In fact, he was just trying to scare the little girl.

If he really slept with her in his arms and couldn't do anything, then he wouldn't have to sleep tonight.

And Ji Chen's trick was obviously very useful to Bai Lianwan, who had just been taught a lesson tonight.

The little hand that had originally grabbed the quilt loosened in a flash, and glared at Ji Chen coquettishly, "Then you can sleep on your sofa."

After that, she strode to the bed, got on the bed, pulled the quilt, and went to sleep, all in one go.

Damn it!

Do you like sleeping on the sofa so much!

Ji Chen looked at the little guy on the bed, turned back to look at the sofa next to him, sighed, and lay on the sofa, adjusted a less uncomfortable posture, and said, "Turn off the lights."

After a long time, Bai Lianwan's voice came from the bed, "No."

She actually didn't have the habit of sleeping with the lights on, but she would definitely not sleep with the lights off these two days.

Otherwise, it would be pitch black after turning off the lights. What if something like that happened in a horror movie?

Although she knew it was fake, she still couldn't help thinking about it.

Ji Chen heard Bai Lianwan's words and thought she was used to sleeping with the lights on. It didn't matter. As long as he was sleepy, it didn't matter whether he turned the lights on or off.

"Good night then."

After that, Ji Chen adjusted his posture and prepared to go to bed.

However, the lights didn't matter, but the sofa was really small.

Sleeping with legs bent was uncomfortable, and stretching them out and hanging in the air was even more uncomfortable.

As a result, he tossed and turned on the sofa for nearly an hour and couldn't fall asleep.

Turning around again, Ji Chen looked at the small figure protruding on the bed, and found that she was also moving at this time.

Ji Chen raised his head slightly and called out tentatively, "Wan Wan?"

Bai Lianwan subconsciously raised her head when she heard Ji Chen's call, "What's wrong?"

"Can't you sleep?"


"What's the matter?"

"I didn't turn off the light."

"Then turn off the light and sleep."


"So you're scared when you turn off the light?"

"A little."

Hearing Bai Lianwan's answer, Ji Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

How could this little girl be so timid? He just thought she was used to sleeping with the light on, but it turned out that she was scared by a horror movie.

But if the light was on, wouldn't this girl have to stay awake all night?

Thinking of this, Ji Chen sat up from the sofa, "Do you want me to come and sleep with you with the lights off?"

Bai Lianwan was a little moved by Ji Chen's proposal, but still refused, "No!"

Ji Chen heard Bai Lianwan's answer and felt a little amused, "Are you so afraid of me?"

Bai Lianwan turned over in bed, "You are a bad guy!"

At this moment, Ji Chen in her heart is no longer a bad guy who can only kiss in his head.

Ji Chen asked again, "Then are you more afraid of me or ghosts?"

Bai Lianwan was frightened when she heard Ji Chen say that word directly, and she didn't dare to answer Ji Chen's question.

She must be afraid of that!

Why did this big bad guy suddenly bring it up...

Ji Chen looked at the little figure curled up in the quilt, sighed secretly, got up from the sofa, and strode towards Bai Lianwan.

Bai Lianwan was hesitating about how to answer Ji Chen's question, and suddenly a familiar and gentle voice came from beside her.

"I'll sleep with you."

To avoid scaring Bai Lianwan, Ji Chen tried to lower his voice.

Even so, the little girl in the quilt shuddered.

Bai Lianwan reacted and looked back at Ji Chen. She wanted to scold him for suddenly scaring her, but when she saw his figure, her fear suddenly disappeared.

Ji Chen frowned slightly at the timid little guy.

He didn't discuss it with Bai Lianwan anymore. He went to bed and got into the quilt. He reached out and pulled the stunned little girl into his arms, let her rest on his arm, touched her face, and said softly, "Sleep, I'll stay with you."

Bai Lianwan noticed that Ji Chen suddenly got into the quilt and instinctively wanted to escape, but she couldn't bear to push him away when she felt his warm embrace and gentle voice.

She actually wanted Ji Chen to hug her.

But he was really too scary before.

How dare she hug him.

But Ji Chen's arms were really warm and reassuring.

Ji Chen also felt that the little girl in his arms did not react much, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Are you not afraid anymore?"

Bai Lianwan said truthfully, "Yes."

"Then I will turn off the lights, I will hold you to sleep, otherwise you will have to compete with Guobao for a job tomorrow." After Ji Chen finished speaking, he stood up slightly and reached out to press the switch on the bedside.

Bai Lianwan was reluctant at first, but before she could speak, the roomThe room suddenly became dark, and then she was hugged into that warm embrace again. A gentle and reliable voice came from above her head, "Go to sleep."

Originally, she wanted to ask Ji Chen not to turn off the lights, but in the end, she responded softly.


Indeed, being hugged by Ji Chen, she was not afraid of turning off the lights.

And as long as she didn't get too close, he shouldn't do anything wrong.

Just thinking about it, in this reassuring embrace, Bai Lianwan's tense nerves relaxed, and she fell asleep in a short while.

Ji Chen felt the shallow and even breathing of the little girl in his arms, so he gently reached out and touched her face, and kissed her forehead lightly.

Today, whether it was the horror movie or himself, this little white rabbit should have been scared.

Thinking about it, he felt guilty. After all, it was him who asked her to watch a movie with him, and it was also him who bullied her.

However, he really had to get out of bed now.

After all, he really couldn't fall asleep with such a cute little girl in his arms.

It would be better to sleep on the sofa, since he had already coaxed the little girl to sleep.

Thinking of this, Ji Chen gently prepared to take his arm away from Bai Lianwan's head, and his body slowly moved out.


Ji Chen had just moved out twice, and Bai Lianwan followed suit, resting her head on his arm again, and her little body also got into his arms, with one arm around his shoulders, nestling in his arms, like a clingy little cat.

"Fuck..." Ji Chen felt the extreme body curves of the little girl in his arms, and he was almost crying without tears.

This little girl's body was much more honest and active than hers when she was asleep.


This meat couldn't be eaten.

So he had to get out of bed and couldn't stay any longer.

However, every time Ji Chen moved to leave, Bai Lianwan would almost immediately get into his arms, becoming more and more clingy.


It seems that tonight is destined to be another sleepless night.

Ji Chen didn't sleep much for almost the whole night.

It was not until dawn that he couldn't bear it and fell into a deep sleep.


The morning sun shone into the bedroom.

Bai Lianwan, who had slept particularly sweetly all night, was awakened by her biological clock.

However, as soon as she opened her eyes, she found that her forehead was now against a slightly hard heat source, and the tip of her nose was even more exposed to the unique and pleasant smell of the boy. After a moment of hesitation, Bai Lianwan finally reacted completely, her breathing stagnated, and she poked her head out of Ji Chen's chest.

At this moment, the boy's shallow breath slapped on her forehead, gently and itchy.

Bai Lianwan raised her eyes and looked at Ji Chen carefully.

The boy's lines were perfect.

The jawline went down along the Adam's apple, and the light stubble was trimmed very cleanly, and only when you got close could you see a trace.

The feeling of a man and a boy intertwined together, making people's hearts palpitate.

This is...

Ji Chen.

The boy she likes.

Moreover, he seems to be sleeping soundly at this moment.

If he falls asleep, he shouldn't notice if she hugs him...

If he doesn't notice, she won't be afraid that Ji Chen will become like yesterday.

Then... hug him secretly?

She wanted to hug him yesterday, but she didn't dare to.

Ji Chen is sleeping so soundly now, he shouldn't know if she hugs him.

Thoughts rolled and intensified.

Finally, the body still defeated reason.

She gently stretched out her little hand, went around his side, climbed onto his back, and put her little head on his chest and rubbed it gently.

So warm and reassuring.

Before Ji Chen woke up, Bai Lianwan secretly hugged him, and then quietly withdrew her hand.

She completed what she wanted to do when Ji Chen blew his hair last night.

Bai Lianwan was suddenly very happy.

She looked up and secretly looked at Ji Chen.

Only then did she realize that at this moment, the latter was looking at her with half-open eyes, doting and helpless.

"Little rascal, is it fun?"

Bai Lianwan was stunned at this moment, and her fair face suddenly turned red!

Oh my God!

How did he wake up? !


PS: I accidentally coded until late at night_(´ཀ`」 ∠)_I have been spreading sugar like crazy these days. Are you tired of it? Do you want to change your taste?

Thank you for your gifts and for your love! ! ! The dining table feels more motivated! ! ! !

Thank you for the big guys who like the dining table article! Pen refills! ! !

I will continue to give it to you tomorrow! ! !

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