"not see."

Shangguan Shaochen said coldly, carried Ling Mu'er in his arms, bypassed the servants and rushed out of the room, "Come here, come here, prepare your horse."

This is the third time that the second princess has fainted without warning.

All the servants in the house were terrified.

Prepared the carriage as quickly as possible, Shangguan Shaochen couldn't care less about packing up the others, and hurriedly hugged Ling Muer and sat on it, "Go to Yaowang Valley!"

"What happened?" Su Ce suddenly appeared behind him.

Shangguan Shaochen glanced at him from the corner of his eye, and looked at Su Ce who was riding on horseback with a worried expression on his face. His whole face was gloomy and dark, "My wife may feel cold, and it's not a serious problem. Don't worry about it, the sage king."

After speaking, he had already carried Ling Mu'er into the carriage.

However, Su Ce hurried in uninvited, "What's wrong with Ling Muer?"

Seeing his concerned eyes and impatient look, the anger that Shangguan Shaochen had been holding back broke out completely.

"Your Majesty, please respect yourself!"

Stretching out his long arms to prevent Su Ce from approaching, when Shangguan Shaochen turned around again, his body was full of fierce fire, "Although I have received help from the Xianwang Palace many times, I am very grateful in my heart, and I also regard the Xianwang as a close friend in my heart." , King Xian, don’t forget, love can be repaid, but Ling Mu’er is my woman!”

The bloodthirsty eyes are like the eyes of a giant beast, suddenly opened in the darkness, as if suddenly awakened.

"What I owe to Prince Xian's Mansion, I will definitely repay it in my own way, but if I find out that some people miss my woman again, I will never be merciful again!"

Shangguan Shaochen pointed to the outside of the carriage, "Please get off the carriage!"

The anger seemed to be ignited with his last words, like a prairie fire, engulfing the earth in an instant.

Su Ce held back and wanted to explode, but from the corner of his eye, he saw Ling Muer, who was always being protected behind him, and he could clearly confirm that the woman had fainted.

He eagerly wanted to ask what was going on, why Ling Muer, who was known as the fairy doctor girl, also fainted.

And looking at Shangguan Shaochen's angry look, he can almost imagine how bad her situation is.

However, his behavior just now was indeed too reckless.

"It's my king who overstepped."

After saying a few soft words, Su Ce resolutely turned and left, as if he had never been here before.

Shangguan Shaochen immediately shouted at the coachman, "Drive the horse!"

The coachman twitched the reins in his hand, and the carriage began to gallop at a high speed, before disappearing into the night of Kyoto.

"Young master?" Behind him, Zitong felt angry for the young master, "Young master has helped the second prince many times, but today the second prince actually yelled at the young master, young master, Zitong feels wronged for you."

"Didn't you hear what he said just now? This king is meddling in his own business."

With his legs clamped on the horse's belly, Su Ce grabbed the rein and turned around.

Riding on horseback, with dull eyes and a very heavy face, he walked aimlessly on the opposite road.

"Young master came tonight to help them. God knows how much danger you took to come to the second prince's mansion late at night, but the second prince is really...Young master!"

Before Zitong finished speaking, Su Ce suddenly turned his horse and chased after the second prince's carriage.

Yaowang Valley is located at the junction of Kyoto and Tianrong City. This is a paradise with beautiful mountains and rivers.

It is rumored that the people in Yaowang Valley are highly skilled in medicine, and everyone has the secret of longevity. It is the reason why Yaowang Valley has achieved today's Yaowang Valley because of the aura of heaven and earth.

If you don’t experience it personally, you will never understand that word—the rumor is true.

It's a pity that Yaowanggu suddenly hid in the rivers and lakes three years ago, no longer sees any patients, and is no longer open to the public.

Some people say that it was the reason why the owner of the valley passed away suddenly, and the closed disciples did not get the true teaching.

Some people also said that the former drug king valley owner lost a bet with someone in Jianghu, and he will never use needles to save others in this life.

In short, all kinds of rumors were vivid, and Ling Muer and Shangguan Shaochen were also turned away because of this.

"I'm sorry, my son, there are rules on the valley, outsiders are not allowed to enter and leave, and no one is allowed to break this rule. You should bring your wife back."

The guard outside the door saluted Shangguan Shao respectfully, and then planned to close the door and go back.

"My wife is suddenly seriously ill and is in a critical situation. Only the owner of the medicine king valley can save me. I have been friends with the owner for many years. Please help me."

Shangguan Shaochen refused to miss the opportunity, he must bring Mu'er in today.

"Hey, hey, I said, why are you trespassing? I told you just now that our valley owner no longer accepts clinics. Although this is the Valley of Medicine Kings, it is also the valley owner's home. Are you like this? Trespassing on a house?"

The guards stopped Shangguan Shaochen who forced his way in, "Besides, there are so many doctors out there, if you can't do it, you can go to the palace to find an imperial doctor. If you really have nowhere to go, then your wife will die soon. This is God's will, you should accept your fate."

The little guard said a few words indignantly, and slammed the door shut, while Shangguan Shaochen seized the opportunity to put his right foot in at the last second, and firmly pressed against the door.

His foot was very stable, supported by internal strength, and the two heavy doors were forcibly pushed open a wide gap.

The guard was annoyed, "Why are you so unreasonable?"

Looking at the woman he was holding in his arms, her face was pale and her lips were livid, she looked seriously ill, but the owner of the valley did not dare to disobey the order of him to be a subordinate,

"Even if someone in your family dies here today, the owner of the valley will not let you in, so get out of the way!"



Shangguan Shaochen and Su Ce almost spoke in unison.

When the guard saw Su Ce suddenly appearing behind him, his eyes lit up, "Mr. Su, why is it you?"

Su Ce didn't look at Shangguan Shaochen's cold eyes, put his hands behind his back, and walked slowly towards the guard, "This is my friend, and the woman who fainted in his arms is my savior, since you recognize him I will let them in, and I believe that the owner of the valley will do the same when he finds out."

The guard was caught in a dilemma, "Young Master Su, it's really not that the subordinates are not allowed to enter, but the owner of the valley ordered me to strictly guard the gate of the valley last night. You don't know, just three days ago when the valley owner was assassinated, the owner of the valley ordered me to guard the gate of the valley." He didn't see anyone after he became ruthless, he deliberately confessed to anyone, and even said that even if the little mother came, he couldn't be let in, and the slave would follow orders, and please don't embarrass the little one, Mr. Su."

"Leave the patient in front of the door but don't welcome them in, what's the point of doing nothing to save them!"

Su Ce scolded angrily, and then looked at the silent and empty Valley of the Medicine King behind him. He deliberately raised his voice, "When the owner of the valley traveled all over the world, if it wasn't for this king to save him, he would have died a tragic death. Go back and tell your employer that you want to pay back my debts." For the grace of saving lives, open the door and let people go!"

Su Ce's words were serious, and he directly brought out the favor. The guards were startled and tensed up immediately.

Just when he was uncertain about paying attention, he saw Shangguan Shaochen throwing something from his arms.

The guards caught it steadily, intending to take a casual look at it, but were really taken aback.

"Master's personal badge?" He was sure it was not fake, "How do you have it?"

"Let the oriental sparrow come out to meet me!"

Shangguan Shaochen's voice was extremely cold, as if Shura was alive, which made people dare not make mistakes.

One is Guzhu's savior, and the other is someone who owns his personal badge and is so arrogant that the guards dare not stop him.

A quarter of an hour later, a man in fluttering white clothes, but holding a black folding fan in his hand, landed steadily in front of a few people with his light kungfu.

Seeing Shangguan Shaochen on the left and Su Ce on the right, the visitor was stunned, but soon he smiled like a fairy, "I don't know if the savior came from afar, so please welcome me from afar."

Shangguan Shaochen rushed in with Ling Muer in his arms, while Su Ce followed behind him very unhappy.

Unexpectedly, Shangguan Shaochen had such a relationship with Yaowanggu's employer. Could it be that he is really meddling?

"Hey, didn't the guard at the gate tell you that Yaowanggu no longer accepts patients?"

Seeing Shangguan Shaochen put the woman in his arms on his bed, Dongfang Que's face was covered with black lines, and he looked disgusted. If the person in front of him was not easy to mess with, he really wanted to pick up the woman and throw her out.

"Mu'er suddenly fainted, and her condition is very strange. Apart from you, I can't think of anyone else who is capable of seeing a doctor."

Shangguan Shaochen spoke calmly, but suddenly the subject changed, and when his eyes became vicious, the long sword in his hand fell on his neck, "If it wasn't for me to take action five years ago, you would have died in Huangquan, your life It's mine, and I have the right to take it back at any time, are you sure you want to try it?"

Dongfang Que breathed hard, although he was excellent in lightness kung fu, very superb, it's a pity that he didn't have any martial arts.

"Hey, a sword has no eyes, what can't Shangguan's benefactor say well?" He squeezed the tip of the sword with two fingers, moved the sword away with a smile on his face, and was about to turn around and escape to his secret room to hide, but unfortunately When he turned around again, another soft sword touched his chest again.

"Where are you going?" Those two cold words seemed to crack a person's bones.

Dongfang Que's eyes widened like copper bells, he looked at Shangguan Shaochen behind him, and then at Su Ce, his eyebrows twitched, "Since the two benefactors want my life so much, why did they save me in the first place?" ?”

He pointed at Su Ce's soft sword on his chest with his eyes, "Master Su doesn't know that our Medicine King Valley has been renamed Dongfang Pavilion, and it will be my private residence from now on. No more consultations, and please Mr. Su not to break the rules."

"Rules?" Su Ce said lightly, and moved the soft sword in his hand little by little. Just when Dongfang Que thought he was going to give up, he suddenly raised the tip of his sword and easily lifted the second card on his shirt. The button, the sharp point of the sword, whether it was intentional or unintentional, scratched his skin, forming a slender, unnoticed, but blood oozing wound.

"In front of this king, any rules are not rules, save people!"

he ordered.

Dongfang Que gasped in fright, hurriedly raised his hands in surrender, looked back at Ling Muer who seemed to be dead, he looked at Shangguan Shaochen, and then looked behind him, two men with murderous looks all over their bodies. Guarding a woman?

"This...excuse me, who is this girl from the two of you?"

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