"Don't tell me about Boy Chen anymore. It's a waste of us treating him as our own child. Who knows that he actually hides his life experience from us, and we are not people who want to cling to the powerful, but he actually... actually lied to me. us."

The more Yang thought about it, the angrier she became, "If it wasn't for your brother, the two of you are already married, and he didn't even think about telling you the truth when they were getting married, Mu'er, could it be that we misunderstood him? "

Seeing that Mother had a lot of opinions on Shangguan Shaochen, Ling Muer was a little unhappy, "Mother, you misunderstood him, he only seems to have changed his memory because he lost his memory, but he is actually very good. Really good,"

"You, beauty is in the eye of the beholder!" Yang Shi nodded her forehead again, "If he is good, why did he hide it from you? Let alone the mystery of his life experience, so what about that face?"

Seeing his mother talking about Shangguan Shaochen as if he was a heartless man, Ling Muer laughed "puchi", "Then mother really misunderstood him, in fact, before he left the capital to send troops, I Know his real appearance. Of course, I guess if he didn't send troops and we got married as scheduled, he would definitely tell me his real identity before we get married."

Seeing that her daughter's eyes were red when she talked about her lover, and she looked like she was just beginning to fall in love, Mrs. Yang shook her head, "It's said that girls don't want to stay. I usually didn't believe it, but now I know it. You child is really determined." identified him?"

Ling Muer was stopped by the question, but she didn't know how to describe her mood at the moment.

Shangguan Shaochen is completely different from his former elder brother, but sometimes he feels like a different person.

Although his personality has changed, his domineering maintenance from time to time makes her feel that he doesn't seem to have changed.

Besides, he is the second prince, and the emperor values ​​him very much. There is a high probability that the throne will pass to him in the future, but she doesn't like the palace, and she doesn't like sharing a man with many women.

She is also conflicted.

Besides, Amu De's matter has not been resolved yet, and she doesn't want her mother to worry about it.

"Forget it, take one step at a time, anyway, I'm not in a hurry to get married right now."

Seeing her daughter's indifferent attitude, Yang became anxious again, "You are talking nonsense. How old are you? If you were in Lingjia Village, you should have gotten married long ago. Back then, your poor family delayed you. Otherwise, I would have been a grandmother." gone."

Mother seemed to be able to talk about this matter for a day and night, Ling Muer took a deep breath and interrupted, "Okay mother, Muer wants to spend more time with you, besides, if I marry Shao Chen like this, would you like it? "

"Of course not, but..."

"But if I don't marry Shaochen, and I don't want to marry another man, don't you want me to marry any random man on the street, and then live an unhappy life?"

"Of course not!" Yang was very firm, "But..."

"I knew that mother loves Mu'er the most!" Without giving Yang Shi a chance to finish her sentence, Ling Muer jumped into her arms, "Mother, don't worry, the happiness that should come will not be too late Come to my side, so mother, when Muer is not married, let Muer be filial to you, and when Muer is married, the chance of being in your arms will be gone, "

As they talked, the two of them became sad, especially Yang's who cried.

Which mother is willing to marry her child, but which mother has the heart to keep her child by her side for the rest of her life?

"Mu'er, mother wants you to be happy. Parents are ashamed of you too much, and you have paid too much for this family, but remember, no matter what you do, don't wrong yourself, and tell mother as soon as possible if there is any danger. , although mother is incompetent and cannot do anything for you, but mother can risk her life for you, understand?"

Xu really realized that she was in danger, otherwise Mother wouldn't have said such a thing.

Ling Mu'er only felt a warm current slip through her heart, her nose was sore, she was reluctant to leave in her arms, "Mother..."

Outside the door, Yang Dayong's voice came, "Mu'er, his mother, Zixuan came and said he has something important to see Mu'er."

Ling Muer wiped away the tears from her face, and wiped away the tears from the corners of her mother's eyes, then looked outside the door, there was indeed a familiar figure, Ling Muer frowned suspiciously, "Why did you come to me so early? "

Seeing that Ling Zixuan was in low spirits and still wearing yesterday's clothes, Ling Muer realized that something was wrong.

"Why did you come back so early, but what happened to Chaoyang?"

When Ling Zixuan came to look for Mu'er early in the morning, Yang's first feeling was that something had happened to Chaoyang, and she was extremely worried.

Seeing this, Ling Zixuan realized how impulsive he was. He hurriedly comforted Yang Shi, "Mother, it's not Chaoyang, it's, it's..."

"Is that the prisoner you interrogated fell ill again?" Seeing that Brother couldn't find a suitable reason, Ling Muer rushed to ask.

Ling Zixuan was startled for a moment, and quickly understood the meaning of Ling Muer's words. He nodded again and again, "That's right, the man suddenly became ill and Muer had to go and see him right away, so I came here early today, not because Chaoyang, parents don't need to worry."

Hearing this answer, Yang Shi and Yang Dayong breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing this, Ling Muer hurriedly took Ling Zixuan's hand, "The man's illness is not clear, and he needs to be treated in time. Brother, wait for me and I'll take care of it." with you."

She entered the room and changed her clothes as quickly as possible, and took away her medicine box. When she came out again, Yang's face was still suspicious and worried.

"Mother, that patient is what I told you just now, the person of King Xian. That person has a great background, but there is no delay. Then my brother and I will leave first."

Fearing that Ling Zixuan would reveal something, Ling Muer hurriedly dragged him away, leaving Yang Shi and Yang Dayong looking at their backs shaking their heads and sighing.

"These two children, why do I always feel that something is being hidden from me?" Yang still couldn't let go of her heart, she was holding Yang Dayong's arm and frowning together, but she couldn't relax it.

"You don't listen to the children, are you still a mother? It's alright, the children have grown up, and they have a proper way of doing things. Besides, even if something happens, Mu'er is smart and a blessed person. We will be able to turn bad luck into good luck, what we should do is to guard this family well, and guard the clinic and restaurant for Mu'er."

Listening to her husband's words, Yang felt much more at ease, "Yes, yes, we should save up a dowry for Mu'er, so that we won't be bullied when we marry into my husband's family."

After taking Ling Zixuan out of Ling's mansion, she was afraid that her mother would follow out uneasy, so she dragged herself to the alley for two streets before stopping.

"Brother, why did you come to find me so early? What happened?" Ling Muer asked nervously. Looking at his same clothes as yesterday, she felt something was wrong, "Did you not come home overnight?"

Knowing that Mu'er is thoughtful, Ling Zixuan didn't intend to hide it, "I want to find a way for you to get rid of Amu De, or cancel this martial arts competition, what a pity..."

It turned out that it was for her own sake, Ling Muer secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Brother, you have already said that this is my business, besides, this is the emperor's personal decree, besides the emperor, who can stop this contest? You don't want to Running around on this matter."

Thinking that Chaoyang was the most worried about her not coming home all night, she took the initiative to walk in front, "Come on, I'll go back with you now and explain clearly to the Princess, she must be very worried."

Ling Zixuan also knows that he is ashamed of his wife, but why is the lifelong happiness of his sister not important?

"Don't worry, I have sent someone back to explain clearly to Chaoyang, and I will comfort her myself later, but you tell me why Amu De insists on you, I can't see from his eyes that he treats you I like it so much, so what is his purpose, Mu'er, you must tell me the truth." Lin Zixuan tightly grasped her wrist, his eyes were very anxious.

Ling Mu'er brought up the worry that she had put down, she looked him carefully, and confirmed that there was something wrong with his eyes and mental state, so she held his wrist with her backhand, and took the opportunity to feel his pulse.

That's right, my brother's pulse is also very strange, as if he has taken some kind of medicine.

"Brother, why are you suddenly curious about Amu De's purpose, who asked you to ask me?" She asked tentatively.

Ling Zixuan opened his mouth to talk about the Seventh Prince, but he vaguely recalled what he had told him last night. Sure enough, the Seventh Prince was right. Once he asked this question, Mu'er would become defensive, so he couldn't admit it.

"I can only help you out of trouble if I know Amu De's purpose. Is Mu Er suspicious of my brother?"

"Even if I suspect that everyone in the world will not be kind to my own family, I am very worried that you will be used by those who want to." Ling Muer looked into his eyes firmly. "Brother, I know you are worried about me, but you have never been a reckless person, and you should know that no one but the emperor can solve the game of this contest, even if you ask the Seventh Prince to be useless. "

"How do you know it's the Seventh Prince?" Ling Zixuan asked reflexively, and it was only after he finished speaking that he realized that he had shown his mouth.

There was a sneer on the corner of Ling Muer's mouth, and she guessed it right.

"Brother, tell me first, why didn't you go back to Chaoyang Residence last night? You can't have been chatting with the Seventh Prince until very late, right? If it really took that long, you would have figured out a way. Also, what are you doing today? Your mental state is very strange, did he give you something to eat?"

Realizing that Muer was hostile to the Seventh Prince, Ling Zixuan was a little unhappy, "The Seventh Prince agreed to help me because he valued me. Although we have never thought of a good solution, the Seventh Prince said that we can only solve this matter by knowing ourselves and the enemy. I admit it." I'm sorry for Chaoyang, but I didn't solve your problem last night. Even if I go back, I don't feel relieved. Mu'er, Amu De is scheming and good at using poison. I'm just worried that Boy Chen will lose in the martial arts contest with him. Lose."

The concern for her in Ling Zixuan's eyes came from the heart, and Ling Muer was very moved after hearing his words.

But she was sure that the Seventh Prince drugged him.

If it is said that Amu De's scheming towards him is not pure, then why not the Seventh Prince?

It's a pity that my brother is devoted to protecting him, and he thinks that the Seventh Prince thinks highly of him. In order to repay this kindness, even if she says that the Seventh Prince is wrong now, I think I will not believe it.

"You were poisoned last night, do you know?"

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