Coming out of the palace angrily, Ling Mu'er felt that her good mood for the day had been ruined.

If Amu De hadn't appeared in time just now, she would have made Mo Junyao pay the price.

No, she couldn't swallow this breath!

The more Ling Mu'er thought about it, the angrier she became. She really regretted that she didn't prescribe some medicine to the unruly princess before she left, but it doesn't matter, it won't be too late to teach her the next time we meet.

"Miss Ling, stay here."

When she was about to step out of the arch, a strange voice came from behind her. Ling Muer instinctively looked back, only to see a graceful and luxurious woman coming slowly with a group of servants.

She looked carefully at the man's face, which was somewhat familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

"Bold, why don't you be rude when you see your empress?"

When Ling Mu'er was in a daze, an old nanny approached her, roaring angrily, trying to kick her knees and force her to kneel down.

Ling Mu'er saw her plan, dodged lightly, and tripped him unobtrusively, causing the old mammy to fall into the mud.


The old nanny screamed, knowing that it was Ling Muer who did it, she immediately looked at the imperial concubine, "Your Majesty did it for me, not only did this lowly woman not salute you, but she treated the old slave like this, the bones of the old slave Yo, it's all going to shatter."

Ling Mu'er narrowed her eyes and looked at the nanny, then at the imperial concubine, and a flash of inspiration suddenly came to her mind.

Is this person the biological mother of the Seventh Prince, Concubine Min?

Back then, at the emperor's celebration banquet for the three armies, she made things difficult for Sister Sheng'er, and it was she who stood up for her. It seems that she wanted to understand that she was deliberately helping Sheng'er to fool her, and now she wants to settle the score after Qiuhou?

Otherwise, how could the old nanny give her a blow?

"Nurse has really wronged Mu'er. I haven't figured out what happened when you came over suddenly. How could you frame me when you suddenly fell down?" Concubine Min, she saluted respectfully, "Ministers have seen the imperial concubine, but I don't know what the imperial concubine is doing?"

After finishing her sentence, she hurriedly added, "When I left the imperial study room just now, the emperor specifically told me to go back earlier to prepare the supplies for the marriage. If there is nothing urgent for the imperial concubine, let's talk next time?"

With that, she turned to leave.

"You don't have to use the emperor to oppress me, I'm looking for you today because the emperor means it." Concubine Min Gui said to her back.

Could it be that the emperor forgot to explain something, so he specially asked Concubine Min to block her at the gate of the palace?

Ling Muer smiled, "I also ask the imperial concubine to express it clearly."

"Hmph, don't worry. I have a lot of time to play word games with you today. It's okay to talk about the serious business later. Let's go through the old scores first."

Concubine Min raised the corners of her mouth arrogantly, with a face that was not easy to mess with, and she spoke so straightforwardly, obviously she came prepared.

Ling Mu'er knew that she had figured out that what she said last time was lying to her, but she didn't expect that after so long, she was still thinking about it. You, a noble concubine, are stingy enough.

She had just suffered a loss in the palace, and encountered such troubles as Concubine Min Gui on the back, did she not read the almanac when she went out today? The mood is so bad that it explodes in an instant!

"Mu'er doesn't understand what the concubine concubine said." Although she was angry from the bottom of her heart, she had to be kind on the surface. After all, Concubine Min is the biggest master of the harem right now.

Yesterday, Shangguan Shaochen specifically explained to her that in the future when he saw Concubine Min Gui, he had to go around a bit, because the emperor had already handed over the rights of the Queen to Concubine Min Gui.

Although her identity has not been canonized, but with real power in hand, she is the master of one person under one person and above ten thousand people.

"Hmph, don't pretend to be confused with me. That day I taught my daughter-in-law a lesson, but you came out to help her get ahead. Fortunately, I believed your words and didn't embarrass that bitch. If my emperor reminded me later, I would come out You are still being deceived in the dark!"

The more she thinks about Concubine Min, the angrier she becomes, and her beautiful facial features become hideous, "Come here, take down this untouchable, who dares to deceive me, he should be dealt with according to the palace rules."

What are the palace rules? It's nothing more than playing dozens of boards.

But let alone being beaten, she didn't even let the guards rushing over to touch her, "I'm afraid you have no right to treat me like this, Your Majesty the Imperial Concubine."

"Huh? I have no right?" Concubine Min seemed to have heard a big joke. She gave the guards a look and signaled them to back down first, while she approached Ling Mu'er step by step, "You are just a pariah. , this palace will teach you, what kind of identity do you need?"

"In the past, I was indeed just a lowly pariah, but the emperor's imperial decree has been issued, and I am the future second concubine. If I remember correctly, according to the rules of the celestial dynasty, you still have to salute me."

Ling Mu'er's voice became more and more evil, and when she looked at Concubine Min Gui, her eyes became more and more arrogant.

According to the rules of the celestial dynasty, the prince is the eldest, followed by the empresses of the palaces.

Although Concubine Min is now favored by the emperor, she is not an empress after all, she is shorter than her in terms of her position.


Concubine Min was in a hurry, she didn't expect this pariah to be so eloquent, "What a eloquent liar, that's how you fooled the second prince by your side, if I don't personally learn today, I really don't know how powerful you are!"

Concubine Min's chest rose and fell one after another, obviously very angry. "Sure enough, I'm just talking about a first-year civilian girl. How could you attract the attention of the second prince who is high above you? It turns out that you attracted him by opening your mouth, but your good days are coming to an end!"

Concubine Min gritted her teeth and looked at her as if she were an enemy, "I order you now to stay away from the second prince in the future. As for your marriage date, it will naturally be void."

The wedding is just around the corner, and if she says it will be voided, will it be voided?

Ling Mu'er's complexion gradually turned livid, and she exuded a chilling air from top to bottom. She was not afraid of Concubine Min's yelling, but looked at her head-on. "Why should I listen to you?"

"Because this is the emperor's intention!" Concubine Min held her head high, her eyes narrowed, she said it as a matter of course without any trace of lying.

"Impossible!" Ling Muer immediately felt that she was lying to herself.

Just now the emperor spoke his mind to her and recognized her identity, how could he change his mind in the blink of an eye?

"Presumptuous! Even if my palace is the largest in the harem, I dare not pass on the emperor's oral order without authorization. Do you think I'm lying to you?" Concubine Min's sharp gaze shot over, with the intention of beheading her immediately.

Ling Mu'er looked into her eyes seriously, and found that there were sporadic dodges in them. She was sure that Concubine Min Gui was lying, but she was right, she needed the emperor's trust the most right now, so she couldn't make any forks, and she wouldn't let her go. Dare to falsely preach the imperial decree.

Could it be that the emperor is really the kind of person who has duplicity in appearance, who just recognized her identity on the front foot, but let others be the lobbyist on the back foot, and asked her to leave Shaochen voluntarily.

Faint Lord, as expected.

"I wouldn't believe your words without seeing the imperial decree with my own eyes." Ling Mu'er said coldly, "If your empress has nothing else to do, the girl will leave."

"Stop!" How could Concubine Min let her go so easily.

But Ling Muer acted as if she didn't hear it, and she didn't intend to stop at all.

"What a daring girl, she doesn't even listen to what I say, someone, come and take her down!"

She gave an order, and the guard behind her rushed towards Ling Mu'er again.

Ling Mu'er didn't turn her head, but raised her right hand high, revealing the bracelet that can be compared to the gold medal for avoiding death, "I'll see who dares to touch me."

The guards rushing over immediately stopped in place, looked at her in surprise, and then showed timid eyes.

Concubine Min obviously knew that she had a holy object in hand, but she was not afraid.

"It's just an engagement token of the emperor and the former empress. You really think it's a treasure. Ling Muer, to tell you the truth, this thing may be useful to others, but it's worthless in front of me."

Concubine Min couldn't bear her disregarding her just because she had a bracelet in her hand, now that everyone in the harem respected her, this little girl actually challenged her majesty, she wanted her to know how powerful she was.

"Come here, take her down. As for the emperor, I will take care of her and drag her away!" Concubine Min said with a very strong attitude.

Seeing this, several guards rushed towards Ling Mu'er again, but another deep voice appeared behind them.


Several people looked back, including Ling Muer, they were all shocked to see Concubine Yi who was being helped out.

Concubine Yi's complexion is not very good today, she is a little pale, it is always because of her health, she is very sick, but she still has to take care of her, Ling Muer is instantly moved, and bows to Concubine Yi in front of Concubine Min , "Your Majesty, you are not feeling well, why did you come out?"

"Who in the entire harem doesn't know that you are my benefactor. If you are in trouble, how can I stay behind closed doors?" Concubine Yi coughed a few times as she spoke, but she purposely made it very loud, obviously speaking for Concubine Min.

"But..." Ling Muer wanted to say something, but was stopped by Concubine Yi's eyes.

Concubine Yi allowed herself to be supported by her mother and walked in front of Concubine Min, looking arrogantly into her eyes. "I don't know what my sister is talking about with my benefactor. As far as I know, she didn't violate any palace rules, nor did she offend my sister. Where are you planning to take her?"

Seeing Concubine Yi's piercing eyes, Concubine Min took half a step back.

Everyone says that women who have been insane have a special magical power, which will infect you with madness.

The woman in the cold palace is a living example, so every time she sees Concubine Yi, she feels a little apprehensive and dare not look her directly in the eyes.

"Sister is sick, so it's not good to stay in the bedroom. Doesn't the cold winter make the injury more serious?" Concubine Min Gui didn't answer her, but explained to the maid behind her, "How do you serve the master? If the condition worsens in such a cold day, can you bear it and send your master back?"

Unexpectedly, Concubine Yi immediately became angry, "Presumptuous! Concubine Min, I am above you in terms of seniority, and I am asking you something, but you want to send me away. If you don't take me seriously, it seems that I am going to appear in front of the emperor." Let's talk about it carefully, when did the rules of the harem become abolished because of the lack of a palace!"

Concubine Min was taken aback, she obviously didn't expect Concubine Yi to get angry suddenly, but with so many servants around watching, if she bowed her head to Concubine Yi today, wouldn't she be looked down upon by everyone?

"Sister, I think you are old and I will call you sister, but don't forget, the emperor gave me all the rights of the queen, but not you."

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