She really didn't expect Shangguan Shaochen to support her like this, Ling Muer raised her eyes and gave him a grateful look, "Thank you Shaochen."

"The hot water is ready." Nangong Yizhi appeared in the room untimely.

Ling Muer immediately bowed her head and continued to treat Ling Zixuan.

Her reaction speed was so fast that Nangong Yizhi didn't notice it at all, and when he walked into the room and saw Ling Zixuan's bloody chest, he couldn't stand the stimulation and rushed out of the room immediately, and heard the sound of vomiting not long after. sound.

"Don't mind, he didn't do it on purpose." Shangguan Shaochen pleaded for Nangong Yizhi.

"I will definitely make that person pay in blood!" Ling Muer did not answer his words, but clenched her fists fiercely. She swore in her heart that no matter whether that person is the Seventh Prince or not, once she finds out the murderer, He must pay a price ten times worse than this!

Ling Zixuan was seriously injured, but luckily it was mostly skin trauma.

She cut off his bloody clothes first, then took out Lingquan water to wash his wound, then took out the medicine powder extracted from Bailingxian and sprinkled it on his wound, and finally sprinkled a layer of golden sore medicine that she developed exclusively, a series of procedures It took two full hours to watch Ling Zixuan being wrapped into a rice dumpling with satisfaction, and it was already dawn.

"Zixuan, Zixuan." A familiar voice suddenly came from outside the door, startling Ling Muer who had been observing, she looked at Shangguan Shaochen in disbelief, "But the voice of Chaoyang?"

Shangguan Shaochen obviously also realized that something was wrong, but before he opened the door, a figure rushed in, and before everyone could react, she had already thrown herself on the bed.

Seeing Ling Zixuan hurt like this, her tears burst into tears, "Why did you become like this, Zixuan, open your eyes and look at me, I am Chaoyang, you..."

Before she could finish speaking, Chaoyang rolled her eyes and nearly fell down. Ling Mu'er quickly stabilized her body and brought her hot water.

Chaoyang, who ran around in the dark, raised her eyes and saw Ling Muer, as if she saw a life-saving straw, "Muer, how is Zixuan, tell me the truth about him."

At this time, Mrs. Su Ce and Mrs. Yang also came to the study in a hurry, especially Mrs. Yang. Seeing Ling Zixuan being bandaged like this, the grief that she had endured all day and night broke out in an instant. She covered her mouth and wailed loudly.

"My Zixuan, my poor Zixuan..."

At this time, the scene had exaggerated everyone around, Ling Muer hurriedly comforted Yang Shi, "Mother, brother, he is fine, it's just a skin trauma, it will recover after a few days of cultivation."

But Mrs. Yang couldn't listen to her at all. Even if her son was lame in the past, he had never been injured so badly. She was terrified, "Who would kill our innocent Zixuan so much? God, what did our Ling family do wrong, you want to punish us like this! No, if you come after me for something, let me suffer instead of Zixuan."

Hearing what Yang said, Chaoyang, who had finally regained her composure, also cried. She sat on the edge of the bed and held Ling Zixuan's hand tightly, but the more she cried, the more she felt that her physical condition was not right. Her face gradually turned pale, and she couldn't help breathing. Aggravate it.

Ling Mu'er realized that something was wrong, and immediately fed her a pill, "Calm down, follow me, breathe, breathe... breathe."

Chaoyang originally thought that he was about to inflate his fetus again and followed Ling Muer's movements, and instantly felt much more comfortable.

Ling Mu'er immediately leaned in front of Yang Shi again, "Mother, don't cry, if you cry again, my sister-in-law will only worry, it will be very bad for the fetus in her womb, you don't want my brother to suffer a huge blow after waking up, right?" ?”

Yang originally wanted to cry bitterly, but this time she listened to her daughter's words, and seeing Chaoyang's expression was not right, she regretted it very much, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I couldn't control myself, I..." She wiped her face carelessly. Holding back the grief in his heart, he walked to Chaoyang's side, "Chaoyang won't cry anymore, Mu'er said, Zixuan is fine, besides, with Mu'er here, she and he are definitely fine."

Ling Mu'er really didn't know whether it was funny or crying for a person who was obviously terrified to comfort another person who was in grief.

"Chaoyang, thank the second prince for saving his life." Chaoyang knew that Shangguan Shaochen was responsible for this matter, so she immediately knelt on the ground to thank him.

"Get up quickly." Shangguan Shaochen hurriedly helped her up, "We will be a family soon. Ling Zixuan is Mu'er's brother, and my brother. It is my duty to save him. Don't worry, as long as I'm here, Nothing will happen to him in the future."

"Really not, this matter is Qi...?" Chaoyang wanted to ask, but it was the Seventh Prince who did it, but realized that his grandmother and Yang Shi were still present, so he held back.

Seeing this, Ling Muer hurried over, "Didn't I tell you to rest at home, I will definitely send brother back, why did you come out? It's freezing cold, you are weak, sister-in-law, you are too It's outrageous."

Was she reprimanded by her sister-in-law?

But everyone in the room still looked at her as if she had done something wrong, Chaoyang was a little embarrassed, "I'm also worried about Zixuan."

"Brother looks seriously injured, but luckily he didn't hurt the root cause. I've already applied medicine and bandaged the wound. With my special medicine and follow-up care, he will recover within half a month." Ling Muer Explained to everyone.

It didn't take half a month to recover from such a heavy trauma, it seemed that Ling Mu'er really didn't lie to them.

Mrs. Su heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly comforted Mrs. Yang, "I said we were too worried. Look, it's all right. Besides, girl Mu has great powers and excellent medical skills. Let's go back and wait for the good news."

Mrs. Su is a sensible person, and she can tell at a glance that they have to find out who is behind the scenes, but if Mrs. Yang joins in, it may be counterproductive. After all, she is just an old woman, and it is not suitable to involve her in such a matter.

Yang did not understand the meaning of her words, "When will Zixuan wake up, I will stay and take care of him."

"Of course it's okay if mother wants to take care of brother. It just so happens that sister-in-law will also stay and take care of her, but there are still some things that are needed here. Why don't mother go back and get them?"

"Take what?" Yang probably guessed that she was going to distract herself, and was a little unhappy. When she was at home, Mu'er told her everything.

Ling Muer smiled slightly, "Get your clothes, we can't let brother wake up naked, can we?"

As soon as these words came out, Yang's entire face blushed, and only then did she notice Ling Zixuan's exposed arms and the shredded bloody clothes, "Yes, yes, no clothes, no clothes, I'll go back and look for clothes."

Not daring to think that Mu Er deliberately dismissed her, Yang Shi left in a hurry.

Mrs. Su also left with the pretext of sending her back, leaving only a few young people in the room.

"Sister-in-law..." Ling Muer hadn't finished speaking, but was interrupted by Chaoyang, "I want to wait for him to wake up."

Ling Mu'er nodded, and didn't express any further comments. Everyone waited peacefully in the room.

During this period, Ling Muer asked Shangguan Shaochen how he rescued Ling Zixuan. It turned out that it was already late when Shangguan Shaochen and Nangong Yizhi brought the condemned criminals into the palace to meet the emperor, and the emperor had already rested, so they waited two more The hour, otherwise it would not have waited until dawn to bring people back.

After the emperor learned that Ling Zixuan, the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, had been wronged and was personally admitted by the death row inmate, he immediately ordered the prison to release him. When they rushed to the prison to take them, Ling Zixuan had just finished his punishment and was dying.

They didn't care about pursuing responsibility, so they brought him back first, but whoever has the right to kill Ling Zixuan will know everything after thinking about it carefully.

It's just a pity that the death-row prisoner insisted on refusing to reveal who the instigator behind it was, only saying that it was a personal grievance between him and Ling Zixuan. The emperor finally ordered the death-row prisoner to be imprisoned in the sky prison and await interrogation.

"Wake up, Zixuan is awake."

Chaoyang's excited voice came from beside her ear, and Ling Muer rushed over immediately, taking the lead to feel Ling Zixuan's pulse.

Finding that his pulse had stabilized, Ling Muer breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at his dimly opened eyes, but found nothing unusual, and then she put her heart back into her stomach.

"Brother, how do you feel?"

"Zixuan, Zixuan, are you okay? I'm Chaoyang, Zixuan." Chaoyang rushed into Ling Zixuan's arms, originally wanting to control her, but she couldn't control herself, tears fell down again.

Just after waking up, a person rushed over in his arms, Ling Zixuan was stunned for a moment, then tightly wrapped her in his arms, and kissed her hair, "I'm sorry, I made you worry."

"Of course you're sorry for me, you're not only sorry for me but also for our children, didn't you promise that I would take care of myself, you..." Chaoyang's small fist landed on his chest in a moment of excitement, which immediately attracted Ling Zixuan's gasp.


Chaoyang was terrified, and quickly got up from his arms, not even daring to touch him, "I'm sorry, I'm the one who hurt you, right?"

She immediately looked at Ling Mu'er, "Mu'er, show him quickly, it's bleeding, this wound is bleeding again."

Seeing Chaoyang's frightened look, Ling Mu'er originally wanted to laugh, but she was only moved in her heart.

It is his good fortune to marry a girl with a true temperament like Chaoyang in this life.

"It's okay, sister-in-law, don't worry too much."

"Yes, it was the second prince who saved me?" Seeing that Ling Muer, Shangguan Shaochen, Nangong Yizhi and others were all there, Ling Zixuan braced himself and wanted to get up. Ling Mu'er hurriedly held him down, "Don't move, you are seriously injured, you must lie down and recover."

"Mu'er is right, you are injured, so you can avoid the necessary etiquette, so you were born and raised in my second prince's residence, and no one else dares to bully you again." Shangguan Shaochen said heartily.

Ling Zixuan glanced at him gratefully, thinking of the torture he suffered during the day and night in the sky prison, he couldn't help shivering as a grown man, and thanked him from the bottom of his heart, "Thank you, Second Prince, for saving your life. "

Looking at Chaoyang and Mu'er again, he felt nothing but guilt. "I made you worry."

"Sister-in-law is really worried, and almost lost half of her life because of you. After he recovers this time, I must treat sister-in-law even better." Ling Muer reminded her earnestly like an elder, but Ling Zixuan suddenly I remembered something.

"Since the second prince can save me from the crisis, I ask the second prince to lend a helping hand to rescue Zhu Qi."

"What, you said Brother Zhu was also arrested?" Ling Muer was shocked, why didn't she get the news in advance? "Brother, did you find anything? Why is Brother Zhu in danger? Also, who is this person who wants to hurt you?"

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