As long as you lower your head, you can kiss those vermilion lips. Although she is drunk, she is too cute.

Shangguan Shaochen couldn't stand her acting like a baby, "Okay, okay, I'll take you to the wing room, that's what you said."

Waking up in a daze, only feeling a severe headache, Ling Muer stretched out her long arms and groped habitually on the bedside cabinet.

"Strange, what about water, give me water, I want to drink water."

Mumbling, she turned over and planned to continue looking for the water glass, but her fingers seemed to have touched something strange. Her ignorant thoughts instantly became sober, she opened her sleepy eyes, and an infinitely magnified handsome face was reflected in front of her eyes.

"Ah!... Mmm!"

He only uttered one syllable before his red lips were blocked. She couldn't use her mouth well, so she started to use both hands and feet.

This girl's strength is really great, Shangguan Shaochen snorted, not only didn't let go of the hand covering her mouth, but also controlled her limbs, "If you keep shouting, the whole Ningguo Hou Mansion will be killed by you!" Wake up, are you sure you want that?"

Ling Muer nodded, then shook her head, and kept signaling him to let her go with her eyes.

The moonlight illuminated her dark pupils like stars in the night sky, blinking like talking stars, tugging at his heartstrings.

The moment she let go, Ling Mu'er seized the right moment to change from passive to active. She rolled over and rode neatly on him, pinching his jaw with her soft fingers, threatening to kill him, "The rascal bastard, said, Why are you in my bed?"

The back of her head hurt like it was going to burst. Damn it, she couldn't remember anything about how much she drank.

Seeing her confused face, Shangguan Shaochen not only did not resist, but also laid his hands under his head leisurely, "I don't know who made the noise last night, but insisted on clinging to me, hugging me I never let go of my waist, and forced me to lie on my bed."

Tilting his head, staring wide-eyed, looking at the two blushes on her pretty face with interest, Shangguan Shaochen deliberately said: "You really don't remember anything?"

"No, it's impossible! How could I do such a thing!" When excited, she stuttered, seeing the teasing in his eyes, Ling Mu'er's subordinates exerted even more force. "You fool me!"

"What benefits can I get by playing with you?" Shangguan Shaochen asked back, raised his chin, and motioned her to look at himself, "Your clothes are intact, and you know what happened, right? But I am different, a certain woman An hour ago, it hung on me like an octopus, and I couldn't get rid of it. I don't know how much I have been taken advantage of, so tell me how you plan to be responsible for me?"

"I took advantage of you? The second prince's ability to open his eyes and tell nonsense is really brilliant!" Ling Muer was in a hurry.

"It's not taking advantage of me, so what are you doing now?"

Ling Mu'er lowered her head, only to realize that she was riding on his waist like a big horse, flaunting her power, almost raising a small red flag and shouting victory.

Such an action that makes people blush and heartbeat, even if she is arrogant and informal, she still feels ashamed.

Hastily jumped off him and landed on the bedside, "I admit that I don't drink well, but even if I get drunk, I won't be hungry. Don't think I don't know that this is a game set up for me by you and the godmother. I'm never going to do this anymore."

Seeing that she was furious and determined to compete for the upper hand, Shangguan Shaochen still didn't change his face and his heart beat, "If you speak louder, everyone will be greeted by you, and then the entire Ningguohou's mansion will know that you and I sleep together." Together, guess what, will people believe you are innocent, or will rumors spread faster than you can explain?"

"Who slept with you!" Ling Mu'er was in a hurry, she didn't pay attention to her feet for a while, and when she turned around, she accidentally stepped on the ground, only to hear her ankle snap.

"What's wrong?" The leisurely Shangguan Shaochen hurriedly sat up nervously.

Before Ling Mu'er could figure out what was going on, she was already hugged on the bed by him.

After he took off the embroidered shoes, feeling the heat of his big palm, Ling Muer shyly retracted her injured foot, "It's okay, I'm a doctor and I can treat it myself."

"No one ever told you that girls who try to be brave won't have sweets?" Shangguan Shaochen insisted on holding her jade feet in his palm, and looked carefully, "If you can catch it, bear with it."

As soon as the words were finished, he exerted a little force, and Ling Muer felt the pain of broken tendons and bones without the slightest precaution. After taking a deep breath, the broken ankle was healed.

"Thank you." After thanking him, Ling Muer didn't look at him again, and walked around him to leave.

"It's really restless!" Shangguan Shaochen muttered to himself, turned around and stood in front of her, "Even if the bones are connected, you can't exercise too much. Where are you going?"

"It's almost dawn, why don't you go now and wait to be discovered by others, and then you will be ridden by gossip?" Ling Mu'er asked back, "The second prince doesn't really want me to be responsible for you, does he? I didn't do anything , if you are so short of women, the second street behind the Ningguohou's Mansion seems to be the largest flower building in the capital, and I think the girls there are eager to take responsibility for you."

With a disdainful snort, Ling Muer turned around and limped three steps away.

Shangguan Shaochen pursed his lips, smiled helplessly and shook his head, no matter whether she agreed or not, he forcibly pushed her against his back.

"Shangguan Shaochen, what are you doing, let me go!" Ling Muer struggled, but couldn't get off no matter what.

"If you walk back with your legs, I'm afraid it will be dawn. This prince's heart is kind, and I will give you a ride."

After several ups and downs, he left the Ningguohou Mansion safely with her on his back.

Lying firmly on his back, feeling the broad and strong back, the corners of Ling Muer's lips could not help but rise.

The mood was so good that it exploded, "The second prince is very skilled, it seems that the old injuries are all healed,"

"It's not thanks to your panacea." Shangguan Shaochen's voice was like piano music late at night, "My life was saved by you, remember, no matter what happens in the future, don't be polite to me."

"There is one thing right now, let me down!" Ling Mu'er was never polite to him.

"Except for this one." Shangguan Shaochen not only did not let go, but tightened his arms.

She seemed to enjoy the lightness of her body with her back on her back, "It's a cat, why is it so light?"

"Wrong, if you belong to the tiger, if you don't let me go, I will bite your neck off at any time!" Ling Muer tried to struggle a few more times.

Her softness against his hard back made Shangguan Shaochen feel uncomfortable for a moment, and he suddenly stood there, "Did anyone tell you to be quiet on a man's back, do you know the mess just now?" What does the movement imply?"

Ling Mu'er was about to ask an idiot, but when she realized something, her pretty face instantly turned hot.

Why didn't I realize that big brother was so thick-skinned before?

Sure enough, the countryside is more rustic. Look at what the big brother who left Lingjia Village looks like.

Looking around, Ling Mu'er frowned, "This is not the way back to Ling Mansion."

"What's the hurry, the early morning in the capital is very beautiful, if you don't go to every road, how can you find it special."

In this way, Shangguan Shaochen carried her through one market after another, as if he had walked through most of the capital city.

Ling Mu'er lay on his back, listening to his gossip from time to time, the surrounding was quiet, only his pleasant voice could be heard in her ears, it was surprisingly beautiful.

"Okay, if you don't go back, it will be daylight. Go back and have a good sleep, and let the servant girl make you hangover soup." Loving her hair, Shangguan Shaochen looked like a warm big brother.

For a moment, Ling Mu'er had an illusion that her elder brother didn't have amnesia at all, and all this was an illusion he pretended.

Although the face in front of her was not the one she used to be, this sense of security gave her the urge to run into his arms.

Shaking her head, she put aside her distracting thoughts, and looked sideways at his doting eyes, she shyly avoided her gaze, "See you later."

After dropping two words in a hurry, she almost ran away in a hurry.

Seeing that the little girl was about to enter the gate of Ling Mansion, Shangguan Shaochen didn't know where the impulse came from, so he flew up and landed neatly in front of her.

Looking at the person who suddenly appeared in front of her, Ling Muer's eyes widened, "What are you doing?"

"Did you have something to say just now?"

Oops, he saw it, but how could she admit what was in her heart,

"Nothing, I..."

Before she finished speaking, her vermilion lips were blocked.

Shangguan Shaochen pressed the back of her head with one hand, while controlling her restless body, the passionate kiss was like a violent storm, sweeping in suddenly,

The moonlight stretched the figures of the two obliquely, and they didn't notice the person who almost fell from the opposite roof.

Su Ce waited here all night, just when he saw Ling Mu'er was about to go down to say hello, when he saw Shangguan Shaochen flying over and the two of them kissing.

Damn it, since Ling Muer didn't refuse!

Clenched fists creaked, and Su Ce's beautiful red phoenix eyes were bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty. He wanted to rush down several times to separate the two who were kissing, but finally flew away from this place of right and wrong.

"Grandpa, why didn't you tell Miss Ling clearly." Zitong looked at the master who was sitting on the side of the road drinking, and couldn't bear to jump out from the dark, "Everyone can see that you are happy with Miss Ling, but you don't tell me?" How can Miss Ling be sure of your mind?"

After drinking a pot of wine, Su Ce smiled wryly, "What's the difference between saying it or not? Do you think I'm not ugly enough now, waiting to be rejected by her personally?"

"This subordinate doesn't mean that..." Zitong wanted to say something, but was stopped by Su Ce with a wave of his hand.

Staring at the wine jar in his hand, looking at the empty street, well, Ling Muer's unique herbal fragrance is on the side of the road, and the two of them must have walked past here just now.

Although he smiled again, but the smile was very bitter.

When the little woman was lying on the man's back just now, he saw it clearly from the roof. The woman looked happy, not to mention how happy she was.

"That's the happiness she wants. What I can give her has never been what she wants. Besides, now is the time to get down to business. The more I talk to her, the more danger I will bring to her."

The empty wine jar he drank was thrown to the ground and smashed to pieces.

Su Ce got up, and the gentle and handsome face in the past was now only cold and charming.

Although his back looks very lonely, he will still fight alone.

"Going to the cruise ship, I promise him that everything has been done, and what he promised to give me should be taken back."

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