Shangguan Shaochen and Qin Yuheng rushed over, and saw Ling Muer opened Concubine Yi's fingers, revealing her slender and white nails, and if you look carefully inside the nails, you will find some shiny things.

"This is the sequins worn on clothes. If I remember correctly, these sequins were tributes from Fanbang to the Celestial Dynasty two years ago. At that time, the prince of Fanbang wore them on his body when he sent gifts. Later, the princess in the palace The concubines and concubines thought it looked good, so they followed suit and sewed these sequins on their brocade clothes, which has been passed down to this day."

Ling Muer introduced to the two big men who were confused.

"Fanbang's tribute is top-grade, but it's worn on clothes?" Qin Yuheng obviously didn't know about it.

After he finished speaking, his face was a little embarrassed, and the implication also showed how indifferent and indifferent he was when he was the crown prince.

After Ling Mu'er coughed twice to resolve her embarrassment, she said emphatically, "The point is, these beads are not something that anyone can wear casually. If you have no status, no emperor's reward and approval, even if you like it, you won't be able to wear it." this qualification."

"Sister-in-law means that the person who murdered the mother and concubine was someone with a very high status in the harem?" Qin Yuheng's eyes gradually turned cold.

"Concubine Min, she is the first person I can think of!"

"But what's her motive?" Ling Muer shook her head, "It's common for women in the harem to be intrigued and jealous. Concubine Min and Concubine Yi have been fighting for many years, and they have indeed used many methods in secret, but if she wants to kill someone We have already started, why wait until now? Concubine Min Gui has always been our enemy, we would be the first to suspect her after the death of Concubine Yi, why doesn't she think so?"

Ling Mu'er thought for a while and then added, "Besides, she has already been confined by the emperor in the harem. At this juncture, if she really did the trick, wouldn't she be pushed into the pit of fire?"

"Who is that!" Qin Yuheng obviously couldn't bear his temper, his eyes were red, thinking of the tragic death of his mother and concubine, the cold air radiating from him made people shudder!

"In short, if it's her, you can find out if you check." Shangguan Shaochen put his warm palm on Qin Yuheng's shoulder, signaling him not to be too impulsive.

"Women who are confined in the harem will be watched at all times. Did she leave the bedroom last night? With so many eyes and mouths in the harem, I'm afraid they won't be able to find out?"

Shangguan Shaochen got up, planning to order someone to investigate.

Seeing this, Qin Yuheng covered the concubine mother with the white cloth with great grief, and put her hand that was hanging by her side back on the stretcher. Just when she was about to stand up with Shangguan Shaochen, the concubine mother's left arm suddenly fell off.

Tears welled up in his eyes in an instant, he resisted, and carefully and gently raised the concubine's arm, but at this moment, he saw the buckle still spinning under the stretcher from the corner of his eye.

Apparently it just fell out.

"Brother Huang, sister-in-law!"

Qin Yuheng hurriedly called the two of them.

"You see?"

He picked up the button and handed it in front of the two of them, and looked it over carefully, and it was almost a final decision, "Women's things, on brocade clothes!"

It was too late and then too soon, he wanted to rush out without any hesitation, "I will order people to search the entire harem, whoever has a button missing on his clothes will be the murderer of the mother and concubine!"

Seeing him being so impulsive, Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer hurriedly held him down, "Don't be impulsive!"

"How can I not be impulsive, this button is in the sleeve of the concubine mother, she must have accidentally dropped it when she was fighting the enemy. We also found it by accident, the murderer must not have noticed it, we must hurry up !"

"It is precisely because of this that we have to think long-term!"

Being held down by Ling Muer, although Qin Yuheng struggled a little, he found that the emperor's wife was so strong that he couldn't move at all.

"Whose is the button, and whose bedroom do you start to search? When you rashly search with this button, what if the murderer gets wind of it?" Ling Muer stared into his eyes seriously, " Xiaoyao Wang, I understand your current mood, but the more this is the case, the more we want you to calm down."

"Mother concubine is dead, she is dead! She is not asleep, she is really isolated from the world and can never wake up again, how do you let me calm down?"

Qin Yuheng's suppressed emotions finally exploded.

After yelling, he also regretted it very much. He squatted on the ground with his head in his arms and kept apologizing to Ling Muer, "I'm sorry, I..."

"Concubine Yi was saved by me. My patient, you believe that I am the person in this world who doesn't want her to die. Don't worry, no matter who the murderer is, I will definitely find out and make him pay for this cruel act." cost!"

Ling Muer gritted her teeth, her eyes full of determination.

Looking at Qin Yuheng who blamed herself for collapsing again, she took a deep breath, and after calming down, she looked at Shangguan Shaochen, "We split up. Although there are many concubines in the harem, there are not many high-ranking concubines. We must guard against those blades of framing! Now that the previous dynasty is chaotic, we must hold our ground in order to prevent those who want to frame us."

Qin Yuheng felt that what Ling Muer said was right, he wiped away the tears from his face, and held the handicap tightly in his palm, and after taking a last look at the body of his mother and concubine, his face was calm, as if nothing had happened After leaving the dungeon.

"What's going on? Did you find anything?"

When Nangong Yizhi and Princess Xiaoyao rushed over, they happened to see the three of them come out with ashen faces.

Concubine Xiaoyao hurriedly hugged Qin Yuheng's arm, "My lord, my condolences have changed, mother and concubine..."

Stopping her from continuing, Qin Yuheng hugged her arm with a sad face. "My concubine died strangely. I must avenge my concubine. Don't worry, I won't fall until I find out the truth."

What Princess Xiaoyao wanted to say turned into strength in the end. She knew that even if she said a thousand words now, it would be better to obediently follow her side and support her.

First he was abolished as the crown prince, and then his mother died. I have never experienced anything more tragic than this period of time in my life. If she is more pampered and self-willed and makes trouble for no reason, it will be rubbing salt on my wounds.

"Master, what can Ru'er help you?"

"Yeah, if there is something for my son, you can speak up, even though I..." Nangong Yizhi was about to say something, but his arm was bumped by someone beside him, and he immediately changed the subject, "Don't look at me, my son. I am idle and idle every day, but I am an expert in investigating cases."

Qin Yuheng looked back, and bowed deeply to Shangguan Shaochen, Nangong Yizhi, and Ling Muer, with a hoarse voice, "Thank you."

"No, you, I'm ashamed of what you did." Nangong Yizhi had never seen such a silent and sad Qin Yuheng,

I used to think that this guy was so arrogant that his nose was going up to the sky, why do I suddenly feel that he is so pitiful now.

"Well, I heard that the emperor has given you the right to conduct a thorough investigation, and you have been investigating for a long time, but have you found anything?"

Qin Yuheng looked at Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer, and the three of them sighed in disappointment, "I got nothing."

"What?" Nangong Yizhi was stunned, and immediately turned to look at Ling Muer, "You don't even have a clue?"

Ling Mu'er lowered her head, looking extremely disappointed, but in a corner where no one else could see, she carefully looked around from the corner of her eye, observing the expressions of every guard and maidservant, trying to find any flaws.

"Didn't it mean that Concubine Yi's death was strange, that she was murdered? How could there be no clues?"

Nangong Yizhi sighed, and wanted to say something, but seeing Qin Yuheng's sad eyes, he patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, as long as we are here, we will definitely find out! There is no wrong person in this world. The windy wall, the person who dares to kill people in the harem, just wait to be beheaded by the Meridian Gate."

Qin Yuheng didn't speak, just nodded silently, and was supported by Princess Xiaoyao to leave first.

Ling Mu'er and the others looked at each other, and got into the carriage of the second prince's mansion.

"I said this is really an eventful year. Seeing that the new year is almost here, why are there so many things happening in the palace! First, the cousin was arrested, then the Seventh Prince died strangely, and now Concubine Yi also died suddenly. Who is doing this? Come with us?"

Inside the carriage, Nangong Yizhi held his head in his hands in confusion, and his expression changed from his usual cynical expression to a serious one.

"It's possible for Qin Ruochen, Lance Sihe, Concubine Min, and even those who have always wanted to take advantage of these things."

Ling Mu'er closed her eyes, and although she leaned against Shangguan Shaochen as if she was asleep, she was thinking calmly.

Qin Ruochen is a new enemy, and he has been trying to harm them for a long time.

In order to avenge his daughter, it is not impossible for Lan Sihe to murder her, otherwise how did those guards surround her the first time she appeared?

Concubine Min, who is in the harem, is the person most likely to manipulate these things, but she is also the most suspicious murderer.

So, who else wants to take advantage of this matter to borrow a knife to kill people and get rid of Concubine Yi and her?

"Let me, Mu'er, be imprisoned, who is this person, I will not let her go!" Shangguan Shaochen's eyes were full of anger, as if the murderer was right in front of him, he would cut his neck immediately .

At this moment, the carriage has arrived at the Second Prince's Mansion.

When the three of them got out of the car, they were stunned by the sight in front of them. They saw grandmothers Tang, Yang, Ling Dazhi, Yang Dayong, Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang standing in the second prince's mansion and waiting.

Seeing them appear, they all rushed over.

"Mu'er, are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere? Is your body okay? Is there any discomfort in your stomach?"

"My poor granddaughter, why are there always so many disasters and disasters? Is it because someone is jealous of you and framed you! Shao Chen, as her husband and the second prince, you must make the decision for her!"

"Girl, girl, are you okay? When we got the news, we rushed over. How can a pregnant person go to the prison? Did they torture you, let me see."

A few people glanced at me, chattered, and before Ling Muer could speak, they had already been brought into the mansion.

Either to check, or to feel the pulse, she is so enthusiastic that she doesn't know what to do.

"I'm fine."

He hurriedly took a few steps back, stood in front of everyone, looked at the worried expressions on everyone's faces, and was a little moved, "You guys, how did you get the news?"

Concubine Yi died, and she was mistaken for the murderer. It stands to reason that this matter would not have spread to the palace so quickly.

Everyone didn't speak, but looked at a certain place. Ling Muer looked back and saw Nangong Yizhi rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment, "Hey, I, am I worried about my sister-in-law, who was wronged as a murderer?" , I thought about it, there are many people and power is great, if everyone pleads for mercy, you will be released, right?"

Ling Mu'er didn't finish listening to his explanation, and hit him on the head with a chestnut, "What's the strength of a large number of people? They are all old and weak, women and children, why, Nangong Shizi robbed everyone and couldn't find anyone?"

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