
Amu De shouted angrily, accompanied by a figure flashing past, he fell from the sky, snatched Mo Junyao who was under control, tapped her shoulders with his fingers, sealed off the nearby meridians, and pulled out the silver needle.

Looking at Ling Muer again, he was full of cold anger, "You are still so arrogant in my territory in the Western Regions, Ling Muer, are you really impatient?"

"If you still have eyes, please see clearly, whoever troubles whom first!"

Ling Mu'er did not panic, and pointed behind her with her eyes.

Amu De looked back, and saw the mess in the room, and Mo Junyao's guilty look for doing something wrong, he wanted to get angry, but because of his identity, he restrained himself.

"Take this to detoxify your body."

Amu De threw a white medicine bottle to Mo Junyao.

Mo Junyao was most afraid of death. When she learned that Ling Muer's silver needle was smeared with poison just now and wanted to kill her, she swallowed the pill angrily and pointed to her face, "You Bitch, you want to kill me?"

Looking back at Amu De, Mo Junyao pitifully tugged at the hem of his clothes, "Brother Huang, you have to decide for Yaoyao, as you have seen, this Ling Muer is going to kill me just now! She is just a Slut, it’s a disaster, you can just bring her back, why let her live in the concubine’s room? Also, if you came back a little later, I’m afraid I’m going to die, your only sister is probably going to die !"

Before Amu De could reply, the voice of a woman weeping came from his ear.

Amu De hates other people crying the most, and he couldn't help being irritated, "Shut up!"

He roared, "I said before, it's still useful to keep her alive, if you keep messing around, I won't be polite to you!"

Looking up at the maidservant outside, "Come here, take the princess down!"

"Obviously you were wrong, why did you murder me? You murdered me for this bitch? I won't forgive you, brother, I hate you!"

Even though he was taken far away, he could still hear Mo Junyao's unconvinced voice.

Ling Mu'er couldn't help but chuckled and shook her head, "It seems that you, the second prince of the Western Regions, really don't have much prestige at all. Let's admit it, you just can't compare to Shangguan Shaochen in every way!"

For the last four words, Ling Muer paused every word, deliberately provoking Amu De.

Her goal was to piss him off completely.

Amu De was very irritated, but after being a little annoyed, he suddenly smiled again, "Oh, do you think that I will let you go?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't let me go. Sooner or later, Shaochen will find out that I was captured by you and brought me to the Western Regions, and sooner or later he will come to the Western Regions to rescue me. Either you kill me before he comes; or, you have to prepare for a big battle that must be won." , but I think neither will succeed for you."

Ling Muer raised her head arrogantly, how could she still look like a prisoner?

The corner of Amu De's mouth twitched, "Su Ce retired from Yaoyao, the war between the Celestial Dynasty and the Western Regions was already on the verge of breaking out when he did this! Why do you think I am not prepared? Don't forget, I have been in Kyoto for half a year."

Seeing Ling Muer's complexion suddenly changed, Amu De returned to the good mood at the beginning, "Of course, if you don't want your man to die too badly, hand over your baby now, and I can leave his whole body !"

"I bother!"

Ling Muer slapped him unceremoniously.

"Kill me if you can. However, if I die, what you want will also disappear."

Seeing her fearless arrogance, Amu De gradually retracted his outstretched fist.

He knew that Ling Mu'er was a bold one, otherwise how could he charm the second prince and the virtuous king at the same time.

"It's okay, I have plenty of time to spend with you slowly, but don't forget, your body can't wait."

Amu De snorted coldly and turned around. Originally, he wanted the servant to tidy up the room, but after thinking about it, he shook his sleeves in frustration, "Come here, escort Ling Muer to Xingyuan."

Before Ling Mu'er could react, two guards came over, one on the left and one on the right, supporting him and going out.

Ling Muer didn't resist either, and let them invite her to a more magnificent courtyard.

It's not so much a courtyard as a castle!

That's right, the building here looks more like a mysterious castle in appearance.

"I'm just a hostage you captured. It would be too wasteful for me to live in such a nice house." Ling Mu'er looked at Amu De with regret after admiring it, "Although the yard is big, there are many guards , I just don’t know if Princess Yaoyao, who was driven away just now, will come over again and smash this place to pieces. Seeing that everything here is quite precious, it would be a pity if it was just smashed like that.”

There was a sneer in the corner of Amu De's mouth, "Instead of caring about others, you should care about yourself. I will be very busy during this time, and I have no time to worry about you. You can stay here for me. Of course, when did you figure it out?" Give me the treasure, and I will come to see you right away. But if you want to escape, the guards here are not as sympathetic as this prince!"

Leaving aside the words, Amu De threw his sleeves and left.

But before leaving, he left behind four guards.

No matter where Ling Mu'er went, these four guards would follow them, even to the last hut, they would guard outside the door, almost not giving her the slightest freedom.

In addition to the four guards, there are two maidservants in the room, who are responsible for taking care of her daily necessities, but they usually don't speak a word to her at all. If Ling Muer didn't know that they can speak, she would be more willing to believe that they are dumb .

"Girl, it's time to eat."

The maid brought the characteristics of the Western Regions, but Ling Muer felt disgusted when she smelled it.

"I don't know if I'm seriously ill, get out!"

Ling Mu'er covered her lips, and roared angrily, she was a prisoner, and although the people here obeyed Amu De, they were all Amu De's people after all, so she had no reason to have any good temper towards them.

What's more, she has been very sick recently, and the smell of something wrong will make her feel uncomfortable for a whole day, and she has no reason to have trouble with herself.

"But the girl hasn't eaten for two days, the second prince will punish us if he finds out."

The maid insisted on standing here with the food and refused to leave.

Ling Mu'er just felt extremely disgusted, her stomach was shaking, as if it would come out at any time, she didn't want to embarrass the maidservants, but she really couldn't bear the pain, "I said I don't want to eat, let you go away Are you deaf? Go away!"

After the words fell, with a wave of the long arm, several silver needles flew out.

The maidservants hurriedly dodged with the food.

Sure enough, they were all Lianjiazi.

"Even if your kung fu is not weak, the silver needle in my hand is not a vegetarian. Don't make me say it a third time, take it away!"

Ling Muer's face was completely ashen.

Seeing this, the two maids took the food out angrily.

Outside the door, he stared at the closed door angrily, as if he was staring at Ling Muer, "Hmph, it's just a captive captured by the second prince, she has such a temper, even the master has never reprimanded us like this, she Why?"

A maid rolled her eyes.

"That's right, she's still a pregnant woman. I really don't know what the second prince is looking for in her. And this apricot garden, isn't it said that it is for the future second prince and concubine? Why did the second prince let her live in?" The other maid rolled her eyes, unable to figure it out.

"Who knows what ecstasy soup she gave the second prince. Didn't you see that the second prince treated Princess Yaoyao with a lot of cruelty? The woman inside is probably a vixen, and she is also an arrogant and savage master. It will end well!"

The maid said angrily, the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt.

"Sister, don't be angry, just let her make trouble for a few days, you didn't hear what the second prince said, the purpose of arresting her is for her baby, when the second prince gets her baby, maybe how to torture her !"

"You're right, our second prince has never been easy to mess with, and I heard that the emperor of that dynasty has passed away! The second prince of that dynasty must be so busy right now, she is the second prince of the dynasty. The concubine is still domineering in our Western Regions? Humph, just wait and see, if no one comes to rescue her, she will die in our Western Regions."

The two servant girls said, shaking their heads and leaving the apricot orchard.

It's a pity that Ling Mu'er is already hiding in the space to wash her soul with spiritual spring water, and she hasn't heard a word about the emperor's death.

"Strange, why can't I enter Shao Chen's copy of space?"

Ling Mu'er closed her eyes and used her mind again, but she found that no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't get in.

From the five days when she was in a coma, plus the five days when she was imprisoned in the Western Regions, she has been missing for a full ten days. According to Shao Chen's ability, it is logical that she should have found this place long ago.

But why has there been no news from him?

She originally planned to come to the space to call Shao Chen, but the strange thing is that she couldn't enter Shao Chen's copy of the space at all, and she couldn't send messages. Could it be because of the distance?

"Shaochen, are you alright?"

Leaning in the wooden barrel, feeling the warmth of the spiritual spring water, Ling Muer only felt comfortable, but as long as she thought of the man deep in her heart, she felt empty.

I used to think that for the sake of the national flower of the Western Regions, she had to find a way to come to the Western Regions, but now that she really came, I realized that she would miss a man so much!

It seems that we must seize the time to get the national flower.

After making up her mind, Ling Muer immediately got up from the Lingquan water. After changing her clothes, she was about to come out when she realized that an uninvited guest entered her room at some point.

After briefly moving the space behind the person who came, Ling Muer jumped out of the space when he was unaware, and saw that it was Mo Junyao who was chased away a few days ago, Ling Muer raised her red lips to her ear, " what are you doing!"

It was an evil and charming voice that was deliberately pretended, but because of the sudden opening, Mo Junyao was taken aback.

"Ah, when did you show up!"

Mo Junyao patted her chest in fear, and the bag in her hand fell to the ground without warning, causing all the cuties in the bag to rush out.

"You were obviously not in the room just now, you bitch, when, when did you appear behind me?"

She didn't answer her words, but was attracted by the poisonous insects wriggling on the ground, Ling Mu'er said coldly, "As a princess of the Western Regions, she would murder the invited guests without limit. Mo Junyao, it seems that you You still don't know how important I am to your imperial brother! Do you know that once you kill me, you will be buried with me!"

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