"Girl, is it really you, girl, it's great that you're finally back!"

Shang Zhi, who was going to go shopping, saw Ling Muer for a while and didn't dare to recognize her. She was sure it was her own girl, and she greeted inside excitedly, "Jiang Xiang, Jiang Xiang, hurry up and see who's back!"

"What's the matter, you're yelling, I still have patients..." As soon as the words finished, Jiang Xiang raised her eyes, and when she saw Ling Mu'er, she opened her mouth wide in surprise.

"Ah!" The two girls rushed into Ling Mu'er's arms together, "Girl, we miss you so much, you are finally back!"

Patting them on the shoulder to signal them not to get too excited, Ling Muer looked around after entering the inner hall of the medical hall. Although there were not many patients, the medical hall was well organized by them.

She was very pleased, "Okay, you two little girls are amazing, and now you can be independent."

Shang Zhi lowered his head shyly, "Young lady teased us."

"Yes girl, look at the days when you're not here, our clinic is much cooler. If these patients didn't trust us, the clinic might have to close down!" Jiang Xiang rolled her eyes and ran away suddenly Go out and stand at the door and yell loudly.

"Uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, your fairy doctor girl is back!"

Hearing the wind, many people flocked.

Ling Mu'er smiled and shook her head, "This Jiang Xiang..."

"Girl, don't blame her. It's because many people came to see you during the time you left, and Jiangxiang and I have limited medical skills, so we just shirk it. We heard that many patients are waiting for you." Come back and endure the pain."

Hearing Shang Zhi's explanation, Ling Mu'er felt guilty for a while.

Several common people rushed in, seeing that it was really Ling Muer, they stretched out their arms one after another, "Miss Yixian, please show me quickly, I'm afraid I may be poisoned, I feel very uncomfortable."

"Girl, please show me Quan'er first. The child has severe abdominal pain. I have been waiting for you to come back for several days."

"The medical fairy girl..."

One on the left and one on the right, almost in the blink of an eye, the medical hall that was empty just now was instantly packed.

Those who didn’t know thought they were selling vegetables at a discount,

"Calm down, everyone, be quiet, since I'm back, I guarantee that every patient will see a doctor!" Ling Muer greeted, but she still couldn't control the excitement of the scene, "In this way, those who are in critical condition come first , if you don’t rush and go there to get your number plate according to the old rules, in order to express my apology to everyone, I won’t charge any consultation fee for today’s consultation, what do you think!”

"Miss Yixian, you are really a good person!"

Someone shouted, and the people next to him immediately thanked him.

If the situation is not so serious, I immediately went to Jiangxiang to get the badge. Everyone has already understood the rules here, and no one is messing around.

Ling Muer smiled in relief, and glanced at Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang, "I just planned to visit you two, okay, then get busy."

Returning to the consultation table, Ling Muer suddenly felt a different kind of excitement, she found that this place was the most suitable for her.

"I heard that in the palace yesterday, the medical fairy girl rejected the emperor's proposal to enter the palace as an imperial doctor. Have you heard about this?"

Among the crowd waiting in line, some people began to hold their voices.

"Really? There is such a thing? The imperial doctor in the palace, the fairy doctor girl didn't go? Where did you hear the news?" Some people didn't believe it.

"I've also heard that my elder brother is working in the palace. It's absolutely true. He heard the fairy doctor's rejection with his own eyes!" A young man said decisively, while speaking She still looked at Ling Mu'er from time to time, "Miss Yixian is a very good person, she knows that we poor people can't look down on doctors, if she enters the palace, we won't have such a good doctor, so she gave up her future and wealth, It's all for us, we must thank the girl well!"

Hearing this, the people who didn't believe it just now looked at Ling Mu'er in a different way.

Ling Mu'er raised her eyes and smiled at everyone, it's okay if she doesn't smile, a gentle smile is overflowing on her face, like a celestial girl descending to earth, everyone suddenly knelt down in front of her.

Ling Muer was stunned, "What are you doing?"

"Girl, you are the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva, I will thank you Fairy Doctor!"

As if they had discussed it, dozens of people kowtowed to her in unison, and those who didn't know thought she used some kind of cup technique for them.

Ling Mu'er hurriedly rushed over to help everyone up, "You've broken me like this!"

"It's the girl's benevolence and kindness. For us to give up the great opportunity to enter the palace, the girl's bodhisattva heart will definitely be blessed."

Ling Muer looked at the old lady gratefully, she shook her head with a smile, "It is true that half of my mind is that the poor people do not have a place to see a doctor, but you don't have to thank me like that. Don't worry, I run this clinic The medical center has never been for making money, but to treat more poor people who look down on patients. As long as I, Ling Muer, am here, this rule will never be broken. Of course, everyone should take care of themselves. See you guys for the second time."

A doctor, a medical clinic, does not charge money for consultations, and still takes care of poor people in this way.

Everyone, look at me and I look at you, and I respect Ling Mu'er like a Bodhisattva in my heart.

The hospital, which had been empty for months, was suddenly full, and Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang couldn't get used to it. Although they have changed from sitters to assistants, they are all very happy in their hearts, and there is no discomfort at all.

In a blink of an eye, half a day had passed, and Ling Muer, who hadn't been so busy for a long time, was already exhausted and paralyzed. Originally, she wanted to grit her teeth and persevere, but the people saw that she was so tired, and those who were not too serious even volunteered to come back tomorrow.

Facing such kind-hearted people, Ling Muer felt even more guilty. She decided to carry forward her medical skills.

"Girl, let's go get something to eat first. My old lady's illness is an old one. If I didn't come here from another county, I would have to go back today. I just left with the big guy, but I can afford to wait for a while. An old woman looked at Ling Muer with dry lips in distress.

Seeing everyone treat her so kindly, Ling Muer felt even more guilty, "It's okay, mother-in-law, I'll take a break after reading it for you... Bang!"

Almost as soon as the words fell, there was a loud noise behind him.

Ling Muer and the others were startled, she frowned and gave Shang Zhi a look, motioning her to check the situation.

"What's the matter, didn't something happen at home?" The old woman was worried, she retracted her arms after much deliberation, "Why don't you go and see for yourself, girl."

"It's okay, mother-in-law, your illness is not serious, I'll give you an injection first, and then it won't be too late."

Ling Mu'er picked up the silver needle and pricked several acupuncture points on her arm continuously. Seeing her insistence, the old woman didn't say anything more.

There were only a few patients in twos and threes left in the quiet medical hall, and she vaguely heard the two men at the farthest point talking.

"Have you heard that an assassin was encountered in Prince Xian's mansion yesterday?" Ling Mu'er was startled when he said this.

She was about to ask, but another man said, "The mansion of the virtuous king? Isn't it the mansion of the virtuous man that was conferred by the emperor yesterday? Could it be that he just got the envy of the thieves and met a bandit?"

The first man who spoke chuckled, "I really didn't wrong you when you said you were short-sighted. What kind of person is that in King Xian's mansion, the king of the small county? Ordinary bandits dare to break in? I heard that they are not ordinary assassins, and I also heard that the fighting there last night was very fierce, and I heard that there were heavy injuries!"

Hearing the last few words, Ling Muer's face turned pale instantly.

At this time, Shang Zhi returned to her side. Although she didn't say a word, her expression was very solemn, obviously it was a very important matter.

"Mother-in-law. Although your left arm is not seriously injured, I try not to lift heavy objects within a month after the acupuncture treatment. You go over there, someone will grab some medicine for you, apply it externally, and you will recover soon. Because of her anxiety, Ling Muer hurriedly handed over her mother-in-law to Jiang Xiang, and she followed Shang Zhi back to the backyard.

"What's going on, the situation is serious?"

Ling Mu'er's face was stern, and her brows were tightly knit together.

Just now Shang Zhi came back and said that the loud noise just now was a person falling from the roof, that person was covered in blood and was unconscious, and that person was her old acquaintance, Zhou Qiyan.

"Brother Zhou's situation doesn't look very good, girl, don't be scared later."

Shang Zhi reminded that the door had already been opened, and there was a pungent smell of blood, which made Ling Muer's stomach overwhelmed.

Such a strong smell of blood showed how seriously Zhou Qiyan was injured.

Ling Muer rushed in, only to see Zhou Qiyan had already woken up, leaning against her bed, one hand was about to pull out the sharp sword on his chest.

"Don't move!" She hurriedly reminded, and after reminding Shang Zhi to guard outside, she hurried to Zhou Qiyan's side.

Zhou Qiyan was stabbed in the chest, the sword pierced through the chest, and a lot of blood flowed out.

His disused left leg was also damaged in many places, and the most embarrassing thing was his right arm, which seemed to have been corroded by some kind of poison, which was horrible.

"Why is it like this?" Ling Mu'er was extremely nervous, and hurriedly stepped forward to check his injury. It's okay if you don't look at it, but you are really shocked when you look at it.

The wound on her left arm may not be discernible to others, but she recognized the origin of the poison at a glance, and then recalled the conversation between the two men outside, her complexion suddenly changed.

"Brother Zhou, what did you do last night?"

Enduring the severe pain, Zhou Qiyan looked at Ling Muer with difficulty, his blurred vision gradually became clear, looking at the face he hadn't seen for a long time, Zhou Qiyan's mouth twitched, and said with difficulty: "Muer, you...you are back ?”

"I'm asking you, why did you get hurt like this? Also, was it you who assassinated in Prince Xian's mansion last night?"

Ling Mu'er pressed her voice to ask, but at this moment, Shang Zhi's trembling voice sounded outside the door, "Miss, there is... a distinguished customer came to see you, and he is already outside the door."

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