A veiled woman in white clothes came from a distance, and wherever she went, everyone moved out of the way. Those people took the initiative to greet the woman, and the woman responded very gently. Along the way, everyone was scrambling to get together in front of the woman in white.

The woman was followed by two maidservants. The two maidservants were both wearing green clothes. The two maidservants stood in front of the woman in white to prevent others from getting too close.

Two men followed behind the woman in white. The two men were newly purchased nursing homes by the woman in white, and she named them Ling Chen and Ling Li.

Ling Chen and Ling Li were originally people in the Jianghu. Because they offended someone they shouldn't offend, they were arrested by the government and thrown into prison, and then became official slaves. Ling Mu'er took a fancy to these two people and bought them with a huge price. When the two brothers saw that there was a delicate little girl to serve, they immediately became unhappy. When they first came here, they were disobedient, but after seeing Ling Muer's skills and even losing to her, they behaved like cats. Now she doesn't dare to look down on Ling Mu'er.

"The miracle doctor is always covered with a veil, and no one knows what she looks like." The common people talked about it. "But look at that figure, she is definitely a beauty."

The people next to him echoed.

Ling Mu'er couldn't help laughing when she heard the people's discussions. She just doesn't want others to know her origin, so that no one will disturb her parents' life. No one knows that she is Ling Muer, the daughter of the Ling family restaurant. They only knew that genius doctors also liked to go to the Ling's restaurant, if they couldn't find a genius doctor in the medical center, they would look for it at the Ling's restaurant, and she would probably eat there. It can be said that some people want to be treated by a miracle doctor. If they speak a few more good words in Yang's ears, they will find that the miracle doctor will come to treat these people soon. So many people started to go through the back door of Ling's restaurant. Invisibly, the people in the Ling Family Restaurant are also respected.

"It's not good...it's not good...the Ling's restaurant is on fire..." Someone in the crowd shouted loudly.

Ling Muer's footsteps paused. She looked at the speaker, frowned and said, "Why did the Ling's restaurant catch fire?"

Seeing Ling Muer, the man quickly said: "It's true, genius doctor. The Ling's restaurant was on fire, and it's burning up there. No one has come out yet."

Ling Muer twisted her heart, and looked at Ling Chen and Ling Li who were not far away. Ling Chen and Ling Li knew Ling Mu'er's identity, and rushed towards Ling's restaurant without waiting for her order.

"Okay, why did it burn? Let's go and have a look!" The common people also rushed towards the Ling's restaurant.

"Girl, slow down." Shang Zhi supported Ling Muer.

At this moment, Ling Muer lost her usual composure, and her eyes were full of eagerness. As soon as she heard that no one had escaped from the Ling's restaurant, she panicked.

Many thoughts turned in her mind, wondering if the Zhou brothers' enemies had come to her. Otherwise, why would the fire suddenly ignite?

When she arrived at Ling's Restaurant, what she saw was a sea of ​​flames. At that moment, her mind went blank.

Neighbors next door were also helping to put out the fire. Bucket after bucket of water was brought in. The fire is slowly dying out. However, black smoke spread, and the stench of burnt air spread in the air. In Ling Mu'er's eyes, the fiery snake looked like a ferocious beast, as if it wanted to devour her body and mind.

Ling Mu'er snatched the bucket from the person next to her, poured it on her body, and pretended to rush into the fire.

The person who was robbed was taken aback. Seeing Ling Muer, he murmured, "Genius doctor, what are you doing?"

Ling Muer ignored the man's question and rushed into the flames. Just as she was about to rush in, a figure hugged her and knocked her unconscious with a knife in one hand. At the moment of losing consciousness, her heart was filled with despair.

She was going to save her relatives, why did she knock her unconscious?

Father, mother, brother, uncle, grandmother...

And the servants who followed them.

they will die.

Ling Muer had a very restless sleep. In the dream, she saw a big fire, and her family walked into the fire step by step, and disappeared from there.

She woke up from the dream with tears on her face. She wiped away tears and looked up blankly, her eyes were empty.

"Girl..." Shang Zhi heard Ling Muer's energy, and hurried over. Seeing Ling Muer's lifeless eyes, she couldn't help feeling distressed. "Girl, don't be sad. The master and wife are fine. The young master, uncle, and old lady are fine. It's just that the two women in charge of the kitchen were burned."

Ling Muer's empty eyes suddenly lit up. She sat up and stared at Shang Zhi: "Is what you said true?"

"It's true." Shang Zhi nodded repeatedly.

"Then where are they?" Ling Muer said as she was about to get out of bed.

She was fine, but she was knocked out and her neck hurts. She touched her sore neck and said unhappily, "Who the hell knocked me out?"

Shang Zhi smiled dryly, but didn't speak.

"If you don't tell me, I will ask. However, I know that person wants to save me." Ling Mu'er whispered, "I'm not a person who doesn't know what to do."

"It's good that the girl can think like this." Shang Zhi's cheeks blushed. "They said they were friends of your eldest brother."

"They?" Ling Muer thought for a while, and finally understood. That is the person left behind by Shangguan Shaochen. She didn't expect that the righteous brother who was unintentionally strong back then, even after being away for so long, she almost forgot about him, still saved their family. "Are my parents saved by them too?"

"Yes, girl." Shang Zhi nodded repeatedly. "According to what they said, it seems that before the girl came back, they heard the news and rushed to save people. At that time, the fire was not so big. They rushed in to rescue the master and wife first, as well as the son, uncle, old lady, etc. .Because we were the last to save the two cooks in the kitchen, so they were burned. Because you were unconscious, we called other doctors first. The doctors said the burn was quite serious."

"I'll go and see them." Ling Mu'er got off the bed and looked around the room. This should be an inn.

Shang Zhi took Ling Muer to the next room. Yang and Tang lived there, along with Ling Ziyu and Yang Xiaohu. Ling Ziyu and Yang Xiaohu had just returned from private school, and had never experienced such a terrible thing. But when they were in the private school, they heard that the Ling's restaurant was on fire, so they were always worried.

"Grandmother, mother." Ling Muer saw the two of them and hurried over. "You're not hurt, are you?"

"Mu'er." Yang was originally a weak woman. When encountering such a thing, she has no backbone. When I saw her now, I was instantly excited.

"Mu'er, we're fine, don't worry." After all, Tang had experienced a lot, so he knew to appease Ling Muer's emotions first. After all, they are out of danger, so there is no need for Ling Muer to be worried with them. But it was too thrilling just now. After all, Tang is old, and after going through such an experience, his mental state is not good.

Sensing Tang's emotions, Ling Muer quickly put a pill into her mouth. The pill has a calming effect, allowing Tang to soothe his nerves.

After Tang took the pill, he felt better. She chuckled softly, "You are the only girl who carries pills with you."

"I'm a doctor!" Ling Muer took Tang's hand and felt her pulse. "It's just a little frightened, just rest for a few days. Don't think about it these days."

"Okay. The old lady still wants to live a few more years to take care of your child so that she doesn't die so early." Tang smiled softly.

"Grandmother, mother, what happened to the fire this time? Everyone is usually very careful. Besides, if there is a fire in broad daylight, everyone is in the store, so it won't burn like this. When I arrived, the fire was under control No way. Now the whole restaurant has been burnt down." The money earned by the Ling family restaurant is divided into two, half of which is handed over to her for deposit, and the other half for Yang's deposit. Under such circumstances, Yang's half of the bank notes must have been burned by the fire.

Mentioning this matter, Yang felt annoyed. She said helplessly: "The fire started from the kitchen. At that time, the two cooks were in the kitchen, and we were all entertaining guests in the front yard. It was a coincidence that a big order came at that time, and my mother and I were discussing it." While buying ingredients, your father and your uncle are greeting that person. As for the others, of course they are all busy. I didn’t expect it to happen like this. The fire spread very quickly. We first protect the guests to leave, and when we want to When we went to fight the fire, the fire was completely out of control. We were the only ones at the time, and your elder brother Zhou Zhou was not there."

"Brother Zhou, is Brother Zhou often away from home recently?" Ling Muer asked.

"You suspect that this matter has something to do with them? Probably not! Those two children are good children." Yang shook her head.

"I'm not saying they did it." Ling Muer laughed. "I still believe the two of you. I mean it wasn't their enemies who did it."

"Recently, the two brothers are very low-key. They hardly go out through the front door. Even if they go out through the back door, they will disguise themselves. Generally speaking, no one should recognize them." Yang thought about the situation of the two. "Anyway, it's good that everyone is fine. I just feel sorry for the two women. They are seriously injured."

"Don't worry, mother, I will cure them." Ling Mu'er said: "This matter must be investigated thoroughly. Who set the fire? If I can't find out, I can't feel at ease."

"Our shop... such a good business, such a good shop, it's gone now." Tang's distress was different from Ling Muer's, she felt sorry for the shop that could give birth to golden eggs. From Tang's point of view, the lives of his daughter and son-in-law are getting better and better. It's a pity that such a thing happened at this time.

"Shang Zhi, come here." Ling Muer said a few words to Shang Zhi next to her. Shang Zhi nodded after hearing this.

After Shang Zhi left, Yang asked curiously, "What did you ask Shang Zhi to do?"

"I'll ask her to cook something to eat." Ling Mu'er said, "Grandmother, mother, you and your brothers should have a good rest! I'll go and see the injuries of those two women."

Ling Muer went to see Ling Dazhi and Yang Daniu again. Both suffered minor burns to their arms, but nothing serious. Just need to wipe the medicine twice and you'll be fine.

Other servants suffered varying degrees of injury. Only the two women suffered extensive burns. Especially their hair and face. The scars on his face were very hideous. Originally, they were not good-looking, but now they are burnt like this. If they come out in the middle of the night, they really look like evil spirits.

"Girl, it's our fault. We were cooking, but suddenly fell asleep for some reason." A woman cried.

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