Straight into Su Ce's bedroom, Mo Junyao looked aggressive to collect debts.

After coughing violently, Su Ce's face was pale and his expression was powerless. Seeing Mo Junyao's uninvited and rude attitude, he frowned in displeasure, "Who allowed you to come in, get out!"

"Are you still treating me fiercely?" Mo Junyao was even more furious, "I'm already your princess, why can't I come to your bedroom? Su Ce, get up and tell me what you mean today?"

Regardless of Su Ce's serious illness, Mo Junyao insisted on pulling his arm to lift him up.

Su Ce hated unruly women the most in his life. He glanced at Mo Junyao impatiently, and then he pushed his palm hard with his wrist, and Mo Junyao was pushed several meters away.

But the price that came with it was that his face became paler and his cough became more severe, "Cough, cough..." and even a mouthful of blood sprayed out.

Mo Junyao originally wanted to get angry, but he actually attacked her, but when she got up and saw the scene of Su Ce spitting blood, she was stunned and a little scared in her heart.

"Could it be that you, are you really seriously ill?"

She looked Su Ce up and down carefully, and soon she shook her head, "No, no, you did it on purpose, you pretended this, right? You purposely embarrass me in order to You humiliated me and made me worship a rooster just to show me off. Su Ce, if you don't like me, why did you personally ask the emperor to marry me, why did you!"

The whole room was filled with her roar, and Su Ce felt that his mind was about to explode.

After he wiped off the blood stains from the corner of his mouth with the handkerchief, he leaned weakly against the head of the bed, looking at her like a clown.

Although she is also wearing a wedding dress, she is not at all as soft as a bride should be. Yes, today is his big wedding, but it is also Ling Muer's big wedding. I believe that at this moment, Muer will be sitting obediently on the wedding bed and waiting... Let Shangguan Shaochen take off her red hijab?

But looking at the unruly and willful princess in front of him again, he couldn't help but let out a cold snort from his nasal cavity, "Hmph, since you know everything, why bother to ask so many times, you already have the answer in your heart, don't you?"


Mo Junyao was annoyed by his words, her chest rose and fell, and she gasped heavily with her hands on her hips, "You are too deceitful! I thought you just didn't let go of that bitch, but now it seems that all of this is yours." Conspiracy! Let me ask you, if the person you are marrying today is Ling Muer, would you make things difficult for her like this?"

"of course not!",

Su Ce answered simply, even with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, "If it's Mu'er, I will definitely marry her with the highest treatment, and carry a big sedan chair eight times, no, at least sixteen! It doesn't matter if I'm seriously ill, even if I If people take this bed away, they will insist on paying her respects." Su Ce said slowly, his voice was very evil, but the more he spoke, the more evil his tone became, and in the end he even gritted his teeth and roared, "This is the answer Are you satisfied, ah!"

There was a tremor in her heart, and Mo Junyao's heart trembled violently when stimulated by his words, and she couldn't help but take a few steps back.

It's too scary, yes, Su Ce's eyes today are too scary, like Shura who climbed up from hell, full of anger, unwillingness and murderous aura.

"What do you want to do?" Although Mo Junyao was afraid in her heart, she knew that no matter how shameless Su Ce was, she would not do anything to her. With this belief, she became bolder, "I warn you, I am a Princess of the Western Regions, after all, I am the official concubine you are marrying!"

"Is the matchmaker getting married? My concubine really understands this word thoroughly. It turns out that my concubine's matchmaker is marrying someone else to greet you, and then marry a rooster?" Su Ce deliberately laughed at her.

Mo Junyao was blown out of anger again, but when she was about to reach the bed, she accidentally stepped on the hem of her clothes, and she threw herself forward.

Su Ce didn't reach out to catch it, but Mo Junyao still fell into his arms steadily.

"It seems that my concubine is very anxious to marry the king." Su Ce joked.

"I, I didn't!" Mo Junyao endured the pain of her sprained ankle and hurriedly stood up, her pretty face flushed brightly.

After all, tonight is her wedding night. Although she didn't expect Su Ce to bring her such a great humiliation, the ceremonial mother who came to the palace told her that no matter what happens tonight, she should abide by her wife's principles. points, do what you should do.

"That means you don't want to have a bridal chamber with me?" Su Ce nodded, planning to lie down with all his clothes on and rest.

Hearing Su Ce's words, Mo Junyao suddenly turned around, "Su Ce, what do you mean? Tonight is our big day, no matter how much you are reluctant, I am already your concubine. You shouldn't..."

"What should I do?" Su Ce hurriedly asked, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "Oh? This king should tear off your wedding clothes, and then press you under him, and have a good night with you, right?"

Su Ce intentionally said this bluntly, "That's right, today is your big wedding, the so-called spring night is worth a thousand gold, this king really shouldn't just lie down and waste this rare good night, but what can we do, my lord I am unwell and not suitable for doing any physical labor, but since Aifei wants it, then Aifei can do it by herself."

He gritted his teeth for the last three words, and even spread his hands and feet in a big shape, allowing her to fiddle with her at will.

After all, Mo Junyao was a little girl who just came out of the cabinet, and she blushed to the neck when she heard his outspoken words, and felt her whole body was scorching hot.

"I, I don't want it!" She turned around embarrassingly, but her heart was too nervous.

Although Su Ce humiliated her, she was already married after all. What my brother said was right. If the married daughter splashed water, she would never be able to return to the Western Regions. She was already Su Ce's woman.

Although this guy still misses other women in his heart, she always thinks of the scene of him forcefully kissing her that day, and she still remembers the fiery feeling to this day.

Yes, she just likes Su Ce, but no matter how much she likes him, how can she let a woman do this kind of thing?

"Oh? Since it's my concubine who doesn't want it, then don't blame me for not giving you a chance." Su Ce left the words and lay down on the bed. He even put the quilt back on and covered himself tightly.

Seeing that he didn't intend to have wedding ceremony at all, Mo Junyao was stunned, "Su Ce, are you serious?"

"Otherwise? The king has given you a chance just now, do you mean you have regretted it?"

"I didn't!" Turning around stubbornly again, Mo Junyao prayed in her heart, come here, come here, but Su Ce didn't come over after waiting for a long time, and he didn't even call her.

"Su Ce!" She gritted her teeth and turned around fiercely, but what surprised her again was that Su Ce's quiet appearance seemed to be falling asleep.

"I hate you, Su Ce, I hate you!"

Not caring about the thin noodles any more, Mo Junyao ran out crying, touching her eyes and crying heartbroken.

As everyone knows, her departure completely cut off the chance to get close to Su Ce. Su Ce has never favored her or anyone in his life.

Compared with the quietness of Prince Xian's Mansion, the Second Prince's Mansion is much more lively.

The sound of gongs and drums has never stopped since the arrival of the bride, and there have been dancers in the garden. The ministers who came to congratulate are still talking about the dreamlike marriage just now, and the female relatives are very envious. Muer.

Shangguan Shaochen went to toast, and Ling Muer was supported by Shang Zhi back to the wedding room and waited quietly. On the way, Jiang Xiang came back from outside the mansion, "Girl, send someone to bring back the weapons and food you bought yesterday. Yes, it has been placed in the place arranged by the girl."

Ling Mu'er nodded in satisfaction, thinking that when she was free tomorrow, she would go alone to put the weapons and food in the space, but on the way back to the wedding room, she overheard the conversation of two maidservants.

"Have you heard? The Prince Xian's mansion is also getting married today, but that battle is a happy event, rather than a funeral? There is no joy at all." One of the maids said.

Hearing these words in Ling Muer's ears, all the good moods turned bad in an instant.

"Presumptuous! Which yard girl are you from? Is this how the house teaches you to behave like this? How dare you chew the master's tongue behind your back!"

I never thought that the second concubine would suddenly appear behind me, the servant girl was terrified, and hurriedly knelt on the ground and kowtowed to her to admit her mistake, "The second concubine has mercy, the second concubine has mercy, servant girl, servant girl..."

"Let me ask you, is what you said just now true?" Ling Muer asked angrily.

"Yes, I don't dare to say half a lie, it's all true." The maid said, "My own brother is on duty at the Prince Xian's mansion, and he came to visit me during his shift and told me about it. The Xian Wang got married but the Xian Wang did not appear, so the Xian Wang Concubine went in by herself! The Xian Wang did not hesitate to extravagance and waste, and everything in the palace was kept simple. Apart from friends, no one came to congratulate, it is really very depressed. But the second concubine made atonement, the servants really didn't mean to gossip, begging the second concubine for mercy."

Listening to the maidservant's words, Ling Muer sighed in her heart,

When she saw Su Ce for the first time, she imagined, what kind of woman would such a man like a banishment marry in the future?

He is personable, gentle as jade, although cunning like a fox, he always smiles when he sees everyone, but who would have thought that on the most important day in his life, he would be so depressed?

"You just said that King Xian is seriously ill, and his body hasn't recovered yet?" Ling Muer continued to ask.

"It seems to be." The maid was not very clear, but in order to let the master spare her life, she hastily added, "Yes, it should be, my brother said just now that King Xian was seriously ill and even Princess Xian was kicked out of the bridal chamber." Well, it should be because of physical discomfort."

Hearing these words, Ling Muer felt like an electric shock.

That day she clearly thought that he took the medicine, and as long as he took the medicine she gave him on time, he would be cured in a few days. Why was this Su Ce so disobedient.

Did he do it on purpose, just to escape this marriage?

Su Ce, Su Ce, do you know that if you don't take the medicine on time, the foundation of your body will be ruined.

Thinking that he had bruised himself all over to get the ledger, Ling Muer felt even more guilty.

"Master, even if you feel sorry for King Xian, tonight is the wedding between you and the second prince. You can't go to King Xian's mansion!" Shang Zhi saw her intention and hurriedly blocked her way.

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