As soon as Ling Mu'er took a step, the seventh prince's teasing voice came from behind, and Sheng'er was still following him.

"Mu'er." Sheng'er immediately ran towards her, and seeing the teardrops in the corners of her eyes, she hugged her tightly in her arms with distress, "I made you suffer Muer, you two shouldn't be in this situation , but what should I do, my poor Mu'er..."

The tears she had been suppressing burst out the moment Sheng'er appeared. Ling Muer nestled in her arms and let the tears soak her clothes, but thinking that the Seventh Prince was still there, she stubbornly wiped away the tears from her face.

"The Seventh Prince didn't want to punish Mu'er, so he came here in time?" She forced her lips together, but her smile was uglier than crying.

"Oh, you're biting Lu Dongbin." The Seventh Prince shook his head helplessly, and made a gesture, and the servants who followed immediately lifted Shangguan Shaochen up.

Looking at the cautious looks of these servants, and seeing Shangguan Shaochen about to leave her own world, Ling Muer felt reluctant, but in order not to let the Seventh Prince take advantage of her, she pretended to be careless, "Don't be so careful, he I have given a lot of ecstasy powder, no matter how strong your internal strength is, you won't wake up in less than ten hours."

Hearing Ling Muer's words, the Seventh Prince was really cheered up, "Sure enough, he is the most poisonous woman, you are really willing to take action against him."

"The Seventh Prince doesn't need to laugh at me. I'm leaving the capital soon. You can't hurt me at all."

Seeing Ling Muer's stubborn look, the Seventh Prince approached her step by step, "No wonder the Second Emperor Brother is so obsessed with you. You look so good-looking even when you cry. It really has a special charm."

After finishing speaking, he realized that the corners of Sheng'er's lips were trembling, and he immediately returned to the main story, "However, you don't have to talk to me in such a way, I have already done what I promised you, this bet is void, you don't have to marry again Western Regions, how can you say that you have to thank me."

Ling Mu'er really clasped her hands together, and looked at him seriously, "Thank you, Seventh Prince, for your help."

He waved his hand, signaling that she needn't be so polite, "To tell you the truth, I actually want to help you win over the second emperor brother. After all, your medical skills are still in great need of me. I never thought that Mo Junyao would be so overbearing. Father The emperor also likes her temperament. But it doesn't matter, you are leaving anyway, and it doesn't matter who the second brother marries."

The Seventh Prince's words were like thorns, piercing into Ling Mu'er's chest.

She frowned, took a deep breath, and quickly adjusted her mood, as if nothing happened, with a gentle and dignified smile on the corner of her mouth, "Mu'er also congratulates the Seventh Prince's wish is about to be fulfilled, don't worry, as long as I and My family left safely and I will tell you my secret immediately."

The Seventh Prince was very excited when he heard the words, "Don't worry, don't worry, tomorrow, I have already arranged to send you and the people from the Ling Mansion out of the city tomorrow."

Ling Muer shook her head, "No, I'll leave tonight."

Just now she said that Shangguan Shaochen was drugged by her and would not wake up in less than ten hours, but she actually concealed it on purpose. Shangguan Shaochen had taken the petals of Bailingxian, and all poisons in his body would not invade. She was worried that his awakening time would be accelerated. If he knew that she was going to leave tonight, he might do something stupid.

She really figured it out. To love someone is not to keep him by her side, nor to change him, but to respect his decision.

Their identities are very different, and they don't have the support of the emperor, so why should they stick together?

Assuming that the Shangguan Shaochen she knew had already died in battle.

"In such a rush? Mu'er, I still have a lot to say to you, and I haven't thanked you yet." Receiving the gesture from the Seventh Prince, Sheng'er took Ling Muer's arm. inner.

Seeing Ling Muer's suspicious brow, the Seventh Prince waved his big hand and embraced Sheng'er caressingly. He stared at her stomach excitedly, "Yes, you are indeed rejuvenated, even Sheng'er's situation is not good enough. I can be pregnant by you, I should really thank you. It's just that I didn't expect you to want to leave in such a hurry. "

"Sister Sheng'er is really pregnant?" Ling Muer was also very excited. This was probably the most exciting moment for her today, "Sister Sheng'er's body is different from ordinary people. Okay, I hope the Seventh Prince will take good care of her."

The Seventh Prince shook his head, "No, you will take care of her."

Seeing her displeased expression, the Seventh Prince immediately put Sheng'er's hand in her palm, "This is also the reason why I don't want you to leave so soon, that's right, because Sheng'er had taken the Guanzi Decoction before, Although I finally got pregnant this time, the fetal image has been unstable, and I have searched all the doctors, but I can't ensure that she can give birth safely, so I want you to take care of her for a while."

"No, I have to go tonight."

Ling Mu'er refused coldly, and she checked Sheng'er's pulse again to make sure that the Seventh Prince was not lying. She pretended to take out a moment of pills from the space in her pocket, "Although this does not guarantee your smooth delivery, at least It will ensure that the fetal heart rate stabilizes temporarily, as long as Sister Sheng'er pays more attention to rest and does not easily move the fetal gas, there will be no problem."

The Seventh Prince watched helplessly as a pill conjured up in her palm, and he was sure that she had conjured it from the secret treasure house. Ever since he was sure that she could really disappear in front of her and reappear suddenly, he was even more curious about her baby. I can't wait to grab it now.

Then, nothing can go wrong in this matter.

"The prince promised to help you and your family leave the capital, and he will definitely do what he says, but Sheng'er is also very important to me. You know, I don't want other women in this life except her, and she can Pregnant with my child is the most important thing for me! Otherwise, you can help her to the end and recuperate her body well before leaving. You are a medical fairy girl, although you only have a few hours of work, but I think that should be enough."

After finishing speaking, the Seventh Prince pushed Sheng'er down beside her.

Sheng'er received a look again, although she felt very ashamed, but in order to keep Mu'er's life safe, this is the condition she promised to the master.

"Yeah, Mu'er, I don't know when we'll meet again after you left. I really don't know if you're not by my side, and this child finally came. I'm really worried that she will..." Sheng'er He said nervously, clutching her arm firmly, "Help me, check it out for me, if I can really give birth to this child safely, I will definitely thank you in this life."

Listening to the two of them singing together, and seeing Sister Sheng'er's dodging eyes, Ling Mu'er suddenly understood.

They didn't ask her to take care of Sheng'er at all, the Seventh Prince put Sheng'er by her side as a pawn to monitor her!

Although Sheng'er's eyes dodged, with a bit of guilt, she still did it after all. It turned out that there was no such barrier between her and her.

The Seventh Prince is full of calculations. In order to get the God Ring space, he is of course worried that she will run away early, after all, his legs are on her body.

Let Sheng'er follow her to monitor her all the time, so that he can report any news at any time, fortunately he can figure it out.

"Okay then, leave Sister Sheng'er to me. I will take care of her body before dark and wait for the seventh prince's good news."

Finally getting a satisfactory result, the Seventh Prince nodded, indicating that they could leave.

"Mu'er, I'm sorry."

On the carriage, Sheng'er suddenly knelt down and kissed her. How could a pregnant woman do such a thing?

Although Sheng'er betrayed their sisterhood, Ling Muer was still worried about her body, "Sister Sheng'er, what are you doing? You get up and talk first, your body can't stand such torture."

While pressing her stomach, she got up and sat beside her, Sheng'er cried into tears, "I'm sorry Mu'er, you are so kind to me, but I'm sorry for you, in fact, I was sent by my master to monitor you, he was afraid You ran away. I also heard the conversation between you and my grandfather that day. Although I don’t know what your secret is, after my grandfather got the secret, he will not let you go. You go, before he finds out Hurry up and leave the capital, otherwise, not only your secret, but also your life will be lost."

It never occurred to Sheng'er to have a showdown with her.

She was the one who blamed her wrong just now, she thought Sheng'er betrayed their sisterhood.

"Sister Sheng'er, you..."

"If I don't promise to follow you to watch over you, I will send other people to watch over you. Mu'er, I regard you as my sister. How can I betray you after you have helped me so much?"

Wiping off the tears on her face, Sheng'er said anxiously, "To be honest, I have replaced the driver outside with my own in advance, he is very reliable and won't bring the news to the master, you go find... ...Go to King Xian, he will definitely help you."

With that said, Sheng'er knocked on the carriage, and the driver outside the door immediately turned around when he heard the familiar signal.

"Mu'er, don't be afraid. The carriage is going in the direction of Prince Xian's mansion. King Xian is treating you well, and he will definitely help you. You all leave the capital now. Even if you want to find it for a while, you will never find it." You, besides, with the virtuous king protecting you, you will be safe. As for your family..."

Sheng'er thought about it, and became more and more anxious, "Although I am only a small side concubine of the Seventh Prince's Mansion, I still have some real power. I will send someone to take your parents and relatives to a safe place to hide. As for Ling Zixuan, He is the adopted son of Marquis Fu of Ningguo, and he is also the county matriarch. I believe that no matter how angry he is, he will not do anything to him easily. Mu'er, the most important thing now is your own safety. You should not worry about other people Come on, let's go now."

I really didn't expect that sister Sheng'er would arrange all this for her in such a short period of time.

She embraced her tightly gratefully, "Sister Sheng'er, thank you!"

"Silly sister, what nonsense are you talking about? Since you call me elder sister, I will be your elder sister for the rest of my life. How can there be any reason why elder sister should always let younger sister protect her?"

Seeing that the carriage seemed to have stopped, Sheng'er knew that they were about to say goodbye, "I remembered, you seemed to be reminding me of something when you talked to me last time, in fact, since then you have doubted Master, right? Yes, He really wants to kill you after getting your secret, so you have to go. Mu'er, I'm sorry, if Master did something to hurt you, please don't bother with him for my sake. Let's go, Xian When the palace is here, the virtuous king will definitely protect you."

"how about you?"

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