"Congratulations to the sixth prince, you are one step closer to defeating the enemy!" The prime minister cupped his fists and bowed deeply to Qin Ruochen, his old face was full of smiles, and his attitude was very flattering.

"Ha, hahaha!" The sixth prince was very happy to be flattered, "Prime Minister Lan, Prime Minister Lan, you really are the scheming master. If you didn't make moves for this prince, how could I see such a big show?"

Qin Ruochen ordered someone to pour wine for Prime Minister Lan, and raised his glass first, and drank the wine in one gulp.

Seeing this, Prime Minister Lan was so frightened that he quickly raised his wine glass, "It is my honor to serve the sixth prince, thank you for the wine."

Waving his hand, he put the wine glass on the wine table contentedly, but Qin Ruochen refused the maid who wanted to pour the wine.

With half-closed eyes, he looked at the half-decayed old man sitting across from him, "Although you were helping the Seventh Emperor Brother back then, I have seen your loyalty since these days, so don't worry, anyone who is loyal to me My lord, after I get the great cause, I will never treat you badly!"

Prime Minister Lan was overjoyed when he heard the words, "I will swear allegiance to the sixth prince to help the sixth prince ascend the throne as soon as possible."

"Hey, you can't say it so early. Father has already sent someone to send the imperial decree for the crown prince to the Second Prince's Mansion, but not to my Sixth Prince's Mansion."

Qin Ruochen deliberately dragged the end of the sound, the corners of his eyes and brows were full of coldness.

Prime Minister Lan also withdrew his smile and became serious, "Did the Sixth Prince always want to see or fight between the Second Prince's Mansion and the Prince's Mansion? It is rumored that Nangong Yizhi went to the Prince's Mansion to offer condolences that day, but he was thrown out, which is enough to show that the Prince The mansion has now broken with the second prince's mansion, sixth prince, our plan has succeeded."

Thinking of this, Qin Ruochen also nodded, "Hmph, who doesn't want to gain power? Father is sick and is about to die soon. The position of crown prince is now settled. Qin Yuheng's seat that he had held for so long was suddenly given up to How could he be reconciled to someone else? Look, he even said that he was on good terms with the Second Prince's Mansion, now he should taste the taste of regret!"

Although he didn't see the tragic situation of Nangong Yizhi being blasted out with his own eyes, Qin Ruochen felt better when he thought about it. As long as the Crown Prince's Mansion and the Second Prince's Mansion break apart, won't his chance come?

"Let the two of them kill each other, and the sixth prince will wait to catch the fisherman." Prime Minister Lan smiled, as long as he thought of Shangguan Shaochen's tragic future in his heart, he would be extremely excited.

If it wasn't for Ling Mu'er, if it wasn't for the prince, how could his beautiful figure end up in the nunnery?

His beautiful figure is at the same age as Hua, she is the daughter he has spent all his life cultivating, and it was wasted like this, all of this is their fault!

Now, she wants to let them taste the taste of losing everything!

"If you can kill the second emperor brother without any effort, this prince will give you a big reward!"

Qin Ruochen stood up suddenly, playing with a sachet in the palm of his hand. The sachet was red all over, and the embroidery pattern was very delicate and beautiful. It looked like a girl's household item.

Prime Minister Lan didn't move at first, but when he saw his playing movements, he instantly understood the meaning of the sixth prince's words, and hurriedly got up and bowed to him again, "Thank you, old minister, sixth prince!"

"Hey, they are all from my own family, why are you being polite? When Lingqianjin was sent to that kind of place, I regretted it in my heart. It's a pity that the most talented woman in Beijing. I thought about how to rescue her, Unexpectedly, the royal father had made up his mind at that time, and this prince was not favored. But it is different now."

The sixth prince raised his jaw arrogantly as he spoke, "Now who would have thought that the prince born to a lowly maidservant would have the right to oversee the country? To be reused by the emperor? Now, as long as I say a word, those people who used to look down on this prince You must obediently bow your head to me!"

"Of course!" Prime Minister Lan echoed, "The Sixth Prince is not only extremely intelligent, but also extremely capable. Those people used to be blind, and they will definitely not be able to climb high in the future!"

"Hahaha, what a Prime Minister Lan, it's no wonder that the father thinks highly of you, you really are very flattering."

Qin Ruochen was even happier being flattered by him, and felt that all his troubles had disappeared.

"Qin Yuheng and Shangguan Shaochen, let the two of them continue to fight each other. Although the ending is already determined, if one of them can be eliminated in this fight, it will save you and me from doing it, but..."

Qin Ruochen paused, with a dangerous look at the corners of his eyes, "If you want to deal with Shangguan Shaochen thoroughly, you must first deal with another person beside him!"

Prime Minister Lan's face changed, "The sixth prince is talking about the virtuous king?"

"That's right!"

Giving him an appreciative look, Qin Ruochen packed the sachet tightly, as if the one who was controlled in the palm of his hand was the life of the virtuous king.

"This Su Ce, relying on his ability, keeps helping Shangguan Shaochen. More than a year ago, I reported to Shangguan Shaochen that his woman was bullied by the prince. I thought I could report to the emperor that he was in the army without summons. Returning to the capital without authorization, who would have thought that Su Ce would help him at that time. If he hadn't been meddling in his own business, not only the crown prince would have suffered, Shangguan Shaochen would have been dealt with by military law, and he might even have died in the barracks. This Su Ce, Sooner or later, I want him to know the price of being nosy!"

Looking at the hateful eyes of the sixth prince, if the virtuous king was in front of him, he would definitely kill him unceremoniously.

"The virtuous king has a noble status, holds a lot of real power in his hands, and has a lot of people who support him in the court. That's why he can be so arrogant and reckless! And because of that Ling Muer, Su Ce is helping the second prince unconditionally." .” Speaking of this, Lance He was heartbroken.

Back then, my daughter liked Su Ce, but Su Ce hurt her many times, and even lost the face of the Prime Minister's Mansion because of it.

If Su Ce had married his daughter, his beautiful figure would not have endured today's pain!

Yes, Su Ce is also one of his enemies!

"How does the sixth prince plan to deal with the virtuous king?"

"You also said that he likes Ling Mu'er, so what do you think this prince will do?" Qin Ruochen didn't answer his question, but asked very charmingly.

Lan Sihe is a smart person, he rolled his deep eyes, and quickly understood, "The sixth prince means..."

"Hey, don't worry!"

Qin Ruochen smiled, treated the sachet in his hand like trash, and threw it out unceremoniously, "We have to do things step by step, bit by bit, we have just dealt with the crown prince, and now we rashly attack the virtuous king, If the emperor finds out about it, he will be blamed! I finally regained my favor, and if I am beaten back to my original shape, wouldn’t my prince’s efforts these years be in vain.”

Lan Cheng nodded repeatedly, "The Sixth Prince is still thoughtful, but the Xian Wang has been helping the Second Prince's House, this is the biggest stumbling block affecting our progress, we should solve it as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, this prince has his own plans for this matter. He doesn't like that Ling Muer, so this prince will also give him a big gift!"

Knowing that Qin Ruochen already had his own ideas, the prime minister stopped talking.

Although he helped Qin Ruochen, why didn't he have his own purpose? But since the other party didn't need him to make a move, he didn't bother to provoke him. After all, if the sixth prince was really arrested in the future, at least he would not be involved in this matter.

Of course, loyalty still has to be shown.

"The Sixth Prince's ability is outstanding, and this veteran admires it. If there is something that the veteran can use, please give the Sixth Prince his orders."

"Of course I won't be polite to you."

Of course, Qin Ruochen knew that the old man in front of him was full of bad water, and he might be planning something, but at least the two of them are grasshoppers on the same rope now, and he still has a lot to use him for, so even if he has a little bit of his own Why not think carefully?

"If you hadn't acted for me, how could I have seen the Second Prince's Mansion and the Crown Prince's Mansion become enemies. In this way, in order to reward you, this prince will send someone to the nunnery later, what do you think?"

Hearing this was like hearing that he was promoted to a noble rank, Lan Sihe hurriedly knelt on the ground and bowed down as if he were the emperor.

"The old minister thanked the sixth prince for his kindness, and thanked the sixth prince for taking care of him!"

"Lan Lao, please get up quickly." The sixth prince hurriedly helped him up, "You are already old, why do you have to give me such a big gift? You have already said that we are a family! In this way, after sister Qianying comes back, if you don't Let her come to my Sixth Prince's Mansion wherever she wants to go, don't worry, with me here, I will definitely find her a better home!"

When Prime Minister Lan heard this, he was even more grateful to him in his heart.

Not to mention that Lan Qianying has already married the crown prince, she has long since lost her innocence, and it is even more impossible to have any good choices if she wants to remarry, but if she has the help of the sixth prince, it may not be so. Dare to go against the prince who is in the limelight today?

"The sixth prince's kindness and virtue made the old minister not know how to report it. I, the old minister..."

"Report!" The servant came to report in a hurry. Fu Er didn't know what to say next to the sixth prince.

Prime Minister Lan was still immersed in the joy that his daughter was about to return to his side, he only heard a muffled 'bang', and he was brought back to his thoughts by the fury of the sixth prince.

Seeing that the slave was driven away by him, he quickly asked, "What's wrong with the sixth prince, but what troublesome thing happened!"

"Damn it! Didn't you say that the Second Prince's Mansion broke up with the Prince's Mansion? Didn't you say that you saw it with your own eyes, but why did my people see the two of them shaking hands and making peace outside the Imperial Study Room today, and their relationship is very good?"

As soon as the sixth prince changed his friendship just now, his whole body exuded a condescending air, as if they were each other's enemies, full of murderous aura.

Lance He was taken aback.

Although he didn't know what happened, but seeing Qin Ruochen's angry look, he had a guess in his mind, "Could it be that Shangguan Shaochen played all this for us?"

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, Lance's eyes widened, "If the second prince's mansion does not break with the prince's mansion, then our plan will come to nothing? Originally we planned that the prince would be dissatisfied with Shangguan Shaochen occupying the position of prince, but Find a way to fight him, but now it seems that if the prince is willing to hand over the position of prince to the second prince, then the sixth prince, don't you..."

Made a wedding dress for someone else?

Qin Ruochen's face was full of anger, his gloomy face was like a seductress rising from hell.

He slammed his fist against the wall fiercely, "Hmph, you dare to tease me? It's okay, my prince will let him stand taller and fall harder!"

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