Facing Ling Muer's angry questioning, Su Ce only corrected him slowly, "It's the virtuous king."

After finishing the three words slowly, he raised his head arrogantly, as if he was waiting for Ling Muer to salute him.

Su Ce has never put on a show in front of her, let alone a virtuous king, even when he was the king of a small county, he never overwhelmed her with his status.

This move is to let her not meddle in her own business.

Seeing that Ling Muer felt very guilty about this, Nangong Yizhi walked up to him, "My cousin and I have already thought of a way to resolve the marriage contract. In fact, the virtuous king doesn't have to make such a sacrifice."

Hearing this, Ling Mu'er seemed to regain her energy, and she hurriedly said to Su Ce: "You go to the palace and tell the emperor that you don't really want to marry Mo Junyao, anyway, you don't want to in your heart anyway. The emperor has always valued you, and will definitely agree."

Su Ce just smiled, gentle, warm, and like a spring breeze, as if this matter was so unimportant to him.

"Do you think the palace is a theater? If you buy it, you can buy it, and if you don't buy it, you can go back on it?" Su Ce thought it was funny, and lowered his head to drink a cup of tea, but his eyes turned cold in the corner where they couldn't see.

I'm afraid that even if he really repents, the emperor will not agree.

The emperor didn't want Shangguan Shaochen to marry and marry the princess at all, he always wanted to wait for an opportunity, wait for someone to give him a step down, and it happened that he took the initiative to ask for marriage, the emperor was naturally eager to go down this step and hurry down.

Of course, since he did this, he never thought of regretting it.

If he repented, wouldn't it bring endless troubles to Ling Mu'er?

"But you don't like Mo Junyao at all, and she doesn't deserve you!" Ling Muer felt even more guilty.

"Didn't you tell me that I should plan for lifelong events? My virtuous king's mansion happens to be very empty, and it's time to add a female family member for a day, but I just live with a woman. What kind of woman is not married? This king will return to you in the future." There will be more women, just find someone you like." Su Ce explained with an indifferent attitude, but he didn't know that when he said this, his heart was bleeding.

Ling Mu'er instantly remembered her joking words that day, "It seems that the major issues in your life have not been resolved perfectly. If the virtuous king is really so free, he should find a virtuous princess."

She closed her eyes tightly and then opened them again, with deep regret in her eyes.

"Su Ce, I..."

"Since you can't marry the one you love, who is different for women in this world?" Su Ce stood up suddenly, and leaned in front of her, putting his hands on the table and carefully staring into her eyes, "I said , I will help you."

Before Ling Muer could respond, Su Ce had already handed over two documents. Ling Muer looked at the red happy letter in her palm, it turned out to be his wedding invitation.

"On a good day at the end of next month, I hope you two will show your face to witness the moment of my king's happiness." After Su Ce finished speaking, he returned to his seat and sat upright, holding a folding fan in his hand, while fanning the wind leisurely while facing the door. Zitong ordered, "Come here, see off the guests."

"Su Ce..." Ling Muer wanted to say something else. The person has been brought to the door by Zitong.

"Miss Ling, please go back. If Princess Heqin finds out that the son is close to you, it will be bad for the son after all. After all, this is a marriage that represents the diplomatic relations between the two countries, and it cannot be affected."

That's right, if Mo Junyao found out that her future son-in-law was getting close to other women, maybe there would be a fuss.

The emperor issued a decree to marry the Princess Heqin of the Western Regions. Although she didn't know what Su Ce had done during this process, if the Emperor found out that Su Ce got entangled with other women after getting the Princess Heqin, she might be angry. The entire Xianwang Mansion is in danger.

"Mu'er, let's go back first. This matter still needs to be discussed in the long term." Nangong Yizhi whispered in her ear. Ling Muer had no choice but to look at Su Ce for the last time, sighed and had to leave the palace of Xian Wang.

Watching the happy woman leave his sight, as if she would be separated from him forever, Su Ce held the folding fan tightly in his hand, and the jade fan of excellent quality was crushed by him.

"My lord..." Zitong wanted to persuade her when she came back.

Su Ce was furious, "Get lost!"

In the second prince's mansion, Ling Mu'er waited until dark and Shangguan Shaochen came back from the palace with a smile on his face.

"Mu'er, two good news, which one do you want to hear first?" Shangguan Shaochen joyfully grabbed Ling Muer's hand, his parted lips were about to stick to his ears, which shows how happy he is today.

"Your Mu'er is now blaming the Xian King for sharing her worries. Cousin, it's no wonder that in the past you never met a sweetheart who was sincere to you. It's no wonder that the man thinks." Nangong Yizhi scolded him and got up, "Okay, since you came back, I should go back, these days I have been running a lot for you and the princess, although the results are useless Now, but when I go back, I might be scolded by Mrs. He, so my son has gone back to receive the punishment."

When Nangong Yizhi walked by, Shangguan Shaochen said thank you. On the night when he and Amu De discussed the betting contract, he took Nangong Yizhi and secretly went to the Western Regions to investigate everything about Mo Junyao, trying to find her weakness so as to block the marriage contract. In the end, I didn't expect him to find him. Unfortunately, Su Ce was one step ahead of him and set the date of marriage with Mo Junyao. This matter was also hindered by the diplomatic relations between the two countries. His father wished that someone could accept Mo Junyao. That's how things were settled.

Looking at Ling Muer's guilty face, but her calm face was uglier than crying, Shangguan Shaochen squatted beside her and carefully held her hand, "Muer, I owe Su Ce this matter, let me take it , Don't worry, I will find a way to make up for him."

Ling Muer, who had been thinking about it all afternoon, had already figured it out when Shangguan Shaochen came back. She shouldn't be so depressed, and she shouldn't find a way to get justice for Su Ce and cancel the marriage. Su Ce's purpose is to let her Happy, if she messes around again, won't she let him down in vain?

"What is the good news you just said?" She raised her head and asked.

"Father has already promised you my marriage, Mu'er, you will be my concubine in the future."

"Really?" Ling Muer couldn't believe her ears.

Ever since she met the emperor for the first time, that high-ranking lord of a country did not allow her to communicate with his emperor's son and courtiers. During this time, he has repeatedly prevented them from being together, wishing to send her to the Western Regions, why? Will you suddenly agree?

I'm afraid Shangguan Shaochen also paid a lot for this.

"how did you do that?"

Shangguan Shaochen's complexion changed, and he became a little serious, "I promise him that he will carry forward the heavenly dynasty, govern the court well, make the people live and work in peace and contentment, and fight with those few people for that seat."

At the end, Shangguan Shaochen gritted his teeth and stared straight at Ling Muer's eyes, fearing that she would be annoyed by it, and hurriedly explained, "Muer, I know you don't like the imperial palace because you regard it as The cage has imprisoned your freedom, but don't worry, I will not restrict you at any time. If you are willing to open a medical clinic in the palace, I will agree to you, and I promise you that there is only you in the harem. So, don't Would you like to decline this honor?"

Ling Mu'er was standing there not knowing how to describe such a mood.

She accepted Shangguan Shaochen because she loved him, and she resisted the palace because the palace is an extremely sinister place, she just didn't want to join such a fight.

"What's the second good news you said?" She tried to divert his attention.

Shangguan Shaochen saw her displeasure, "You haven't answered my question just now."

When Ling Mu'er was forced to look at him, what she saw was his eyes full of expectation. After she pretended to be serious, she suddenly smiled, "You and I are one and the same, do I still have the right to refuse?"

"So you agreed?" Shangguan Shaochen was so excited that he couldn't believe his ears, he picked her up by the waist and spun around on the spot, "Girl, thank you."

"Then I want you to agree to a request." Ling Mu'er raised a finger.


"I haven't said yet, what are you doing?" Ling Mu'er snorted coldly.

"Let's say it's just one, I promise you a hundred. Naturally, what you say is good." Shangguan Shaochen waved her long arm and took her into his arms. The satisfaction he had never had before made him feel a sense of satisfaction. Refreshed.

"I want you to promise me that no matter what your identity or situation, you will protect my family for the rest of your life."

She is not from a wealthy family. Although she is already unattainable by many people and can be called a noble girl in the capital, she is a peasant girl after all. Once she really marries Shangguan Shaochen, she will inevitably not be recognized. A caring person discusses things with his identity. At that time, the only ones who are embarrassed are the family members.

Not to mention the prince, even the emperor sometimes has a lot of involuntary things.

"Coincidentally, the second piece of good news I want to tell you is that Lin Zixuan and Zhu Qi have returned to the Ling Mansion safely."

I have to admit that this is indeed good news, even more gratifying than her being able to stand beside the second prince in a legitimate way.

"Impossible, how could the Seventh Prince be willing to let him go?"

He suffered such a big loss, how could he be willing to let go of his bargaining chips if he didn't get any benefits, and he even tried to save Ling Zixuan and threaten her to hand over the treasure.

"Since I can't make him release him, he naturally has to listen to my father's will." Shangguan Shaochen said arrogantly.

"No wonder." Ling Mu'er nodded, but immediately thought of the scene where the Seventh Prince would explode with anger, she was faintly worried, "Brother and Brother Zhu are both the Seventh Prince's people after all, this time we are officially forming a relationship , I'm afraid the two of them will have a hard time in the future."

"If it was the same as before, they would indeed be very dangerous, but now it's different. They are all the family members of the second prince's concubine. Even if he wants to do something, do you think he dares?"

Shangguan Shaochen spent all his time looking at Ling Muer, whenever he thought that this pretty girl in front of him would soon be his second concubine, his heart was inexplicably aroused.

The beauty of last night couldn't help echoing in his mind, making him want to enjoy it again.

"Mu'er, do you want to guess, which day is the good day Father chose for you and me?" He asked bewitchingly, his red lips were already approaching the corners of hers with purpose.


"The end of next month, the only good day." After saying that, Shangguan Shaochen had already hugged her by the waist, but he didn't see the startled expression of the little woman in his arms.

Isn't that the same day that Su Ce married Princess Heqin?

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