"Whether it's true or not, I will try it." Ling Muer's tone was very firm.

"well said!"

Dongfang Que jumped up and realized that he was a little excited. He hurriedly lowered his voice, "Master, having a servant with you will surely make you happy every day, and your wishes will come true!"

Ling Mu'er originally wanted to say "You're sick again", but when she saw his gestures, and saw a sneaky figure reflected outside the window, she gave him a blank look, walked straight to the door, and said unceremoniously Open the door.

Abi was unprepared, and fell into the mud with an "ouch".

"Where can you hear clearly outside the door, why don't you come in and have a sit?"

Ling Muer squatted on the ground and looked at Abi who was full of embarrassment.

Abi held her head high, her face was full of anger, but she didn't dare to confront her, she patted the dust on the ground, and half-kneeled on the ground unwillingly, "I don't dare, please ask Miss Ling to go around Ah Bee once."


"Ah?" Abi didn't understand for a moment, and then saw Ling Muer's hideous expression, she bit her lower lip tightly, "The slaves are begging the master like this, why should the master forgive me just once? Besides, I didn't hear anything."

"I originally planned to forgive you, but your attitude is so arrogant, how can I forgive you?" Ling Muer smiled ironically.

"Yes, it's the servant who made a mistake. The servant shouldn't be eavesdropping on the master's conversation. I wonder how Miss Ling plans to deal with the servant?" Seeing that begging for mercy would not work, Abi let her punish her.

Anyway, she had already figured it out, once Ling Mu'er really punished her severely, she would immediately go to Princess Yaoyao to make decisions for her.

She didn't believe it anymore, she was just a captive, how could she be so arrogant!

"Don't you like to listen, then I will punish you to listen at the door all night!"

Leaving aside the words, Ling Muer closed the door with a 'snap', completely blocking Abi's shocked face from the door.

Is this considered a punishment?

As a maidservant, the master's personal maidservant, normally she should keep watch outside the door. Abi couldn't figure it out. Is this Ling Muer a good person or is she just pretending?

While Abi was thinking, the door was opened again.

Abi thought that Ling Mu'er was going to repent, so she raised her jaw in a hurry, with a look of arrogance on her face, "Master's word is as good as it is, you, don't you regret it?"

"What do I regret? I'm afraid you can't hear clearly, or you come into the house to listen?"

Abi hurriedly lowered her head in fright, could it be that she was wrong, Ling Muer is not the kind of messy person?

"Slaves dare not!"

"Since you don't dare, then listen carefully here, and don't leave until dawn!"

Ling Mu'er ordered, "Also, Sparrow is deeply in my heart. I decided that she will replace you as my personal maid in the future, so she will live in the room tonight. Don't be jealous."

Again without waiting for Abi's reaction, Ling Muer solemnly closed the door tightly.

Indoors, Dongfang Que had already written down what she wanted to express on paper, "You put her outside to guard, how can we steal the national flower?"

Ling Mu'er smiled and shook her head, looked at the straight figure standing outside the door, then at the window diagonally opposite, and hissed, "With you, a master of qinggong, are you afraid that you won't be able to get out?"

She immediately rummaged through the house and found a night suit, to be precise, it was her temporary night suit.

"Only the people with Amud outside the door, the secret guards hiding in the dark will not suspect that I have disappeared into the room." Holding the night clothes in her hand, she looked at Dongfang Sparrow again, Ling Muer was a little confused, "What should I do? I never thought that someone would come to help me. There is only one piece of clothing."

Dongfang Que curled his lips, "I still need something like night clothes?"

Thinking of the wind blowing under his feet, coming and going without a trace, I am afraid that ordinary people will not find his trace at all, and it is indeed unnecessary to wear it or not.

Ling Muer nodded, "Then what are you waiting for, why don't you turn around and wait for me to goug out your eyes?"

The oriental sparrow's face turned red.

Although she likes to joke, she has never been alone with a woman, let alone the excitement of a woman changing clothes in front of him.

He said it was exciting, but in fact, he didn't dare, "Hurry up, don't dawdle."

Even though he said this, Dongfang Que still thought of an important question, "If you let Abi stand guard outside the door, we don't have to make any noise, but won't she be suspicious if there is no shadow?"

"This is easy."

Ling Mu'er seemed to have made up her mind a long time ago. Putting on her night clothes, she suddenly got under the bed, and mysteriously took out a brocade box, and inside the brocade box were some pieces of paper.

I saw her place the pieces of paper at a suitable position from the candlestick, "I made this by sacrificing my sleep time these days. Although it looks a little weird indoors, it's easy to see from the outside of the window. I can see a picture of a beautiful woman playing chess. How about it, am I good?"

Dongfang Sparrow was completely stunned, "How did you come up with this idea?"

Ling Muer didn't speak, but made a gesture of invitation, signaling him to take her flying quickly.

And Dongfang Que was still immersed in the shadow created by Ling Muer, "You are indeed powerful, why do I think you have a bit of the demeanor of a master?"

Before he could speak, he moved in front of Ling Muer, grabbed her hand and wrapped it around her waist, raised his breath, and flew out of the window.

Outside, Abi looked back when she heard the voice, and saw the window flapping, she rushed over to check it out, but Ling Muer's figure inside was so real.

"It seems that the wind is too strong tonight." Abi muttered to herself, wanting to remind the people in the room to pay more attention, but after thinking about Ling Muer's arrogant temper, she was too lazy to talk too much.

In the dark night, on the locust tree, Dongfang Sparrow grabbed Ling Muer's collar and carefully looked in one direction.

"What are you looking at? Didn't you say you have to hurry up?" Ling Muer urged.

"Not to mention, your figure is really amazing. It is clearly only the size of a palm, but when you look out of the window, it is as tall as a human figure. I don't care, you teach me."

The oriental finch is playing a rogue, like a naive child.

"Okay, okay, teach me, you helped me fix the national flower, how about I teach you everything?" Ling Muer couldn't wait to see the national flower again.

But the Oriental sparrow stopped again, "Then can you share your mysterious treasure with me? The one that suddenly disappeared before my eyes?"

Ling Muer hit him on the head with a fist, "Are you still flying?"

Although she didn't know very well, there must be many hidden guards near Amu De's other courtyard. If the two of them continue to chat, they might hook everyone out, so how about drinking tea together?

"As a woman, she has such a violent temper, and she is not gentle at all."

Dongfang Sparrow glanced at her, and after reminding her to catch it, he flew with her into the dark night.

Ling Mu'er felt that Shangguan Shaochen and Su Ce's qinggong was already excellent, but she didn't expect Dongfang Que's to be even more powerful.

She could hardly even open her eyes, she could only feel gusts of wind blowing past her ears, and the person had landed on the roof of the palace with precision.

"You didn't go wrong, did you?" Ling Muer was a little worried.

"After wearing it for so many days in the Western Regions, I found out everything about the king's bedroom, not to mention his private hut. Don't worry, come with me."

Oriental finches are very confident.

Ling Muer knew that the only choice she had at this moment was to believe.

Following him, winding around, gradually, she felt that the road in front of her was very familiar.

As before, the king of the Western Regions had already gone to bed, and they also arrived at the secret room smoothly.

"You've been here before, so you should know where the facility is, right? I left it to you?" Dongfang Que stepped back a few steps, watching his performance with anticipation.

"Your role is over, it is indeed my turn."

Ling Mu'er walked to the bookshelf, almost without thinking, she pressed one of the buttons, only to hear a 'click', and the small secret door was opened.

"It's quite powerful."

Dong Fangque praised, but stretched out his hand to block Ling Mu'er behind, and decided to let him advance, "Amu De brought you in before, he is familiar with this place, but this time is different, what if there is a mechanism?"

Ling Muer was very moved by these words, "Then you are not afraid of death?"

"Me?" Dongfang Que smiled silently, "There's nothing so terrible about death. It's worth it to have such a beauty to accompany me on my last journey!"

What Dongfang Que said was right, there are indeed several traps here, but in front of him with his outstanding lightness skills, they are not worth mentioning at all.

The two soon came to the secret room where the national flower was hidden.

"The national flower is hidden here." Ling Muer pointed to her eyes, but she didn't hear a sound for a while.

When I looked back again, I found that Dongfang Que was looking at a certain mechanism carefully.

"What are you looking at?" he asked curiously.

Dongfang Que's expression was unusually serious, "This facility is exactly the same as a certain facility in Yaowang Valley."

Hearing the last four words, Ling Muer's blood boiled like Liu, "Are you sure?"


Abandoning the cynicism of the past, Dongfang Que is serious at this moment as if he is going through a catastrophe, "How can the palace of the Western Regions have the same mechanism as the Valley of the Medicine King? I also feel very familiar with this secret passage."

Hearing this, Ling Mu'er couldn't help becoming serious, "Could it be that your guess and mine are true?"

"Let's look at the national flower first." Dongfangque didn't give Ling Muer a chance this time, but tentatively walked to the secret room, and tapped on a certain blank wall according to the mechanism of the secret room in Yaowang Valley, and heard a familiar voice. When the 'click' sound came again, the secret door opened.

Dongfang Que once said that he had never been here before, but how could he easily open the secret chamber?

The only explanation is - the mysterious woman who created the Western Region Palace is definitely related to the ancestor of Medicine King Valley!

"This time in the Western Regions, it really is a worthwhile trip!"

Seeing the national flower for the first time, Dongfangque sighed.

Without waiting for Ling Mu'er to explain, she immediately leaned forward and planned to take the national flower with her bare hands, but a strange scene also happened at this moment.

I saw his tall body being thrown out without any defense!

If she hadn't adjusted her direction in time, her body would have hit the wall heavily.

"Dongfangque, are you alright?" Ling Muer hurried over to check.

"Cough cough" Dongfang Sparrow was blown away by that force as if he had hurt his internal organs. He coughed a few times, very unbelievable, "It's clear that there is nothing in front of me, how did I get blown away?"

Ling Mu'er was about to laugh at him carelessly, when behind him, she seemed to hear something from a distance.

"Come here, your majesty is seriously ill, please send it to the imperial doctor."

Ling Mu'er and Dongfang Que's faces turned pale.

"No, it seems that the king of the Western Regions has woken up. If the imperial doctor comes, we are afraid that we will be trapped here, Dongfangque. We can only come again next time."

"No! It's so strange here, and it's related to Medicine King Valley and Master, I have to figure it out!"

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