Although Ling Mu'er still didn't want to admit it, but the tone of voice of the person in front of him, his sitting posture, and every move, he was undoubtedly the Oriental Sparrow.

Ling Mu'er snorted coldly and sat beside him, looking carefully into his eyes, "It's fine for a big man to dress up as a woman, but you are also the thirty-eighth generation descendant of Medicine King Valley, and you ran away from home with dignity." ?”

Dongfang Que was sprayed with all the desserts in his mouth, and looked at Ling Muer again, his facial features were distorted, "At any rate, I'm here to save you, so it's fine if you make things difficult for me, you're still so crazy after seeing my identity Proud? Besides, what is it to dress up as a woman? I pretended so much that you didn't notice it at the first time, which shows that my disguise technique is superb, and others can't do it if they want to."

Seeing Dongfang Que's proud way of shaking her head, Ling Muer nodded and gave him a thumbs up, "You're awesome!"

But soon, she turned her gestures, and at a speed that even the Oriental Sparrow didn't see, she moved behind him, grabbed his neck tightly with both hands, and said in a low voice, "Are you following me?"

Dongfangque was upset for a moment when his throat was suddenly locked, but he knew only light kung fu and no martial arts, so he couldn't get away from the person behind him.

Since he couldn't get away from the struggle, he simply gave up struggling. He raised his jaw proudly and blinked his eyes, "I'm here to save you, okay? This is how I treat my savior. Ling Muer, you are simply not a woman!"

"Don't tell me, right?" Putting her other hand on the wound on his left shoulder, she pressed it down hard.

"Ah... um!"

The scream turned into a muffled grunt, and beads of sweat dripped from Dongfang Que's aching forehead.

But it still disturbed Abi outside the door.

"Girl, what's the matter? If the sparrow is really not good at serving you, the maidservant will replace you." Abi wanted to come in after speaking.

Seeing her shadow about to come in, Ling Muer covered Dongfang Que's mouth and roared slowly, "Don't come in! Since I live here, I am the owner of this place, and no one is allowed to come in without my order." Also, this sparrow is indeed stupid as hell, but it’s better to have a bird to play with than nothing.”

Having not heard Abi's voice for a long time, Dongfang Que hurriedly let go of Ling Muer's hand covering his red lips, and seeing a large amount of blood oozing from his shoulder, he blew his nose and stared angrily, "You, I, I really want to kill you!"

"As a direct disciple of Medicine King Valley, the medicine on my body will not be less than mine. Didn't you bring it?"

While talking, Ling Mu'er opened his shirt and saw that his wound had worsened, her face darkened instantly, and she was no longer in the mood to play.

Dongfang Que was frightened by her rude actions, "You, you woman, how could you..., I'm a man anyway!"

Although he tried his best to suppress these words, it was precisely this suppression that made Ling Mu'er unable to see that he was a man.

"The man is still pretending to be so seductive, believe it or not, if you go out now, you will be taken away by the flower pickers soon?"

Ling Mu'er ignored his blushing and heartbeat, took out the golden sore medicine and sprinkled it on his wound, recalling the day when Amu De's dart shot her on the shoulder, it was indeed thanks to him that he rescued her.

"Why are you in the Western Regions? How did you know that I was taken away by Amu De, and even locked in the ice cellar? Also, the ice cellar is not a place that ordinary people can break into. How did you get in? God, where have you been?"

Since he could break into the ice cellar, he would definitely find her living in the other courtyard of the castle, so why didn't he show up these days?

"You stay here all day, so naturally you don't know that the surroundings are heavily guarded. Let alone me, a big living person, I'm afraid it's hard for even a fly to fly in!"

Dongfang Que closed his clothes, "If that maidservant hadn't come out today and said that you lack a maidservant to chat with, how would I have this chance, but you are quite smart and know how to use this trick."

Ling Mu'er carefully looked at his facial features, made sure that he was not lying, and that his wound had stopped bleeding. Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, she grabbed his other wrist with her backhand and pressed him on the table, "You haven't Answer my question just now, how did you know that I was in the Western Regions? Also, since you followed me all the way, why didn't you save me in King Xian's other courtyard that day?"

Being treated so rudely, Dongfang Que wanted to scream, but she was afraid of disturbing the people outside the door. She kept waving at him and suppressed her voice, "Let go, let me go first."

Ling Muer let go of her hand.

Dongfang Que hastily backed up a few steps and stayed away from her, "You woman, I thought you would be so moved, but I came here to save you, I didn't expect you to treat me like this, it really wasted my life blood."

Ling Mu'er didn't speak, but just looked at him quietly, her eyes seemed to say: "Say."

"Hey, forget it, forget it, I lost to you." Dongfang Que couldn't bear the look in her eyes, so she simply confessed, "I didn't expect that Amu De would even find a killer in order to bring you to the Western Regions! You You know, I can only do light work, but I don't know martial arts, so it will take a lot of effort to get entangled with them! But if I don't send those killers away, do you think you will be unscathed?"

Hearing this, Ling Muer seemed to have a picture in front of her eyes. Her thoughts gradually returned to that day.

When she rushed into Su Ce's other courtyard, she didn't see Su Ce, and she was exhausted by a lot of aphrodisiacs. Soon a man who looked like Su Ce appeared in front of her. If she guessed right, it was Qin Ruochen's. Someone pretends to be, and then she faints, not knowing anything. It seemed that when the fake Su Ce was about to attack him, Dongfang Que, who had been following her, appeared and not only killed her, but also killed her.

"Amu De and Qin Ruochen came prepared for that matter, and the hired killer must not be simple. Are you not injured?"

"You still have a little conscience." Dongfang Que was very happy when she heard the words of concern.

He shook his head, "Who is my young master? My qinggong claims to be the second in the Jianghu. No one dares to be the first, but when I sent the killer away and came back, you were already gone. I spent a lot of money It took me a lot of effort to track you down in the Western Regions, how about it, how can you thank me?"

As he spoke, Oriental Sparrow raised its two beautiful eyebrows mischievously.

Originally, it was very contrary to the first face that a man disguised himself as a woman, but he made such a mischievous move, which made Ling Mu'er shudder.

"I really can't see it!"

Ling Mu'er shook her head, "I really don't know if your ancestors of Medicine King Valley will crawl out of hell in the middle of the night unwillingly to talk to you after seeing his disciple become like this."

"What hell is not hell, bad luck!"

Dongfang Que was very dissatisfied with these two words, but seeing that Ling Muer was in good condition and knew how to beat him, he nodded, "It seems that Amu De really didn't do anything to you when he kidnapped you. Maybe your legs have been unloaded long ago!"

"He dares!" Ling Mu'er snorted, looked over again, and saw the broken teacups, footwashing water, snacks, etc. on the ground, she was a little embarrassed, "Since I knew that I was deliberately making things difficult for you, why did you obediently do it? Why didn't you directly reveal your identity to me? Also, why did you follow me before?"

"You suspect that I am from Amu De, that's why you make things difficult for me, but you think that Abi is not from A Mu De?"

The implication of Dongfangque's words is that everything just now was done on purpose for others to see.

Only then did Ling Muer suddenly realize that, indeed, since Abi made her voice for the first time, the shadow at the door has disappeared.

"I just said, you are a person who hides everything deeply, and I really saw it right."

Dongfangque raised her eyebrows proudly again, watching Erlang's legs sway, "As for following you, it's because you kept it from me!"

"How did I hide it from you?"

Dongfang Que got up and stared at her, "You think I really didn't hear that day, what you said about the Western Regions, there is no way, I guessed that you have already thought of a diagnosis and treatment for your strange disease! I admit that I have a strange disease, and I am very interested in the diagnosis and treatment of any strange disease, so I have been following you secretly since that day, trying to see when you will do it. Unexpectedly, it really made me Became a great hero who saved the beauty once."

After speaking, he bumped her arm with his elbow, "Honestly, how can I thank you, sir?"

Ling Muer dodged, and glared at him full of displeasure, "That's why Shao Chen and I braved the snow to go to Yaowang Valley to look for you that day. Your apprentice said that you had gone to the wild cranes, but you were actually hiding in the dark." Spy on me? Orient sparrow, you are so free."

"What's the point of doing some useless work to watch the whole process of diagnosing and treating strange diseases?"

Dongfang Que shrugged indifferently, "It's a pity that I haven't been near this other garden these days. I don't know what happened. Tell me, your plan has succeeded? How can you cure your strange disease?"

Ling Mu'er saw it clearly, when he said this, the first half of the sentence was still cynical, but the second half of the sentence was genuinely concerned.

She is also a medical student, she can understand Dongfang Que's mood, she can give up everything for medical skills, but for some reason she can see the tension in his eyes, the genuine concern from a friend.

"The national flower of the Western Regions can cure my strange disease. Although I don't know if it's true or not, but if there's any chance, I'll give it a try."

Ling Muer explained to him the matter of meeting Guohua today, "But unfortunately, I can't get close to it at all, and even if I want to get it, I have to wait for nearly a month. I'm worried about Shao Chen... ..."

"What a big man has to worry about."

Dongfang Que curled his lips in disdain, "Shangguan Shaochen has strong martial arts skills and a shrewd mind. Maybe he is enjoying your disappearance right now. Do you still have time to worry about him?"

Seeing Ling Muer's fist about to hit, Dongfang Que hurriedly kept his mouth shut, "Okay, okay, I've said something wrong? But what's the use of worrying, you have to wait until the national flower blooms and bears fruit." Only then can I leave, and I see what you mean, you haven’t thought of a way to get the national flower yet?”

"But I hear what you mean, there is a way?" Ling Muer moved a chair and sat in front of Dongfang Que.

For some reason, although she didn't have much worry about being kidnapped to the Western Regions, an old friend suddenly appeared by her side, which made her truly feel unprecedented satisfaction and a sense of security in her heart.

"Master is not that talented yet. This is the first time for me to come to the Western Regions, but what you said just now, the secret room where the national flower is stored is so strange, it reminds me of someone."


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