"Ling Mu'er, tell me. What kind of sorcery did you use to make my brother fall in love with you! Today I will tear your true face!"

As Mo Junyao said, she suddenly rushed towards Ling Mu'er, reaching out her hand to attack her face, as if she wanted to tear off a layer of her skin.

Ling Mu'er hurriedly dodged sideways, but because of the small space and her bulky body, she almost fell into her hands, "Mo Junyao, if you want to go crazy, go somewhere else, don't make trouble here!"

"Am I crazy? I can see that you are a monster!" Mo Junyao yelled at her, and soon turned to look at the people around, "Everyone, don't be fooled by this woman! She is not us People from the Western Regions, she is a secret agent sent by the enemy country! She was called a monster when she was in the enemy country. Although I don’t know what method she used, she is a weird person. She can’t stay in the enemy country. Uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, don't be fooled by her appearance!"

Hearing this, there was instant discussion among the crowd. Ling Muer didn't really hear the local Western Region dialect spoken by the older ones.

Just when she thought that the people would be bewitched by Mo Junyao, who would have thought that one of them would stand up first.

"Princess Yaoyao should go back to your palace. The saint has cured our hidden diseases for many years when she was sitting here these days, and brought hope to many people. No matter who she used to be, she is now our Holy Maiden, we don't allow you to slander her like this!"

"That's right, we don't allow you to slander the saint. If the saint leaves here in your anger, even if we ordinary people break into the palace, we will never let you go."

"Also ask Princess Yaoyao to get out!"

The voice of getting out became louder and louder, and the people became more and more excited.

Mo Junyao's eyes widened in surprise, "You guys, are you crazy? What kind of ecstasy did she give you to make you protect her like this?"

Looking at Ling Mu'er's complacent appearance, she hates her face the most, "Ling Mu'er, you are really good at tricking Shangguan Shaochen and Su Ce in the Celestial Dynasty, and bewitching our people when you come to our Western Regions. Don't think you'll succeed like this!"

Before she could speak, she suddenly drew out the soft sword at her waist and stabbed at her.

Ling Mu'er couldn't dodge in time, and was about to be hit, Dongfang Que hooked her long arm and dragged her back a few steps, but because of this, his dexterity was spotted by Amu'er's security guards at the door.

"Come on, grab him!"

Soon a few guards rushed over, Mo Junyao didn't understand the specific situation, but Ling Muer secretly cursed him.

"Leave me alone, hurry up and contact me again when you have a chance."

While sprinkling a handful of medicinal powder, Ling Muer pushed Dongfang Sparrow away, and then looked at Mo Junyao behind her. When she seemed to be about to swing the long whip in her hand again, she heard her scream and suddenly fell to the ground.

"Hey, my stomach hurts and I feel very uncomfortable. I'm afraid I won't be able to see a doctor for you today. I'm really sorry, everyone. Hey..."

Ling Mu'er pretended to be rolling on the ground. In the chaotic place, when the people saw her like this, everyone thought it was Mo Junyao's credit. A few commoners looked at me and I looked at you. After thinking over and over again, they suddenly rushed over and surrounded Mo Junyao.

The scene of the original riot was even more chaotic. There were already many people in the Baishan Hall, and there were only four hidden guards arranged by Amu De here. Ling Muer was relieved to be sure that Dongfang Que had escaped safely. ,

"What are you going to do to this princess? Let me go, let me go!"

A scream came from next to her ear, and Ling Mu'er saw that Mo Junyao was actually lifted up by several people and lifted above her head.

"I warn you, I am the most beloved princess in the Western Regions, if you dare to disrespect me, I will let Brother Wang kill you, and you still won't let me go!"

Mo Junyao struggled, but unfortunately, she was thrown out together with her words.

There was a muffled 'bang', and soon she screamed, "You stupid people, you deserve to be tortured by illness for the rest of your life, you... ah!"

Although she didn't see what happened outside with her own eyes, but hearing the extent of her screams, Ling Mu'er roughly knew that this much-loved princess of the Western Regions might have offended the entire Western Regions this time.

I don't know what Amu De, who is full of calculations, will think after learning about this.

I am afraid that Mo Junyao will not be able to appear in front of her again in the next few months.

"Thank you everyone, thank you everyone for trusting me, please rest assured, in order to thank you for your help, I will not rest tonight, and I will see you all overnight, and I guarantee that everyone who is here today will get rid of their illnesses and walk out of my life in good health. Baishantang!"

Ling Muer let go of her bold words, and immediately went back to sit in front of the consultation table. Feeling the support and trust of the people, she didn't dare to waste a moment, and she saw the doctor in person. There was no dislike or blackmail in the whole process. Face.

"Miss Saint, I have been suffering from this disease for many years. I wonder if you are really sure?"

It was that familiar voice again, but unfortunately when she looked up again, she changed her face. Ling Muer lowered her eyes, pretended to see a doctor but hissed, "Why are you back again?"

"The most dangerous place is the safest place. The four idiots outside will never think that I will take the initiative to send you to the door again. How about it, am I smart?"

The thin lips of the oriental sparrow moved, and the small voice accurately entered her eardrums.

"Your disguise technique is so powerful?" Ling Mu'er admired, "No wonder you dare to break into Amu De's palace and other courtyards, Dongfang Que, you are so powerful, and you appear in the medical hall again and again, but you found out that you were in the secret room. secret?"

The corners of Dongfang Que's evil lips were raised, and his face was full of pride, "Who is the young master? If I go out, there is still something I can't do?"

Withdrawing his arm, he pretended to tell her about his illness, but in fact said, "I spied on the secret room again and discovered another secret. Maybe the master is not dead!"

A few simple words instantly made Ling Muer's blood flow back!

What is not dead!

Where is she then?

Since he didn't die, why didn't he go back to manage Yaowang Valley?

Although the Yaowang Valley has only been established for 30 years, there have been many valley owners in the middle, but it is a pity that the Yaowang Valley has completely declined when it arrived at the Dongfangque. According to the temperament of the ancestor, she should be angry. Could it be that she left the Celestial Dynasty after feigning death? , lived in the Western Regions for a long time?

"Although the young master looks normal on the outside, his internal injuries are serious, and he has also been poisoned by a strange poison. Come with me to the private room."

Ling Muer stood up, speaking in a very unfamiliar tone. Go straight ahead.

Dongfang Que said yes obediently, and immediately followed, without looking around the whole time, and did not arouse the curiosity of any hidden guards.

After arriving in the secret room, Ling Muer immediately locked the door, making sure that no one was watching or eavesdropping, she hurriedly asked nervously, "What's going on, how do you know she's not dead, and if she's not dead, where is the person?"

"My master, what are you so curious about?" Dongfang Que snorted, "Oh, I remembered, the master's appearance is exactly the same as yours, maybe it's your long-lost mother."

Seeing his nonchalant appearance, Ling Muer's pretty face instantly darkened, "Dongfang Que, can you be more serious."

"Since when have I been dishonest?"

Dongfang Que shrugged needlessly, seeing that she was slightly angry, she quickly stretched out her hands, "Okay, okay, I just want to tease you."

He took out a key from his pocket, "Accidentally found it under the mattress of the king of the Western Regions. Speaking of which, I feel really sad for him. Everyone has gone to hell. It's a pity that his sons didn't get it in order to fight for the throne." Clean up the room for him. I searched for this key for a long time before I discovered its use, and it is the secret room next door where the national flower is stored."

Dong Fangque said, even he couldn't believe it, "That secret room is different from other secret rooms. If you explain it in detail, it's more like a secret room. There are all the facilities in it. It looks more like a woman's room. I found this in there."

As he spoke, he seemed to be juggling again, and took out a book from his arms and handed it to Ling Muer.

"Yaowanggu Yuyao Collection II" Ling Mu'er chanted, her blood boiled instantly.

"According to the above analysis of the dryness and wetness of the pen and ink, if I haven't guessed, it should have been written a month ago. The woman's room is written in the book of Yaowanggu. Think about it, who is this person?"

Hearing this, the first person in Ling Mu'er's mind was Yaowanggu's master, who looked exactly like her!

"One month ago? In other words, before we came to the Western Regions, she might still be in the Western Regions palace, but where did she go? Why did she live in the secret room of the Western Regions King's bedroom? What is she and the Western Regions King?" Relationship? The point is, where is she now?"

Dong Fangque shook his head, "I also want to know these questions you asked, but unfortunately, if I want to answer, I'm afraid I can only wait for the national flower to bloom."

"What do you mean by that?"

Dongfang Que didn't speak, but heard something vaguely, and his pretty brows frowned instantly.

He put his index finger in the center of his lips, and pointed upwards with his eyes, implying that there was someone on the roof.

Ling Muer immediately understood his gaze, she and Dongfang Que exchanged a glance, and they walked to the windows on both sides respectively.

I don't know where the tacit understanding came from, when Ling Muer opened the window, the Oriental sparrow flew out immediately, and Ling Muer in the room seized the opportunity, and flew up three silver needles, only heard a muffled 'uh', watching Outside the window, Dongfang Que had already walked in with a figure in his arms.

"It seems that the identity is still exposed."

Dongfang Sparrow sighed, and found Amu De's token from the man's body.

"It's a good thing you found out, otherwise it would be bad if he leaked our conversation to Amu De."

Ling Muer patted his chest, and gave the man two more injections to make sure that he was unconscious, and nervously grabbed his shoulder, "Dongfang Que, you may be in danger anytime if you stay in the Western Regions, although Amu De doesn't know the secret of the secret room in the Western Regions." , but he has already seen the calligraphy and painting, knowing that I look exactly like the ancestor of Yaowanggu, he must also be looking for a chance to find out everything, you can't track it down anymore."

"How can I do that? Knowing that the master is still alive, if I don't find him, what kind of disciple should I be?" Dongfang Que disagreed, "Besides, the master is alive or dead, so why is he in the Western Regions? Yu Li, I should find out."

He patted her on the shoulder, "Don't worry, my son has been blessed since he was a child, and he can't die. Besides, don't you also want to know where this woman who looks exactly like you is? Let's look for it together?"

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