"I didn't expect Miss Yixian to be such a person. It seems that we have misjudged her on weekdays!"

"Yeah, how can you snatch someone else's fiance just because of your own beauty? We were really deceived by her kind appearance."

"Girl, you should return the phoenix crown in your hand to this girl."

A few people talked to each other, and they convicted Ling Muer before they could figure out the situation.

Yang was furious, but how could these people slander her daughter like this?

Just about to stand up, the shopkeeper of Jewelry Studio suddenly said, "Miss Yixian is not this kind of person! She saves lives and heals the wounded. She is benevolent and benevolent. She has been admired by many people in the short two years since she opened a medical center in the capital, but everyone Let's see who the girl chooses? Let's not talk about the well-known merchants in the capital flocking to fawn every day. Even the virtuous king loves the medical fairy girl so much that the girl didn't choose him. As for the man who snatched you away ?"

If someone said that, there would be a second, and a third common people who could distinguish right from wrong would stand up to support Ling Muer.

"That's right, who is the virtuous king? But the first son of the capital, the girl doesn't even want such a suave virtuous king, would you want your man? I see clearly that you can't control your own man, messing around here Bar."

"I heard that Miss Yixian is going to marry the second prince to be his concubine, and the marriage was requested by the second prince himself. Do you dare to say that the second prince was your fiancé in the past? Girl, who are you!"

Seeing that the plan had come to nothing, the person who had originally pointed out Ling Mu'er started to mock her with disdain, Mo Junyao was so angry that his head almost smoked, "Shut up, all of you!"

She roared, and her soft and waxy voice suddenly magnified countless times, like the roar of a lion in the east of the river, scaring the surrounding people back a few steps, and one of the timid ones shrank into her husband's arms, "No wonder her man doesn't want her anymore , so fierce, if I don't want her."

When Mo Junyao heard this, she rushed up and grabbed the woman by the collar, "What did you say? How dare you slander me? Also, you just said that the virtuous king also admires her?"

She was going to blow up, why did the man she picked two times before and after be unclear with this Ling Muer, her brother was only interested in her, could it be that the two men were also blind?

If the dignified princess of the Western Regions hurts the innocent people in the capital, I believe there will be a huge joke. Ling Muer could have just sat idly by and let her simmer down the matter, waiting to see her make a fool of herself, but if This will only embarrass Su Ce.

After all, Mo Junyao is Su Ce's fiancee.

"The person I want to marry is Shangguan Shaochen. I met him three years ago, and we made a marriage contract half a year ago. And you have only been in the capital for half a month. How dare you ask who is planning to snatch whose man away?" ?" Ling Muer asked domineeringly, while protecting the woman who was grabbed by her collar behind her.

Her aggressive posture with her eyes wide open made Mo Junyao's chest tremble, she really did not expect that a village girl who was born as a peasant girl would have such a powerful aura.

"You..." Mo Junyao was impatient, but now she doesn't care about Shangguan Shaochen anymore, her mind is full of words like 'the virtuous king admires Ling Mu'er', "You vixen, say, when did you seduce the sage? Wang's? What happened to you and her?"

Mo Junyao approached her step by step, and even secretly took out something with the hand in his cuff.

Ling Mu'er grinned amusedly, but didn't notice her small movements. Su Ce was about to get married, and she didn't want people to misunderstand, but this Mo Junyao was really hateful, and she really wanted to teach her a lesson.

"You mean the virtuous king?" She shook her head deliberately, her tone evil, "Let's put it this way, I came to the capital because of the virtuous king. I used to be a guest at the king's mansion; I am also the first woman to look at his other courtyard; his palace of the virtuous king; moreover, his grandmother still values ​​me very much, what do you think is the relationship between the two of us?"

"You bitch!" Mo Junyao couldn't take it anymore, she raised her hand to shake off the powder in her palm.

Amu De, who stood behind and saw everything clearly, took a step ahead of her, and immediately pushed her away. The white powder was scattered all over the ground, and when it fell on the ground, it immediately turned into countless foams, and there were even some corrosive sounds.

Seeing everything in front of them, everyone around was stunned.

"Poison, what she sprinkled was actually poison!" After one of the common people exclaimed, all the people watching the theater left the jewelry room one after another.

In the empty room, only Amu De brother and sister, and Ling Muer, mother and daughter are left.

At the same time that Amu De rushed over, Yang Shi also hurriedly protected Ling Muer behind her back, and then looked at the situation on the ground, she gasped in fright, "You...you actually want to murder my daughter, what if this thing just now Sprinkled on my Mu'er, wouldn't she have no bones left? I want to report to the authorities, I want to report to the officials!"

"I'm afraid you can't go anywhere!"

Seeing that Yang turned around to run, Amu De flew in front of her, and his hideous mask fell off because of his exaggerated movements, revealing his ugly and frightening face.

"Ah!" Mrs. Yang screamed out of fear from his face, and the onlookers outside even cried out in surprise. A farce turned into an accident scene.

Ling Mu'er hurriedly pressed Yang Shi's shoulder, half-embraced her in her arms, and gently comforted her. "Mother, don't be afraid of mother, it's okay, it's okay."

Seeing so many people pointing and pointing eyes, Amu De didn't care about anything, but Ling Mu'er's mother was frightened into such a state. For some reason, Amu De felt ashamed of his ugly face for the first time.

He had never been so eager to heal his face, and at this moment he suddenly made a decision.

He hastily put on his mask, pretending that nothing happened just now, but he looked a bit guilty, and didn't dare to look at Yang Shi and Ling Muer at all. And pushed Mo Junyao away, "Let's go."

"Don't go, I won't go if we don't make it clear today, this bitch not only won't let me marry Shangguan Shaochen, but also get entangled with Su Ce, that's the man I like I have something to do with her, I want to see how attractive she is!"

Mo Junyao was entangled and tried to rush past Amu De, but unfortunately she was a girl after all and could not match a man in terms of strength. She was angry and wronged when her brother didn't protect her.

"Are you still my brother?" She tried to push Amu De away with all her strength, but it was all in vain.

Staring at Amu De full of hatred, "Brother, if you are still my brother, don't stop me today, let me teach her a good lesson!"

"Because you are my sister, the person I protect is you!" Amu De shouted at her, grabbing her shoulders, "Do you know who she is? Do you know how many kinds of poisons are in her pockets?" ? Do you know how she will retaliate against you once that thing fell on her just now?"

Completely baffled by the roar, Amu De put his red lips close to her ear, and said in a voice that only two people could hear, "You must have heard about the royal family in the capital. You should know that there was a princess Lian'er in the former palace. She Because of offending Ling Muer, not only was her appearance ruined, she was also banned from the palace forever. That's a princess, why didn't the emperor stand up for her, and gave Ling Muer, who hurt her, to Shangguan Shaochen? Don't you know how powerful this woman is?"

The elder brother's voice was already evil, and Mo Junyao could only feel the cold sweat running down his back when he said such creepy words.

Because she was going to marry Su Ce, she naturally deliberately learned about the situation in the harem. She only heard about Princess Lian'er yesterday. Originally, she was curious about why a princess would suffer such treatment. Thinking that all of this is thanks to Ling Muer.

When she looked at Ling Mu'er again, a little fear flashed in her eyes.

Amu De is very satisfied with her performance, and feels that now is a good time to take her away, "Yaoyao, let's go first today, and it won't be too late to teach her a lesson after you secure your position as Concubine Xian."

Mo Junyao was really a little scared of Ling Muer, afraid of the poison in her pocket, she nodded and silently followed Amu De, but unfortunately, Ling Muer didn't intend to let them go like this.

"Stop!" She shielded her mother behind her, then looked at Mo Junyao with a murderous look on her face, "You tried to murder me, and you want to leave before I settle the score with you?"

Facing her murderous eyes, Mo Junyao was a little timid, and she couldn't speak so neatly, "You... Aren't you just standing here all right? Besides, it was my brother who saved you just now!"

"If you didn't kill me first, how could your brother have the chance to save me? According to you, I still have to thank you for the murder?" Ling Muer approached her step by step, "It turns out that the theory of the princess of the Western Regions It's so different, then can I also put some medicine on your face, and then ask your brother to save you, but it depends on how fast your brother is."

As soon as she finished speaking, Ling Muer raised her hand and dropped the same white powder that she spilled on her face just now.

Mo Junyao couldn't dodge in time, so she was slapped hard on the face. Seeing that it was also white powder, she was terrified, "Ah! Ling Muer, you bitch, I'm going to kill you!"

Because Amu De didn't expect that Ling Mu'er would really do something, when he reacted, his sister was already screaming.

He always knew that Ling Mu'er was not a good person, but he didn't expect her to be so arrogant, and it was useless for him to protect her everywhere just now.

"What did you do to Yaoyao?" Amu De stretched out his hand to control her neck, but Ling Mu'er dodged it.

"Treating her body in her own way, why don't you tell me what she did to me just now?"

Does this mean that what she sowed was also a poison that could disfigure her face?

Mo Junyao was terrified, she kept shaking her head, "I don't want to disfigure my face, I don't want it!" But her hands didn't dare to touch the white powder on her face, she closed her eyes and groped around like a blind man, "Brother, help me, Report to the official, I want to report to the official, brother save me!"

The anger that Amu De held back was completely activated, and he exuded a humble air. When he looked at Ling Muer again, his eyes were ferocious, like a beast that would open its bloody mouth at any time, he gritted his teeth, "Ling- Mu-er!"

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