do you know why he did this in the first place? Chen'er changed his appearance to restore his identity and to annoy me. And go to Lingjia Village, all of this is in his plan, but you are obviously out of the plan. Fortunately, he has lost the memory of the past few years, what does this mean? I don’t need to say it, I believe you understand.”

If there is a predestined relationship and no share, just point out if there is anything wrong with it.

But the more the emperor said that, the more she wanted to argue with him.

"I'm afraid the emperor misunderstood me. I don't want the second prince and concubine as an exchange condition. It's just because I think that if the second prince likes me and has me in his heart, even the emperor can't stop you! So, why should I waste the conditions promised by the emperor? "

"You..." The emperor was furious, pointing at her face, before he finished speaking, Ling Muer hastily added.

"Folk girl, get out immediately!"

She bowed to him, then opened the gate of the palace as if fleeing, before leaving, she poked her head out, "But the girl still reminds the emperor, since you are so in the mood to block the red line between me and the second prince , why don't you deal with the battles between several princes, otherwise there won't be another Bailingxian in this world to save your most beloved prince!"

"You rascal—"

The emperor was out of breath, and Ling Mu'er had already run away.

Back on the dragon chair again, the angry emperor even threw his favorite glazed lamp on the ground and smashed it to pieces. He gasped and looked at the old eunuch beside him, "You, tell me, is that bold woman What do you mean, huh?"

Eunuch Xi has long been frightened by the arrogant Ling Muer, she is the first woman who dares to speak to the emperor like this, and even ordered him to discipline her son.

Eunuch Xi was trembling, not daring to tell the truth, "The emperor calm down."

"Trash!" The emperor yelled angrily, picked up the jade seal and wanted to throw it out, but after thinking about it, he held back, "You, you, you are not as good as a troublemaker who dares to tell the truth."

After thinking for a while, the anger subsided, and the emperor slowly ordered, "What are you still doing, that woman obviously has something in her words, check it out for me immediately, especially those restless ones, if you don't check it out for me , I want your head!"

Ling Muer, who escaped from the imperial study, thought of the emperor's anxious face before he left, and couldn't help feeling better.

But thinking about the two times before entering the palace, she met people she didn't want to meet on this road, so Ling Mu'er couldn't help but quicken her pace.

But good luck tricks people, God seems to be joking with her sincerely, and when she is about to reach the arch and leave the imperial city, a villain that she least wants to see at the moment appears in front of her.

"Stop!" The visitor said lazily, and with his hand gestures down, a few imperial guards stopped Ling Muer's way, "Ling Muer, is it really you?"

Listening to that evil voice, Ling Mu'er really wished that she could disappear in place, but damn it, she couldn't really hide in the space.

Bite the bullet and salute him, Ling Muer gritted her teeth and said, "The daughter of the people has seen the prince!"

"Oh, I thought I was confused, but I didn't expect us to be so close!"

The prince walked up to her, and grabbed her jaw with his cold fingers.

Ling Muer, who was always afraid of the cold, shuddered, and tried to break free a few times, but her hands were imprisoned by the Imperial Forest Army, and she couldn't break free, "What do you want to do!"

Seeing her full of vigilance and displeased tone, the crown prince squinted and looked her around carefully, "Don't worry, this is the palace after all, no matter how impatient this crown prince is, he won't do anything to you here. "

He turned around, just when Ling Muer thought he would let her go, he suddenly ordered, "Come on, bring her back to the Prince's Mansion!"

The Imperial Forest Army set her up and dragged her out. Ling Muer held a silver needle on each side, and the two Imperial Forest Army soldiers fell to the ground. Ling Muer regained her freedom and looked at the Crown Prince on guard, "If you are not afraid of the poisonous needle in my hand, the Crown Prince will You can go forward and try again!"

The two imperial guards who fell on the ground began to foam at the mouth, as if they were poisoned.

The accompanying maids exclaimed in fright. They thought the prince would be scared too, but he boldly walked up to Ling Muer, grabbed her wrist, and pointed the silver needle in her hand at his chest, "Okay!" Ah, come on, the prince wants to see if you have the guts to murder the prince!"

Obviously she didn't do anything, yet she was accused of murdering the prince, Ling Mu'er gritted her teeth angrily, wishing she could really kill him.

"Ling Mu'er, no matter what, you never thought that I would return to this place one day, did you? Do you still remember that I was killed by you when I was miserable!"

The prince raised his hand and was about to slap him, but Ling Muer pinched his wrist precisely, "The prince is indeed deposed because of me, but that is your own fault, and that is what you deserve!"

"What an arrogant woman, you..." The prince tried to break free from her wrist, but found that he was a big man but not a match for a little girl.

Originally wanted to get angry, but seeing her angry face still so charming, he pressed the tip of his tongue against his right cheek, "Oh, yes, it was indeed my negligence last time that made Shangguan Shaochen oh no, it was me Brother seized the opportunity to rescue you. But I am still the crown prince, believe it or not, as long as I ask the emperor for an order, the emperor will promise to give you to me as a side concubine!"

Looking at his greedy eyes, Ling Muer let go of his wrist suddenly, and took a few steps back, "Of course I believe that the prince will definitely do this, but I also advise the prince, you know the identity of the second prince, you think your Father will really agree?"

"Ha, hahaha!" Facing Ling Muer's threat, the crown prince didn't take it seriously, "Ling Muer, Ling Muer, don't think that I'm scared if you threaten me like this. If you used to scare the second brother I'll forget it, but now who doesn't know that after he went to the border, his brain was injured and he lost all the memories of the past three years."

"He seems to have forgotten you?" The prince said evilly, leaning his whole body in front of Ling Muer, sliding his cold fingers across her chin, "Tsk tsk tsk, what a charming face, let alone you It's really becoming more and more charming. Who do you say you are not with? Since the second brother has forgotten you, why don't you choose me? This prince is the prince after all. As long as I inherit the throne in the future, you will be the favored concubine , isn't it good?"

The silver needle in Ling Muer's hand stabbed at the back of his hand suddenly and then quickly.

The prince is in pain. "Bold Ling Mu'er, you actually murdered the crown prince. This is the imperial palace. Do you think a second brother who has lost his memory will show up to protect you?"

The prince shouted angrily, "Come here! Take this girl..."

"Third Brother!" An extremely lazy voice came from behind.

Everyone looked back, only to see the young master in white clothes appearing behind them.

What an evil face it was, as if the most beautiful woman in the world would be ashamed to stand with him.

With sword eyebrows and star eyes, and a face like a crown of jade, if she hadn't seen this face that was so fascinating that she would not pay her life, Ling Mu'er really wanted to ask: who are you.

Seeing Shangguan Shaochen's sudden appearance and his innate powerful aura, the prince's arrogant arrogance disappeared in an instant, "Does the second brother really want to protect her?"

He just glanced at Ling Muer, as if he really didn't know her, but Shangguan Shaochen quietly protected her behind him, "Everyone in the military camp said she was my fiancée, so that's my fiancée." Third brother probably doesn't know that I have a problem recently, that is, I am very protective of my shortcomings."

Shangguan Shaochen shrugged, "I can hurt her casually, but I will never allow others to hurt her at all, otherwise I will not be sure what extreme measures I will take. After all, if I hadn't been framed back then, the prince It's still a matter of who is in the position."

After finishing speaking, Shangguan Shaochen seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly said: "There is something I have always wanted to ask my third brother. I wonder if you know who framed me and my concubine?"

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