Shangguan Shaochen interrupted Ling Zixuan's words suddenly, making everyone present stunned.

In the next second, he suddenly bowed down and saluted everyone apologetically.

"Chen'er, what are you doing?" Everyone was stunned, and Yang rushed over to help him up.

As his direct subordinate, Ling Zixuan hurriedly knelt down, "My parents didn't know the importance of the matter, so they came to the second prince's mansion suddenly, if they disturbed the second prince, please ask the second prince to make amends."

Shangguan Shaochen waved his hand to signal him to get up, and then looked at Ling Muer's family members who were full of worries, he felt very guilty.

"It's the prince's fault that makes the family worry. No, in front of you, I'm not the second prince. I'm Mu'er's husband and a member of the Ling family. But I failed to protect Mu'er. It's my fault." Apologize to everyone."

After speaking, he bowed again to express his deep apology.

Tang Shi, Yang Dayong, Ling Dazhi, Yang Shi, the four of them were frightened when they saw Shangguan Shaochen who was the prince like this, and rushed over to help him up.

"Chen'er, what are you talking about? We are a family, and we are also very worried about this kind of thing. If we were not worried about Mu'er's safety, we would not rush in suddenly, but what is going on?"

As Yang said, her expression was still full of unconcealable worry.

After arranging everyone to sit down and making sure that there was no one else around, Shangguan Shaochen took a deep breath, "Mu'er has indeed disappeared, but this matter is not what you heard rumors, she and King Xian were just plotted by others, but we will go tonight One step further, when we arrived, Mu'er had already disappeared, and there was no trace of her in the entire capital!"

"No wonder she didn't come forward to explain." Chaoyang spoke bluntly, before realizing that he had said something wrong, "No, what I mean is, who took Mu'er away, and who is the manipulator of this matter? Who is it that keeps getting upset with Mu'er?"

Remembering that her elder brother was involved in this matter, she hurriedly looked over cautiously, "Second prince, although my elder brother had such thoughts in the past, he was definitely not that kind of person, so you..."

"The King Xian is also a victim, and besides, King Xian helped a lot in finding Mu'er. I'm definitely not a person who doesn't know right from wrong, so don't worry."

These words seemed to be a reassurance, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The Ling family owns a restaurant, and the news was known earlier than ordinary people. When the news spread overwhelmingly five days ago, they didn't believe it at first, but gradually, the news spread faster and faster, with various voices Either way, Mu'er's reputation was completely damaged.

This matter involves King Xian again, King Xian treats Mu'er... Everyone in the Ling family knows that if they don't meet Chen'er after coming to the capital this time, they will all support Mu'er and King Xian, and they are most worried It's because Chen'er thinks too much.

They had long wanted to come to the Second Prince's Mansion to find someone, and they were worried that Mu'er was pregnant and they were afraid of hitting her, but five days had passed, and they couldn't wait any longer.

"How could Mu'er disappear? She is still pregnant, what if that person treats her?" Yang Shi didn't dare to say the following words at all, as long as she thought of her daughter's extraordinary ordeal, she would be so distressed that she couldn't breathe .

"So the girl is in danger at any time, right?"

Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang looked at each other, and hurriedly knelt in front of Shangguan Shaochen over the crowd.

"It's no wonder we've been restless these days. We always felt that something was wrong. We didn't know until Madam came to the clinic to explain the general situation. It turned out that something really happened to the girl." Shang Zhi said, his eyes filled with tears. But looking at Shangguan Shaochen again, she hurriedly endured it, "Second prince, Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang searched every place the girl might go in and out, but there was no whereabouts. I recalled that the girl had been to the hospital before the accident. Once, we went to the girl's private room."

As Shang Zhi said, he nodded to Jiang Xiang, and the latter hurriedly took out something from his pocket and handed it over, "Back to the Second Prince, when we were looking for a girl, we found this in a drawer in the private room."

Everyone hurriedly looked over, although they didn't understand why Ling Muer did this, they were all surprised.

"The title deed? How could it be the title deed of the medical center?"

"Not only that, but there is also a letter." Shang Zhi handed over another envelope, "No matter how busy we are in the girl's private room, we will clean it every day, just in case the girl wants to come to rest occasionally, seeing the clutter in the room will affect the girl's mood. And This letter was found in the girl's brocade box."

Jiang Xiang nodded, "The girl's brocade box usually only contains silver needles, but since the girl became pregnant, the silver needles were taken back to the second prince's mansion, so the brocade box has always been empty, yesterday I was packing the brocade When we accidentally dropped the box, we discovered this, and Jiang Xiang was sure that the letter must have been put in by the girl recently."

As soon as he heard that Ling Mu'er had left a letter, Shangguan Shaochen hurriedly snatched it. Although the letter was for Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang, the content on it was enough to make him uneasy.

"Shang Zhi, Jiang Xiang, as masters, I have nothing left for you. This is the first gift I give you, and I'm afraid it will be the last! You are really talented in medicine, so I will The medical center bought it for you. The girl’s house, there is a craft and a medical center, where the wind does not blow and the rain does not rain, so you don’t have to worry about your livelihood. I wonder if you like it? I hope you will not disappoint my expectations, come on. "

When Shangguan Shaochen saw these short lines, he fell weakly on the chair.

When everyone thought it was rare to see Shangguan Shaochen in such a low mood, Mrs. Yang quickly snatched the letter away, regardless of her status.

After reading it, tears filled my eyes.

"What does Mu'er mean? Is she explaining her funeral? Could it be that she already knew that she..."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Ling Dazhi thinks it's rare to be cruel to her, "Mu'erji has a natural talent, besides, she has excellent medical skills. She can save the dead, but can't she save herself?"

"Yes ma'am, the girl's medical skills are the best in the world, there is no intractable disease that she can't cure, maybe this letter is just... just to tease me and Jiangxiang." Shang Zhi comforted Yang and comforted himself.

Shangguan Shaochen seemed to have thought of something, although he suppressed it, his expression was still a little nervous, "I'll go back as soon as I go, everyone wait a moment."

After ordering the servants to entertain the distinguished guests, Shangguan Shaochen hurriedly left the front hall.

Mu'er would never leave any last words suddenly, she must have noticed something. Recalling that many of her behaviors during this period were unusual, Shangguan Shaochen became more flustered the more he thought about it.

Immediately returning to their bedroom, he began to rummage through drawers one by one.

Since that girl was able to put the land deed and the letter left to her apprentice in the brocade box of the medical hall, it is impossible for her not to leave other things.

But no matter how much he searched, there was nothing left in the drawers, under the quilt, including Mu'er's medicine box.


Shangguan Shaochen firmly believed in his own ideas, but the fact that there was no trace made him very frustrated.

He sat down on the bed, looking at everything in the room, recalling all the things that Ri Muer walked around the room in the past, as if she was everywhere.

"Mu'er, where have you been taken?"

Shangguan Shaochen stretched out his hand and grabbed the hairpin she had just taken off on the dressing table a few days ago. He had accidentally seen it in the market a few days ago. A pure white hairpin was very delicate and elegant. , he thought it suited Mu'er's temperament, so he bought it as a gift for her.

The girl has seen a lot, but she was very happy with this hairpin, and she was always reluctant to take it off.

He carefully put it in the palm of his hand, intending to put it in the brocade box for her to keep for safekeeping, but when he opened the brocade box, he found that it was empty and contained nothing.

"Why is your brocade box empty? As the Second Prince's concubine, someone will purchase and send you food, clothing and daily necessities. How come I didn't know that my prince's beloved concubine was being deducted in such a way?"

"You misunderstood Shao Chen, you forgot that I have a secret treasure, and just in case, all my valuables have been put in the space."

Recalling what Mu Ercai had said to him in his mind, Shangguan Shaochen suddenly woke up like a dream.

"By the way, space!"

He moved with his mind, and sure enough, he appeared in the space.

This is the first time he came in voluntarily. Although he still couldn't accept that there is such a miraculous existence in this world, what if Mu'er could be found here?

Mu'er can come from her main space to his copy of space, so can he also shuttle there?

Unfortunately, no matter how hard Shangguan Shaochen tried, he still couldn't get through the barrier in front of him. Could it be that he couldn't enter the master's space?

The feeling of frustration again made him extremely irritable, even though the space was no longer what it used to be, and became more luxurious and grand, he didn't have the mood to appreciate it at all.

He was about to exit, but somehow there seemed to be a gravitational force that made him approach the room in the space by accident.

He still remembered that when he first came here, it was a thatched cottage, which was very dilapidated and didn't fit his status at all, but now that Mu'er took care of him, it had already turned into a magnificent palace.

Suddenly, he had a bold idea, Mu'er would put some important things in the space, so would there be anything left for him?

Shangguan Shaochen thought about this and searched quickly. Just when he was about to give up, he found a black brocade box in the most hidden corner.

Mu'er likes to put all the precious things in brocade boxes, but where did he seem to have seen the pattern of this brocade box?

Unable to explain it, he opened it immediately, and everything in front of him surprised Shangguan Shaochen instantly.

"The title deed?" When everyone in the Ling Mansion saw what Ling Muer left behind, they all showed the same surprised expressions as him.

"How could Mu'er have so many land deeds?" Yang was extremely surprised.

After the son-in-law left in dismay just now, he hurried out again about a quarter of an hour. They all thought they had discovered Mu'er's whereabouts, but who knew it was something dispensable.

"There is a letter, there is a letter at the bottom, open it quickly!" Ling Dazhi saw something with his sharp eyes, and he wanted to rush over excitedly, but unfortunately he couldn't read very well.

Shangguan Shaochen hurriedly opened the letter, just a glance, just the first few words, was enough to make his whole body cold and trembling.

"Father, please forgive my daughter for being unfilial..."

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