"Mu'er, you're back, come on, how about this Xiuhe?"

Grandmother saw Ling Muer came back and quickly caught her in. Last night, Xiuhe had already tried it once, but some details were not perfect. Ling Muer thought it would be fine, but grandma said it was a must for her big day. To strive for excellence.

"Thank you, grandma, for taking care of Mu'er." Ling Muer walked out of the screen while talking sweetly.

When everyone saw Ling Mu'er in a fiery red wedding dress, their eyes were already straightened, and they were stunned.

"Mu'er is so beautiful." Ling Zixuan praised,

"Yes, girl, you are so beautiful. You are simply the most beautiful bride in the world. I believe that after getting married tomorrow, you and the second prince will have another good story." Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang admired together.

Ling Muer shyly stole, looking at the different herself in the mirror diagonally opposite, her mood suddenly softened,

Is she really going to get married?

Want to marry your favorite man?

In her previous life, as a descendant of a medical family, many things could not accommodate her wishes, and she was all in accordance with the arrangements of the family's parents, without freedom or the right to choose. But in this life, not only can she control her life at will, but she has also reached the peak!

"How can you boast so much, you will make me proud."

As Ling Muer said, she had already gone back to change into her plain clothes, Yang quickly put Xiuhe away, "Proud is proud, you have this capital, what are you afraid of?"

"Mother!" Ling Muer was stunned by Yang's words, when did Yang become so narcissistic?

"Why, my daughter is so perfect, why is she not allowed to boast?" Yang could not stop smiling.

She walked up to Ling Mu'er mysteriously, "Since Xiuhe has already made up her mind, she is waiting to be An An's bride, but Mother still has a gift for you."

"What gift?" Ling Mu'er didn't understand what her mother was talking about, but seeing her mysterious appearance, she was very curious.

"Of course it's the task you entrusted to Mother."

As Yang Shi said, she opened her palm, and a familiar key lay quietly in her palm.

"Isn't this the key to the house next door?" Ling Muer recognized it immediately.

"That's right, you asked your mother to help renovate the house. Fortunately, all the remodeling will be completed before the big day. Let's go, let's go and have a look?"

Looking at the confidence on Yang's face, it can be seen that she is very satisfied with the renovation of the house.

Ling Mu'er was also quite curious. At the beginning, she just gave Yang a renovation plan, all of which were her requests, but later she completely forgot about the house because of Ling Zixuan's matter.

How could Niang's thoughts be on the same level as hers? It's probably not surprising.

Ling Muer thought so, but she didn't dare to discourage Yang's enthusiasm, and the group went straight to the next house.

The house next door and the Ling Mansion were originally not connected to each other, but because of Ling Muer's initiative, Yang opened one of the walls and left a small door on purpose, "Muer, it will be much more convenient for you to go home anytime in the future. But don't worry, there is only one key to this side door, and no one can get in."

Ling Muer looked at Yang's side door with satisfaction, and suddenly had expectations in her heart, "Mother, when you are busy with the restaurant, you have to renovate this house, mother has worked hard."

It was rare to hear Mu'er acting like a spoiled child to her, and Yang's face blushed when she was praised, "You girl, of course you have to do a good job in the rare task you entrust to your mother, now, go and see."

After several people entered the house, they were instantly stunned by what they saw.

Originally it was just an old and old house, but after Yang's renovation, it became completely new.

The entire house was not only raised by two floors, but also remodeled in layout and decoration; the originally empty yard was added with a rockery pond, and there were swings and other play places that Ling Muer specially requested.

The most important thing is that the facilities in the house are exactly the same as when they were in the city.

I still remember that when they left the first home in Lingjia Village in the city, Ling Muer treated them with great care. Not only did they arrange indoor toilets, but also hot springs, heating kang and other facilities. The Ling Mansion where she lives is also very avant-garde, but at that time, in order to open restaurants and medical clinics as soon as possible, she didn't have so much time to design, and everything was sloppy.

But the remodeled house is very different, all the facilities are in accordance with Ling Muer's instructions, and Yang Shi even thought of things for her that she didn't think of.

"This, this makes people unbelievable that mother did it, mother, you are too powerful!"

Ling Mu'er threw herself into Yang's arms, she was so satisfied that she didn't know what to say.

"Yes, mother, how did you do it? You didn't know anything about this before, you didn't even know a few big characters, you..." Ling Zixuan was also dumbfounded. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes today, he would never have I believe this is the result of Yang's supervision.

These days, my mother has been busy taking care of him and always going out. After asking, he found out that it was Mu'er who gave her the task. At that time, he was thinking of taking over the task after he recovered from his injury. After all, it was Mu'er's new house. He is always worried about leaving it to his mother to do it.

But he didn't expect the illness to drag on for so long, and when he saw everything here with his own eyes, he was even more surprised and speechless.

"Brother now knows who my literary talent comes from. It turns out that it came from my mother." Ling Muer praised,

Yang's whole face was flushed red, "You two are clever, what do you praise your mother for?"

"This is the truth, how can it be a compliment?" Ling Muer tilted her head, "Mother is really amazing, mother, if you want to design houses for others in the future, the design fee is too high." Ling Muer suddenly I thought of a way to make a fortune tailor-made for my mother.

"What design is not designed? If there is no blueprint required by you, how can mother do this? You will laugh at mother." Yang was praised so much that she felt that she could not stay any longer, but soon the smile on her face gradually changed. became teardrops,

"My daughter is getting older, and she is going to get married after all. Mother has never done anything for my Mu'er in her life. This is the only thing mother does. Of course, she must do it well!" Yang said while Wiping away the tears from the corners of her eyes, she held Ling Mu'er's hand tightly, "Mu'er, thank you, even the house after marriage is chosen to be next to mother's, otherwise mother would miss you so much."

Hearing this, Ling Muer's blood flowed backwards all over her body, and she hugged Yang Shi tightly in her arms, "Mother! Don't worry, even if Muer gets married, she will always be your Muer and will never be separated from Mother."

Looking at this scene, the grandmother, Ling Zixuan, Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang who were following behind were all moved to wipe away their tears.

Although it is a day of great joy, but the girl of my family is going to marry another family. From now on, she will have children, and she will do laundry and cooking; she was originally a sweetheart in the palm of her hand, but when she arrives at someone else's house, she may not know whether she will be happy or not. How can a mother and a family member feel at ease when she becomes a servant on everyone's errand?

But fortunately, they personally tested Shangguan Shaochen, and they believed that boy Chen would treat Mu'er well.

"Mu'er, although I really trust Boy Chen's character, remember, mother's home will always be your home!"

Yang Shi hugged Ling Mu'er tightly in her arms again, and she was already weeping uncontrollably.

The so-called married daughter has no family. Yang wanted to tell her that even if she married, her family would always be there.

"Thank you mother, thank you grandmother, thank you brother."

Ling Mu'er only felt that today's tears were about to be shed. Is it such a pain to be married?

No, it was pain and happiness, she believed that Shao Chen would treat her very well, and she believed that her choice would not be wrong.

"Mu'er, Zixuan, where are you?" Zhu Qi's voice came from behind.

When everyone looked back, they saw him standing three meters away with a brocade box in his hand.

"Brother Zhu, are you here to congratulate me too?" Ling Muer took the initiative to approach him.

Zhu Qi, who worked with the second prince, obviously lost a lot of weight due to being busy during this time, and his whole person has changed from the previous gentle and refined to a little bit colder, but when he sees Ling Muer approaching, he still bows his head shyly.

"Tomorrow is your big day, you call me Big Brother Zhu is my forever sister, be careful not to dislike it." Saying that, Zhu Chi presented the brocade box in his hand.

Seeing this, Yang Shi and grandmother behind them left with Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang. This is the private space of their young people, and it is inconvenient for them to disturb them.

Ling Mu'er opened the brocade box, and saw a pure white jade hairpin on it, which was very small and exquisite, and when she opened it, there was actually the word "Mu" engraved on it.

Obviously it was made for her by Zhu Qi himself, "Brother Zhu, this gift is too expensive."

Seeing that she wanted to send her back, Zhu Qi hurriedly refused, "If it wasn't for you, my eyes would still be blind until now. It was you who let me see the beauty in the world, and you let me know that people can be so kind. Mu Son, you deserve this gift."

Seeing that he was so persistent, Ling Mu'er couldn't resist, she looked at Ling Zixuan, then at Zhu Qi, the corners of her pretty lips rose, "Mu'er is so happy, not only with Brother Zixuan, but also Zhu Qi Big brother, it is Muer's blessing to be your little sister in this life."

"Silly girl, it's our good fortune to be your elder brother." Ling Zixuan walked to Ling Mu'er, embraced her lovingly, and looked at Zhu Qi, "Brother Zhu is right?"

"Of course!" Zhu Qi smiled gently, but when his eyes looked at Ling Mu'er again, he felt a little disappointed in his heart.

He thought, if he had been braver back then, would the ending have been different?

"Mu'er, since this is your choice, Big Brother Zhu wishes you never let yourself down in all the results, and live forever with the Second Prince!"

After Zhu Qi finished speaking, he clasped his fists and bowed seriously to congratulate her.

Ling Muer hurriedly helped him up, "Thank you, Brother Zhu, but you don't have to be so polite."

Deeply feeling her soft five fingers resting on his wrist, Zhu Qi was stunned for a moment, but he knew that he no longer had any identity to think about.

He took a few steps back and always kept a step away from her. He didn't want his cherished person to be misunderstood and left behind.

Ling Muer didn't see anything wrong with Zhu Qi's behavior, but after he left, Ling Zixuan's generous palm rested heavily on his shoulder, "Brother Zhu..."

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