"Mu'er and I are in charge of the east and west sides, and you are in charge of the north and south, so be quick!"

When Shangguan Shaochen heard the words, he gave orders immediately, before Qin Yuheng and Nangong Yi could react, he grabbed Ling Muer and walked away with lightness kung fu.

"What are you doing in a daze, she's just a laundry worker, why are you serious with him?"

Seeing Qin Yuheng looking angrily at the maid who was kneeling on the ground, ready to erupt at any moment, Nangong Yizhi pulled him away forcibly.

"Didn't you hear that you have sent the clothes away?" Qin Yuheng's voice was a little hoarse, obviously holding back something.

"If you don't try, how will you know if you won't come back?"

Nangong Yizhi didn't give him a chance to hesitate, and dragged him to chase in the opposite direction.

The lightness skills of several people are good, and the clothes are delivered by maidservants, and they have just left, I believe they will not go far,

But to their disappointment, when they caught up with the maidservants, most of the clothes on the plate were missing, and the rest were all unfavored, unknown nobles and beauties.

"Even if it's a glimmer of hope, don't miss it, look for it!"

Ling Muer searched for it herself, comparing each piece of clothing with the button in her hand.

Although it was winter, the sun was full today, and in just half an hour, there were already beads of sweat on her forehead.

"Don't look for it, sister-in-law, don't look for it!"

Qin Yuheng finally couldn't stand it anymore, he grabbed the clothes from Ling Muer's hand and threw them all on the ground.

"Even God is against me. The clues I finally found are broken again. What's the use of looking for these irrelevant clothes!"


"on fire!"

Ling Mu'er was about to reprimand Qin Yuheng for being so impulsive when something happened, but suddenly someone in the palace yelled.

Everyone's eyes turned to one side for an instant, only to see smoke slowly rising from a certain palace on the west side.

Everyone looked at each other, almost without a moment's hesitation, they all tacitly walked towards the burning palace.

"The murderer must have discovered the clues we found and is destroying the clothes!" Nangong Yizhi asserted.

Qin Yuheng's eyes were scarlet, and his body was full of murderous intent, "This direction is Concubine Min's bedroom."

When everyone came to the place where the fire broke out, Concubine Min Gui was standing in the yard burning some clothes.

"It's you, it really is you!" Qin Yuheng rushed over with red eyes, "Stop!"

Concubine Min raised her eyes, and saw Qin Yuheng's murderous eyes, and his movement to make trouble, she yelled angrily, "What are you doing? Come on, stop King Xiaoyao!"

"I was ordered by my father to investigate the murderer who murdered Concubine Yi. Let me see who dares to stop me from looking for evidence!"

After Concubine Min, Qin Yuheng also yelled loudly, and for a moment, two groups of imperial guards stood on both sides, in a stalemate, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

Concubine Min was anxious, "Qin Yuheng, what are you going to do? Don't think that you can suppress me by taking the emperor. My palace, my palace was ordered by the emperor to stay inside the palace and not go out. You, what are you people doing suddenly breaking in?"

Looking at the same fierce eyes of several people, Min Guifei felt guilty, but her surface was extremely calm, "Oh, I see, could it be that you can't find the murderer, so you just want to catch someone as a scapegoat? I warn you, my palace It's Concubine Min, I'll see who dares to do anything to me except the emperor!"

With her head held high, she leaned over straight, as if you would try to move.

Qin Yuheng wanted to rush over, but was stopped by Shangguan Shaochen.

"Don't be impulsive." Shangguan Shaochen walked slowly to the brazier, looked at the burning things inside, and frowned, "It is forbidden to set fire in the palace, Concubine Min, what are you doing?"

"What can I do, I just died my son, can't I burn some things he needs? Why, the second prince doesn't even spare the dead now?"

Concubine Min roared, her voice was hoarse, and she was very excited.

That's right, Qin Xuanting's clothes were all on the left and right sides of the brazier, and she didn't seem to be lying in grief.

"Concubine Min, may I ask where you were when Concubine Yi died three days ago?" Ling Muer asked, carefully observing her facial expressions.

These days, every palace has been searched, only a few concubines who were favored in the past did not interrogate.

"Why, you suspect me as a murderer?"

Concubine Yi narrowed her eyes, and suddenly snorted coldly, "Ha, hahaha, yes, I am the murderer, I wish I could peel her skin and cram her tendons, I wish she would die every day, but what evidence do you have to prove it?" it's me!"


Qin Yuheng was very angry when he heard the words, and was about to rush forward again, but Nangong Yizhi, who had quick eyes and quick hands, hurriedly held him down.

"Concubine Min! You must know that we are ordered to investigate, I will ask you again, what I just said is true!"

"They were ordered to investigate and interrogate me, what is your identity here to question me!" Concubine Min snorted disdainfully at Nangong Yizhi who asked the question, "It's just a mere heir, you can dare to do it without the emperor's word at any time." Trespassing on the imperial concubine's bedroom? Nangong Yizhi, believe it or not, I will come to the emperor to give you a book!"

Everyone never expected that Concubine Min Gui would be so arrogant today, Nangong Yizhi's face turned black when she asked her, and he even regretted blocking Qin Yuheng's impulse, "Okay, I want to see how you are being banned by the emperor How can I meet the emperor!"

Not only was Nangong Yizhi not afraid of her threat, he even took her into the army. "Cousin, sister-in-law, King Xiaoyao, just take care. Since she can go out of the palace to meet the emperor, she will definitely be able to murder Concubine Yi. Maybe she is the murderer who killed Concubine Yi!"

"You spitting blood!"

Concubine Yi pointed at his face and wanted to rush up and cut his neck, but in the end she compromised, "Bengong, I was confined in the bedroom and never went out."

"Who can prove it for you?" Ling Muer asked.

Concubine Min immediately glared at her, wanting to reprimand her, but she held back after thinking about it. "My palace is in the palace, so naturally all the servants in the palace can prove it! But, are you going to say that these are all evidence that my people can't use as proof! Ling Muer, why don't you just say it straight, you You just want to catch Ben Gong as a scapegoat!"

"If you really did it, I certainly wish I could catch you with my own hands!"

Ling Muer glanced at her, then turned to look at the brazier on the ground, "Are you sure these are the relics of the Seventh Prince?"

Noticing that Ling Mu'er was nervously looking around the brazier, Concubine Min rushed over like crazy, "What are you going to do? You were against Ting'er when he was born, why, now that he's dead, why don't you Don’t want to let him go? As a mother and concubine, you have to stop me from burning some useful things for him. Is there any law for the king! Ling Muer, you are also a mother who is about to become a mother. You are trying to force me to Are you headed for a dead end?"

Ling Mu'er originally wanted to rush over to see if there was anything covered up in the pile of clothes, but after hearing what she said, she was suddenly reluctant to do it again.

Looking back, looking at Shangguan Shaochen and Qin Yuheng, "Maybe we really made a mistake, let's go."

Shangguan Shaochen didn't speak, but patted Qin Yuheng on the shoulder, motioning him to follow.

Qin Yuheng was full of disappointment, and his whole body was like a deflated ball. He followed behind the crowd unwillingly, but the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt.

"The clues I found with great difficulty, I don't believe it will be broken like this!"

He suddenly went crazy and rushed back, kicking towards the brazier.

A series of movements took place in the blink of an eye, before even Ling Muer and the others could react, the brazier had already been kicked over by him forcefully.

Concubine Min covered her mouth in shock, and was stunned for a moment. She jumped up in grief, not caring about whether there was a flame below. She was like a moth, and she jumped into the sea of ​​flames, "Ah! My son, My Ting'er, I don't allow you to destroy Ting'er's things, I don't allow it!"

The dignified concubine jumped into the brazier, everyone around was terrified, the servants rushed up in a hurry, and the guards also wanted to stop, but Naimin, the concubine, struggled like crazy, "Ting'er, you It’s a miserable death, remember, it’s these people who make you die, don’t let them go when you’re a ghost!”

Looking back again, Concubine Min's eyes were scarlet, and her face was full of murderous intent, "Qin Yuheng, what are you going to do? Although Ting'er and you are not the same mother, they are still your brothers. No matter what he did, he was already dead, but you let him You don't want to die with peace, what are your intentions, what are your intentions!"

Unexpectedly, Concubine Min Gui's reaction would be so strong, Qin Yuheng stood blankly in front of the brazier, and suddenly calmed down.

Nangong Yizhi looked back when he heard the noise, received Shangguan Shaochen's gaze, hurriedly walked up to Qin Yuheng, sighed, "Forget it, maybe we really found the wrong one, let's look elsewhere?"

Qin Yuheng didn't speak, as if he had lost his soul, he was very lost and hopeless, he let Nangong Yizhi drag him around and planned to leave.

At this time, Concubine Min Gui had been rescued by the crowd, although it was only for a moment, but his peripheral vision coincidentally happened to find something strange in the pile of burnt relics in the brazier.

"It's buttons, exactly the same buttons. What she burned was not Qin Xuanting's clothes but her own clothes. Come on!"

Hearing Qin Yuheng's crazy roar, Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer turned around immediately.

Concubine Ke Min was a step ahead of them, and sat in the middle of the fire again, "Qin Yuheng, you can't live in peace even if you can't find the murderer and want my Tinger to be a ghost. You have a good idea! You are driving me to a dead end, okay? , I will die in front of you now!"

As she spoke, Concubine Min suddenly raised the torch, intending to ignite her clothes.

The dignified concubine was forced to commit suicide by several princes and concubines. If this matter gets out, it will definitely turn the harem upside down.

I'm afraid that Qin Yuheng's princely position, which was exchanged just now, will also disappear.

"Qin Yuheng, don't be impulsive!" Ling Muer hurriedly held him down.

But at this moment, Qin Yuheng would not listen to other people's words, he ruthlessly pushed Ling Mu'er away, took out the saber at the waist of the Imperial Army Army by his side when no one was paying attention, and stabbed at Concubine Min's chest.

"This king will kill you now to avenge my mother and concubine!"

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