
Hongyuan looked incredulously at Ling Muer, who stood in front of her and was stabbed in the shoulder.

It's obvious that she should protect her, how could...

"You are my maidservant and my man. Naturally, I will protect you. The other party has high martial arts skills, so I will leave it to you."

Enduring the severe pain, Ling Mu'er turned to the side, and watched Hong Yuan's sword go down and chop off the heads of two people.

"There are indeed some skills." She appreciated.

Suddenly a black shadow came from behind her, and she was about to resist when someone covered her red lips and forced her to the corner.

"Don't move, I won't kill you!" The visitor threatened, with a familiar smell.

"Amud, it's you again..."

Ling Muer's eyes were narrowed into a slit, and her eyes flashed. She clutched her injured right shoulder, secretly took out the silver needle, and was about to stick it into his neck, but Amu De was already on guard.

"If I don't bring someone to assassinate, how can I see you under heavy guards? Don't worry, I didn't come this time to hurt you, nor did I intend to take you to the Western Regions by force. I just want to remind you kindly, be careful Qin Ruochen."

As Amu De said, he looked around nervously from the corner of his eye, and there were already many imperial guards rushing over to fight with the people he brought. Obviously, their combat effectiveness was gradually weakened.

"I don't have much time. To make a long story short, Qin Ruochen wants to deal with you. Remember, it's you! Be careful, don't die at his hands before I return to the Western Regions to find the national flower."

After leaving the words, before Ling Muer could digest the news, he had already left the second prince's mansion under the cover of the killer.

Looking at his clumsy light work and the wet blood on the ground in front of him, Ling Muer realized how serious Amu'er's injury was this time. No wonder he would bring a killer into the mansion to assassinate.

But he took such a big risk just to tell her to guard against Qin Ruochen?

This Amu De, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?

"Girl, are you okay?"

When Hongyuan hurried over, she saw that she was pale, and hurriedly supported her, "What about the medicine, isn't the girl a medical fairy? There should be a lot of medicine on her body. I will give you the medicine."

Seeing the tension in her eyes, Ling Muer knew that the knife was not in vain.

"In the left pocket, my left arm is injured and I can't move it, please."

Hong Yuan immediately rummaged and found a blue medicine bottle. She sniffed it under her nose and was sure that it was really the medicine for sores, so she carefully sprinkled it on her wound.

Seeing her so carefully, Ling Muer knew that she was right.

"Although these killers are coming towards you, but the sword just now was aimed at me, why are you?" Hong Yuan couldn't figure it out.

The last time someone blocked her like this was eight years ago, when the young master rescued her for the first time.

She had sworn at that time that she would be loyal to her savior, but today Ling Mu'er also...

"As long as it is a person from the Second Prince's Mansion, I will protect any one of them. How can my people allow outsiders to bully them?"

Seeing that the wound was bandaged, Ling Muer shook her arm lightly, and when she stood up, she saw Hong Yuan's soft sword on the ground.

"Are you good at using soft swords?"

Hongyuan nodded, and put away the soft sword. Although she moved quickly, Ling Muer still noticed the clue.

"The other person next to me who uses a soft sword is King Xian. If I remember correctly, why do you two have similar patterns on the soft sword?"

After being slightly stunned for a moment, Hongyuan hurriedly wrapped the soft sword around her waist, put down her robe and covered it up, "Maybe it's just a coincidence, how can I, a lowly maidservant, have the same thing as a high-ranking virtuous king, you are injured , I will help you in."

Ling Mu'er didn't speak, and didn't look at her dodging eyes, and let her help her into the room, but before she could sit down, a figure rushed in hurriedly.

"Mu'er! Are you injured?"

Hong Yuan only felt that her body was knocked away suddenly, and before she could recover, she heard angrily reprimanded.

"How did you protect your master!"

"Don't scold her!" Ling Muer pleaded for her.

"You can't even do this little thing well. What's the point of the second prince's residence keeping you!"

Shangguan Shaochen ignored Ling Muer's pleading. In his perception, a girl with good skills can't even protect her master well, and even hurt her. Such a person is worth nothing to keep. It's better to drive away.

"Shao Chen, it's not that serious!" Ling Mu'er insisted on pulling Shangguan Shao Chen's shoulder to stop him from scolding Hong Yuan.

When Hong Yuan heard this, her nose turned sore, even the young master had never scolded her like this! Because she was the one brought back to the mansion by the young master himself, no one had dared to show her face in all these years, and this was the first time she had been reprimanded like this.

Opening her mouth, she was about to say that it was Ling Muer who rushed forward to block the knife for her, but when she saw Ling Muer's pale face and endured the pain to plead for her, she couldn't bear it, and lowered her head guiltily, "The second prince taught me a lesson. What's more, it's not good for the servants to protect me, so I ask the second prince to punish me."

"never mind!"

Ling Muer hastily interrupted.

Seeing Shangguan Shaochen's face full of anger, she looked into his eyes eagerly, "I don't care if I say I don't care, is your husband going to drive away even my people?"

Unexpectedly, Mu'er would be angry. After squinting at Hongyuan, Shangguan Shaochen hugged him, "I'm just worried about your safety."

"Today was just an accident. Besides, you chased people away before you figured out the ins and outs of the matter. When did you act so arbitrarily?"

Shangguan Shaochen understood her voice, "What does Madam want to say?"

"Amu De was assassinated by Su Ce. You must have heard about it. He was seriously injured, but to break into the heavily guarded Second Prince's Mansion, he had to have someone pretend to be a killer to assassinate him. His plan was to stab Hongyuan, and then He sent me away, he didn't expect to accidentally hurt me and just gave him a chance to find me alone." Ling Mu'er said, "Amu De reminded me to be careful to guard against Qin Ruochen."


Shangguan Shaochen took a deep breath, and was about to say something when he realized the red mandarin duck kneeling below.

He waved his hand, "Go on, if there is another time, even if Madam begs for mercy, this prince will never let you stay."

Receiving the signal from Ling Muer's eyes, Hongyuan left first.

Seeing his nervous expression again, she smiled and shook her head, "It's just a skin injury, it's nothing serious, besides, my gold sore medicine is very good, it doesn't hurt at all."

"You are the only one who will be brave." Shangguan Shaochen rolled his eyes at her, his expression was already very displeased, and thinking that all of this was Amu De's scheme, the anger in his heart was even more difficult to extinguish.

"Amu De broke into my second prince's mansion many times, it really is impossible to treat this place as a market!"

Seeing her husband furious, Ling Muer knew what he wanted to do without guessing.

Amu De stayed in the capital, their territory, as long as he wanted to do something, he could easily be taken to the prison.

But now Amud is still useful to her and cannot die.

"Shaochen, I think what you should focus on now is why Amu De disclosed this news to me, what does he know? Also, whether his news is true or not, what should we do?"

"You are right, I was too nervous about you and neglected these things." Shangguan Shaochen nodded.

"Could it be that Amu De overheard something, he said that the person Qin Ruochen wants to deal with is me, and only me."

Ling Muer repeated the news she received again.

"The Sixth Prince's Mansion is heavily guarded. Even if Amu De wants to break into it, it will not be easy. Before my people found out that he did not cooperate with Qin Ruochen, but now it seems that everything is their cover-up."

"What do you mean by that?"

Ling Muer was dumbfounded. "If they really cooperated, they shouldn't have revealed the news to me."

"If Qin Ruochen and Amu De hadn't cooperated, how could Amu De know that he was going to deal with you? Qin Ruochen was so forbearing. He was full of schemes, but he never revealed it to the outside world. How did you know? As for why Amu De disclosed the news to you, firstly, this is one of their plans, and secondly, their cooperation has diverged."

Shangguan Shaochen was guessing, and had already made a decision in his heart.

"Are you sure that maid named Hongyuan can serve you well?"

Ling Mu'er realized that he had a solution, "You can do whatever you want, my injury is fine. As for Hongyuan, I think she takes good care of her. I should give her this chance."

Shangguan Shaochen nodded, "Since Madam has made up her mind, I will give her another meeting, but if she hurts you again, she must leave the second prince's mansion."

Nodding, agreeing with his decision, Ling Muer grabbed his hand nervously, "If my guess is correct, you are going to investigate the evidence of Qin Ruochen and Amu De's collusion now, be careful."

"As long as it is proved that Lao Liu colluded with the princes of the Western Regions, he can be charged with collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country. They dare to communicate secretly under my nose. I don't believe that paper can't cover the fire."

Saying that he had gotten up, he thought of Ling Muer again, and after walking three steps away, he came back to his senses and held her tightly in his arms, "Before the position of the crown prince is established, before the emperor's injury improves , the entire capital will continue to be in turmoil, and Qin Ruochen will always find ways to deal with you and me. So, if there is no special reason, you must stay at the mansion, okay?"

Ling Muer nodded obediently, "Even if you let me go out now, I don't want to move. It's freezing outside, so I don't want to go out and freeze into an ice sculpture. How can my boudoir be warm!"

After tapping her nose, and tossing and turning on her sexy lips for a long time, Shangguan Shaochen reluctantly released her, "Protect yourself."

"Don't worry, I don't have anything to do with Qin Ruochen, and I don't leave the house on weekdays. I don't believe that troubles can fall from the sky?"

The corners of Ling Mu'er's lips turned up, and she looked at him with a gentle smile. Seeing his tense thoughts gradually calm down, she hooked his little finger, "Husband~"

The soft and waxy tone of voice made all the bones in his body crumble.

Shangguan Shaochen turned around again, watching her move to hook her little hand, he hurried back again in three steps and took her in his arms.

Her voice was already thick and hoarse, "If Madam doesn't want me to leave, I'll just leave tonight."

Nestled in his arms, listening to the strong heartbeat, Ling Muer's head rubbed against the chest like a cat, suddenly, she pointed her red lips at his ear on tiptoe, "I just suddenly I remembered that I haven't said a word to my husband for a long time."

"What words?"

"Husband, I like you, I like you so much!"

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