"Didn't the seventh prince tell you that the second prince is Shangguan Shaochen?" Ling Mu'er frowned, seeing Sheng'er's eyes widen in surprise, she suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

Originally, he thought that the Seventh Prince was special to Sheng'er, at least he was willing to share anything with her, but now it seems that he really has his own thoughts and plans.

The Seventh Prince had a deep scheming heart, and with Concubine Min Gui assisting her, she and Sheng'er were bound to become enemies in the near future.

Ling Mu'er opened her lips, wanting to remind her to be careful of the person next to her pillow, but she didn't know how to speak.

She didn't want to lose Sheng'er as a good friend, but she didn't want her to be hurt.

Thinking back to the happy appearance when Sheng'er mentioned that she was the seventh prince's side concubine just now, how could she be so cruel?

Forget it, at least Sheng'er is happy now, and nothing else matters.

"Sister Sheng'er, do you want a child?" Ling Muer's words successfully attracted Sheng'er's attention.

She widened her eyes in surprise, but soon lowered her eyes in disappointment, "I used to dare not expect to be able to follow the Lord's side justifiably. I am afraid that all of my life will be..."

Sheng'er sighed sadly.

"In the past, I'm afraid I wasn't sure about it, but recently I got a treasure, and it might really have a miraculous effect."

She secretly pulled Sheng'er to a corner, and handed a small white bottle to her palm in a corner where no one else could see, "Although it has not been tested, this thing is only good for the body, sister If you believe me, I will take it tonight, but remember not to tell anyone, including the Seventh Prince."

Seeing that she was so mysterious, Sheng'er quickly put the medicine bottle in her close pocket, "Why can't you even tell me?"

"Because I can't guarantee that he can really take care of your body. If you tell him now, but if you don't get what you want in the future, wouldn't it be a waste of joy for him? Of course, if there is good news in the future, guess what? Guess how happy the Seventh Prince will be?"

Sheng'er felt that her words made sense, and she gratefully held Ling Muer's hand, "What should I do Mu'er, how can I meet you as my sister in this life, you are simply my reborn benefactor."

Ling Muer didn't speak, just looked at her with a smile.

In fact, she didn't let the Seventh Prince disclose it because she was worried that he would snatch it himself if he knew that it was in Sheng'er's hands.

I still remember that day when he sent Jianghu killers to sneak up on him secretly, she will definitely investigate this matter clearly!

"If this thing is really effective, it will allow me and my master to have a son and a half daughter, and my life with my mother and concubine will be easier in the future." Sheng'er is looking forward to it, this is her last hope.

"The emperor is here!"

With a shout, the palace began to play music, and the crowd gathered in twos and threes returned to their seats and sat down.

The generals at the border gates naturally sat at the front, followed by the princes and ministers of all ranks, and all the female relatives were arranged at the back.

Originally, there was no seat for Ling Mu'er, but as a border team, she was guided by her father-in-law and arranged to be next to the Xiaojun King, which immediately caused an uproar in the audience.

"Your eyes... well?" Ling Muer looked in surprise at the man sitting next to him drinking alone, those dark and deep gem-like eyes were blinking brightly. Traces of injury.

It's only been one night, and it seems that the petals of the Bai Lingxian are also miracle medicines!

"Well, well, I have to thank Miss Ling for her superb medical skills. But, you have to do me a favor later." Su Ce looked back and gave Ling Mu'er a refined smile. Mr. Pianpian was handsome and gentle, with a gentle smile like Ling Mu'er was caught in a huge swirl by accident.

Su Ce took out a white cloth from his arms and covered his eyes. Aren't his eyes all right? Why keep pretending to be blind?

If it wasn't for the slight cough from Shangguan Shaochen, she would not have recovered.

Sitting awkwardly on the chair, Ling Muer felt ashamed for her lack of focus just now, "When did the little prince come? Why didn't I see it just now?"

"Just now you were only focusing on kissing your sweetheart, how could you notice?" Su Ce cursed in his heart.

When he got the news that Ling Mu'er would enter the palace today, he rushed over immediately, but he didn't expect such a dazzling scene to be the first to his eyes after recovering his eyesight.

Self-deprecatingly hooked the corners of his lips, "It's just here."

Everyone shouted long live the emperor, Ling Mu'er was belatedly following everyone's actions.

The emperor rewarded the three armies, bluntly saying that there is no need to be restrained today, but he did not follow the red tape of the palace. During the period, someone handed over the enemy's surrender letter, and the emperor's face was full of uncontrollable joy throughout the process.

As expected, the emperor once again introduced the true identity of Shangguan Shaochen to everyone with great fanfare, and then rewarded everyone in turn.

"The king of the small county, Su Ce, has made great contributions to the reinforcements. He is bestowed the title of virtuous king, and bestowed upon him the mansion of the virtuous king."

Eunuch Xi read the imperial decree, and when it came to Su Ce's conferred official title, the audience was in an uproar again.

Obviously, Su Ce was canonized as a virtuous king at a young age, which made many people in the court dissatisfied, but he led troops on expeditions in his teens and completed the tasks assigned by the emperor many times. sound.

"Ling Muer stepped forward to listen."

Just when everyone thought the canonization process was over, a strange name was suddenly called out.

Even Ling Mu'er who was drinking was startled, she blinked in surprise, and looked at the current Holy Majesty in disbelief, and the other party even nodded to her with great interest.

Not daring to be negligent, Ling Muer hastily held up her skirt and knelt in the center to receive the order, "Minister Ling Muer is here."

"Grassman Ling Muer's medical skills are excellent, and his hands are rejuvenated. During the period when I was sent to the military camp to support him, because of his meritorious service in treating the second prince in time, he was specially appointed as the imperial physician of the Imperial Hospital. I honor you."

As soon as this remark came out, let alone Ling Muer, even Su Ce and Shangguan Shaochen were stunned.

Ling Mu'er sneaked into the barracks secretly, not only did the emperor not blame her, but even offered a reward?

It's just an ordinary village girl who can enter the imperial hospital. You know, every year the imperial hospital will pass strict examinations to promote many candidate imperial physicians, but she skipped all the complicated approvals and directly joined in an exception, which shows that the emperor treats her very well. What a trust.

While everyone was whispering to each other, Ling Mu'er did not accept the order for a long time, and finally said firmly after a long while: "Return to the emperor, the daughters of the people do not want to enter the palace!"

Long Live Lord who was drinking suddenly raised his head, his eyes narrowed with a dangerous light, and he said in disbelief, "What did you say?"

"Your majesty heard me right. Minnies don't want to enter the palace!" She repeated again, "Ministers are not qualified enough to enter the imperial hospital. Minnies have self-knowledge. Although they are trusted by the emperor, they may not be able to do so." I don't like the palace either."

Such a straightforward refusal is probably the first person in all ages.

How dare she refuse the emperor's reward?

Everyone who was quite curious about her stretched their necks to find out. Everyone wanted to see how many heads this girl had, and why she was so unafraid of being chopped off.

The empress sitting on the top raised her lips, "Boldly Ling Muer, how dare you refuse the emperor's reward, you know it's a death penalty for resisting the order!"

After saying that, the empress stared at her side with shrewd big eyes, "Your majesty, this Ling Muer is simply too bold. I think she clearly doesn't know what to do, and I ask the emperor to punish her!"

Su Ce immediately stepped forward when he heard the words, "Report to the emperor, since today is a reward banquet for the officers and men at the border, then everyone has the right to accept or reject it. It is indeed against the rules for a mere girl from Ling Muer to enter the imperial hospital, she said If she doesn't go, she is considered sensible, and I hope that such a small person won't disturb the Emperor's pleasure."

The emperor cast a sideways glance at Su Ce, and from the corner of his eye, he looked at Shangguan Shaochen who was sitting quietly by the side and also had no good looks.

When his eyes fixed on Ling Mu'er again, the emperor's eyes and brows were full of displeasure.

This Ling Mu'er is really capable. Su Ce has just been made a virtuous king to openly oppose him, and he is not afraid of being dismissed. And if he didn't stand up just now, his most important emperor would stand up and plead for her.

It made him want to keep Ling Mu'er in the palace even more.

"Oh? Tell me, why don't you like the palace?" The emperor gave Su Ce a look to signal him to sit down first, then turned his gaze to Ling Mu'er.

"If the daughter of the people said it, don't the emperor want to blame him?" Ling Mu'er was not in a hurry, she was extremely calm.

"Hahaha, I don't want to blame anyone. Well, today is to reward the three armies. I have already said that all the red tape will be dismissed. You just say it's okay!"

Reassured, Ling Muer looked around. "The imperial palace is magnificent, and there is no one in the world who does not want to enter here. The men all want to serve the country as courtiers and show their abilities; the women want to rely on the emperor to obtain a lifetime of glory and wealth, but I don't want to. Because this is a The cage is as deep as the sea as soon as you enter the palace. It is full of intrigues and intrigues. I am worried that there will be no bones and dregs left after being calculated by some people accidentally. I am even more afraid that one day I will sleep without seeing tomorrow. sun."

Ling Muer became more sincere as she spoke. "Perhaps the emperor will say, this is the Forbidden City of the Imperial Palace, how could it be so dangerous, but the women have entered the palace several times before and after, and which one did they leave smoothly? The palace wall is indeed beautiful, but there is no freedom here. In order to be restrained, and what women yearn for more is a free sky, please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

After the words fell, she kowtowed heavily, and the words came from the bottom of her heart, frankly and frankly.

Shangguan Shaochen, who was sitting below and had been paying close attention to her, frowned tightly when he heard this, for some reason, he wanted to test her well today.

"Father, Miss Ling does not want to be confined in the imperial hospital, so I ask the emperor to agree and give her another reward."

Shangguan Shaochen knelt beside Ling Muer, received the emperor's nod, stared at her with his pretty Danfeng eyes and said, "Please marry Ling Muer to Erchen, and let her be my side concubine!"

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