Shangguan Shaochen and Su Ce woke up almost at the same time.

Knowing that Ling Mu'er was fine and that those killers had all been eradicated, the two were relieved.

Especially Shangguan Shaochen, when he learned that he met an assassin after he fainted under the drug, he immediately sent a letter to Nangong Yizhi who was still in the palace, asking him to hurry up and investigate.

"It's the murderer, but it may also be someone from the sixth prince or Lan Sihe."

Ling Mu'er analyzed, "The murderer doesn't want us to find out his identity. If he kills me, he will interrupt the progress of your investigation. As for Qin Ruochen and Lan Sihe, it won't take a day or two to get rid of us."

"Although the Sequin matter was suppressed as much as possible, the rumors still spread. If the murderer is really a person with a high harem position, he must have already got clues. But don't worry, I have already sent a letter to Yizhi, asking him to explain Auntie and King Xiaoyao speed up." Shangguan Shaochen held her hand gently, "Anyway, Mu'er, you have just experienced life and death, so don't allow you to worry too much about this matter."

"Don't worry, even if I have the heart now, I still have more than enough heart but not enough energy."

She just had her blood changed and her energy was consumed. In Dongfang Que's words, it was God's favor not to go crazy, but it was nothing if she wasted some energy. However, she had to rest in the Valley of the Medicine King for the next few days.

"Thanks to King Xian's great help this time, the second prince's residence owes King Xian again, thank you!"

Shangguan Shaochen looked at the seriously injured Su Ce gratefully.

When he woke up and saw that the person lying beside the bed was not his wife but Su Ce, his heart skipped a beat in fright. It's going to be so dire.

He inadvertently realized from Dongfang Que's voice that Mu'er exposed the existence of space in order to rescue Su Ce. It is conceivable how tense the situation was at that time, otherwise Mu'er, who has always been calm, would never easily reveal her secret. .

"The virtuous king has worked hard. When this matter is satisfactorily resolved, I will speak well of the virtuous king in front of my father." This was his promise.

As the emperor's most beloved prince and the future prince, as long as he reuses Su Ce, anyone has to bear with making irresponsible remarks.

Su Ce, since he married the princess of the Western Regions, he has no real power. After all, he did these things a long time ago.

"Fortunately, the two of you didn't go crazy, otherwise, I really suffered these injuries for nothing, but it's a pity that I didn't get caught alive."

Su Ce sighed, thinking back to the tragic time when he was fighting against a dozen masters alone, he still has lingering fears.

When he fainted at that time, he really thought that he would never see Ling Muer again in this life, but it didn't matter, he felt it was worth dying for her.

"Those people are ruthless in their tactics, and even released poisonous smoke, clearly trying to kill us. Knowing that I am in the Valley of the Medicine King, I must also know that you are all there. Who is it that is so cruel?" Ling Mu'er thought about it. She is afraid, but if she knows who is behind the scenes, she will never let them go.

"Hey, I said you can't thank you enough, can you? Look at what you have done to my Medicine King Valley, and I haven't asked you to pay for it yet!"

The oriental sparrow really didn't want to listen to their useless nagging.

He spread his hands, his face was ashamed, "As the thirty-eighth generation descendant of Yaowang Valley, I am really sorry for the dead ancestors, it is fine if the Yaowang Valley is destroyed in my hands." How could I have the face to go to the Palace of the King of Hell to meet the dead martyrs!"

As he spoke, he suddenly knelt on the ground, heartbroken and very sad.

Seeing this, Ling Mu'er was about to comfort him, but he suddenly raised his head again, "Forget it, since you have no face, then disappear, anyway, I haven't lived enough yet."

After saying that, he touched the teardrops on his face, turned his eyes to look at Ling Mu'er again, he had a very treacherous smile on his face, "Hey, doctor Ling has figured it out, and plans to teach me black arts?"

"Acquainting a demon girl as a master, the owner of the Medicine King Valley is really unique, I..."

"Someone is coming!" Shangguan Shaochen and Su Ce pressed Ling Muer to the ground with one arm and one arm. After the voice fell, there was a "swoosh" sound from outside the window, and a sharp arrow slid past Ling Mu'er. The top of Mu'er's head was shot down on the wall behind her.

"Two batches of killers have been sent?" Ling Muer was shocked.

If it was normal, of course he wouldn't care about this, but recently he and Shangguan Shaochen had undergone a blood exchange technique, and they were too weak to fight anymore, and Su Ce was also seriously injured and had no combat power at all, what should we do?

"Hey, I said these people outside are not finished yet!"

The teacup in Dong Fangque's hand slammed on the ground. He put his hands on his hips and carefully discerned the voices outside. "There are twice as many people here. It seems that your lives are quite valuable?"

Shangguan Shaochen, Ling Muer and Su Ce all had black lines on their faces.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't expect this trip to bring so much trouble to Yaowanggu, but don't worry, their goal is us, and they will never implicate you and Yaowanggu." Shangguan Shaochen apologized, and was about to Holding Ling Mu'er and taking Su Ce to leave here, Dongfang Que flew out to block in front of them.

"Yesterday I said that Yaowanggu no longer saves people, but you threatened me with death. Since I made a move, you are my people. How can there be any reason why guests come to the door but are bullied by outsiders?"

Dongfang Que smiled charmingly, and saw the wind blowing under his feet, and everyone felt a strong wind blowing by, as if something was missing from their bodies.

"Well, this sword is not bad." Dongfang Que played with Shangguan Shaochen's sword full of admiration, and raised Su Ce's soft sword with the other hand, "It's a good thing, the ones used by the princes of the court are indeed top-grade. I'll use it to see if it works."

After saying that, he put something in his chest again. Although it passed by in a flash, Ling Muer saw it clearly, "As the descendant of Medicine King Valley, you still act like a thief, and you say you are not a little thief?"

"Hey, how can you say something so ugly, a thief is stealing, but I am taking it openly!"

Dongfang Que finished speaking, blinked at Ling Muer, and then heard the footsteps about to rush in, he patted his chest, "Okay, for the sake of you old, weak, sick and disabled, the group of people outside handed over to you I'm ready."

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, he had already disappeared into the room.

"What should I do, let him face it alone?" Ling Muer was a little worried.

"Dongfang Que is good at lightness kung fu, and doesn't know much kung fu at all. I'm afraid he..." Su Ce was about to get up, but accidentally touched the wound, causing the sutured wound to rupture and blood oozes out.

"Lie down and don't move."

Ling Mu'er hurriedly took out the medicine powder to stop his bleeding, and after hastily bandaging him, she and Shangguan Shaochen exchanged glances, and was about to rush out of the room when the closed door suddenly opened.

They thought it was the killer who came in, and the two of them were already fully prepared, but when they looked up, they saw a pair of familiar boots.

"Hahaha, am I not surprised, am I not surprised, my master is not very powerful!"

Dongfang Que suddenly jumped in front of the crowd like a naughty child, and with a big hand raised, Dongfang Que returned the three borrowed items accurately to the three of them. And behind him, outside the closed gate, there were corpses everywhere.

"In less than a stick of incense, you...?" Ling Muer was stunned.

"I told you that I am the thirty-eighth generation descendant of the Medicine King Valley, do you really think I am a wine bag and rice bag?"

Glancing at Ling Muer with disdain, Dongfang Que had already bypassed the two of them, and went back to the stone bed. Seeing that Su Ce's wound had been bandaged again, he frowned in displeasure, "You can't trust me so much, so excited!" His wounds are all open? Tsk tsk tsk, Mr. Su, Mr. Su, don't you have a crush on me, otherwise why are you so worried about me?"

Su Ce, who was drinking tea, accidentally sprayed his face with tea, "I must pull out your tongue tonight!"

"you you you!"

Dongfang Que, with his face full of tea, felt extremely disgusted, "I am the owner of Medicine King Valley after all, how could you be so rude! I saved your lives just now, you two still... still laughing !"

Turning his eyes, he pointed at Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer who were laughing loudly. He was angry for a while, then shook his sleeves angrily, "I'll come back after I change my clothes and calculate how you will pay!"

Seeing him leaving angrily, Ling Muer went out to check outside. She thought that Su Ce's words were just lying to them. Dongfangque was able to deal with more than 30 killers outside in such a short period of time. Perhaps he was not only good at light work , perhaps a master of hidden secrets. And when she went out to witness it with her own eyes, she was sure that this 'incompetent junior' who looked cynical and careless on the outside really deserved the title of descendant of Medicine King Valley.

"What is the origin of this oriental sparrow? Both of you know him?" Ling Muer was curious.

Shangguan Shaochen and Su Ce looked at each other, and spoke first, "I don't know him well. He accidentally saved his life a few years ago. He owed me a favor. At that time, he claimed that he could come to Yaowang Valley to find him if he had any problems. This time If it wasn't for your urgent condition, I wouldn't bring you here either."

Su Ce also nodded, "It seems that Dongfang Que's skills are indeed average, otherwise, why would his life always hang by a thread? Two years ago, when I left Beijing on business, he was hunted down and hid in my sedan chair. If he hadn't been People from Medicine King Valley, I have already driven him out."

Therefore, both of them have the same understanding of oriental finches,

That's right, Dongfang Que did not have any martial arts skills, and the thirty or so people were not hacked to death by him, but by the poison he developed himself.

She is sure that the development process of those medicinal powders is very complicated, and such astonishing effects cannot be achieved without a solid foundation.

She asked herself that she was not a master at using poison, but it could be seen that Oriental Sparrow's medical skills were not inferior to hers.

"Since his medical skills are so powerful, why did he close the Medicine King Valley? Yesterday, if I heard correctly, he is the direct disciple of the former Valley Master, but he hasn't left his teacher yet?"

An apprentice who has not yet graduated from the teacher has such superb medical skills and attainments, it seems that everyone has been deceived by his indecisive appearance.

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