Someone broke into the secret room?

Amu De's face paused, and when everyone was stunned, he put away his sword and rushed out immediately.

"Catch Amu De, don't let him escape, he is the murderer who murdered his father, hurry up, someone come and catch him!"

Seeing Amu De performing lightness kung fu and leaving the hall, Mo Junyao jumped up and shouted,

During this period of time, she was imprisoned by Amu De in the dormitory and could not go out, but yesterday the elder brother suddenly appeared and rescued her to leave, forcing her to tell everything she knew, and even ordered her to accuse Amu De today.

Of course she didn't dare, but Amu De and Shangguan Shaochen were right. She had to identify Amu De and let him die, so that her future life would be guaranteed and she could feel at ease. Otherwise, she would always be used by him, If he controls her, her only end is death!

But today she accused him, if he didn't die, wouldn't she end up dead?

"Brother Emperor, hurry up and chase after me, the national flower is about to bloom, if Amu De gets the national flower, and then ascends to this seat, then you and I..."

"Yaoyao don't worry, Brother Huang said he would protect you, so he will. Amu De will definitely die today!"

After leaving the words, Amutuo and Shangguan Shaochen looked at each other, and they immediately chased them out.

"Mu'er, be careful." Shangguan Shaochen hugged Ling Muer while chasing in the direction of Amu De, his speed naturally slowed down.

When they came to the bedroom of the King of the Western Regions, they happened to see a figure flashing past, fleeing in the opposite direction, while Amu De, who was close at hand, rushed into the secret room of the bedroom.

"Who was that person just now?" Amutuo was curious, and wanted to ask Ling Muer, but seeing Amutuo entered the secret room again, he couldn't be sure to pay attention, "Could it be that person is the ancestor of Yaowanggu, then we are going to chase after the ancestor, Still chasing Amu De?"

Just as they were hesitating, a figure suddenly landed in front of Ling Muer, she took a closer look, who else could it be if it wasn't the Oriental Sparrow?

"Great, are you alright?" Ling Muer was extremely excited.

"Fortunately, with the help of the First Prince, I was able to escape safely." Dongfang Que simply explained that he was really taken away by Amu De's people last night, and the purpose was to lure Ling Mu'er and Shangguan Shaochen to rescue them. To catch them all.

But he waited all night, but the target didn't appear. Instead, Amutuo's men came out to rescue him. He was so good at light work, as long as he had a chance, he would naturally survive.

After being free, he came to the palace for the first time.

"Could it be you who broke into the secret room just now?" Amutuo asked suspiciously, but at this moment Amutuo had disappeared.

"I just arrived, why, did someone break into the secret room?" Dongfang Que's eyes turned straight, "It's the master, it must be her. After I escaped from Amu De's control this morning, I immediately went to Yunyi Restaurant. Mr. Dugu said that he saw a person who looked exactly like you last night. Ling Muer, your plan has succeeded."

Ling Muer was even more excited and shocked by this, "The fact that the master came to the palace again must have something to do with the national flower, and Amu De also disappeared around here, so he must have gone to get the national flower from another secret room!"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and everyone became anxious.

"There's no time to waste, the national flower is about to bloom, I guess you don't want the fruit to be obtained by Amu De, and threaten you?" A Mu Tuo reminded everyone in a timely manner.

Seeing Ling Muer's hesitation, Dongfang Que immediately took the initiative to ask Ying, "Well, I'm going to chase Shizu. I want to go after him as a descendant of the Medicine King Valley. Maybe Shizu can come out to see me. And you go immediately Take the fruit of the national flower."

Dongfang Que's qinggong is good, so it's perfect for him to chase people.

Ling Muer nodded, and after saying a word of caution, she hurriedly followed Shangguan Shaochen and Amutuo into the secret room with the national flower.

Oriental finches leave in the opposite direction.

"Stop, whoever dares to take a step closer, I will immediately destroy the national flower!"

Amu De held up the long sword in his hand, looked at the crowd rushing in, he snorted coldly, "I originally wanted to get the fruit to make a deal with you, but you drove me to a dead end!"

He turned his eyes and looked at Ling Muer, "Ling Muer, I have worked so hard to bring you from the heavens to the Western Regions, and serve you delicious food, you should know that I only want one thing from the beginning to the end! How about it, you don't have time to think about it, hand over your things."

"That's too late."

Ling Muer's eyes gradually became dull, as if she was attracted by something.

Just when Amu De was curious and puzzled, there seemed to be a dazzling light coming from around him. He turned around quickly, only to see a colorful light bursting towards him.

The national flower bloomed ahead of schedule!

"It is rumored that it only takes a quarter of an hour for the national flower to bloom and bear fruit, and this quarter of an hour is the most spectacular spectacle in the world. I never thought that I would be lucky enough to see this spectacle in my lifetime."

The voice of an oriental sparrow came from beside him.

Ling Muer, who was obsessed with the national flower blooming, realized that a group of them had stared at the national flower for a long time, so long that they even forgot to arrest Amu De.

"Why are you back?" Looking behind him, there was no abnormality. Although Ling Muer guessed it, she was still a little disappointed, "You didn't even catch up?"

"I didn't expect Master's qinggong to be so wonderful that even I couldn't catch up." Dongfang Que sighed, "Let's say it's chasing people, there is no trace of her, as if she never appeared."

Dongfang Que rubbed his chin, "Ling Muer, don't you think it's just our illusion all this time? Maybe the master died long ago?"


Ling Mu'er was very determined to interrupt his thoughts, "I didn't expect her lightness skill to be higher than yours. Since she came here ahead of time, she made a fuss on purpose. It seems she has her own ideas."

She was thinking like this, and suddenly she had a flash of inspiration, "No, since she is so powerful and can come and go without a trace, how could she deliberately attract our attention? Maybe the shadow we saw just now is not her at all. !"

Dongfang Que also instantly understood the voice of her words, "You mean, the master may have never left since he came here."

"The national flower blooms and bears fruit immediately. The ancestor of Yaowanggu has been hiding here, and she will not miss today. Maybe she just wants to use the shadow to divert our attention." Shangguan Shaochen added, his eyes immediately look around.

Seeing this, Ling Muer turned around immediately.

The national flower of the Western Regions is no longer a secret, so when Amud rushed here, many people also rushed in.

Although the secret room is not big, the door is full of people, except for a few envoys from the vassal state, there are also some bold people.

Although their eyes were already attracted by the blooming national flower, Ling Muer still found a strand of it that was unusual!

At the end of the crowd, there was a woman dressed as a maidservant. Although she was hiding in a very hidden corner, her eyes were only exposed, but she could distinguish them at a glance. Isn't that the same pair of eyes that she saw in Yunyi Restaurant that day? ?

"It's you!"

Ling Mu'er excitedly raised her steps and was about to rush over, but suddenly Amutuo's shout came from behind, "The national flower is blooming and bearing fruit!"

Before Ling Muer could turn around, all the curious people swarmed over to observe this rare spectacle up close.

Seeing this, Shangguan Shaochen waved her long arm and quickly embraced her, and those familiar eyes disappeared from Ling Muer's sight again.

When she was about to let the oriental sparrow chase after her, Amu De, who was not paying attention, suddenly opened the mechanism of the secret room and took away the fruit that had just grown with his bare hands.

"Amu De, you stop!"

Almost at the same time, Amu Tuo roared, trying to stop Amu De, but unfortunately, the crystal-clear fruit with a colorful halo was already in the palm of Amu De.

"Ha, hahaha, I didn't expect this thing to fall into my hands in the end!"

Amu De looked up to the sky and screamed, very arrogant.

He turned his gaze and pointed at Ling Muer, "I'll give you one last chance, give me what I want, otherwise, I'll destroy it!"

It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, Amu De had already tightened the fruit, and his five fingers were exerting a little force, as if he would destroy it at any time.

"No!" Ling Muer yelled hastily.

She has endured so long in the Western Regions just for this fruit, if she just watched it being destroyed like this, she will definitely regret it

Perhaps it was because of being too excited, and the back of her head was a little dizzy. She supported Shangguan Shaochen with one hand, and when she looked at Amu De again, the corners of her mouth rose, "I want my baby, okay, I can give it to you." , But how can you guarantee that when I hand over the treasure to you, you will give me the fruit, and I want you to put the fruit back."

This is not a discussion, but an order!

Amu De frowned slightly, "You have no right to bargain with me!"

"Then I can destroy what you want too!"


Amu De was short-tempered and was about to get angry, but after thinking about it, he chuckled again, "Ling Muer, maybe you haven't figured it out yet, this fruit is not an ordinary fruit, it cannot be preserved for a long time, if you are not afraid It rots in my hands immediately, you just have to wait. I'll see who has the stronger endurance."

The corners of Ling Mu'er's mouth twitched, watching Amu De want to rush up and cut her neck, but somehow someone designed it here, she couldn't activate the space, let alone hide in it.

By the way, the master of Medicine King Valley is still there.

Doesn't she also want fruit?

"Put the fruit in the national flower, and I will hand over what you want immediately, and I will count to three."

Before Amu De agreed, she had already started counting, "One, two..."

"Okay, I'll let it go."

Amu De finally chose to compromise, but what he didn't expect was that when he just put the fruit back into the national flower, a figure suddenly rushed over at a speed invisible to the naked eye and snatched the fruit away.

Before everyone could react, this person had disappeared from the public's sight.

"Asshole, asshole!"

Amu De was so angry that he dodged and chased after him. Seeing this, the Oriental sparrow followed closely, and the people who wanted to get the fruit also started a chasing battle, and the scene became chaotic again.

Shangguan Shaochen hugged Ling Mu'er and followed slowly at the end, just when they saw that Dongfang Que was about to catch up to the disguised maid, the maid dodged and hid in a mysterious secret room.

"I'll go, why is there a secret room here?" Dongfang Que slammed on the wall with his frustrated fist.

It is the door in front of you, this wall that looks no different from an ordinary wall to the naked eye, who would have thought that there is a secret room that can hide anywhere?

Looking back, he was about to look for Ling Muer's shadow, but Dongfang Que found that Amu'er had disappeared.

"Why is Amud gone? Is there another secret room here?" Dongfang Que was stunned. It was just a royal palace, the king's bedroom. Why do you have so many secret rooms? Playing a maze game?

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