"Girl, are you okay?"

Shang Zhi looked at Ling Muer, who was depressed, with worry, and looked at the room behind him from time to time.

Waving her hand to signal that she was fine, Ling Muer walked resolutely, turning a deaf ear to the hysterical cries of the man behind her, "Later, go and get some money, go to Teeth and buy two good nurses and come back, let me take a good look at them." Backyard, promise me that no one will be able to break into this hospital from now on!"

Seeing the girl's tone of refusal, Shang Zhi didn't dare to ask what happened, so he was busy, "Yes!"

There were so many people seeing the doctor today, Ling Muer almost returned to the Ling Mansion until dark, and was dragged aside by Yang Shi almost as soon as she came in.

"What's the matter, mother, so mysterious?" Ling Mu'er asked.

"There's a guest at home, and we came here in the morning. We planned to send someone to notify you, but he insisted on not letting us wait until now. Mu'er, if you don't want to see him, you might as well go back to the hospital for one night, and he won't be able to wait for you any longer. I must have gone back when I came back." Yang didn't see anything wrong with her daughter's complexion, and looked behind her from time to time, for fear that the unexpected guest would suddenly come out.

"Mother, who scares you so much? But since you are waiting for me, let's meet."

Although Ling Muer guessed a little bit in her heart, her heart still missed half a beat when she saw Shangguan Shaochen with her own eyes.

Standing at the door, he heard his father and grandmother scolding him from a distance.

"Boy Chen, oh no, it's the second prince. I know you won't be happy if I, a commoner, say that, but let me tell you, I won't allow you to bully our Mu'er again! I heard that you lost your memory, but After all, you hid it from us first, and we will not forgive this mistake. So, you better go!" Ling Da sat on the main seat aggressively, and dismissed him like a beggar.

"Yeah, Chen'er, we all treated you as our own child at the beginning, and never thought that you would hide such an important matter from us! Also, since you have lost your memory, you should just treat it as our own child. I don't know you, don't come to Mu'er again!" Grandma was equally dignified and serious, not at all afraid that the prince in front of her would criticize them.

"Uncle Ling, grandma, I think you may have some understanding of me."

Shangguan Shaochen always had a smile on his lips, and it seemed like he didn't hear them chasing them away.

"Misunderstanding?" Ling Dazhi smiled wryly, "Do you know how we felt when we saw you parading on the dragon chair in the street? We really thought you were just the commander of the imperial guards, but we never thought of that You are actually a prince! The so-called inappropriate family is wrong, we will not agree to your marriage!"

Ling Dazhi turned his head stubbornly, not looking into his eyes at all, as if he would soften his heart if he looked more often.

"Chen'er, grandma really likes you. I was really happy when you said you wanted to marry Mu'er, but you are too bullying. What do you think of us, Mu'er?"

Seeing what Shangguan Shaochen wanted to explain, his grandmother suddenly pointed at his face, "If Mu'er hadn't gone to the military camp this time, wouldn't you have never told her your real identity, let alone showing your true face Right? If you are so dishonest, we definitely will not agree to Mu'er marrying someone like you! Although I know you are the prince, talking to you like this is very likely to lose your head, but even if I fight against you Old life, I will also protect Mu'er, you... let's go!"

With a big wave of her hand, the angry grandmother had the air of being a housewife.

But it was also with this finger that everyone discovered that Ling Mu'er had returned.

Looking at Ling Muer who was a little tired and also a little surprised, Shangguan Shaochen had a wicked smile on his lips, "This junior apologizes to everyone for the concealment in the past, but please give me another chance to explain."

Before Ling Dazhi and his grandmother agreed, Shangguan Shaochen walked up to Ling Muer, grabbed her hand and took her away forcibly.

Ling Muer didn't struggle, and let him drag her.

Seeing this, Ling Dazhi planned to get up and chase after him, but was stopped by Yang, "Let them solve the children's affairs by themselves."

"What can they solve? The prince, that is the prince, our Mu'er has a very different status from him, do we want to marry him and become a child?"

Ling Dazhi was unwilling and unconvinced, "Besides, if he really likes Mu'er, why would he hide his identity? No, I have to go and see."

Ling Dazhi stepped up to chase, but suddenly two men in black appeared in the air, standing in front of him like two door gods.

Unexpectedly, there was a man in black in his family. Ling Dazhi gasped, and tried to force his way in. The two men in black stretched out their arms, blocking his way one by one.

"Hey, I'm talking about you two, this is the Ling Mansion, get out of the way!"

The two of them didn't speak, like they were dumb, they blocked Ling Dazhi's way firmly. With a ferocious face and a firm attitude, no matter how hard Ling Dazhi tried to break in, he would never let him go.

"What are you doing here?" Letting Shangguan Shaochen drag her, Ling Muer's voice was cold and clear, and she knew she was in a bad mood.

"Take me there." Three simple words.

Ling Muer didn't move, but looked at him suspiciously with wide eyes.

"Take me to your room, not to say that it's my fiancee, not to say that I don't know you well, then let me get to know you again."

Ling Mu'er felt very amused, "Is the second prince very free? The palace is so big that it's not enough for you to play, but you come to visit our Ling mansion?"

"I've been waiting for you since noon until now. You should know that if you don't take me there, I won't leave." Shangguan Shaochen approached her, his body bent under the moonlight, and the silhouette of the tree fell on his side The face became even more evil and wild, "Besides, if you push me into a hurry, if you do something to you here, don't regret it."


Ling Muer really hated Shangguan Shaochen who threatened her every now and then.

This man's temperament is just like his face, very arrogant.

"Sure enough, the old big brother is more likable. Why don't the second prince wear the human skin mask again? I might consider recognizing you as big brother again!"

Although she said this out of anger, Ling Muer still walked ahead.

When he came to her room and looked at the miraculous everything around him, all decorations he had never seen before, Shangguan Shaochen only had the word 'stunned' in his eyes.

But he moved very quickly, taking advantage of Ling Muer's inattention, he slammed her against the wall. "Who said I want to be your big brother?"

Before coming here, it had thought about it carefully. She should get to know Ling Muer again, which might help him retrieve the memory of those three years.

Although his temperament has changed drastically because of the events of the year, he doesn't believe that liking someone's taste will make him uncomfortable. There must be something special about this woman that attracts him, besides her own charm.

Ling Mu'er pushed him away suddenly, and put a certain distance away from him, "I said, I don't like entering the palace, and it's even more impossible to be a side concubine. If you came here for this matter, you should still ask Come back."

Shangguan Shaochen walked around in front of her, grabbed her shoulders and bowed his body. There was only a nose-to-nose distance between his handsome face and her, "Only by being a side concubine can you slowly become a concubine, otherwise the emperor will not Promise, why can't you sacrifice for me?"

Seeing her opening her mouth to resist, he suddenly covered her mouth tightly with his hand, "If you don't like the palace, then we can move out. I have many mansions outside the palace. You can pick one you like, isn't it okay? ?”

The last sentence of "No" seems to have returned to Shangguan Shaochen who pampered and indulged her in the past.

Under the dim candlelight, although the face has changed, the voice and tone of the speech have not changed. For a moment, Ling Muer suddenly wanted to hug him tightly, and said coquettishly in his arms, "Brother, Muer really miss you."

Ling Muer laughed at herself.

"Do you really love me? Or is it because I'm just your former fiancée?"

The little woman held her head up, her seductive red lips opened and closed, making people want to kiss her, but those shrewd and sad eyes made him unable to bear to bully her.

After a while, he didn't speak, and the mockery at the corner of Ling Mu'er's mouth became more obvious.

"That is to say, neither of the two possibilities? Then can I boldly guess that you are grateful and curious?"

Seeing Shangguan Shaochen's eyes dodge, Ling Muer knew that she guessed right.

A certain softest place in the bottom of my heart seemed to be torn apart by force, and it was broken into thousands of pieces.

Get out from under his arms, stand in front of the window, watching the bright and round moon also hide in the clouds, just like her heart at the moment, gray.

Before they could formally bid farewell, the former Shangguan Shaochen disappeared from her life.

If time could be turned back, she promised that she would never have an argument with him the day before he left the capital, and she would be as gentle as a cat in his arms and could not be driven away no matter what.

"Shangguan Shaochen, let's officially separate, I don't need your pity to like me!"

Ling Muer, who finally made up her mind, suddenly turned her head, only to find that Shangguan Shaochen was looking at something.

She rushed over frantically, "How can you move my things casually?"

Shangguan Shaochen raised his hands high, why didn't he give it to her, "This is my handwriting, to be precise, it should be mine?"

No matter how Ling Muer bounced around, she couldn't reach the letter in his hand, she was so anxious that she was about to cry, "That is the last thought you left for me before you left my world, you give it back to me!"

"What do you mean before you leave, as if I'm dead, or do you want me to die so much?"

Shangguan Shaochen frowned. This letter was obviously the first letter he sent her not long after he arrived at the border. In addition to reporting his safety, he also explained the return date. Although there was not much love between the lines, according to the time he With such a temperament, he can give a guarantee to a woman in this way, that is definitely a person who is the guardian of life.

Coupled with the word "missing you" in the signature, even with his current personality, he would not miss a woman so frankly, which shows how much he cared about her back then.

Putting the letter heavily in her palm, Ling Muer immediately hid it in her arms, as if afraid of being snatched away by him again.

With such a funny move, Shangguan Shaochen smiled at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly hugged her tightly, "Listen, I have been trying my best to think about our past, if there is anything that you have done recently that dissatisfies you, you can give me everything." Save it, when I think about it, you will take revenge little by little, but I will not give up on you, and I will not allow you to give up on me!"

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