"A tie, how is it possible?"

Dongfang Que was stunned. He re-examined the pill developed by Ling Muer inconceivably, but no matter how carefully he identified it, it was still exactly the same as his own, not even missing any medicinal ingredients!

"Impossible, no, my master and I have studied Mo Zhi for more than ten years, and it was only recently that I realized what we had missed all these years, and how could you have fully understood his disease in just three hours? I do not believe!"

Dongfang Que's emotions were very out of control, surprise, difference, anger, shame, all kinds of emotions were shown on his face, this appearance really shocked Ling Muer.


"You don't need to say it, I lost."

Coldly interrupting Ling Muer's words, Dongfang Que sat on the chair in frustration, staring at the two identical pills in front of him with dull eyes.

One was developed by him, and the other was developed by Ling Muer.

Originally, he was confident that he would succeed this time. Indeed, he succeeded, and so did his opponent.

"So you now know why I gave up on Yaowang Valley and never saw a doctor again?"

Dongfang Que sneered, as if laughing at his incompetence again, "Look, I'm just that useless."

Flicking his sleeves, he sighed and stood up, shrugging his shoulders, as if he was very reluctant, but willing, "From now on, Yaowang Valley is yours."

Ling Muer was a little shocked by his straightforwardness, "I'm just kidding, I don't want Medicine King Valley, I have my own pharmacy."

"What did you say?" Dongfang Sparrow obviously didn't hear clearly.

Ling Mu'er thought he was happy with what she said, and was about to repeat it again, but Dongfang Que was furious.

"Ling Muer, who do you look down on!" Dongfang Que roared, "Master, I am willing to gamble and admit defeat. If I lose, I lose. Am I the kind of person who can't afford to lose? It’s embarrassing for the master, but since I’m incompetent and useless, keeping Yaowanggu in my hands will only make it more buried, and what do you mean by not wanting to look down on us Yaowanggu?”

Seeing that his emotions were so out of control, and he seemed to rush over to beat someone, Ling Muer hurriedly hid behind Shangguan Shaochen.

Well, it was only at this time that she realized how nice it is to have a husband.

"Dongfangque," Shangguan Shaochen gritted his teeth and called out his name word by word, "Pay attention to your manner of speaking, Mu'er is my beloved concubine, you are so rude and arrogant but you look down on my Second Prince's House? "

"You——" Dongfang Que was anxious and wanted to say something, but Su Ce also stood up

Knowing that these two people will fight their lives to protect Ling Muer's existence, he flicked his sleeves angrily, "Anyway, Medicine King Valley is yours from now on."

Seeing him leaving angrily, Ling Muer hurried to catch up, "Why don't we change the bet, aren't you curious about my illness and want to investigate it? Now that you've lost, why don't you study it with me. My illness is very weird, It takes too much energy and mind to study it, I'm afraid it will trap the Eastern Valley Master for a while."

"Is this true?"

I thought Dongfang Que would be very dissatisfied, and even more annoyed to refuse, but when he turned around, his face was full of joy and disbelief.

Afraid that Ling Mu'er would go back on his word, he hurriedly rushed to her side, "It's settled, but don't go back on your word, let's go, we'll check it out now."

Almost before Shangguan Shaochen and Su Ce could react, he had dragged Ling Muer and disappeared before their eyes.

"Such exquisite lightness kung fu, this oriental sparrow really can't hide it." Shangguan Shaochen was curious, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

Su Ce learned from the lessons learned just now, and realized that he was a little too worried. He pointed down at the killer in the room, "What should these people do?"

"They're all from the underworld. Even if they are alive, they won't reveal who is behind the scenes. But if I'm not wrong, they must be the killers who murdered Concubine Yi!"

Shangguan Shaochen was very nervous, "I'm going back to the palace to investigate, does the virtuous king want to go with me?"

Can he say no?


Within the secret forbidden area of ​​Medicine King Valley.

"The reason why this place is called a forbidden area is of course that no one except the owner of the valley is allowed to enter." Dongfang Que introduced generously, "But since I lost the Medicine King Valley to you, of course you also have this identity to come in. gone."

Ling Muer originally wanted to say something, but seeing his mysterious smile, she couldn't help but let it go, "I'm afraid it's because I need some equipment here for research, so you are so generous to bring me in?"

"Don't tell me if you see through, we are still good friends!" Dongfang Que made a silent gesture and invited her inside.

When Ling Muer entered the inner room full of curiosity, she was really shocked by everything inside.

She can guarantee that this is definitely the most astonishing scene she has seen since she came to this world.

Because, the utensils placed in the innermost part of this secret room are all items that will only be available in the future.

Everything in the operating room!


"How is it, amazing?"

Seeing Ling Muer's stunned look, Dongfang Que seemed to have achieved his ultimate goal, "I'm telling you quietly, you are the first person I brought here, isn't it an honor!"

What an honor!

Now she is even more curious about the master of Yaowang Valley.

She considers herself to be a descendant of a medical family in the 21st century, but when she came to this world, she could only do infusions and simple operations with her only medical skills, and everything in front of her, except that the electricity had not been discovered, was normal. All of them are there, and even some functions are all replaced by the wisdom of modern people.

"May I take the liberty to ask, who is the master of Medicine King Valley?" Ling Muer couldn't be calm at this moment.

Seeing her like this, Dongfang Que thought of himself back then, and he shook his head proudly, "The master is the master, who else can he be, but it is said that she is a woman."


Is it the same as her?

"I don't know if there is a portrait of the ancestor here?" Ling Mu'er's voice trembled, even she didn't expect to see such a miraculous thing today.

"To tell you the truth, when I saw these for the first time, I also wondered what kind of strange person the master is, but the master once said that the portrait of the master is the secret of the entire Medicine King Valley, and he forbids anyone I don’t know why people handed down her portrait.” Dongfang Que shrugged disappointedly, obviously feeling very disappointed by such a fact.

What could it be for, afraid that people in the future would discover her true identity?

Ling Muer became even more curious!

However, the dead are the greatest, since this is their long-cherished wish, she has no reason not to respect it.

"It's no wonder that the Valley of the Medicine Kings has been handed down after a hundred years and has been carried forward so widely. Mu'er admires it."

Ling Mu'er nodded sincerely, which can be regarded as the most sincere admiration for Baoyi, the founder of Yaowang Valley, who is alive in the sky.

"So, are you sure you don't want Medicine King Valley?"

"No." Ling Mu'er replied simply, "The two people outside don't know about my physical condition, and I don't believe that the owner of Dongfang Valley doesn't know about it. I'm afraid that my body..."

"Don't be so pessimistic, there must be a cure!"

Even Dongfang Que said that, Ling Muer was even more uncertain.

Since time travel, she has competed with many people in medical skills, even the master known as Sai Hua Tuo is not her opponent, and Dong Fangque's ability to draw with her is enough to show that he is quite accomplished in medical skills. Such a powerful person said that there is no way, which shows that her strange disease is really incurable.

"So you brought me here to check my meridians and internal organs and find a cure?"

"That's right." Dongfang Que nodded, "Miss Ling, please!"

Ling Mu'er didn't speak, and followed his instructions to lie on some manufactured utensils. Although the utensils were very familiar, she couldn't match the wisdom of the ancients, and she didn't know how to operate them at all.

I saw Oriental Sparrow put some tools on both sides of her body, and put his right hand on her pulse to observe carefully. After a while, he took a few drops of her blood with a silver needle for investigation. After a long time, he came to a conclusion .

"If my guess is correct, your strange disease is related to the fetus in your womb."

Ling Muer's heart sank, this was the last answer he wanted to hear.

"Don't worry, I won't tell Shangguan Shaochen."

Only then did Ling Muer heave a sigh of relief, "Is it because my baby is gone that my pulse will be normal?"

"Accordingly, it should be." Dongfang Que's expression was also a little dignified, "But you must want to give birth to this child?"

Ling Muer didn't speak, but she already gave him a good answer.

"Then we will live!"

Oriental sparrow's answer always exceeded her expectations.

"I'd like to see what strange disease will cause an accident in the mother's body due to the arrival of a child! To be honest, according to your tossing around these days, if the fetus in an ordinary human body has already stopped the mother's body due to toxins, but now look This child is very tenacious, perhaps this is the test that God will bring to you!"

She could barely accept this statement.

She also thought that maybe this is the time when God wants to test her medical skills.

Looking back from the present to the past, she has never met any opponents. Sure enough, even God can't stand it anymore.

"It seems that the only way to do it is to try what that person said,"

Ling Mu'er jumped off the table while talking, "Thank you for bothering the owner of Dongfang Valley in Yaowang Valley these days."

Dongfangque hurriedly stopped her, "What is that person's method, you can make it clear before you leave."

"What about that person, I didn't say anything just now, I'm afraid Dongfang Guzhu heard it wrong."

Ling Mu'er walked around him with a smile, "Is there anyone in this world who is more powerful than Yaowanggu?"

"No, you just said clearly..."

"Dongfang Que, your medical skills are really superb. You are the first one who can draw with me. If possible, I hope we can have the opportunity to compete again. Of course, right now I am in a hurry to go back to the palace to deal with something more serious. For important matters, don't bother me, see you if you have a chance, and say goodbye!"

If you stop Dongfang Que, Ling Muer has already left the forbidden room.

"Ling Muer?"

The Oriental Sparrow chased it out at top speed, but it was a pity that it was already far away.

"Hmph, you want to investigate this strange disease yourself without telling me? It's a beautiful idea~" Dongfang Que hooked her lips evilly, "Since you have provoked me, don't even think about getting rid of me!"

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