
After not seeing the prince's reaction for a long time, Lan Qianying became a little anxious.

Although it took her some time to marry into the prince's mansion, but the prince didn't see her every day, she didn't have much time to get to know him, let alone how he would execute him when such a thing happened.

But if she didn't bring down the princess this time, she would not be reconciled.

"Master, the elder sister of the Crown Princess betrayed you by relying on your love, once there will be a second time, although Qianying doesn't know what her intentions are, but she must not be forgiven for doing such a thing lightly, my lord."

Hearing the chattering words in his ears, the prince was pulled back to reality, and seeing Lan Qianying's anxious look, he couldn't help but sneer, "Then how do you think this prince should be executed?"

"Qianying is not targeting my sister, Qianying is just discussing the matter. After all, this matter is wrong with my sister. Qianying thinks that she should abolish her position as the princess first."

"Ha!" Almost after she finished speaking, the prince sneered from his nasal cavity, "Destroy her and set you up again, am I right?"

Lan Qianying almost wanted to say yes without even thinking about it, but when she looked up and saw the prince's evil eyes, she realized that something was wrong and hurriedly shook her head, "Of course Qianying is not qualified to be a concubine, Qianying just thinks she should It’s just a lesson for my sister, the seat of the princess is of course still my sister’s.”

"Hmph, you're smart!"

After getting a satisfactory answer, the prince pushed her away and opened the door, and walked out.

Lan Qianying didn't come back to her senses for a while, and she didn't understand what the prince's last words meant. Seeing that the prince was about to leave her sight, she hurriedly chased him out, "Master, what do you mean by that? Don't you plan to Punish my sister?"

"Why should you be punished?" the prince asked.

"My sister betrayed you!" Lan Qianying repeated her mistake again.

"Then what should you say when you prescribe medicine to the prince?" The prince asked coldly almost as soon as she finished speaking.

Seeing Lan Qianying's face suddenly changed, the prince hooked his lips evilly, "The prince has indeed been looking for the person who tipped the news, and he really thought that once I find her, I will execute her immediately! But there is one thing. you guessed wrong."

"What, what do you mean?" Lan Qianying panicked, she found that she couldn't understand the man in front of her even more.

"After searching for so long, I haven't found who the culprit is. I have searched all over the prince's mansion, but I still can't find anything. Guess, have I ever suspected her?"

This she, of course, refers to the crown princess.

Lan Qianying suddenly realized, "So you already knew?"

"That's right! Although there is no evidence, although it's just a guess, the Crown Prince is not elm-brained." She gave her an idiot look. The Prince had entered the front hall at this time, and looked at his seat. She smiled softly.

She never thought that the prince who knew the truth could still laugh at the princess, Lan Qianying hated her so much.

"Master, why are you?" She couldn't figure it out, she couldn't figure it out, why she had guessed it a long time ago, and now it has been confirmed, why didn't she punish the wicked?

What's so good about the princess?

The prince always said that she was unruly and willful, but why not the princess?

Didn't she just give birth to the little emperor's grandson? What's so great about it? Can all these be offset by her original betrayal!

"Because when the prince is the most downtrodden and has the most irritable temper, from waking up in the morning to falling asleep in the dark, when he yells at her every moment, she will still comfort me with a gentle smile, because she knows that only by doing that Only in this way can I reduce my guilt to the greatest extent, and based on this alone, she should be forgiven!"

The prince said, his voice was extremely gentle, as if only the concubine Zheng existed in his big star-like eyes.

Lan Qianying was extremely envious, but at the same time hated her so much. He was about to yell out everything he heard just now for all the guests present to hear, but the prince seemed to have discovered her motive.

He suddenly looked back, abandoned all tenderness, and stared at her fiercely, "What you said just now, if you dare to tell a third person, the prince will kill you!"

The word 'kill' he gritted his teeth with endless hatred, as if there was a deep blood feud between them.

Before Lan Qianying could express her intentions, the prince had already turned around and walked to the princess's side, with that extremely gentle smile on his lips again.

"Damn, hate!"

Lan Qianying clenched her hands into fists angrily, she stared at everything in front of her, wishing she could rush up and tear the princess's face to pieces!

Why is the prince full of sorrow and resentment when he talks to her, but he can be so gentle to the princess.

What did she, Lan Qianying, do wrong in her life, unable to marry the man she loves, and unable to control her own happiness!

She is not reconciled, no, she is not reconciled!

"Catch the week, the little emperor's grandson catch the week."

Everyone's noisy voices suddenly sounded next to her ears, and when Lan Qianying withdrew her thoughts, she saw a group of people surrounding the little grandson.

Seeing him grabbing an official seal and then picking up the brush, everyone laughed from ear to ear, and everyone looked at their own children lovingly.

The concubine embraced the little grandson to accept everyone's congratulations, and the prince surrounded their mother and son beside her. The scene was extremely happy, but it was also extremely dazzling.

"Qianying." A familiar voice came from behind.

Lan Qianying looked back, and saw that the Prime Minister was standing behind him with a dignified face, all the grievances welled up in her heart, and tears fell down, "Father..."

"Bastard! You are the daughter of my prime minister's mansion, how could his prince's mansion treat you like this, you are also his side concubine anyway, why are you like this!"

The prime minister had long noticed the prince's attitude towards his daughter. Because of the prince's presence just now, everyone's attention was drawn away by the little emperor's grandson, so he rushed over to question her.

How could Lan Qianying dare to say the hateful things she had done, she just kept crying, "It's all because of the incompetence of the daughter, it's the daughter who embarrassed the father, father, what should the daughter do!"

Where did he see his daughter crying so miserably, the prime minister's doubts immediately turned into anger, "It's too deceiving, his prince's house is really deceiving too much, I'll go to the prince to argue."

"Don't go, Dad!" Fearing that Dad would mess things up, Lan Qianying hurriedly pulled him back, "Dad, it has nothing to do with the crown prince, she is the princess concubine, and she suppresses her daughter everywhere. Like this. Dad, you have to help your daughter!"

"Crown princess?" The prime minister looked at her, and saw a woman with a loving smile on her face. She only had eyes for the little emperor's grandson, and she didn't look like a vicious woman. But he knew what the princess had done in the past.

"The princess is indeed a woman with means, otherwise father wouldn't have reminded you to be careful and to be favored by the prince." I didn't expect that he would have underestimated such a woman after all, "Don't worry, father will come in later." Gong explained your situation to the emperor, and the emperor will definitely not sit idly by because of father's affection."

With her father helping her, what is she afraid of?

Busily putting away her tears, Lan Qianying nodded frequently, "Thank you dad, thank you dad."

"Okay, even if people don't want to see you, you can't stand here alone. After all, you are a woman from the Prince's Mansion. Those who don't know think you are a servant of the Prince's Mansion. Go, go to the Prince's side, and wait for Dad Good news."

After speaking, the prime minister turned and left.

"Yes, Qianying, thank you daddy." After receiving the assurance, Lan Qianying hurriedly moved to the prince's side. Dad was right, no matter whether the prince wanted to see her or not, she had to show her status as a master.

Early the next morning, Lan Qianying really waited for the emperor's imperial decree.

When the servant told her that there was an eunuch passing the decree, she had to go out to receive the decree in person, she thought it was her father's words that worked, and sure enough the emperor would not disgrace her father, but would make decisions for her.

But what she never expected was that the emperor's imperial decree was not to complain for her, but to give her a hell!

"The crown prince's side concubine, Lan Qianying, tried to murder the crown prince. The evidence is convincing. I am concerned about the prime minister's thin face, and her daughter's death penalty can be spared and she will be punished. From now on, Lan Qianying will cut her hair and become a nun. this!"

When the eunuch finished reading all the contents of the imperial decree, Lan Qianying hadn't recovered from the shock.

When the two guards pulled her to drag her out of the prince's mansion, she reacted belatedly. She didn't want to be favored by the prince, but to lose the prince forever?

"No, it's not true, you forged the imperial decree, you forged it!" She resisted desperately, struggling, but the guards didn't give her a chance to finish her sentence.

Out of her own yard, the prince and princess had already been waiting outside, looking at their two fickle eyes, Lan Qianying kept shaking her head, "You are the ones who caused me, why did you treat me like this, someone, help, help ah!"

Although she yelled and broke her throat, the prince still didn't move a step.

Seeing her struggling and resisting, when she was suddenly reduced from a noble girl to a slave, the Crown Princess sighed deeply.

"Wait, let me talk to her." After all, it was a woman, and she didn't want to put her to death.

"Lan Qianying, are you guilty?" The princess said, her voice was lukewarm, but she had made up her mind that if this woman changed her mind from now on and stopped causing trouble, she could forgive her or ask for help. The emperor withdrew his order.

"It's you, you're the one who caused me, right? You bitch, you're obviously the prince you betrayed, why didn't the prince punish you, why, why!" The princess made a move, but fortunately, the servant behind her had quick eyes and quick hands, and knocked her away.

Seeing this, the prince hurried over, "Lan Qianying! You bitch, what are you doing, are you going to hurt someone in front of this prince?"

Seeing the prince being so aggressive towards her, and looking at her fate, Lan Qianying felt extremely wronged, "Why? The person who betrayed you is obviously her, why did you treat me like this! I am sincere to you, can't you see Are you there?"

"Whether you are sincere or not, only you know in your heart. Whether what you want is my love or the seat of the crown princess, you know better in your heart! I didn't want to pursue what you did during the time in the prince's mansion, but you But he put medicine on me, does it mean that one day the aphrodisiac medicine will become a deadly poison?" The prince snorted coldly, "This is the order of the father, and I can't help it. Aifei wanted to help you, but you didn't cherish it. , in that case, take it away!"

The prince waved his hand, and the guard rushed over again.

"Qin Yuheng, you can't treat me like this, she is the one you should send to be a nun, it's her!"

Although she was dragged far away, she could still hear Lan Qianying's roar, but the Crown Princess also heard it clearly. It turned out that the Crown Prince already knew about her helping Ling Mu'er back then.

"The crown prince..."

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