Without waiting for the Seventh Prince's order, Zhou Qiyan dragged his still-healed body and flew out. He thought it was a thief sent by Su Ce, but when he got closer, he realized it was a woman.

"Sheng'er?" The Seventh Prince looked at the woman standing in front of her timidly with her head bowed.

He has a rule that no one is allowed to interrupt when discussing. Sheng'er has always been sensible and will not break the rules. What's going on today?

"I...I came to deliver soup to my master, but I didn't expect Young Master Zhou to be here. I'm sorry, Master, I..."

Because Sheng'er heard what she said just now, she didn't tell the truth, her eyeballs rolled around, and she was planning to find an excuse.

"Okay, since it was unintentional, the Lord will naturally not punish you." Interrupting Sheng'er's unfinished sentence, the Seventh Prince looked at Zhou Qiyan again, "I will explain what happened just now after you recover from your injury, and go back to have a good birth." Come on, if you have any needs, just go to the housekeeper."

The master didn't punish him, but comforted him, Zhou Qiyan was very grateful, "Yes, this subordinate resigns!"

Seeing that Zhou Qiyan had completely left the Prince's Mansion, Sheng'er came to the Seventh Prince's side, "Master, you didn't go to court at all today, why did you lie to him? I just broke in because I didn't know Zhou Qiyan would be here, you You won't blame Sheng'er, right?"

Signaling her to put the soup on the table beside him, the Seventh Prince patted his thigh, let her sit up, put one hand around her waist, and played with her hair with the other, "You are my concubine." , how can I argue with you about such a trivial matter, besides, there is nothing I can't listen to, "

Thinking of Zhou Qiyan's attitude towards him just now, the Seventh Prince only felt amused, "I should punish him for failing to complete the task, but if I do that, I will lose his heart. Only in this way will he be more loyal to me, won't it?"

Seeing the deep calculation in the seventh prince's eyes, Sheng'er suddenly felt that the master in front of her was so strange.

In the past, he would never play games so hard, but now, he seems to have changed in the dark.

"Master, you deliberately made Zhou Qiyan think that he is very important, so that next time he will work harder for you, but you will drive him to a dead end." Sheng'er was a little worried.

The Seventh Prince paused the hand that was playing with her hair, and his whole body was even faintly filled with anger.

Seeing his anger, Sheng'er hurriedly got off his lap, bowed her body and admitted her mistake, "Sheng'er was wrong, Sheng'er shouldn't be involved in the matter of asking the Lord, if this is the case, Sheng'er won't say it again."

"Hey, I know you've always been the most sensible." The Seventh Prince was very satisfied with her performance, but he didn't sit on her lap any longer.

Sheng'er stood aside, watching him drink tea alone, although after entering the Seventh Prince's Mansion, the master still treats her very well, but the rules are more than before, and there are more things that are not allowed to be done than before, and the master is more serious than before. It is more and more unhappy because of some small things.

She has been thinking about what has changed, and now she has figured it out, isn't it because she entered the Seventh Prince's Mansion and became a side concubine?

The identity has changed, and many things are quietly changing.

He won't tell her many things in his heart again, is he afraid that she will leak it? The old master had great trust in her.

"Master, Sheng'er wants to ask you something, I don't know if I should say it or not." Sheng'er's voice was weak, if you don't listen carefully, you really can't hear it clearly.

It was only then that he realized that this woman had become estranged from him, and the Seventh Prince's expression changed suddenly, "What's going on with you girl today, where is the arrogance that rode on my head before?"

As he spoke, he sat her on his lap again, with only his heart aching for her in the corners of his eyes and eyebrows.

This is the master who loves her and loves her.

Sheng'er was overjoyed, "My lord is making fun of me,"

"I dare not." The Seventh Prince laughed, and pointed his red lips towards her ear, "How dare I make fun of you, what if you take the opportunity to 'teach' me at night?"

If you disagree with him, tease her.

Sheng'er's pretty face was flushed by these words, and she said coquettishly, "Master..."

"Okay, okay, I'll clean you up tonight, tell me, what do you want to ask me?" The Seventh Prince was in a good mood, "But what jewelry or rare treasures did you fall in love with, you can just tell the housekeeper about these things , you don’t have to get my consent for everything.”

In terms of material things, the Seventh Prince was exceptionally generous to her, in the words of his master, this was making up for her.

The Lord felt that she had been wronged before, so since he came to the Prince's Mansion, he has given her great rights. Although her status is lower than that of the Seventh Prince's Concubine, she has been favored by thousands of people, and she has already surpassed the empress of the palace.

This also made Sheng'er feel that the next question would definitely be answered without hesitation.

"Master, can you not kill King Xian?"


After hearing this, all the good mood of the Seventh Prince fell apart like fireworks.

He looked at Sheng'er in disbelief, and his tone became much colder, "What did you say?"

Sheng'er knew that Master had misunderstood her, so she hurriedly explained: "Master knows that Mu'er and I are good sisters, and it was Mu'er who helped me everywhere in the embarrassing situation in the palace a few days ago. I did this entirely for Mu'er."

The Seventh Prince signaled her to continue with his eyes.

"It turns out that the second prince is the former Shangguan Shaochen. I heard that Mu'er has separated from him, but everyone knows that the virtuous king has always loved Mu'er. I was just thinking, can the lord keep the virtuous king alive?" , maybe he is Muer's final marriage."

Sheng'er spoke cautiously, but there was no response for a long time.

She hugged his arm coquettishly, "Master, Mu'er is only left with the Xian Wang, and I only have her as a sister. You know, before entering the prince's mansion, if she hadn't cared about him every day, Sheng'er I'm afraid it's too early..."

"Just based on these, you want me to swallow my anger?" The Seventh Prince was very disappointed with Sheng'er.

"You should know that if I hadn't discovered the clues in advance, Lan Qianying would marry here instead of the Prince's Mansion tomorrow. Don't you want that result?"

Grandpa never hides such an important matter, Sheng'er is happy, she hurriedly shook her head at the first moment, "Of course not." But soon, she took the initiative to hug his arm, "But who is our grandpa? , not all women want it, even though Lan Qianying is beautiful, she doesn't know how to clean herself up, our master wouldn't even look at her, let alone marry her."

"Heh, do you believe me?" The Seventh Prince was amused. "That's the number one beauty in the capital after all. She volunteered to sacrifice herself, and ordinary men can't stand it. How do you know I won't be tricked?"

"I also said that I am an ordinary person, but our grandfather is not an ordinary person!"

Sheng'er's vermilion lips were facing his ears, opening and closing, rubbing against his most sensitive place, "My lord is a great hero in Sheng'er's heart."

"Then let the hero be majestic and majestic today!"

The seventh prince suddenly hugged her and pressed her on the bed, Sheng'er kept dodging, "Master, Sheng'er hasn't finished talking yet."

The Seventh Prince didn't like being spoiled by people who didn't know how to behave when he came here. He said with a mighty anger, "Are you sure you want to tell me about other women at this time?"

"Sheng'er knows that the virtuous king plotted against me, and I will never let him go in this life, but Mu'er gave me a treasure, and she said..." She deliberately kept things secret, and then said in a voice that only two people could hear, "It can help me get pregnant."

It is not the secret of the Prince's Mansion that Sheng'er has not been able to conceive.

When the Seventh Prince first wanted to keep her by his side, he had sought confirmation from famous doctors from all over the world. At the beginning, it was because she could not conceive a concubine that he did not agree to marry her. Later, if she hadn't been threatened by the status of the Seventh Prince's Concubine, she might still be living in the other courtyard every day to see things and miss each other.

Hearing the news that she could conceive, the Seventh Prince was very happy from the bottom of his heart. "Really? Ling Muer really found a way to help you recuperate your body?"

Sheng'er nodded, "I didn't believe it at first, but recently I just feel that my body is different."

At the end of the sentence, she gently touched her flat stomach, "Master said, will there be our children here?"

How dare he press her down again, the Seventh Prince quickly jumped off her body, "Why didn't we say such a big thing sooner!"

Sheng'er couldn't help but laugh, "I haven't written the horoscope yet, Sheng'er is just afraid of giving me hope and disappointing me."

Nestled in the arms of the Seventh Prince, Sheng'er fantasized about the happy scene she could conceive, "Mu'er said that this medicine is rare, so it has not been confirmed, but I feel that my body has changed recently, and I think it will have a good result. Our master is such a kind person, God will not let him down, is he right?"

The Seventh Prince didn't speak, but kept kissing her forehead over and over again.

"Master, you want to conceive Longsi with Sheng'er, right?" She raised her head with anticipation.

"Of course!" The Seventh Prince replied firmly.

Maybe others don't believe it, but he sincerely wants to have a child with Sheng'er that belongs to them.

Although Sheng'er was born in a brothel, she is the most obedient and understands him best.

His biggest regret before was that he met Sheng'er too late. If he had met her earlier, she would not have faced such a life. However, God's will tricked her into turning her body into a crippled body. So later on, his greatest wish was to meet a medical fairy and heal her tattered body.

Unexpectedly, Ling Muer really thought of a way.

"Tell me, what panacea Ling Muer gave you, if it touches my heart, maybe I can spare Su Ce from death."

Sheng'er was very happy when he finally saw that his master was relieved.

She was mysterious, and said word by word: "Mu'er said, the name of the medicine is Bai-Ling-Xian."

I thought that Grandpa would be as surprised as she was when he heard the name of the drug, and asked what it was, but Grandpa suddenly picked her up from the bed as if suddenly going crazy.

That's right, his broad palm grabbed her by the collar and lifted her up from the bed.

His face was ferocious, his facial features were distorted, as if he had suddenly gone crazy, and his voice became colder and crueler, "Bai Lingxian? Where is that thing, give it to me immediately!"

Sheng'er was stunned, she had been by his side for many years, where had she seen him so furious?

She kept patting his arm to signal him to let go first, "Grandpa, grandpa..."

Unexpectedly, the Seventh Prince hadn't recovered from the shock, the corner of his mouth twitched, he was laughing and angry, and his voice was coaxing, "Be good, Sheng'er, give Bailingxian to me."

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