"Could it be that you guessed it right, the virtuous king has figured it out and wants us to help him get rid of his marriage with the Western Regions?" On the carriage, Nangong Yizhi boldly guessed the reason why Su Ce invited them to stay in the house.

"Impossible!" Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer said in unison.

The two looked at each other immediately, but without any surprise or displeasure, they looked at each other and smiled, delighted at the mutual understanding.

Because they knew Su Ce too well, what he could do would never trouble others, that was not his character.

"Master, we're here." The coachman straightened the carriage.

Shangguan Shaochen got out of the carriage first, but after the three of them got out of the sedan chair, they noticed that there was a carriage parked in front of the main entrance of King Xian's Mansion, but the appearance of the two carriages was very dilapidated, as if they had just been ransacked. The sharp-eyed Ling Muer also found fresh blood on the wheels and pedals.

"Shao Chen?" Ling Muer's face turned livid in an instant.

Shangguan Shaochen and Nangong Yizhi walked over immediately, took a little bit of bright red with their fingers to check, they were sure it was human blood, their expressions changed.

Nangong Yizhi was about to enter the carriage to check, when Zitong heard the news and had already rushed over, "Your Majesty, stay here."

"But what happened in the house? This...?" Nangong Yizhi pointed to the broken carriage behind him, with a tense and serious expression.

After Zitong bowed to everyone one by one, he nodded solemnly, "I can't explain clearly in a few words. The servant is worried that I will frighten the prince, and it is not good to be disturbed by nightmares at night, so it is better for the prince not to go up."

He turned around and looked at Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer, "My lord has been waiting for a long time, please three."

I don't know if Su Ce was in danger or what, Shangguan Shaochen led Ling Muer, Nangong Yizhi followed closely, and the three of them hurried into the palace of Xian Wang.

"What are you three doing at my house?" As soon as he entered, he bumped into Mo Junyao who was about to go out.

After all, she is Concubine Xian, and her makeup is very exquisite and luxurious. Seeing that she only has her personal maid Xiutao behind her, she seems to be out for a stroll. Ling Muer has no interest in wasting words with her.

"Let's go see King Xian first." She took the two of them to bypass her.


How could Mo Junyao let go of the opportunity to humiliate Ling Muer? She rushed to the three of them and spread her arms, blocking the way, "Ling Muer, you are already the Second Prince's Concubine, why are you coming to our Xianwang Palace? Why, eat The one in the bowl is still thinking about the one in the pot, and you are still thinking about someone else's husband even though you are married? How shameless!"

"I didn't expect Concubine Xian to learn even the Jingdu dialect in just a few months after her marriage. What a pity, what's the use of knowing it. If you don't understand the meaning, you will only lose face of Prince Xian's mansion!"

Ling Muer bumped her away unceremoniously.

"Oh hello!" Mo Junyao was in pain from being bumped, "Bold Ling Muer, you, you dare to attack this princess, someone, come and take her down!"

"Stop!" Zitong said, and the servants who rushed out immediately retreated to their original positions.

Seeing Mo Junyao's distraught face again, Zi Tong sighed, "My lord, it was the lord who invited the second prince to come here to deal with important matters, and I also ask the lord not to waste the lord's time."

"You son of a bitch! You are clearly a servant of my virtuous prince's mansion, yet you help outsiders to bully me, the mistress of the house? Zitong, you are so courageous!" Mo Junyao was furious.

Ling Mu'er wanted to stand up for Zitong, but Zitong had already stood up, "Yes, the status of a slave is lowly, and it's not worth mentioning in front of the princess, but the prince said, whoever dares to obstruct the prince's business, no matter who it is, beheaded first and then played!"


Mo Junyao was so frightened that her pretty face instantly changed color.

But how could she be humiliated in front of Ling Muer?

She shook her neck and straightened the joystick, "I am the concubine who was personally decreed by the emperor to marry the virtuous king. What the prince said was just to the idlers. Why, do you really dare to take it?" The concubine took the knife? Okay, I want to see how many lives you have to dare to hurt me? Come on!"

After saying that, Mo Junyao deliberately bumped into Zitong.

Zitong dodged, and Mo Junyao, like a stimulated bullfighting bull, turned and rushed towards him again, as if challenging his bottom line.

Having been humiliated by her many times, Zitong's heart had long been filled with fire. In addition, the prince had indeed issued such an order to him before, so he said, "Princess, don't blame the slave, you are welcome." Mo Junyao rushed over again At that moment, while he turned around to dodge, there was a sound of wind under his feet, and after a blink of an eye, Mo Junyao lay on the ground like a dog chewing mud.

"Bold slave, this princess wants to kill you, I will kill you!"

Mo Junyao beat the ground with her fist angrily. After hearing Nangong Yizhi's ridicule, she couldn't care about anything else. She rushed to the side guard and drew his saber from his waist, and stabbed at Zitong.

Although Zitong had the courage to teach the concubine a lesson, he dared not fight her with swords and guns.

After he sighed, he shouted in a hurry, "Isn't the princess curious why the prince called the second prince and concubine to come here? The carriage outside the door is the explanation. Why don't the princess go and see for herself?"

"Hmph, you're smart!"

Seeing that Zitong accepted it as soon as it was good, Mo Junyao immediately put down her saber.

She did this just now because she was in a hurry. You must know that Zitong is Su Ce's most trusted confidant. If they really fought just now and hurt him, she believes that Su Ce would rather protect the slave than protect him. her.

So when Zitong gave the steps, she walked down immediately, just as she was wondering why Su Ce brought Ling Muer to the house.

But when she happily got into the carriage and saw everything inside, she regretted it.


Mo Junyao, who was dressed luxuriously, hurriedly jumped out of the carriage, clenched her fists with both hands as if she had been severely frightened and jumped on the ground, "Blood, a lot of blood. I was scared to death, I was scared to death!"

Looking at Zitong who couldn't help laughing, she clenched her lower lip angrily, "Slave, wait and see, this princess will never let you go!"

Seeing Mo Junyao running away in despair because of fear, Ling Muer shook her head helplessly, "Is the Xianwang Mansion so lively on weekdays?"

"Yes, that's why the prince likes to stay in the study or another courtyard." Zitong nodded, and made a gesture of invitation, signaling them to follow her into the guest room.

After leaving the front yard and walking through a long corridor, one could faintly smell the smell of blood.

"What happened to Prince Xian's Mansion?" Ling Muer couldn't help it.

"It's not the Prince Xian's Mansion." Zi Tong said almost subconsciously, seeing the more suspicious looks from the three of them, he opened the door of the guest room and explained, "The second prince, second concubine and Nangong Shizi will know when they go in. "

They couldn't wait to break in. To be honest, they all suspected that Su Ce was seriously injured.

After all, a scheming sixth prince who had been hidden for many years suddenly appeared in the capital city. He could monitor everyone, and it was not impossible to use tricks to hurt a virtuous king with a strong hand.

But when they entered the study and saw everything in front of them, they realized that they were wrong.

"Xiong Qiguang?"

Looking back, there was another man lying on another stretcher, even more dying than Xiong Qiguang, "Song Yicheng?"

Ling Mu'er hurried over. At this moment, Su Ce was standing beside Song Yicheng's stretcher, nervously watching the doctor treat him.

"How is this going?"

While talking, Ling Muer took out the medicine box and squatted beside Song Yicheng's bed in an empty corner, and said friendly to the doctor, "Leave it to me."

The doctor of Prince Xian's Mansion knew Ling Mu'er and knew her medical skills, so he was not angry at her driving her away.

The doctor nodded and turned to Xiong Qiguang's bedside.

"Didn't they leave the capital? According to the time calculation, they should have arrived in Pingcheng long ago. How could they be so seriously injured and lie here with you?" This sentence was obviously asked to Su Ce.

"Coincidence." Su Ce always spoke concisely.

He stood in front of the stretcher, his solemn and cold eyes turned down, watching Ling Muer lift Song Yicheng's clothes, his calm and unwavering eyes gradually became cold.

Seeing Ling Muer open Song Yicheng's inner garment, revealing a large chest, he suppressed his anger and squatted down suddenly, holding her arm, "Old Guo has checked all the injuries for him, although it seems serious, But it's not life-threatening, if you don't believe it, you can ask Mr. Guo to check it again."

Old Guo was the doctor she dismissed just now, one of the few people Su Ce trusted.

"Old Guo's medical skills are indeed superb, but Song Yicheng is poisoned." After the last three words were written, Ling Muer disregarded Su Ce's objection and opened his shirt. Sure enough, the area three inches down from Song Yicheng's chest was black.

Ling Mu'er didn't speak, but looked back and gave Elder Guo a wink. After three seconds of silence, the latter opened Xiong Qiguang's shirt, and found that the skin in the same place had turned into the same black.

"This..." Mr. Guo shook his head, "Ashamed, ashamed, I think my medical skills are excellent, but I can't imagine that I still can't match the fairy doctor girl, I admire you."

"Mr. Guo is being polite, maybe I'm young and my eyesight is better." Ling Muer took out a silver needle from the medicine box while talking, and began to test for drugs.

Su Ce wanted to say something else, but finally got up with a sigh and looked at Shangguan Shaochen.

"Ten days ago, I was ordered to deal with the waterlogging in Mingshui Town. Mingshui Town is far away from the capital. I asked Yintong to take the lead to deal with it. But on the way, Yintong found a group of people fighting. Yintong thought it was bandits blocking the way. , but after a closer look, it turned out to be these two people. If Yintong hadn't rescued them, they would have died."

It was an explanation for why Xiong Qiguang and Song Yicheng were in the Xianwang Mansion.

"So the blood on the carriage outside is theirs?" Shangguan Shaochen asked.

"That's right, but fortunately, Yintong took out more people, and one of the killers has been captured, and I'm locking him outside the dungeon. Will the second prince want to interrogate himself?"


After finishing speaking, Shangguan Shaochen turned around first and walked in front.

After Xiong Qiguang and Song Yi became him to testify against Qin Xuanting, they were also his people. Who had the guts to assassinate them on their way out of the capital!

Although Su Ce said that Yintong saved them, how could he be bumped into by the Xian Wang's men by such a coincidence, or did the Xian Wang help them all the time secretly?

Shangguan Shaochen's face was full of cold anger, his face was extremely gloomy and complicated, and his whole body exuded a humble air, as if a giant beast raised its head in the dark night.

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