Sure enough, Amu De loosened the collar that imprisoned Dongfang Que, but after looking at her meaningfully for a few times, his eyes fell on Ling Mu'er again.

"You haven't answered my question just now, where have you been?"

His voice is evil and impermanent, like a ghost crawling up from hell, which makes people feel inexplicably terrified.

"If I really wanted to escape, I wouldn't have come back just now. Who told you to lock me up here all day." She made an excuse casually, and even though she knew he wouldn't believe it, she knew that Amu De wouldn't be right in a short time. What about her, then the reason is not just made up by her.

"Hmph, don't think that if you don't tell the truth, I don't know what you did. You just want to get the national flower."

Amu De guessed, seeing Ling Mu'er's flickering look of surprise, he knew he was right.

"It's a pity, you can't break the mechanism of the secret room. Only the king of the Western Regions has the right to know the mechanism. That is to say, no one can help you get the national flower except me!"

Looking at Amu De's arrogant face, Ling Mu'er really wanted to reach out and completely destroy the half of his face that wasn't wearing a mask.

"Ugliness brings trouble!"

Even though she said that, for some reason, she suddenly had a strange thought, could it be because of this that he sat on the seat of the king of the Western Regions?

No wonder she always felt that something big had happened in the Western Regions recently, but she didn't expect it to be about the life and death of the King of the Western Regions.

And it would be very detrimental to the Celestial Dynasty, her and Shao Chen if Amu De took the seat of the king of the Western Regions.

Oh no, Su Ce should be the most dangerous!

Su Ce just divorced Mo Junyao. If Amu De used the banner of avenging his sister, Su Ce would become a public enemy of the entire Celestial Dynasty. If the emperor wanted to resolve the conflict, would he hand over Su Ce?

What else does this Amud want to do?

"My father just died of illness, but you are so excited. Could it be that you were rebellious and murdered your father yourself?" Ling Muer deliberately disgusted him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, Amu De's face changed suddenly.

The mood that was originally relaxed and happy suddenly became extremely deep, with a hint of irritation.

Ling Mu'er carefully withdrew her thoughts, and was also ready for his attack, but unexpectedly, a familiar voice came from outside the door.

"Go away, you guys are so courageous, even this princess dares to stop you, don't you die!"

"Let me see Brother Wang, I have to see him today, so get out!"

Amu De's clenched fist suddenly loosened, and he looked back and shouted at the guard, "What's going on."

Immediately, a guard rushed in, "Returning to Master, it is Princess Yaoyao making a big noise outside the door asking to see Master."

"It's not about letting her stay in the room!"

Amu De was very dissatisfied with Mo Junyao's appearance, looked back at Ling Mu'er, and finally turned around in frustration.

"Since you didn't take advantage of the opportunity to escape completely, then you don't have this opportunity again!"

Flicking his sleeves, Amu De had already exited the room, "Come here, take care of this place for me. If today's situation happens again, I want everyone here to be buried with me!"


The guards nodded in response and sent the new lord off respectfully. But the eight guards he brought were not taken away.

"I said it just now, don't look at me with those sad eyes, the person who punished you is Amu De, the person you should hate is him, and I didn't escape here, it is already the greatest kindness, if you really look at me You are not happy, you can leave directly, don't worry, I will not go to Amu De's side to put on shoes for you."

Ling Muer said to the timid maid who was kneeling on the ground.

Compared with Abi, the maidservant is much less timid, but she is very upright and knows good and evil. But because she failed to plead for Abi, she began to blame herself.

Hearing Ling Muer's words, the servant girl hesitated for a while, but finally ran away in a hurry.

In the room, only Ling Muer and Dongfang Que were left.

"It's over, there are eight more guards outside the door this time, it's impossible for you to go out even if you want to, how about it, do you regret coming back just now?" Dongfang Que put his arms around his chest, obviously looking at the show.

Ling Mu'er gave him a blank look, "Didn't you hear what he said just now, only the king knows how to open the chamber of secrets mechanism, without him, we can't get the national flower, how can I leave."

Dongfang Que snorted coldly, "Do you believe everything he says? But I just don't believe it."

Realizing what Dongfang Que was going to do, Ling Muer hurriedly grabbed his arm, "What are you going to do?"

"How can you get a tiger cub if you don't enter the tiger's den."

"I don't allow you to take risks!"

Ling Mu'er's attitude was very firm, "You came to the Western Regions because of me, but if you get hurt because of this, I will blame myself for the rest of my life. Amu De is not as simple as he looks. My guess just now must be right. If he is really If you personally killed your own father, then this person is a hundred times more cruel than we imagined! Once he finds out your identity, you will die a miserable death, so, no!"

It was rare for Oriental Sparrow to be cared for so much, and I was a little moved.

He had a pretty face, blinked his eyes, and suddenly rushed to Ling Mu'er's arms, holding her tightly in his arms.

"You bad woman, what do you care about me so much? Do you know that you touched me, woo woo woo woo."

What does it feel like for a man of seven feet to hug her suddenly and cry?

Ling Mu'er only felt her stomach churn, "You disgust me, let me go!"

"Don't let me go!" Dongfang Que hugged him even tighter. "You know, I am an orphan. If my master hadn't taken me in the Valley of Medicine Kings, I would have long since ceased to exist in this world! Except for the occasional care of my master, no one has ever You are the first one to care about my safety so much, do you think you can keep me from being moved!"

When her fist landed on Ling Muer's shoulder, Ling Muer couldn't help but groaned. She wanted to push Dongfang Que away, but she held back after thinking about it.

But she had another bold idea, "Dongfang Que, aren't you a broken sleeve?"

In a word, she was suddenly pushed away.

Before she could get angry, she saw Dongfang Que on the opposite side suddenly wipe away the teardrops on her face, and made a masculine gesture, "Open your eyes a little wider, and take a good look, I am imposing and suave, but Do you still have the slightest suspicion of breaking your sleeve?"

After all, Ling Mu'er couldn't help laughing out 'puchi'.

"I lost to you!"

Her stomach ached from laughing, Ling Muer hurriedly withdrew her smile, "Since Amu De didn't suspect your identity, it made me curious, but maybe it was also because he was about to inherit the throne, so he ignored you. But this It will be much better once you come here, your lightness kung fu is very good, let alone eight people outside, even eighty people will not be able to catch up with you, I don't care what you are going to do, be careful."

Dongfang Que handsomely picked the hair next to his ear with his index finger, and winked, "Don't worry."

"Amu De, you dare to come to see me, I will strangle you, I will beat you to death!"

The first time Mo Junyao saw Amu De's appearance, she rushed over in a hurry, tried to grab his neck but failed, and instead beat him on the chest with her fists, ignoring the fact that there were many guards around.

"Yao Yao!"

Amu De firmly clasped her hands, dragged her to a corner, and pressed her against the wall, "Do you know what you are doing, please calm down!"

"How do you make me calm down!"

Trying to break free from his confinement, Mo Junyao was full of tears, and looked at the person in front of her in disbelief, "Are you still my brother Wang? Are you still the one who swore to treat me forever? Brother Wang, you have changed!" , you have changed since you came back from the Celestial Dynasty, you may not care about Yaoyao, and you may avenge all your humiliations, but how could you accidentally kill..."

Mo Junyao didn't finish the following words, her mouth was already blocked by Amu De.

His eyes were fierce, bloodthirsty and cruel, "Forget everything you saw tonight, if you dare to speak nonsense again..."

"Why, even kill me?"

Mo Junyao shook her head in disappointment, tears streaming down her face like a broken embankment.

"Brother Wang! Where did the brother Wang who loved me, cared about me, and took care of me in the past go? Although you have been imprisoned by your father for many years, although your father never cared about you, cared about you, and even bullied you, but after all, it is Our father, how could you..." Mo Junyao was on the verge of fainting several times as he said that, "If I hadn't heard that my father was seriously ill and rushed over to see that scene just now, are you planning to hide it from me? ?”

Amu De didn't speak, but kept a stern face, as if he didn't want to say more.

"Speak up, don't you plan to tell me in this life that you are the real murderer who murdered your father, and you accidentally killed your own father!"

Mo Junyao roared loudly, as if trying to pierce the sky.

But what she waited for was a loud slap in the face.

"Shut up!" Amu De looked coldly at his sister who was already in tears, "If you talk nonsense again, I will make you stay in the dormitory for life."

"You hit me?"

Touching the side of her face that was hurt by the beating, Mo Junyao ruthlessly pushed Amu De away.

"You are a bad person. The good you did to me in the past was all fake, right? That's why you can let me be humiliated by Su Ce without being moved. You can let me be divorced by him and not settle accounts with him, but Just turn around and forcefully take me back to the Western Regions! All this is your conspiracy. In fact, you have planned this day a long time ago. You want to avenge the humiliation you have suffered in the past. This is the real you! And me, this kind of you! "

Ignoring Amu De any more, Mo Junyao wiped away the tears from her face and ran quickly.

Amu De stretched out his hand and was about to grab her back, but it was in vain.


He took a deep breath and finally lowered his arms weakly.

Yes, all of this is his conspiracy, he just wants revenge!

His father once locked him in that cage like an animal. His father asked him to train poison, which made him become so inhuman and ghostless. But when he turned around, his father passed the throne to him The most beloved eldest prince, why!

Why should the elder brother be able to enjoy the glory and wealth from birth, but he should be a stepping stone under his feet!

He just couldn't be reconciled, so when his father was angry with him for bringing Yaoyao back, complaining why he didn't stand up for Yaoyao and fell ill from embarrassment, he accidentally killed him!

But he has no regrets.

If not, how could he have the opportunity to amend the edict and become the new King of the Western Regions?

As long as he gets Ling Mu'er's baby again, he will be able to dominate the world. Let's see who dares to look down on him who was born by a prostitute!

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