"I'm sorry father and mother, I'm sorry grandma and uncle, I'm sorry Mr. Zhu, Mu'er is late, are you all right?"

Hurrying to the side courtyard, seeing her family members standing in front of her intact, Ling Muer was relieved.

But because of being imprisoned by the Seventh Prince suddenly, everyone's face was full of gloom, and they looked like they had been greatly wronged. Ling Muer felt extremely guilty in her heart, and she stood in the center of the crowd and bowed. "I'm sorry my family, it's Muer who caused you to be like this, Muer solemnly apologizes to you, I'm sorry."

"Hey, get up, get up, there's no need for you to make such a grand ceremony." Grandma was the closest to her, and hurriedly helped her up and hugged her, "We didn't blame you during the night we were imprisoned." It means that everyone is worried about you, what is going on?"

"That's right, Mu'er, it's not that the Seventh Prince is helping us, but why did he imprison us all of a sudden? And Boy Chen, what exactly is he trying to do? Why did he bring so many officers and soldiers to arrest you?" Yang Shiman With a worried face, she tightly held onto Ling Muer's hand, fearing that she would be taken away again in the next second.

Thinking of the unexpected situation last night, Ling Mu'er had already guessed how the family would be frightened. Apart from guilt, she didn't know how to make up for it.

"I believe that my parents have heard the news that the envoys from the Western Regions are coming to the capital. The princess and the princess chose Shao Chen as the marriage partner, so I want to leave the capital in a fit of anger. I'm sorry that Mu'er is too selfish and has caused you to toss with me." Ling Mu'er explained half-truth, and she sighed, "As for the Seventh Prince, I took care of his concubine, Sister Sheng'er, and helped her successfully conceive. He agreed to help me leave the capital to thank me." But I didn't expect Shao Chen to be assassinated on the way back to Beijing from the military camp. That person turned out to be a member of the Seventh Prince. That's why Shao Chen took me away in this way. The Seventh Prince was worried about Shao Chen's revenge, so he took me away. You use this to threaten Shaochen."

"What? The Seventh Prince wants to assassinate Boy Chen?" Parents are honest and responsible people, and they simply cannot accept such a fact.

In their cognition, brothers should love each other, how can they assassinate each other?

But seeing Ling Muer's serious expression, they gasped in fear, especially Yang Shi, who immediately raised a worried heart in his throat, "Although I haven't read the book, I also know that Mrs. He The reason is urgent, how could the Seventh Prince do such a cruel thing, then, is our Zixuan also very dangerous?"

Speaking of brother, Ling Muer realized that Ling Zixuan and Zhu Qi were not in the crowd.

Presumably this is the second-hand preparation made by the Seventh Prince.

"Mom, where's my brother?"

"Mu'er, both your elder brother and elder brother Zhu have been taken away. If the Seventh Prince is such a cruel and evil person, wouldn't they be very dangerous?" Yang was so worried that she hurriedly grabbed Ling Muer's hand, " If Mu'er can save us, there must be a way to save them, right, Mu'er, please think of a way."

"Mother, don't worry, elder brother and elder brother Zhu are both court officials, no matter what the Seventh Prince wants, they will be fine."

Ling Mu'er patted her mother's hand comfortingly and then walked in front of Mr. Zhu and his wife.

She approached with an apologetic face, and before she could speak, Mr. Zhu had already interrupted first, "Girl, you don't need to say anything, the old man is also a person who retired from the court, and I am very clear about the intrigues and power struggles in this imperial city." , Ever since the day Qi'er was used by him, I've thought about such an outcome, but I believe you will rescue them both safely."

"Thank you Mr. Zhu for your understanding, don't worry, I will do my best!" Ling Muer cupped her fist gratefully.

Looking at Chaoyang in the corner, she kept looking anxious.

"Don't worry too much, sister-in-law, I will find a way, why don't we go home first?" Ling Muer reached out to grab Chaoyang's hand, but unexpectedly she pushed it away with great force.

"Don't touch me!"

Everything happened so suddenly that everyone was frightened. How were the two of them very close before?

"You think of a way? What can you think of? I don't even pay attention to me, the little princess and the seventh prince, let alone your first-year civil daughter." Chaoyang roared, "It's all because of you, Zixuan didn't get married overnight. Gui, now you are arrested because of you, and, you already knew that the Seventh Prince murdered Shangguan Shaochen, right? Why didn't you say it earlier! If Zixuan has any wrongdoings, it's all because of you!"

"Chaoyang, how can you talk like that?"

Seeing Ling Mu'er being pointed at and scolded, Yang and grandma felt very distressed, and stood by her side, "Mu'er didn't expect things to turn out like this, besides, the relationship between the two brothers and sisters Deep, if she knew that Zixuan was in danger, how could she let him fall into it?"

When encountering difficulties, even the mother-in-law and grandmother who are very good to her protect her daughter, which makes Chaoyang feel a little sad, but as long as she thinks that her husband is in danger, these different treatment are not important.

"Yes, you brothers and sisters are deeply in love, so you should know how much effort Zixuan has put in to get to where he is today! You should know why he married me in the first place!"

Chaoyang glared at Ling Muer angrily, "But what about you, once you say you want to leave the capital, everyone will accompany you to toss together, and then you say no to leave, are you playing us? Yes, you are very Ability, no matter where you go, you can open a restaurant and open a medical clinic, and you can do it impressively, but have you ever thought about Zixuan's identity? Consequences? Have you ever thought about how much hard work he put in behind becoming the Shaoqing of Dali Temple from Lingjia Village, and was he really willing to give up and leave? Ling Muer, you are too selfish!"

"Chaoyang!" Hearing this, Yang was very dissatisfied.

Yang, who has never turned face to his daughter-in-law, has a stiff face, "It's not that I protect Mu'er, you can't shirk all the responsibility to Mu'er when something happens. If it wasn't for Mu'er in the past few years, how could we have done that?" Coming to the capital and living such a good life, honestly speaking, if Mu'er hadn't brought our family to the capital, how could you have known our Zixuan family? Besides, if you two hadn't insisted on getting married early, Mu'er is now How could you and Boy Chen be reduced to this field?"

Seeing Chaoyang's complexion changed again and again, it was obvious that she was holding back her anger. After Yang had vented her dissatisfaction, she held her hand very gently, "Chaoyang, mother knows that although you look hot, you are actually very gentle. Considerate, we all see your kindness to Zixuan, but you really can't say that about Muer. You only saw the danger that Zixuan was facing, do you know what Muer did for Zixuan? Back then Zixuan has lost one leg, if Mu'er is not a lucky person, would you still want Zixuan who has lost one leg?"

Yang looked at Chaoyang affectionately and said, "Mother is also worried about Zixuan, and you are also worried, but I believe that there will always be a solution to the matter. Don't be angry, and don't get angry with Mu'er. Everyone It's a family with a problem that needs to be solved, right?"

Ling Mu'er never thought that her mother would say such a thing. Is this the same mother who was bullied by Wang's back then and dared not speak out?

Mother always loves her, so of course she can't stand her being wronged, but Chaoyang is also her sister-in-law after all, if because of her, the trouble between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not getting faster, and if they become estranged in the future, then it is really hers. guilty.

"Mother, you can underestimate my sister-in-law. Don't say that my brother was lame in one leg. Even if he is lame now, my sister-in-law will not dislike my brother, will she, sister-in-law?" Ling Muer deliberately teased her, regardless of her He disagreed and held her arm tightly. "I was wrong. I was not considerate enough and brought trouble to my brother, but my brother loves me and I won't care about me. My sister-in-law knows that my brother loves me, so she will definitely not care about me, right?"

"You..." Chaoyang wanted to get angry, but seeing Ling Muer blinking and smiling at her, he didn't know how to say the angry words.

"Don't worry, I will never let my brother fall into danger. Not only will I save both brother and brother Zhu, but I can also guarantee that they will not encounter any danger in the future, so sister-in-law, we can go back now." Are you home yet?"

At the end of the sentence, Ling Mu'er made a gesture of invitation, which made Chaoyang bear it back even if he wanted to get angry.

"Your mouth makes me... I really can't refute it, but you'd better remember your promise, or I will never forgive you!" Chaoyang gave her a blank look, but didn't shake off her hand holding her arm.

"Yes, sister-in-law."

Ling Mu'er brought everyone back to the Ling Mansion. During the period, Yang and the others saw Shangguan Shaochen, and they were in a good mood after finally calming down.

When the Seventh Prince imprisoned them, they tried to hope that he would let them go in the name of the Second Prince, but the Seventh Prince would say: The Second Prince will marry the princess and have nothing to do with them, Mu'er.

Looking at Shangguan Shaochen again, there were only four words in everyone's mind - chaos at first and abandonment at the end.

"Thank you, Second Prince, for saving our family." As Ling Mu'er's mother, Yang Shi resolutely protected her daughter behind her back before everyone returned to the Ling Mansion. When she looked at Shangguan Shaochen again, she was displeased , "I heard that the second prince and his princess from the Western Regions are about to get married, so there must be a lot of things to be busy, so I won't invite you into the mansion."

I'm afraid she wouldn't use such a cold tone when dealing with strangers.

Ling Muer walked out from behind Yang and opened her mouth to defend Shangguan Shaochen, but Yang blocked her mouth immediately, "Mother has never read books and doesn't understand the principles, but mother knows that a married man should not be provoked. Mu'er, let's go."

Forcibly pulling away Ling Mu'er's arm, Yang's attitude was firm and her tone was very cold, which showed how disappointed she was with this kid Chen who used to be like her own child.

Shangguan Shaochen sighed in his heart, and immediately chased after him, "Auntie, things are not what you heard."

"If the second prince is a good man upright, he should treat your fiancée wholeheartedly, instead of messing with someone else's daughter."

Yang savagely dropped the words and forcibly brought Ling Mu'er back to the Ling Mansion. Before Shangguan Shaochen could catch up, he ordered someone to close the gate of the Ling Mansion tightly to keep him out.

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