"Say, did you take her out last night?"

With injuries all over her body, Abi forcibly blocked Dongfang Que's path, with the intention that she would never let him go unless she told her.

"What did my sister say? My sister was personally selected by my sister. How could my sister wrong me so much?" Dongfang Que pretended to cry while covering his face with his wide sleeves. No one else could see that he was actually stealing. laugh.

"Hmph, you just came to serve her, but she took you out. If you didn't instigate her, how could she?"

The more Abi spoke, the more excited she became, and accidentally touched the wound, she grinned in pain, "Tell me the truth, who are you!"

Dongfang Que immediately put down her sleeves and looked at Abi with an innocent 'beautiful face', "Why would my sister think of my sister like this? My sister is really innocent. Could it be that my sister was punished yesterday and really hurt so much, how about Let my sister help you take a look."

As he said that, Dongfang Que was going to tease Abi's skirt with all his hands.

Although everyone is 'all women', how can such an indecent behavior be allowed?

Abi hurriedly dodged, "Don't touch me!"

"If you don't look at the wound, how do you know how bad my sister is in pain? Don't worry, sister. My sister has learned the art of massage from the master for three years since she was a child. Let me rub it for you to heal faster."

As he said that, Dongfang Sparrow stretched out his salty hand to her again.

Abi was so frightened that she jumped three feet high, but had no choice but to draw her sword and threaten, "If you come again, don't blame me for being rude!"

What kind of massage technique? To put it bluntly, isn't it just rubbing her butt? Huh, it makes me sick to think about it.

"If you don't massage, you don't massage. Why is my sister planning to hang herself with a knife?"

Dongfang Que pretended to be innocent, sat down on the ground, and cried out, "Sister, you are young, don't be so overwhelmed, sister, what is it that makes you put down the mortal world and go to the Palace of Hell to report? Sister Abi..."


Abi really couldn't stand Dongfang Que's pretending to be crazy, she roared angrily, and was about to reprimand him, but seeing the innocent and harmless expression on his face, she wondered if she had misunderstood her.

Then look at Ling Muer who is sitting on the bed, smiling forward and backward, the corners of her mouth twitch violently, and finally she looks at Dongfang Sparrow, "Sparrow, I personally picked you, you better not keep anything Crooked thinking, if I get punished, you will never have good fruit to eat, hum!"

With her weak body, Abi let her companions support her to leave the room until her figure completely disappeared from sight, and the innocence and harmlessness on Dongfang Que's face gradually disappeared.

"Cut, I can't afford it."

Looking back, seeing Ling Mu'er still holding back his smile, he pouted, "Smile, smile, what's so ridiculous, if it wasn't for you, I'm a dignified descendant of Medicine King Valley, as for pretending to be like this?"

As he said that, he looked at his outfit full of disgust, and suddenly regretted it?

"Didn't you say that no one else can do what you are without any real beauty? Why, do you regret it now?" Ling Muer let out a 'puchi', but couldn't help laughing out loud after all.

"Abiruo knows that you are actually a man, and if you deliberately said something like that just now, you will definitely be pissed off! Oriental sparrow, oriental sparrow, you won!"

A certain person's face was dark, and he picked up a blue and white porcelain bottle at the side and wanted to throw it at Ling Mu'er's pretty face, but suddenly there were some small sounds in his ears.


The vase was put down, and the oriental sparrow was on guard, staring at one direction seriously with a pair of eyes as fierce as a cheetah.

For a long while, there was no sound in the room.

Ling Muer didn't find anything wrong because she was immersed in the joy just now, she frowned, "What's wrong? Could it be that you heard it wrong?"

"If you don't come out again, you can taste the secret poison from my Medicine King Valley!"

Dongfang Que ignored Ling Muer's words, but threatened in a very cold and serious manner. After finishing speaking, his right hand was already in his pocket.

He didn't reveal his identity on purpose, but this gentleman on Liang had probably been here for a long time, since he heard everything, why did he bother to hide it.

call out.

I saw a figure suddenly fall from the beam, tapped on the toes, and appeared diagonally opposite the two in a very chic and graceful manner.

The man was dressed in white and had an elegant demeanor. At first glance, Ling Muer thought he looked a bit like Su Ce, but after a closer look, he no longer felt it.

"Who are you?"

"Hey, how can you treat guests so harshly?" Dongfang Que put her big palm on Ling Mu'er's shoulder, and patted her lightly to signal her to be calm.

But he carefully sized the person in front of him with deep and piercing eyes, "Judging from your facial features, appearance, temperament and skill, you must be an extraordinary person! And you are so familiar with this other garden, it is easy to hide on the hanging beam to steal Listen, it seems that it has a lot to do with the owner of this other garden. If I'm not wrong, the First Prince?"

Following Dongfang Que's voice, Ling Muer looked in front of her in astonishment.

In this way, it is really similar to Amu De.

Clap, clap, people applauded, and looked at Dongfang Que admiringly, "As expected of the thirty-eighth generation descendant of the Celestial Medicine King Valley, it is really different from ordinary people."

After finishing speaking, the visitor bowed deeply to Dongfang Que and Ling Muer, "I didn't say hello, I came here uninvited, and I accidentally heard something that I shouldn't have heard. I'm really sorry. My humble Amutuo is the great prince of the Western Regions." .”

The introduction is dignified and powerful, the voice is neither humble nor overbearing, without the arrogance and rudeness of a prince, so that people don't want to care about his uninvited coming.

"I don't know why the eldest prince is looking for me?" Ling Mu'er asked, although she looked kind on the surface, her voice had no extra emotion.

"I originally thought that Miss Ling would be dissatisfied with my coming here without authorization, but now it seems that Miss Ling is also a straightforward and kind person." Amutuo nodded, and sat on the chair opposite, "In that case, then I will cut to the chase gone."

"Miss Ling is the second concubine of the Celestial Dynasty, but she was kidnapped to the Western Regions by the Emperor Amude. It stands to reason that I, the Western Regions, should make amends to you. But you must also know that Amu De kidnapped you for his own purpose. And I have also heard more or less that the girl stays in the Western Regions for other purposes, I wonder if you and I can cooperate?"

Ling Muer didn't expect him to speak so directly, she and Dongfang Que looked at each other, and the two nodded silently, intending to wait and see what happened.

"Since the eldest prince is also a straightforward person, then you can speak directly, I wonder what you want to cooperate with me?"

"I'll help you get the national flower, and you help me kill Amu De!"

The voice was not too loud, and it just reached the ears of two people.

Ling Mu'er's face suddenly changed when she heard this, "I don't know when Mu'er had any enmity with the First Prince, or what I did to hurt the First Prince, please speak up."

Amutuo got up immediately, "I'm serious."

"Whether you're serious or not, it's none of our business Ling Muer's business?" Dongfang Que stood in front of Ling Mu'er unobtrusively, blocking her completely behind.

Although it was only a small gesture, it was enough to move Ling Muer's heart deeply.

Looking at Amutuo's face, it is also not very good-looking, but Dongfang Que is not polite at all, "You brothers kill each other, but let our Miss Ling be cannon fodder, isn't it unethical? Well, we are but captives."

Amutuo frowned, obviously did not expect Dongfang Que to refuse so decisively.

But thinking of his plan, he endured it, "Miss Ling, Dongfang Valley Master, maybe you haven't understood what I mean, I just want to say that we cooperate with each other and achieve each other's wishes, which is good for you and me."

Seeing what Dongfang Que wanted to say, the First Prince hastily added, "Of course I know your strength, but with my help, you will be even more powerful, and everything needs an equal exchange, right?"

He stretched out his arms, with a calm expression on his face, as if he was describing an extremely simple household matter, rather than discussing how to kill a human life.

"If I'm not wrong, Amu De must have threatened Miss Ling with the national flower, and said that only he can open the trap, right?"

Ling Muer paused, "Since the First Prince knows everything, and you are so capable, why don't you do it yourself?"

"He is always on guard against me, but he has no defense against Miss Ling. You are the only one who can get close to him."

Amutuo said very directly, "Actually, there is one more thing, maybe you are still kept in the dark! Amutuo killed our father himself, and revised the will. That's why I want his life!"

Speaking of this, Amutuo seemed very excited.

"Miss Ling, just looking at your face, you are an upright person. Do you still want to help Amu De with such cruel methods? If he hadn't amended his will, I would be the real king of the Western Regions, and if I If you sit on the king's seat, I will give you the national flower unconditionally, so why don't you help me?"

Have to admit, this is a very good proposal.

But the question came up again, "How do you know that Amu De has revised the will? Now that you know, you should expose him to the entire Western Regions. Don't you think you are playing the piano against the cow when you tell me this?"

Ling Muer looked at Amutuo carefully again.

Being able to easily come to the other courtyard without being discovered by anyone shows that he is very strong in martial arts.

Knowing that Amu De murdered the king of the Western Regions and revised his will, it shows that he is not weak in IQ.

But such a formidable person would have to exchange such a precious condition, let her kill Amu De, how can it be difficult to understand.

"To be honest, I have been paying attention to Tianchao's dynamics since I planned to marry Tianchao in the Western Regions. I know Miss Ling's ability. With your help, our plan will only succeed. Of course, Amu De has a very different personality. He has a violent temper and how cruel his methods are. Miss Ling must have a deep understanding. I am afraid that he will bite me back before the news of me is released. By then, my situation will only be more dangerous. Therefore, I You can't mess around."

"The eldest prince doesn't want to act recklessly, he is afraid of becoming the public enemy of the entire western region, but if he asks me to kill your enemy, then I will become a murderer and will be hunted down by the entire western region. Dare I ask the eldest prince, do I look very ugly?" stupid?"

It was really hard to tell whether Ling Muer was serious or joking.

Amutuo's face gradually became impatient, and the humility and politeness just now were replaced by anger.

"So, Miss Ling is going to refuse me?"

"I can get the national flower by my own method." He didn't answer his words, but it seemed to give him an answer.

Amutuo was silent for a while, and finally nodded, "Okay, since Miss Ling is so confident, you might as well give it a try and see if you have the ability!"

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