Lan Qianying's words instantly pushed Ling Muer to the forefront.

Lin Yudie, who fell into the lake to catch the cold, stared at her full of hatred, stretched out her long arm and pointed at her face, "Good Ling Muer, I just said a few words to you, you are so vicious!"

"Yes Miss Ling, how could you do such a frenzied thing? If we hadn't discovered it in time, Miss Lin would have died."

"At first I thought it was just a misunderstanding that she bullied Princess Lian'er, but I didn't expect such a vicious woman to exist in this world. Today is really an eye-opener."

One after another, people snorted and mocked her one after another, and they all looked at her as if they were looking at a scourge.

"No, no, there must be a misunderstanding here, Muer didn't push her." Sheng'er hurriedly rushed over to protect Ling Muer behind her, "Just now I asked Muer to go over there to admire the plum blossoms, and my eyes have been fixed on Ling Muer. For Mu'er, she didn't do anything."

I really can't bear to see someone defending Ling Mu'er. I don't know who's lady came over and rudely pulled Sheng'er away, "I said the seventh prince and side concubine, you won't be with this vicious woman, no matter what we say today You defend her, she must apologize today for clearly doing something outrageous!"

Seeing that Sheng'er was about to become the target of public criticism, Ling Muer saw the expressions of all the women in front of her eyes, and let out a sneer from her nasal cavity.

While protecting Sheng'er behind her, she said proudly to everyone, "I didn't do it."

Her voice is faint, but with extremely powerful penetrating power.

Lin Yudie was wronged, and she felt very uncomfortable, "Who is it if it's not you? You can't understand me, you hate me for humiliating you just now, so you took the opportunity to push me into the lake. You clearly know that I am not good at water, you This is murder!"

Lin Yudie looked back at the queen, "Auntie, you have to make the decision for me."

"Ling Muer, how do you explain this matter?" The empress, who had been waiting for a good show, patted Lin Yudie's shoulder to comfort her. She strode forward, like a high-ranking king looking down on the aura of the world. .

She didn't say anything, and she was given such a big hat. Heh, Ling Muer's gaze passed through the crowd and finally landed on Lan Qianying, and she knew it instantly.

"I don't know Lin Yudie at all, and it's the first time I've met her today. How do I know that she can't understand water, and how can I deliberately harm her? Secondly, I didn't push her. As for how she fell into the water, I don't know."

Ling Mu'er also raised her chin proudly, with an air of arrogance as if she was not afraid of the shadow.

"Who is it if it's not you? You were the only one standing behind me at that time. You must have evil intentions and deliberately murdered me!" Lin Yudie rushed in front of Ling Muer, like a proud peacock, "Ling Muer, I have always I have no grievances or enmities with you, I don't know why you are so vicious, but if it wasn't for my mother to save me in time, I would have drowned at the bottom of the lake, and I will never let you go today!"

'Putong' Lin Yudie knelt on the ground, "I beg the empress to make the decision for me!"

Seeing this, the Queen's Party naturally followed suit.

"Murdering a noble daughter in the palace, this matter must not be taken lightly, and I ask the empress to deal with Ling Mu'er according to law!"

"That's right, empress, this troublemaker is simply too lawless. He dared to commit murder in the palace. Last time it was Princess Lian'er, this time it was Miss Lin, and who will it be next time? This villain must be severely punished!"

In the blink of an eye, Ling Mu'er became what they called a murderer.

Sheng'er kept shaking her head, "No, no, you misunderstood, Mu'er is not this kind of person!"

Seeing that there were still people defending Ling Mu'er, Lin Yudie became anxious, "I see that you are clearly in the same group as this wicked girl, come and take down the seventh prince and side concubine together!"

After receiving the signal from the queen's eyes, the Imperial Forest Army immediately rushed over, one on each side, and controlled Ling Mu'er and Sheng'er.

Seeing that those delicate faces hide a heart that is uglier than a beggar, Ling Muer simply hates this court even more.

"I have the emperor's gold medal here, let me see who dares to touch me!"

The golden medal was revealed, and the Imperial Forest Army who was planning to take her away instantly let go of her hand.

After regaining her freedom, Ling Mu'er protected Sheng'er behind her, and when she looked at the group of women again, a strong murderous look flashed in her eyes, "If I really want to touch her, I can do it without anyone noticing it, so why would I use it in such a big way?" This is the most stupid way! She fell into the lake, not by me."

"Who is it if it's not you, you also admitted that you want to touch her!" Lan Qianying jumped out from the crowd, "Miss Ling, originally I admired your superb medical skills and won the trust of the emperor and princes. But now it seems that all of this is clearly an illusion you put on. Miss Lin just said a few words about you, and you are so vicious, you are too vicious!"

Lan Qianying, who has always had a good temper, accused Ling Mu'er so indignantly that some noble ladies who were afraid to speak up even attacked her repeatedly.

Ling Mu'er originally didn't want to argue with Lan Qianying, so such a woman would naturally accept her one day, but now it seems that her forbearance completely gave her a chance to show off her might, so I can't blame her!

"You guys are determined to blame me for this matter, okay, then let's sort out what happened just now." Ling Mu'er nodded, pointing to the surroundings, "Just now when everyone was admiring the plum blossoms, they suddenly heard a loud noise, Lin Yudie was stunned, she said someone pushed her, so may I ask Miss Lin, who was standing around you just now?"

"Who else is there, but you!" Pointing at Ling Mu'er's face without any explanation, Lin Yudie's scarlet eyes determined that she was the murderer.

"Okay, you said I was around you, but I have stood here without moving since you fell into the lake. How did I move around you so quickly? That is because your memory has gone wrong!" Ling Mu'er said, "Please go back to where you were before the accident. Since everyone suspects that the person who is close to Ms. Lin is the murderer, who else was standing next to Ms. Lin at that time? Since you suspect, you can't just suspect me, right?" , then I will tell the emperor that you deliberately framed his most trusted person!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone gasped. If the news about the harem got to the ears of the emperor, it would probably affect the fathers of the previous dynasty.

"Yeah, even if you have doubts, you can't just suspect Mu'er alone. Everyone returns to the seats just now and stands up, and you will know who has approached Miss Lin. If any of you don't follow suit, then you are deliberately framing Mu'er." Son!"

Sheng'er scolded angrily, not paying attention to these noble ladies at all.

Everyone didn't want to move at first, but they panicked instantly after hearing her words.

"It happened so suddenly, and the plum blossoms are so beautiful, who can remember where they were standing just now!" One of the dazed girls was so embarrassed that she was about to cry.

Seeing this, Lan Qianying immediately jumped out, "Miss Ling wants to prove her innocence with this, I think it's better not to waste your time in vain, so what if there is someone standing behind Miss Lin, is it possible that whoever is closest to her is the murderer? I think this It's clearly your excuse!"

"Then may I ask why Ms. Lan has been holding on to me, and which eye did you see that it was Lin Yudie who I pushed down?"

Lan Qianying was aggressive, Ling Muer took advantage of the victory to pursue her, and immediately after she said something, someone looked at her.

"Yes, Ms. Lan, could it be that you saw it just now? How did you find out that Miss Ling did it?"

These words immediately attracted Lin Yudie's attention. She walked in front of Lan Qianying with difficulty wearing a cloak, "Qianying, did you really see it just now? Don't worry, as long as you boldly say it, the empress will also help you It's up to you. Is it this wicked woman? As long as you tell the truth, I will make her pay the price now!"

For a long while, Lan Qianying didn't know how to answer.

Ling Mu'er saw it in her eyes, and curled her lips evilly, "Why didn't Miss Lan dare to say it, I'm afraid she didn't see it at all, so why insist on pointing it out to me since she didn't see it?"

Ling Mu'er's eyes seemed to be able to read people's hearts, "I am now the chief doctor of the Xian Wang, and today the Xian Wang publicly refused to marry the prime minister's mansion, who knows if Miss Lan is holding a grudge against me deliberately."

"You..." Lan Qianying was anxious, "I didn't!"

Seeing Ling Muer being so arrogant, she also gave it up, "Go back to Empress Empress, Qianying saw it just now, it is Miss Lin whom Ling Muer overthrew!"

Her words immediately determined Ling Muer's guilt, and the queen who had been waiting for this sentence shouted angrily, "Come here, take Ling Muer down!"

"Wait!" The slow words overflowed from her thin lips, Ling Muer played with the gold medal, and stared at Lan Qianying calmly, "Since Miss Lan has seen it, how did I push Miss Lin down, was it with both hands or One hand, is it the left hand or the right hand? And according to my position, my seat is on the side of Miss Lin, even if I push her down, she should fall down in the plum forest, so how could it be in the lake?"

A sentence of questioning made Lan Qianying speechless in an instant.

Seeing her nervousness, Ling Mu'er pointed her eyes straight at the queen, "I also ask the empress to order everyone to return to their seats just now. Minnv, I believe you don't want Lin Yudie to be wronged in vain and the real culprit go free."

Seeing that Lan Qianying's words did not defeat Ling Mu'er, the queen had no choice but to order everyone to do the same.

"It doesn't matter if you can't remember, ask the people around you who was around you at that time, I believe this matter will not be difficult to solve." Ling Mu'er crossed her arms, as if leading a group of clowns.

Soon, everyone clearly found their seats, and beside Ling Muer, there were two footprints.

She pointed to one of them, "This slightly bigger one looks like Miss Lin's footprint, and I have stood here without taking any action from the beginning to the end, so this one with its back completely turned to Miss Lin, do you think it is the murderer?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone noticed that one of the female family members was missing.

"Bold, whoever saw the wrong position, stand up for me immediately, dare to push me into the lake, I will never spare you!" Lin Yudie's eyes flashed murderous, and his piercing eyes swept over everyone one by one, trying to Find the flaw.

How could Lan Qianying, who was always nervous, be willing to let this farce end like this, she panted nervously, "It's just a footprint, maybe someone left it by mistake, maybe it's Miss Ling's."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Ling Muer again.

Lin Yudie, who had been pushed one step at a time, thought that she was pointing at her on purpose. She looked at Ling Muer with her mouth wide open in astonishment, "Oh, I see, Ling Muer, you must have left these footprints, you Deliberately leading everyone to say that there is a footprint here is to attract everyone's attention. Today, all the female relatives are here, and who would dare to leave without the Queen's order? I think it is clearly a trick you directed and performed yourself!"

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