Concubine Ruomin admitted that she was deliberately embarrassing the second prince and concubine, and they could definitely report this matter to the emperor.

But she couldn't admit it, she couldn't swallow this breath in her heart.

This Ling Mu'er obviously did it on purpose. Doesn't it make her look ugly when she elevates the status of Concubine Yi so high?

Looking at the mocking eyes of the sisters behind her, she just felt that all her face was lost today.

"Hmph, she could have been equal, but she lowered her status. It seems that the second concubine is willing to kneel down to others!" Concubine Min Gui deliberately laughed at her.

"Because I regard Concubine Yi as my own mother, of course I have to kneel down to offer tea to my mother. Doesn't Concubine Min know such rules?" Ling Muer didn't turn her head, but Even so, she could imagine how distorted Concubine Min's facial features were.

"That's right, although Mu'er is the second concubine, she is treated like a daughter in my heart. Concubine Min doesn't have a daughter under her knees, so naturally she doesn't understand this kind of emotion. Mu'er, don't be so fussy about her," said Concubine Yi. Then, the murderous eyes immediately shot over.

Sure enough, these words hit Concubine Min Gui's sore spot. Who in this palace did not know that Concubine Min Gui was pregnant with a princess in the second year after giving birth to the seventh prince. Unfortunately, the princess died suddenly within three days after giving birth. Concubine Min was distraught for a long time because of this.

Concubine Yi purposely said this to expose her wounds that were not easy to heal, and to poke her sore spots.

"Concubine Yi, you!" Concubine Min was in a hurry, she hurriedly got up and wanted to rush towards Concubine Yi to settle accounts with her.

Seeing this, Shangguan Shaochen immediately stood in front of Concubine Yi and Mu'er, stopping Concubine Min, "Concubine Min, this is the imperial palace, and my prince is still here, are you planning to rebel?"

If she dared to move again, she would be obeying the second prince's words, how dare she put on a hat of rebellion!

Although she was so angry that she couldn't bear it, she had no choice but to bear it. She had never suffered such aggrieved in her life.

"Hmph, let's wait and see." Concubine Min was really impatient, but she had no choice but to leave here angrily, otherwise she felt that she would be blown up.

The most annoying person has left, and Ling Muer's mood has improved a lot. After exchanging pleasantries with Concubine Yi, she and he once again offered tea to the other two concubines, and then accepted the concubines' bowing down. The greetings after marriage did not end until the morning.

"Are you tired, let's go, let's go home?" Shangguan Shaochen squeezed her sore neck with great distress, and took her hand to go back.

Hearing what he said was not going back to the mansion, but going home, Ling Muer felt extremely comfortable in her heart, with a special sense of satisfaction.


After bidding farewell to Concubine Yi, the two left the palace gate, but it was a pity that they met another person they least wanted to see on the way out of the palace.

"I have met the second prince, the second prince—concubine." Su Ce hesitated for a long time when he looked at Ling Mu'er after saluting Shangguan Shaochen, but finally called out her identity.

Seeing that his complexion was much better than expected, he guessed that the medicine Shang Zhi sent yesterday had taken effect. But he just glanced at her and ignored her gesture, which made her feel even more sorry.

Looking at Mo Junyao behind him, she is no longer a decoration of the Western Regions, but has truly become the daughter-in-law of the Celestial Dynasty, but it feels awkward no matter how you look at it.

"Did the virtuous king and concubine also come to greet father and emperor?"

After waving his hand to signal him to get up, Shangguan Shaochen asked politely.

"Still saluting to the second prince and the second concubine!" Su Ce didn't answer Shangguan Shaochen's words immediately, but cast a peevish glance at Mo Junyao, as if to say again: There are no rules.

"I am Princess Xian, why should I salute her?" Mo Junyao said angrily.

When she saw Ling Mu'er for the first time, her angry eyes were full of murderous intent, and even asked her to salute her, it would be better to kill her!

God knows how she survived last night. As a bride, she stayed in the vacant room all night. When she opened the door this morning, she heard the servants and maids in the mansion talking about it. It was all because she was not favored. Snubbed words.

All this damn thing was caused by Ling Muer!

"Presumptuous! The rules in the palace, except the emperor's noble concubine, must salute to the prince's concubine, why don't you kneel down!" Su Ce shouted angrily, but when he looked at Ling Mu'er again, his eyes became much gentler.

He hooked his lips and smiled slightly, "My wife doesn't understand the rules, so please don't care about the second prince and concubine."

After finishing speaking, Su Ce bowed slightly, as if apologizing to her instead of Mo Junyao.

He is obviously a handsome young man, but after this injury, he has lost a lot of weight, and he is also a bit tired from the vicissitudes of life, and he no longer has the gentle and jade-like temperament.

Seeing him salute to her again, Ling Muer felt even more sorry. She wanted to raise her hand to help him up several times, but she was afraid of falling into the tongue of others.

"Prince Xian, you're being polite. Concubine Xian is from the Western Regions and doesn't understand the rules of the Celestial Dynasty, so it's okay." Ling Muer said, looking straight at Su Ce, as if she had a lot to say to him.

Mo Junyao immediately exploded when she saw it, "Ling Muer, you are a flirtatious woman. You are married to the second prince and still staring at other people's husbands. Why are you so shameless? You, do you believe it or not? If you look at it, I will gouge out your eyeballs!"

Hearing this, the three people present immediately became angry, and each of them was radiating the chill of a humble person.

"What did you just say?" Shangguan Shaochen asked coldly, he walked towards Mo Junyao slowly, his cannibal eyes seemed to devour her.

Mo Junyao was terrified, she hurriedly took a few steps back, but the last person who would not spare her was her husband.

"Bastard!" Su Ce scolded angrily, "Mo Junyao, as a virtuous concubine, how can you be so rude to the second concubine? Do you know that I can marry you as the concubine, and I can also dismiss you as a concubine, don't you?" Do you want to try it?"

She never thought that Su Ce, who just got married, would say such a thing.

The farce here has already attracted the attention of others. Ling Muer didn't want Su Ce to be embarrassed because of herself and was pointed at by others. She was planning to smooth things over, but Mo Junyao was even more angry than him.

"What did you say? You're going to divorce me?" Mo Junyao sneered and continued to sneer, "Well, you Su Ce, we just got married but you're going to divorce me."

Before Su Ce could answer, Mo Junyao rushed towards Ling Mu'er, trying to grab her neck with her hands.

It's a pity that before his hand touched Ling Mu'er, Shangguan Shaochen knocked him away, "Princess Bold and Xian, are you going to assassinate my beloved concubine?"

"I'm going to kill her. I'm going to kill this vixen. She has a husband but still stares at other people's husbands. Shangguan Shaochen, don't you like her? It turns out that what you like is to tolerate your women staring at her." Do you look at other men?"

I had to admit that Mo Junyao's words were very offensive.

If Shangguan Shaochen doesn't speak, it is a disguised form to prove that his concubine has the intention of cheating.

If he opened his mouth, he would fall into Mo Junyao's trick and embarrass his concubine.

Ling Mu'er didn't take all of this seriously, she kept her lips curled up, "This concubine is known as an immortal doctor bestowed by the emperor, as a doctor, of course I only see wounds and patients in my eyes. The king's complexion is sallow, and it looks like he is sick. I just want to see clearly so that I can treat him. But now, it seems that Princess Xian is not worried about King Xian's health at all. It seems that the relationship between King Xian and Princess Xian Also very ordinary?"

Obviously she was the one who slandered Ling Muer first, but she never expected that this hot potato would be taken back into her hands.

Mo Junyao couldn't find the answer for a while, "You..."

But he and she won't admit defeat in front of Ling Muer.

"Who said me and the virtuous king are not affectionate enough? I am the concubine who the virtuous king personally entered the palace to ask the emperor to marry me. It's not like some people linger by the second prince's side and refuse to leave. The seat of the second concubine was obtained only by surgery!"

Hearing this, Shangguan Shaochen wanted to scold Mo Junyao angrily, but was stopped by Ling Muer.

"That's right, I did get the second prince by using the trick of charm, but Princess Xian doesn't seem to be as happy as I said, are you still perfect?"

Since Mo Junyao was rude, don't blame her for being rude.

There are many eunuchs and maids watching from behind, and what happens in front of you usually does not take an hour to spread throughout the palace. Once the news that the Xian Wangfei is still perfect after marrying the Xian Wang, it will be confirmed that the Xian Wang does not love Xian Rumors of the princess.

Mo Junyao will soon become the topic of conversation after dinner.

A woman who was not neglected by her husband on her wedding night was more uncomfortable than killing her.

"Ling Mu'er is too much!" Mo Junyao was so angry that she didn't know what to do. When she turned her head to seek help from the Xian King, she saw that she was still smiling, looking like she was enjoying the show.

Why is everyone helping Ling Muer? Why!

"Presumptuous! You are a virtuous concubine, and you are so rude in front of this concubine. Didn't your lord remind you just now? You should kowtow when you see this concubine!" Ling Muer didn't care about her murderous eyes, Instead, he continued to take advantage of the victory and pursue her, crushing her tightly.

She didn't want to embarrass her, but she was savage first, so she can't blame her willful second.

"I..." Mo Junyao was reluctant.

"Come here, Concubine Xian doesn't abide by the palace rules, take her away and send her to the ceremonial mother to study hard!" Shangguan Shaochen ordered loudly, and a servant rushed over immediately.

Mo Junyao was terrified, but King Xian refused to help her, so she had no choice but to kneel in front of Ling Muer. "I ask the second concubine to forgive me, Mo Junyao knows she was wrong, so I will pay my respects to the second concubine."


Ling Mu'er raised the corners of her beautiful lips, blinked her eyes charmingly, looked at Su Ce again, and said softly, "I heard that King Xian has been ill recently, and I don't know what's going on, if you don't mind, let me show you See?"

She and Su Ce haven't spoken for a long time.

He has been avoiding her, he knows it is to protect her,

Seeing Su Ce's appearance, Ling Mu'er felt really distressed.

Su Ce, she owes him forever.

"Your concubine is here." Su Ce nodded and stretched out his arm.

She thought he would refuse, but she didn't expect that he really agreed. Ling Muer immediately looked at Shangguan Shaochen, who immediately took Su Ce to the side stone table after understanding.

When Mo Junyao saw this and wanted to get up, the eunuch next to her immediately yelled angrily, "Presumptuous, the second concubine has not asked you to get up, how can you be rude. Concubine You Lao Xian continues to kneel."

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