Hearing that the emperor ordered them to stay in the capital without leaving the capital, Qin Yuheng and his wife were overjoyed. They thanked and kowtowed, wishing to thank them a thousand times.

When they left the prison, another imperial decree from the emperor came down, and the emperor ordered to change the original Prince's Mansion into Xiaoyao Wang's Mansion.

For Qin Yuheng, this is simply another piece of good news.

"Not only do you not have to move, but you can still stay in the capital now. The third prince is a blessing in disguise."

Ling Mu'er guessed that this might be due to Concubine Yi.

"Imperial Concubine Yi learned that you were framed and imprisoned, and she must be very worried. Then Shao Chen and I will not bother you, so let's go to the palace and have a look."

"The concubine mother is wise, and her thoughts are above the children. If it were not for the concubine mother, the second emperor's wife would never forgive me. Don't worry, we will go to the palace to appease her old man." Qin Yuheng thought of all the concubine mother had done secretly for him , I was very emotional in my heart.

Ling Mu'er nodded, "You're right, if it wasn't for Concubine Yi's repeated help. I really wouldn't forgive you. But the past is the past, and it doesn't make any sense to mention it. As for the future, you should be more careful."

There's only so much she can do.

"Second Emperor's Sister-in-Law is generous, but I still have some things to discuss with Second Emperor Brother, how about Second Emperor's Sister-in-law get on the carriage first?" Qin Yuheng called Shangguan Shaochen to stop after watching her get into the carriage.

"Second brother, why didn't you agree to father?"

Qin Yuheng looked a little anxious, "You don't need to guess what happened today, you know it must have been done by the sixth son, I just said why he decided to recommend you before, it was to arouse the conflict between the prince's house and the second prince's house, and seeing the failure, he put me to death Brother Second Emperor, Qin Ruochen has a vicious mind and has to guard against it. Only when you sit on the throne will his tricks not succeed!"

Shangguan Shaochen had already guessed that he would say this, but his original intention remained the same, "What I want, I will get it in my own way, but how can I walk on the shoulders of others to reach the highest point?" ?”

"Brother Second Emperor!" Qin Yuheng was in a hurry, "You are in a hurry to follow the authority, why are you so stubborn! What on earth is Qin Ruochen trying to do? He is really willing to give up the position of prince to others, I'm afraid he has other plans! "

As long as Qin Yuheng thought that his seat was given to a shameless person, he couldn't swallow his breath, "If Qin Ruochen is really allowed to be the crown prince in the future, even if I risk my life, I will pull him down. But it’s different for the emperor’s brother, he is courageous and resourceful, even his father often praises you as the prince who is most like him when he was young, and you are the only one who can take on such a big responsibility, please think twice!”

Qin Yuheng cupped his fists and bent slightly towards him. His attitude was sincere, but in fact he was praying.

Although he lost the crown prince's seat, it was his seat after all, if it was ruined by a villain like Qin Ruochen, he would not rest in peace even if he died in the future.

"I have my own thoughts." Shangguan Shaochen nodded, "It's getting late, I'm afraid the little emperor and grandson are frightened in the prison, and there is Concubine Yi, if you can go to the palace more to accompany her old man, Concubine Yi is not in good health. Well, what happened this time really frightened her. Besides, don't forget, although you are under attack, Concubine Yi has to be on guard everywhere. In short, you all should be more careful. "

After getting into the carriage, Shangguan Shaochen was planning to go back to the Second Prince's Mansion with Ling Muer, but on the way, the servants of the Ling Mansion suddenly came to report that Ling Dazhi invited them back.

Thinking that something urgent happened to the mansion, the two hurried back to the mansion, only to see a family standing outside the gate of the mansion.

"Father, mother, what happened?" Ling Muer hurriedly jumped off the carriage.

Seeing her movements, the grandmother was terrified, "Hey, hurry up and be careful, you are already a body, why are you still so frizzy."

Mrs. Yang hurried over and grabbed her arm, "It's nothing, isn't it Jiang Yu's full moon today? The county prince's mansion sent a wedding invitation to invite our family to go to the lively and lively place. Your father went to the second prince's mansion in person and couldn't find it." You, let the slaves look around, why, scare you?"

Only then did she realize that it was the full moon of brother and Chaoyang's child, Ling Muer slapped her forehead, "Mother, why didn't you remind me earlier, I didn't even prepare a decent gift."

"They are all our own children, so what do you do when you see outsiders?" Grandma smiled and shook her head, signaling her not to be nervous.

"This is my first little niece. How can I neglect her? Girls need to be rich so that they won't be cheated by ignorant men in the future."

Ling Muer refused, and immediately greeted Shang Zhi behind her, telling her to go back to the Second Prince's Mansion as quickly as possible to get her brocade box.

"You are the only one who spoils the child, Ziyu, what kind of habit have you become since he came to the capital?" Yang Shi nodded her forehead, even though she said so, the smile on her face did not diminish by half, "Look You look good, how are you doing recently?"

"Mu'er is well, let mother and family worry about it, it's getting late, then let's set off quickly."

Ling Mu'er put her arms around her mother and grandmother, completely forgetting about Shangguan Shaochen, and the group happily got into the carriage and went straight to the county palace.

As soon as they entered the door, they heard lively voices. The butler led them to the front hall, and saw the county king, the eldest princess, Mrs. Su, and even Su Ce were there.

Chaoyang hugged the child and had fun with Mrs. Su, while Ling Zixuan was pulled aside by the county king and didn't know what to talk about, but Su Ce was the first to see them coming.

Nodding and smiling, it was regarded as a greeting, Su Ce looked away, and greeted everyone, "Grandma, you are a distinguished guest."

Only then did everyone see their in-laws coming, and hurriedly called their in-laws to sit down, and the scene suddenly became very lively.

I thought that many people were invited to the full moon reception, but when I arrived, I found out that the county palace had only invited their Ling family, which was the first gathering of the in-laws.

"It's the first time for relatives to come to the county prince's mansion as guests. Don't be polite, don't be polite, just treat this as your own home." At the dinner table, Madam Su greeted her with a benign smile on her face. .

"Let the old lady spend a lot of money, the child is full moon, just eat a simple meal, look at this table is like a full banquet." Tang quickly sighed, his eyes were full of gratitude.

Thinking that she had spent her whole life in Lingjia Village, if she hadn't been blessed with her granddaughter, how could she have such an honor to eat such a big table, let alone become a relative of the emperor.

She often wonders whether this dream will wake up one day. Of course, even if she does wake up, it will be worth it.

"Hey, we're all one family, what's the cost? We also want to thank you for taking such good care of us, Chaoyang. Not only that, you also raised such an excellent child as Zixuan. Look at how well the two of them are right. "

Mrs. Su liked Ling Zixuan more and more, "At first, I was worried that the two of them would have a lot of quarrels, but now it seems that we are supercilious as old people. Your family, no, it's our family's Zixuan. , is indeed a rare talent, and seeing how loving these two young couples are, I feel relieved."

After being praised so much for their children, Tang, Yang, and Ling Dazhi laughed from ear to ear, everyone's face turned red, and the original tension disappeared all of a sudden.

"The old lady can't praise brother like that, brother will be proud." Ling Muer smiled and filled the glass for old lady Su beside her, "Thank you for your appreciation, old lady. To be honest, why don't we worry that my brother will have trouble when he comes to the county palace?" How uncomfortable, but now it seems that we are overthinking. The county prince's mansion treats his brother as his own child. Look, he is much fatter than when he was in Ling's mansion. Mu'er replaced his father with tea Thank you, Mother, for the love of the Prince's Palace."

Seeing her drink a cup of tea in one gulp, Mrs. Su liked her free and easy look more and more. Maybe it was because she drank some wine, she stroked her head with a smile, "You have such a clever mouth, You are the only one who pleases my mother-in-law. Speaking of it, it is really fate. If Ce'er hadn't brought you here to see a doctor for me, how could I have met you, a clever ghost? But it's a pity that the fate of our Su and Ling's residences has come to an end. A little."

As soon as Mrs. Su said this, the scene immediately quieted down, and Shangguan Shaochen's expression changed in an instant, and the atmosphere became awkward for a while.

Su Ce paused while holding the wine glass, and looked at Ling Mu'er from the corner of his eye. Seeing that her face was also pale, he sneered to break the embarrassing situation, "Grandmother is drunk, grandson help you go back to rest?"

"Hey, who said I'm drunk, I think back when my old lady was not drunk, you didn't know which corner you were playing with mud in,"

Mrs. Su refused to leave. Looking at Su Ce, she felt more and more regretful, "Ce'er, it's a pity, why did my good child marry such a thing, but fortunately she didn't come here to provoke me today because she was upset. I don't think so, otherwise I won't be able to eat this meal."

Hearing Mrs. Su's words, Ling Mu'er realized that Mo Junyao didn't come today.

When she first came to the Su residence, she thought that Mo Junyao didn't bother to meet them face to face, and she didn't know where she went to play, and seeing Su Ce's ugly face, she guessed in her heart that Mo Junyao was probably not feeling well Lee is just an excuse.

"Mother, you are not in good health, you should not drink too much, let your daughter-in-law help you back first."

The eldest princess was happy today because her son came back from the family banquet, but the mother-in-law said that she was really worried that her son who had finally come back would leave the banquet angrily, so she hurriedly grabbed Mrs. Su's arm to take her away.

"I don't need your help, I don't know if I'm drunk or not?" Mrs. Su threw away the eldest princess, thinking that she would continue to drink, but she looked at Ling Mu'er, "Ms. I haven't come to the Prince's Mansion, and I wanted to send someone to ask you to come over and give me a safe pulse a few days ago, I don't know if it's convenient now?"

I don't know what Mrs. Su wants to say to her, but as a junior, she can't refuse.

Before leaving, she squeezed Shangguan Shaochen's palm as comfort, Ling Mu'er stood up with a smile, and kissed her arm intimately, "Madam Su and Mu'er are so polite but they don't treat Mu'er as their own, old lady You slow down."

Because of Mrs. Su's sudden emotion and departure, the drinking party became very awkward for a while, and the laughter from Ling Zixuan and Chaoyang could be heard from a distance to ease the embarrassing situation, "Everyone must not know why our Xiao Jiangyu was named Is that so? That’s because Zixuan and I met by the river..."

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